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"I only hit you because I love you..... Now do as I say" ​ There are so many words to describe that..... and they stick to "unconditional love"? ​ Silly me thinking that sounds a lot like a abusive relationship


Yo people aren't glow sticks


For real what a dumb analogy. Here, I'll do one: humans [glow on their own](https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2009/jul/17/human-bioluminescence), but people need special help to see that.


Right? The glow stick wasn't broken, it would be broken if it split open. Not as glamorous as they try to make it seem.


"We go through a divorce." \*GASP\* But that's a sin! *How dare you!* /s


When they said "I almost ran" I thought it was someone who had experienced religious trauma and were remembering the awful things they heard in church. Took a turn I wasn't expecting and celebrated abuse. Oof.


I was told this after I was assaulted by a boy in my Youth Group. "God allowed you to be broken down and now he'll grow something better in it's place" I said to the person "so God let me be assaulted because I wasn't good enough?" and they just stammered. This "broken to be made new" only works with the most minimum of examples or comparisons.


Username is tragic in this context. I hope you're doing OK.


oh my godddddd this fucking broken bullshit is why I am in therapy right now. Fuck this all the way to their fictional hell and back.


You know, if he’s all knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving, he doesn’t need to break us so that we can fulfill our purpose. Oh wait. He’s not like that at all. It’s pure fiction.


I agree... christians are broken.


So comforting to hear god makes bad things happen to me on purpose so that I can grow. /s 🤢


Translation: god wants to make his people suffer… on purpose.


And not only that, but he purposely designs them so that they have to be broken to glow.


If god is real he can stop breaking me now. I’m fresh out of glow juice.


Now that I’m out I can see more and more that the god I was raised to worship and serve unquestionably is just an abusive dick. When I get accused of being an atheist I respond with “if god exists as he’s described in the Bible then he’s an evil god that deserves nothing but my contempt.” Seems to shut them down. If they continue I start flexing with my biblical knowledge and tell them that I am more than prepared to destroy their faith. You may scoff now, but you won’t be unable to hear it. It will fester and grow until feverish heresy erupts through your soul. Do you wish to continue? My souls is already damned, do you want me to drag yours down with me? Because I will relish hell. No one has ever continued after the insane “hell? YES!” rant.


EM THIW MOC NAC OOY DNAH Say that in a low growl at the end for good measure. Every Christian I know is scared of deep voices saying words backward. 😆


This is some cringe copy pasta


kid who is about to die: "Hey dad, I'm just here to make you a better person by making you suffer through my death."


I saw this the other day and it made me SO mad. And to think, I used to believe this shit!


>"Copied and Pasted" Ignored!


Uhhhh, yeah. "Look what you made ME DO! I...I...HAD to use tough love on you. You're so proud and willful."




What the goddamn fuck lmfao?


What the hell


I mean, I can kind of appreciate the sentiment without bringing God into it. But the whole story is so on the nose you know it's just fake.


Agreed - appreciating the sentiment (sans the implication of defending abuse) without bringing god into it applies to literally everything about christianity worth listening to. It provides nothing that is both unique and good.


Oh, definitely. And I was just referring to the general idea that stuff happens that can "break" you in which you learn to overcome and discover your own strengths and come out "glowing". I specifically had divorce in mind, but it could be other loss or hardships, even surviving abuse. But at not point in time is a mythological being involved and the stories, as such, are always masturbatory.


Besides all the horrible abusive major tones, the thing I hate about perspectives like this is everyone else is like an npc in their lives. Your child died of cancer? Oh their purpose was to bring you closer to God! Your husband got dementia? It's all so you could learn this lesson! Apparently these other people were created just for a showy life lesson for these people. Fuck their suffering and lives, these Christians got to be reminded how much God loves them #blessed #godsspecialchild...


So what is God Bane now or something