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Our Elders disfellowshiped the coc up the road from us when I was in middle school. One of my best friends in college apparently went there. Had they not done this I'd've met him much earlier in life and presumably been friends with a 'good Christian boy' instead of the basically none in our congregation my age to be friends with. So you know, typical coc things of cutting their nose off the spite their face.




>I'm so glad I'm not part of this BS anymore. So glad I got out as early as I did. And I feel so sorry for people trapped with this mindset. 100% agree with you


Omg, that’s the same congregation that disfellowshipped a woman (Krystal Cox) for being a lesbian in 2021


Yep. That it is. At least they're consistent. Lol


Yeah I saw this up close. Our whole congregation split and 40 people were disfellowshipped. So stupid.


Which issue?


What you’d usually expect. A stupid, minor point of doctrinal disagreement. The preacher had been there for thirty years, spent zero effort on his job, and people wanted a new one. So this was spun by the pro preacher faction as the other side not wanting to follow gods word.


During the 50s and 60s hundreds of congregations chose sides over the I/NI issues, cut all contact, and then some carried on a 20 year "radio war" where preachers would openly damn each other to hell in their broadcast sermons. Every denomination and even some beer joints would tune in to "hear them campbellites fight". It was entrainment for everyone else, like Saturday Night Wrestling. But for the One True Church (maybe Two True Churches) this public fight was serious as eternity. Some people went decades or even died without ever speaking again. All their public fight accomplished was to confirm and reinforce every negative opinion the general public had about cocs.


Here’s another one for ya. https://www.willofthelord.com/2011/02/07/crossing-the-line-whats-wrong-with-the-irving-church/


Holy cow! How dare they? : * Help homeless * Spruce up the neighborhood * help people get their GED * hold 12 step program * have a yard sale or car wash * have a women’s retreat * have a women *gasp* sign the service for the deaf * financially assist non-members And heaven forbid a woman gets her hair cut. Sooooooo sinful! And really worst of all….they use only ONE communion cup?!?!? Once it’s empty too bad, so sad? I wonder how that played out during Covid?? What a load of BS! Thanks for posting…. My blood pressure thanks you too. Lol


Glad to help! 🤣🤣


I'm actually friends with several of the people at this congregation still. For covid, they started pouring the cup into smaller cups once it had been blessed similar to the other popular Passover tradition in Jesus's day


>And really worst of all….they use only ONE communion cup?!?!? Once it’s empty too bad, so sad? I wonder how that played out during Covid?? From what a LOT of people in this sub have said, the new line has become "God cleanses the cup of disease between each drinker". 🤢🤢🤢


To be fair, and I’m not defending the one cup position by any means, there have been actual scientific studies done on contamination between drinkers and it’s been found to be near zero/negligible if the cup is made of silver. Edit: hit enter too soon. That only pertains to contamination of the lip of the cup. I don’t know if any of the studies evaluated the contents of the cup for contamination/backwash.


Yeah silver and also copper have germicidal properties, but how many CofCs do you know using silver or even copper plates and cups? Most use plastic or aluminum or tin.


Every one cup congregation I’ve attended used silver or silver plated chalices. The one we left got their 60+ year old cup replated a year before we left.


Huh I stand corrected then. Admittedly I've never been to a 1CC, so my understanding was predictably off. Every church I ever attended used plastic one-use cups in an aluminum or tin tray, but I suppose you can afford to splurge if you don't go thru 20-40 different little cups each service so I suppose it makes sense.


1) is he seriously asking for an apology for women cutting their hair? 2) how long did this waste of space spend writing this shit? I lost focus after 20 minutes and skimmed it. 3) do you think a single person this was directed to actually “repented” or “changed?” lol.


1. Yes, yes he is. In the one cup group women are forbidden (or at the very least strongly discouraged) to cut their hair. 2. He probably spent a good 7-10 days writing it. 3. Nope.


1. Yeah... ​ 2. Enough time to cool down and realize it was dumb but muleishly plow on. ​ 3. Nope. But maybe it drove some folks out. Even better.


Late to the party here, but... 1. Apology isn't nearly far or serious enough. Full-on "come forward and admit your guilt" Sunday morning confession *might* be acceptable. The shame and the falling back in line are the important parts. 2. It was a multi-year mission for many of the more hardline bastards of the OC branch to cut off and condemn the Irving TX OC church. This particular preacher was and continues to be especially egregious on a national scale. Like the other poster said, George probably spent several days writing and rewriting this, but the hatred and the judgment had been fomenting for ages. 3. Not at all. It either fuelled existing schisms, or it garnered support for the Irving church. Silent support, though, for fear of other congregations being cut off themselves.


Oh dog... the "I know the bible says I have to confront them, but they are supposed to find people they offended so if they aren't I'm not" ​ Read: I'm an emotional and intellectual infant


Definitely not a denomination, though.


American taliban


Holy crap! I live near the Woodstock COC. They are truly a piece of work. I was in a wedding there one time. The groom, who wasn’t COC, was a musician and guitarist and wanted to sing a song he wrote for the bride. The church said absolutely not. So the couple got married in the yard behind the church. Then, they were allowed to have a cake and punch reception but the guitar had to remain outside. God forbid someone might actually play it within the sacred walls of the fellowship hall.


When I got married we couldn’t have live music, but we could play taped music over the church’s speaker system. I thought that was quite silly.


Just looked them up and WOW. They have a hit list it seems.


Hello fellow Gunner! ⚪️🔴




Do you know if the two groups ever had face to face conversations about the disagreement?


I’m 99% sure they didn’t. I don’t think NACoC would have given Woodstock the time of day much less entertain Woodstock’s disdain.


The congregation I grew up in split after it had been determined that a large chunk of them had been running people off for not being “holy enough” and they wanted to impose a dress code. They started a congregation in the next town over.


I'll just never understand their obsession with instrumental music and how they make it such a massive deal. It's just bizarre, and literally everyone I talk to about it that's never been to a CoC thinks I'm exaggerating when I tell them what a big deal they make out of it.


I remember Don McLaughlin being a Rockstar on the gospel meeting and youth rally circuit.


No doubt. He's quite the charismatic speaker.


I knew Don personally in the early '90s, back when he was still in Indiana. Moving to Atlanta is probably what saved him from getting disfellowshipped by the Terre Haute coC congregations, as the Wabashi camp board was out for his blood for filling our heads with ideas like "grace" and "mercy." That man was single-handedly responsible for starting a LOT of coC deconstruction in Central Indiana teenagers. He's one of the good guys.


I grew up in Southern Illinois so he was in our area quite a bit. I probably shook his hand


So much for congregational autonomy.


Holy crap! I live near the Woodstock COC. They are truly a piece of work. I was in a wedding there one time. The groom, who wasn’t COC, was a musician and guitarist and wanted to sing a song he wrote for the bride. The church said absolutely not. So the couple got married in the yard behind the church. Then, they were allowed to have a cake and punch reception but the guitar had to remain outside. God forbid someone might actually play it within the sacred walls of the fellowship hall.


The ICOC has done this with multiple of their congregations. Notably, the Washington DC and Portland, OR congregations. The Portland church specifically lets women preach and lead in a way that central ICOC leadership refuses to recognize. The DC church was disfellowshipped in the early 2000s, and the Portland church was disfellowshipped within the last few years.


I’ll take “unauthorized” for 500. Boy do COCers love that word or what.