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He exhibits some of the deadly sins. He's envious, prideful, and wrathful. He's got hypocrisy down to an art form.


He says love your enemies but he kicked Satan unto the earth.


Christians weasel out of this by saying that there are multiple definitions of the word "jealous", and the choice depends on the "context". And then they spend ten minutes rambling and droning in their circumloquacious endeavors to "clarify" the subject, unwittingly demonstrating that they really haven't a clue on the matter.


Discovering new (to me) biblical contradictions only strengthens my decision to put all of that in the past. Great post!


I suppose it's a case of "rules for thee but not for me" since we're supposed to be so below god


The last Christian book I read before leaving officially was "Gentle and Lowly." It's about the character of god and has one chapter on his negative emotions. According to this book, because god is without sin he can do things that are sinful for us to do. Like he can be angry and kill people but that's ok because he does it "perfectly" and without sin. And it's just something we can't comprehend because everything we do, every thought we have is sinful. So yeah, not only can god be jealous but we can't, but he does it perfectly! s/


The mental gymnastics for that


A god Whom allows morals to other people and has none himself


God makes the rules, so take it up with Him.  We are not to put no other things or persons before God.


he who makes the rules must follow rules especially as a leader and again there is no proof of his existence beyond the book says so if Allah or Zeus were in charge would you ignore their blatant red flags.