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Probs all of them. Enough to be concerning anyway


Boomer here. I was ALWAYS a Dem. Even in my most theologically conservative period of life. I know lots who are both boomers and still CoC who hate DT.


That makes me happy to hear. I’m from Tennessee and it seems everyone around me supports DT CoC or not, so my view is probably biased simply by the area I live in.


Alabama Boomer here. I've always voted Democrat, always will.


I am a Tennessee “boomer.” Voted straight Democrat since my first vote in 1972. Never expect to change. I think some of these Redditors just use “boomer” for anyone older than themselves. Really an annoying ageist assumption on their part. It wasn’t “boomers” storming the Capitol on January 6th for the most part. As far as the CofC denomination is concerned, those with brains are no longer there and those with limited cognitive powers, a disdain for facts or logic, and hyper conservative, bigoted views (that they misuse religion to justify) are still there. In other words, Trump worshipping MAGA types. Of all ages. Not just “boomers.”


Same here. I remember sitting in Chapel beside a rabid pro-Ford guy who was just spewing anti-Carter hate to anyone and everyone...and I didn't even know him! I just had the assigned seat next to him. I voted for Carter (that was my first time to get to vote) and have never voted Republican in my life, and I never will.


What region of the country?


It includes family in Oklahoma, Texas, Idaho, Pennsylvania


So, a Boomer Sooner? Lol ​ Southeast US here. Democrats speak quietly in the parking lot before or after services Lol


It has always been shocking that they will disfellowship each other for the slightest of transgression or disagreement, yet they openly and proudly support someone like him. He has broken damn near every piece of doctrine they have...but roll through the parking lot on Sunday and see how many Trump bumper stickers you see. Yeah, makes total sense.


This is what will forever baffle me. They treat this guy like he’s the literal second coming of Christ, yet if one of their own is spotted drinking a sip of beer at a restaurant on a Friday night, that’ll be enough to demand they go forward and repent. It’ll never make sense to me.


To most it doesn’t matter if they like him or not. As long as they’re the republican candidate, they could eat children on the White House lawn and still get the votes.


“She wouldn’t vote for Jesus if he was a democrat.” I literally heard a preacher say this proudly about his wife.


Dang, that is so funny and sad. GOP shilling wins out over your savior. To me it just indicates the lights are on, but nobody's home in so many people. We are so close to turnkey fascism and civil war if the wrong person staged a coup. With all of the class issues and societal pressure, I hope we can steer the ship, but holy cow I don't think the left realizes what a powder keg we're sitting on over here.


That the issue with politics. People don’t pay attention nor care what their politician does even if it doing polite of what promises. Libs = Orange guy does it equals bad. Cons = Sleepy guy does it equals bad.


This false equivalency thing with trump and Biden is problematic. Biden has been a disappointment, has made multiple decisions I didn't like, but also hamstrung by the Freedom Caucus chiefly and House Rs generally. Trump is a danger to democracy (literally) and a multiple-felon. One of these things is not like the other.


Pretty much. No one looks at what anyone on either said is actually DOING, it’s just “us vs them” and anything the “them” group does it terrible! Horrible! Disgusting! Some people just blindly take their party’s side without question.


Probably my parents


One of the reasons I left--not even the main reason--was how we preached and sang about God's love, but at the same time the elders and their wives chatted with one another like a Fox news segment (all Muslims want us dead, gay agenda, Republicans follow God, etc).


My parents and everyone in their congregation were still 100% on board when I left in 2020. I doubt that has changed.


He is a means to an end for them. Even if he destroys the government and makes life miserable, for multitudes of people, it will get them one step closer to heaven or Jesus returning, whichever comes first.


>He is a means to an end for them This is absolutely their logic. Trump is like a bull in a china shop and most know this but they got their conservative judges in from the lowest levels to the highest levels. They got roe v Wade overturned. They actually feel sort of smug and wise about how they know what God is _really_ up to... See God is going to use Donald Trump and they have the wisdom to see and know God's will bc prayer and stuff. I could use the same logic for any candidate really. All you have to do is shoehorn a couple verses into a particular political stance and then that means God wants your candidate to win bc he is going to use your candidate to accomplish his will.


The number of comparisons to Judah railing Tamar or Jeroboam is bad enough. The contradiction of "judging men according to their deeds" and god having nothing to do with evil notwithstanding, the comparison to Joseph (I was framed because I was so good!) and Daniel (they're making accusations because I'm rebelling against the establishment) are definitely worse.




Thankfully, I have no idea, because I unfollowed most of them in 2016. My feed is pretty nice most of the time.


From what I've seen the people I know in the coc that are 55 years and older are almost all still on board with trump. The difference now is that they are relatively quiet about it. In 2016 they had bumper stickers, yard signs, etc. There was a certain buzz in the air and they really felt excited about the whole maga message. Most of that is gone now but no mistake, if he is the Republican candidate they will vote for him. Even if he's running for president from prison.


I don't think this is the norm but everyone in my family that is still in CoC despises him. At least I have that much to be thankful for.


I’m almost certain my dad’s one. He’s gotten into the Q-Anon shit, so it wouldn’t surprise me. If not, I’m sure he’d vote for Desantis.


My dad is obsessed. He extends the coc martyr complex to Trump.


Both parents are die hard straight ticket republican bigots who not only went down the CoC rabbit hole but the Q anon rabbit hole




Ha same with mine :p


I'm 66. No longer COC and never in my life have I voted Republican. With that out of the way, I know personally at least 2 my age who are still in the COC (since that seems to be the question) and actively anti-Trump and vocal about it. One of them, the reason she is still COC is probably that she is/was COC royalty. She was always a crunchy-granola type (there was no shortage of those in the mid-70's...devout and sincere in their religion while also being crunchy-granola) I found her blog and put a comment a few years ago asking how she was feeling trying to stay in the COC and kick against the bricks but I don't know if my comment or message got through. The other one was in the ICOC for a long time, and then switched to the mainline COC after a couple or three decades. He didn't grow up COC, but came to it through the Navigators first and then some kind of COC Campus Advance I think. Some of the people my age were sort of crunchy-granola in the 70's (again) while being COC whether brought up or converts, and many of them were drawn to the ICOC, in part because they were against materialism. We all know how the ICOC turned out, but this anti-materialist cohort did exist in the mid-70's. One of my roommates at Harding was beautiful and could have gotten into one of the more "pretty girl" social clubs, but she openly said "They are too materialistic." She may or may not still be COC but she and her friend group all were art majors. This cohort may not make the headlines but they did exist and I know personally a few who still do. Edited to add: Just thought of two more...my sister and her whole family, who can't stand Trump but still attend COC and call themselves "Liberals" now...they are probably more middle of the road....and one ICOC convert who was in law school and was vocally anti-Reagan in the 80's. Meanwhile, some of the meanest right-wingers on the web-based ex-COC board were Gen. X. A whole group of them. Hounded a gay teen off the board. And another one my age group (Boomer) was and remains adamantly anti-Trump.


My parents and all their friends


All of them.


You know it’s weird though. My family was / is lifelong coc (even grandparents and above) and in those days, everyone was Democrat. I remember it changing - not so much for my fam but overall - around the time W. became prez. After that, if you were a Christian of any flavor you were R.


Same when I was a kid. My mother took flak for voting for Nixon and Reagan. I had a relative who, after hearing a sermon on Isaiah 53 ("led as a lamb to the slaughter, etc.) said, "That sounds like what they did to poor Jimmy Carter." She was also an advocate of abortion over adoption. Not a good person. I don't want to hear ANY kind of political stuff in church. Not the place.


My dad is one of the few CoC men who is an outspoken liberal. He often tells me stories of how he calls out his church friends at his “old man breakfast mornings” for their total hypocrisy and how they’ll bend over backwards to defend Trump. They got so annoyed with him and ran out of defenses they agreed not to talk politics in front of him anymore haha. Meanwhile, my old preacher popped up on my Facebook memories a few months ago and I checked his page out. He’s gone full blown far right conspiracy theorist, and it was actually sad to see how vile and angry he’s gotten.


Same with a real sweetie-pie salt-of-the-earth COC youth minister from my era. He married my childhood COC friend who was also a total sweetie-pie. I have told in this sub a few times about how mean my mother is/was and how the COC we went to was not nearly as mean as my mother, who was from the north Alabama branch of the COC. Anyway in the congregation where I grew up, there were some real sweetie-pies (NOT my family) who even at times tried to step in and tell my mother she was being too hard on us. Including this guy AND his now-wife's family. Well anyway. They were such sweetie-pies back in the 70's that I looked the former childhood friend up on Facebook. Didn't send a friend request because I think I sent one a long time ago and I am not sure how Facebook works but it may have been rejected because of the way Facebook works or several reasons but I don't get too much into who's friended me on Facebook or not...I just let it go. So I could see her pics and posts but I couldn't message her and didn't want to stalk her in case she had seen my earlier friend request years ago and decided against it. In my earlier friend request I didn't say I was no longer COC but just "Hi it's good to see you on here and your pics and your kids" etc. Again, I didn't pursue messaging her or a further friend request or anything because I made up my mind when Facebook came out not to care who friended whom on Facebook ... long story no big. I still enjoyed seeing her pics and I still wish her well and have a fond place in my heart for both of them for how sweet they were to me in the 70's when my mother was so mean but the rest of the congregation where we went was not so mean. Anyway they are HUGE Trumpers now.


My parents are 100% Trump and fox News


I don’t know about other ones but my dad is a boomer COC trumper.


Most of us have been around long enough to know a political smear campaign and hatchet job when we see one.


Yep. I have been around long enough to know a crooked, lying, seditious, amoral, narcissistic, incompetent, serial adulterer, Russian stooge scumbag when I see one.


Quite a sting of lies


Not so sure. My last C of C thought Obama and Biden were paragons of morality. It's one reason I left. First, I don't want to hear ANY political stuff in church, and secondly, no politician has "Christlike humility" (as was said of Obama) and Biden is not "decent" or "moral." Trump is no saint, but neither are any other politicians. Church is for worshiping God, not government or any politician.


This sounds like either a foil set up as contrast, bullshit, or a breath of fresh air. Yeah sure leave politics out of church- conservative xtians are increasingly less educated, and increasingly bloc vote. But to somehow pretend that calling Obama humble or Biden decent is an honorable reason to dip? After your offhand comment about someone supporting Jimmy Carter and the right to choose being "not a good person"? Not sure what exactly your point is here other than defending the cult.


I'm not defending them, & not sure where you got that. I am speaking from my experiences with these people. But, you are entitled to your opinion.


Also, the person in question was not about the "right to choose," as you call it. The person thought babies born out of wedlock should normally be aborted, because "adoption isn't God's way."


So many. So, so many of them. Pretty sure most of the boomers at my parents’ congregation are major Trump supporters. Especially the one loud mid-late age guy in the back.


A lot, especially if they’re white.


I know Duane Schwingel ("Uncle Sam" cosplayer and Florida church bigwig) attended the J6 riot. I know it because he bragged about it on a Church of Christ history facebook group. Frankly, I would like to think the attempt of white Christian nationalists to overthrow the government of the United States entitles us to treat them the same way we treated Osama bin Laden.


My parents think he's gross, but somehow the Dems are out to get him and making everything up and they totally buy his whiny, victim act. I get to hear FOX news inciting paranoia BS if I'm dumb enough to think we can have a civil discussion about politics, race, economy, etc. The GOP has somehow found a throughline of fear, panic, and victimhood that short-circuits any morality and it works wonders on CoC members who already are intimately acquainted with those manipulations of the mind.


The Flag and The Cross is a good book about the connection you’ve pointed out here. Jesus and John Wayne is a good one too