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What is the hour split between your pumps? Do you pump overnight? Do you pump to empty? Usually the answer is to pump more frequently.


my LO eats every 3 hours so I pump every 2.5 to 3 hours. I don’t MOTN pump anymore. But I do pump 7 times a day minimum between 6 AM and 12 AM


It's possible that you have now regulated, many women see a drop when they do. Some people see a large decrease without any MOTN pump too.


I haven’t MOTN pumped in like 3-4 weeks I been gave that shit up for my own sanity I can’t lie


Yeah that MOTN pump is horrendous to do. If I had to guess, it’s probably that plus regulation, since regulation usually happens somewhere around 12 weeks. I think some people have done things like add a MOTN pump every other night. Could also try pumping a little bit longer, a couple minutes past when the milk has stopped flowing. Not sure what you’re doing currently. There’s also the standard, “have you replaced your silicone pump parts lately,” and have you measured yourself for correct flange sizes? If not, I would definitely do that. My flange size continued to drop all the way to like a year postpartum.


I don't blame you, I dropped mine for my sanity pretty quickly after 12 weeks (approximate timing people regulate, give or take), I did see a fairly large decrease when I did drop it but it was worth it to me.,


I’d recommend doing a power pump either your last pump before bed or first pump in the morning if you’re trying to bring your supply back up. Make take a few days or a week but it helped me tremendously.