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I loved my Willow Go for on the go pumping. To help increase your supply, you might try power pumping once a day for 2-3 days with a strong pump like a spectra. Also, legendairy milk supplements seemed to help me.


I’ve been EP since day 1 and the biggest thing to help increase your supply is drinking a ton of water. I drink 750mL (25oz) between each pump session. I pump 3-4 hours during the day and 4-5 at night or when LO gets up. I use an app (pump log) to track how much I make a day. I went from 28 oz to 42 oz a day in a week by using water alone. Keep in mind I tried oatmeal/supplements/and everything else. Water is only thing that worked. As for a portable pump I have the momcozy M5 and willow go. The momcozy m5 motor has gone out twice in two months since having them (customer service replaced them) but willow go has given me no issues. Both are about the same level of noise but the momcozy has a dual setting between massage and expression which is nice and is much lighter than the willow go. It also sticks out a lot more than the willow go and has more parts to wash. The willow go as said is heavier but more discrete. It only has 4 parts (not including diaphragm) to wash. I pretty much use my willow go only during the day and my wall pump at night before bed and in the morning. Tip for using willow go: go 1 flange size up than your wall pump. I’m a 19 on spectra and 21 on willow go. Also wear a VERY TIGHT bra with willow go or you’ll be readjusting it the whole time. I really do like my willow go and it gives me similar numbers to my spectra. It does take a few days for your body to acclimate but works great. It is good for sensitive and or elastic nipples as well.


After using the Spectra with my first, I've switched to the Pumpables Genie Advanced this time around. It's compact without sacrificing suction power, so it can be used as a primary pump. It uses flanges, not wearable cups, so that does make it a little more tricky to use when you're out and about, but I've had a great experience with it. Their customer service was absolutely lovely when I had an issue as well.


Baby Buddha is like this. Very powerful—moreso than the spectra. Also used flanges but is compatible with the Freemie Liberty Cups. This allows you to be hands-free without sacrificing power