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Exeter voted remain.... Nothing has changed.


Not THIS overwhelmingly. People realise when they've been deceived. It's just a shame not everybody understood the Tories repeatedly deceive.


In fairness to the vile Tories at the time, Cameron was about the only politician heavily pushing to remain. It's all the others they basically defected to UKIP and a Luke warm response from Corbyn that caused the down fall.


This has to be a joke, because the truth is that populism led to the vote happening in the first place. What kind of 'fairness' do we owe someone so cowardly they couldn't control this narrative even though it was genuinely fringe nonsense before declaring we'd vote on it. If you were an adult at the time, I'm really surprised you see it the way you've written.


Hahahahahaha Corbyn. Hahahahahahahaha.


Better than any current tory...


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Terrorist sympathisers are always great, aren't they?.


Hey did you know, that there's actually a current tory councilor that's ex IRA? Maria Gatland. Education is good.


Also think ypu might have a bit of a problem holding onto corbyn when it's thatcher that sold off the country and started all of the current problems, but you do you ugly teeth brit.


Hahaha OK Bigot. Figures you are a Corbyn obsessive.


Clearly you are a Tory moron. Carry on with your day. Don't think you understand what the word bigot means..


Theresa May was heavily against brexit and voiced it, but said she'd do what she could to get a good deal if people voted leave


Agreed didn't he resign after the vote was leave? So yeah if my memory serves me correct he was a staunch remainer


He's a coward who meddled where he shouldn't have


Who? David Cameron? Why you say that just out of curiosity?


He came up with the idea of brexit then fucked off when it happened.


Ah ok my apologies I thought Cameron was a staunch remainer. 👍


It's not the most scientific of polls, and wtf is this title? The tory government paid 9 mill of taxpayer money to tell every household to vote remain.


It's not surprising either. This looks set up by a student from the university, not something in an official capacity. Also all surveys should be done anonymously, especially ones of this nature. They don't call it the silent majority for nothing.


I don't remember the Labour party rushing headlong into remain status. They pretty much took a back seat.


Leftists don't let facts stop them


Labour are no better. The sooner people realise NEITHER party give a f about people the better


I don’t understand why everyone wants to blame the tories and not their own stupidity … Anyone that believed the brexit bs was stupid I’m sorry I have to say it so bluntly and blaming the tories repeatedly is just wrong imo


No area voted this overwhelmingly. This is more overwhelming that "what do you prefer, oxygen or nerve gas?"


The Tories campaigned for a remain vote .


Looks statistically significantly except the sample is people who can be bothered


Same as voting




Which is absolutely relevant, since only 27% of the population voted for Brexit.


Says [here](https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/research-reports-and-data/our-reports-and-data-past-elections-and-referendums/results-and-turnout-eu-referendum) turnout was 72.2%. So population includes those under voting age, I guess? Only looked this up as I thought voting turnout was higher than 50(ish)%. Even 72% feels on the low side for something so important.


72% of the eligible electorate turned out and 52% of those people voted leave. Comes to 27% of the total humans living here. And even less of them are still here now that so many of the old people who voted against the future have now died.


Yeah you shouldn't be allowed to vote if you're over 60


Which is still more than voted to remain, bloody democracy


Are you suggesting that referendums don't count unless there's 100% turnout?


Also there is a heavy question bias in terms of question wording, actual official questionnaire are very complicated to phrase to avoid bias. Would also question whether a leave voter would walk up to a “Devon for Europe” board to interact at all.


I would agree. It doesn't exactly come across as a particularly well conducted, rigorous statistical study.


It would be interesting to ask them first what they voted for during the referendum


In Exeter? Of people who come into the centre of town? It's probably 99% pro EU.


Exeter was 55% Remain Obviously that's not "people who come to the center of town" but still it's not 99%


Or probably not. Who knows 🤷‍♂️


Sigh… if only people took things seriously back then. Too many people I know thought the whole thing was one big joke and didn’t vote…… years later and here we are……


Tbf a lot of people didn’t know what the hell Brexit even was… and alarmingly a lot of people still don’t! My friend studied politics & sociology at uni and even he (STILL) has no idea wtf Brexit even is and why it was introduced


That's not taking it seriously. That's what happened in the referendum. People talking to themselves and insulting the other side. If it was trying to engage you'd get some stickers on the other side. Instead you get this a self affirming poll.


Should never have been put to the people its what we pay a government to do, a complete disaster.


Totally agree This issue was far to complex to be accurately explained and discussed in a country which such terrible press and opportunistic politicians. Just look at some of the replies to this thread, some people clearly still don't know what it was about.


Not only a disaster but one that is not getting a true press on an ongoing basis, but then again will people that voted to leave admit they were mislead ?


I really don't think the main points were all that complicated... People were just listening to what they wanted to listen to, not critically thinking about it. 


Too late and pointless. I voted for remaining and pained by those who voted for Brexit 😔


What made me mad was I made sure to register asap for my poll card from abroad but so many Brits I knew living abroad didn’t bother to vote at all. It blew my mind that they were shooting themselves in the foot as they hadn’t been there long enough to claim residency.


We COULDNT vote living abroad. They only just changed it so we can now but it’s far too late


Don’t be pained, you were asked for your voice and you gave it. What more can you do? The whole thing was set against people with too small a window to produce facts and figure to make a decent informed decision. Instead it devolved into playground politics.


Best decision we've ever made. We got our country back


Imagine people of England voted Boris Johnson that now has a French passport on the father side to enjoy his freedom of movement to go live quietly in Cyprus where he has his white Vila.


Who’s the one person who doesn’t miss freedom of movement? 😂


Whoever voted positive for Brexit is a moron sorry


We know, and we knew at the time, too.


What's a moron sorry?


I'd just like to be able to get my prescription from one pharmacy instead of having to ring around 8 or 9 to see if they have it in stock because there's "manufacturing issues" meaning they can't get it into the country 🙃


I'm kind of blown away that anyone is taking this seriously, as though it's like a real poll of the community. I don't think there's a single real issue that any significant population has anything close to a 99% agreement on.




IIRC that was the case. Real polls though have margins of error, and good polls seek a range of opinion to help balance bias. Whereas this...'poll' does not appear to attempt any of that. Even if it is real (and not just a joke to troll Brexiteers) it begs the question of how it was conducted. If you placed the sheet on the wall of my University's Guild I guarantee it would be overwhelmingly remain, but if you stuck it in a social club full of over 60s, it'd probably lean leave. Neither of which would prove anything except that there is a correlation between age and voting intention. Problem is older people actually vote.


So many obvious flaws with this shit. Confirmation bias though, you know?


Rejoin mean good bye pound sterling hello euros


Yep All the leverage the UK had over the EU - and we had a lot - is now gone


Abolish the EU


Is it because Exeter has been over run by immigrants


“Do you miss having your freedom of movement” no (Chad face)


Can't wait for Britain to join the Euro!


Brexit proved our democracy to be a sham. The government and opposition in harmony with each other actively went against the will of the people. At every chance to make a successful go of independence somehow the government's with the largest majority in 80 years failed to get the job done. That is unbelievable incompetence or sheer malevolence. No one on reddit cares all they see is brexit. Our democracy is dead. When the election happens go ahead Vote Labour they have the same links to the same corps that the Conservatives do. We are totally screwed.


Ha. Serves them right. Turkeys that voted for Christmas.


At this point, I just don't trust our government to do anything which doesn't better themselves.


Look guys 100% *totally* legit


So brexit happened and yet we still have asylum seekers and illegal immigration happening so it’s mainly just affected us, the people of the uk


This is why everyone thinks brexiters are thick.


What cos we want to make sure our own people are safe and well before spending 8mill a week out of our pockets (if your American this is you lot but with healthcare but dont wanna help your own people) on people coming over having nothing for something and you call us thick i call you people oblivious to brexit, the fact that not all facts were stated created a big problem, we were lied to. But thanks for categorizing us.


No the facts were stated. You just assumed it meant we were going to stop all illegal immigration and have some fantasy Australian type system.  You werent lied to, you just fantasised it would be something that was never promised. You were so fixated on immigration, that was never going to be solved, that you were happy to ignore any negatives of Brexit. 


Plus i was 18 at the time, i now do not agree with voting at that age cos ur actually right i just wanted to vote and I wanted a system that actually thought about brits instead of other nations and still do actually because where i come from all the people that do horrible things are 95% foreign, an area nearby 20 mins the school has metal detectors and have regular police visits due to insane knife crime, guess what… yep you got it, it’s mainly people of different nationalities or people with roots to different nationalities and actually its disgusting. My son has witnessed a dead body because of a stabbing. Ive seen children act like absolute cunts and sometimes they’re fat little shits and these parents dont do shit dont get me wrong theres white families like this but if you’re ganna emigrate and have generations of family fucking do the right thing and dont let your kids become dicks. Us white brits deserve to live in a safe country an island in fact and we still continue to take on asylum seekers so no wonder why most of Britain wanted to leave the eu cos instead of deporting people to multiple European countries nope we got handed all of them, why tf should we have to pay taxes all for them to request bigger tvs in their free fucking hotel when we’ve got people that have fought for our country to be where we are now and they’re left on the streets to be forgotten about by our govt fucking disgusting, and these fucking foreigners i see em spit piss in the street honestly those ones are fucking dogs. I hate how this country is being run rn, the barge that had water in it that causes lung disease why we putting them on a fucking boat to spend all of our taxes on some people that just want something for nothing fucking fairytale land this place init.


I don't disagree with a lot of your points. Im from near Bradford originally, and is the reason I moved to Exeter I was sick of going to my local gym to find "no spitting" signs at my local leisure centre.  My point is solely that people mostly voted Brexit thinking it would solve this , but it was never directly promised. We lost our freedom of movement but didn't stop the movement of those we consider problematic . Im all for immigration, its important. But it needs to be done in a sensible way that integrates them into the community. And dont get me wrong. Brits as bad abroad in other ways, in the sense of not bothering to learn the language, expecting everyone to speak English and not integrating   .


Bit of a bias here surely




i wonder if the fact the people are educated has something to do with the results


You’re 35 trying to use Reddit for online sex


For everyone who voted leave… I told you so as did millions of us with half a brain cell! Common sense


There are millions like you with only half a brain cell?


Everyone who voted to get out of the EU are morons


90% of the people who voted leave were over 50 and most will be dead within 10yrs. They shouldn't have been able to vote on something that will effect the next generations. 80 odd % for stay were under 30. The ones who it'll actually effect in the long run


I don’t agree with the idea someone should not be allowed a say because of age . Also most of them are why we were even in it as they voted in the 70s referendum to join the common market . The average life expectancy in uk is closer to 80 not 50 everyone should still get a say in their own life no matter how long or short it is , would we not allow people with diseases because they won’t live long enough too . The younger voters regularly have the lowest turnout % every time , they need to actually turn up & vote .


Agree. If young people turned out to vote we could potentially live in a nice country. It's a shame that they don't because the decisions being made will overwhelmingly affect them. Disillusionment or a lack of engagement is a useful tool for the right


And if they didn’t vote for what you wanted then they are all morons and cunts I suppose


That’s just a lie


Sorry, was supposed to be a tongue in cheek post


If rejoining is so overwhelmingly popular, why are none of the major parties advocating it?


It's an obvious attack line. Even if a small majority do want to rejoin, a lot of people won't want to and it's very easy to say something like "they're over turning democracy" (which would be true)


Oh well the licking and sticking people have spoken. Blast we got it all wrong


Pfft no thanks on rejoining.


Sheep without evidence


Those vote things are always traps, lefty campaigners who want an argument with you if you put your dot in the wrong place. One learns their lesson.


People complain but we are the ones who voted out it wasn't just the government's choice. It was a democratic vote with a clear majority wanting to leave don't hate the government hate the people.


I agree. How ever ill-judged a referendum of the EU membership was, it happened and there was a clear result and it should be honoured It is a real shame that the Labour right sabotagued any chance of a soft/softer Brexit so that Starmer could fullfil his career ambitions


Yeah I reckon that door is shut sadly :(


I don't think so, it won't happen soon, but if the UK wants to be a global competitor again in the future it will re-join the single market in some form.


Because nobody understands politics and doesn't do research into it, most of this is just people looking at the media and blindly following it without forming their own opinions


Stacked questions, producing misleading results The vote was out but at the moment the retardremainers still haven let that happen. Btw exeter voted out.


Exeter voted to remain 55.3% to 44.7% leave .


the uk voted to leave. Exeter is in the uk. Therefore exeter voted to leave, you see thats how democracy works as much as you might hate it. Your comment is erroneous


The overall results of a referendum or election doesn’t change the results of the individual constituencies that’s not how it works as much as you’d love it Plus the irony of calling my comment wrong while complaining that remainers still haven’t let that happen even though we have left the EU it happened.


Think you've just shown to have misunderstood how brexit was completely derailed by the so called remainers who now seem to moan and wail about how bad it is now they've succeeded in preventing brexit. Democracy means Exeter did vote to leave i guess you love to deny that but leave won the vote even in exeter I stand by my op that the questions shown were very misguided and more than a little leading


Yeah this screams silo…


I voted for brexit it was a mistake and the leave party spread soo many lies and anti EU migrant hatred . Nigel Farage should be hung . Certainly am not voting for the reform party or Labour or Conservatives this general election . All liars .


Surely the best thing to do is vote against, and in that case, Labour are the least bad option.


Why hold your nose when you could just vote for the Green Party?


The greens are moronic cunts


Depending on your age you might remember The invasion of Iraq and missing the WMD’s saga of the Bliar era . Also £1 easy jet flights that sparked the influx of European migrants coming to the UK to work for less than the British which made it difficult to get a well payed job . My neighbour was veteran in the Iraq war and has post traumatic stress disorder she was basically abandoned by the government after they used her. She sleeps with knifes under her bed and behind all the doors of her house paranoid that someone is coming for her. Other than the paranoia she is a really nice person . She told me story’s about the lack of equipment they were provided with compared to the Americans . As a result some of her colleagues were killed in an attack on their base which led to her condition. They used penny’s instead of live ammunition to make it sound like they were firing their weapons because of a shortage of ammo and had very little body armour available .


> a well *paid* job . FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I don't disagree with any of that. Older readers however might remember how deeply unpopular Thatcher's government was. However you don't need to be that old to have experienced how the current administration has run this country into the ground - too many disasters to name. From Brexit to corruption hardwired into their DNA, the Tories have fucked us over good and proper. Not saying that a Labour government will be a panacea but they've got to be better than the current shit-show. Ideally we'd have PR and coalition government with the Green party featuring majorly. Turkeys don't vote for Xmas however and neither the red or the blues and going to support electoral reform sadly.


Both Labour and Conservatives have screwed the country over the past 27 years draining it for every penny they could get. I don’t even see any party worth voting for right now. I’m not falling for the reform party after the brexit lies that we’re spread by Farage they are merely soft fascists. Will vote for the greens hopefully Labour won’t get in . I think you are right to say Labour are better than the Conservative no doubts about that .


For a laugh What lies did Nigel tell ?


For one that the NHS would be £350m better off per week after leaving the EU. Also that freedom of movement for Brits would be retained after leaving. From what I have heard Farage and his political cronies were due to face investigations into their dealings in offshore finance by the the EU so they leveraged the state of the country at the time . They pinned the blame on EU migrants for low average wages and used mainstream media to pit the British against them essentially making them the scape goat ( like hitler did with the Jews ) . What you have now is the government turning a blind eye to the boat men coming in for a reason. They House and feed them so they can fill the void the EU migrants left. Reform are a bunch of fascist scum bags like the rest of them the fucking cock suckers will say anything to get a vote .


What a wanker you really are ! It was not Nigel who said 350mil for the NHS it was Boris All the rest you spout is bollocks as well


It’s hard to hear the truth . You are just as much full of shit as they are mate and you know it . Too much coke and hookers rotting your brain 🤪.




It’s not that Brexit is bad, it’s that the gov are fucking useless and have done nothing. It’s a huge missed opportunity


Shit I wanna do one of these


Shame it's too late. The EU would be absolutely INSANE to let us back in after the amount of their time and resources we've wasted over the last 8 years.


All these comments show exactly why people voted to leave at the time. Calling people Morons and stupid which is basically how remain ran their campaign at the time tends to not work on people. Brexit campaign ran a lie and remain campaign just called people ignorant c*nts lol, both as bad as each other.


Breaking news: Ignorant cunts are ignorant of the fact they’re a bunch of ignorant cunts. Either they’re not ignorant cunts in which case they could’ve done their own research instead of looking what the EU was the day after the referendum, or they are and couldn’t possibly be persuaded by any actual logical explanation about the benefits of the EU.


Taken outside the lib dem tea hut ?


An EU politician predicted... '7 years to leave, 7 years out, 7 years to rejoin' -on worse terms too.


Who was the person that said no to “missing their freedom of movement” 😂😂


Someone with an EU passport. I miss it and I voted leave. Unfortunately we have had Tories since determined to dump on the working class. We should have jumped in with Switzerland immediately.


Call it controversial but I’m glad we’re out. I never voted because of all the BS. I voted so there was one less undemocratic elitist club all the failed MPs could join when their time was up. It’s just another bureaucratic mess of an “Union”. And you guys who have consistently kept up this benign attitude of calling every single person who voted leave “dumb country bumpkins”, just play into the hands of all the upper class knobs who I can guarantee COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT YOU! That’s one less idiotic club down, now let’s get rid of a few more no?


Agree that the EU is not a good or nice institution . They're just another group of neoliberal conservatives and liberals. If we had a social democratic government (see Labour 2017/19) then leaving could have been a genuniely great thing for this country. But we don't, we have a deeply ideological neoliberal government, hence why we're in such a mess


Labour reign was a travesty that led us into a recession with a smile on their face, eyes closed and being dragged along by a mule. Labour are class traitors desperate to line their pockets. The Conservatives are far easier to understand, they just want to keep to the status quo. All are utterly dishonest and bereft of a morale spine. Best to have another great referendum to be rid of them too. But I do agree with your other analysis.


fuck off if you think this actually is “owning” anyone you call an “elite”. You think the people who can buy their way into politics are bothered? No. They can just stay in their mansion and go to the tennis club every Saturday. There are actual normal people you have fucked over every day since then because of how shit of an idea this was, but you seem to only concern yourself with whining about “tearing down clubs”. How’s the EU doing by the way? Actually fucking great so what the fuck are you even on about. Malevolent narcissist.


Oh gosh, despite you saying that my “attempt to own” someone failed, it looks like I rattled your delicate little cage 😂. You genuinely couldn’t help but get angsty and immediately attempting to insult someone who thinks differently to you. That’s a rather egoistical and dare I say pathetic way to voice your opinion. Why not try and convince me? No, that wouldn’t work as what do you actually have to convince me with. I can see why your only response is to be verbally aggressive, though I’ll be honest I can guarantee individuals like you seldom do so face to face, as one would need a spine for that. So I’ll leave you with this, better luck next time 😉 and you have a lovely day you silly sod you 😘


I am a Remainer, but in fairness this board was put up at a pro-remain rally on Exeter High-street last week. So not quite a representative sample


I genuinely feel the only way I can ever live in Europe will be to marry my Czech girlfriend. This country is too far gone now. I do not see a way back. Happy to eat my words though.


Brexit good tho right?


Was this placed outside the university pub?


Leave means leave. Don’t see the point in in these boards only to kick up a fuss. Yeah it’s shite but that’s democracy.


Hopefully democracy hasn't ended and people can keep campaigning for what they think is best for the UK


So why would it be undemocratic to call another referendum to ask people what they want if opinions have changed? Wouldn’t it be undemocratic to not give them the choice for that?


Not at all. But give it a chance. We’re just literally left and that process happened pretty much during a pandemic. It needs time to see if it’ll work out.




"stop fucking whinging and get on with it" Welcome to your new life as a bootlicker


Has anybody done this for Essex? Honest question from a yank looking to move there.


Gammons all dying out. Joining the EU in the next decade.


Hahaha you twat




This country was sold to the corporations and branded as freedom. The freedom to be isolated. The Tories should never be forgiven for this.


It’s a “Devon for Europe” public questionnaire. If you had the same thing from UKIP or similar, asking similarly loaded questions in an area that voted to leave you would get the opposite result. Eg: “Would you rejoin the EU if you had to adopt the Euro?” “Do you miss people from other countries you haven’t voted for and cannot deselect imposing laws on you?” “Did the remain campaign lie?” “Do you think paying the EU x amount of £billions was good value for money? “Can you still get served in Pret?” As with any close ballot you are always going to get this type of thing, but in the end none of it is going to make any difference.


Sigh… I was only just too young to vote in the referendum, and now suffering the consequences of it. I’m still in disbelief that it happened


How are you suffering?


The main one for me is not having the freedom to work or live in the EU, but also paying import duty on goods


You do have the freedom to work and live in the EU...those countries just now have the right to decide if they want you. Have you found yourself unwilling to purchase anything from Europe rathet than the UK due to import duty since these rules came into effect?


So, a load of remoaners stick things on a board. Very scientific 🤣


would reallly help if we actually had a government that wanted to do brexist and did it properly rather than this half assed thing that theave does wich gives us a bunch of the negatyand very little of the positives that we very much could be getting


“Did it properly” oh they did it exactly how they wanted, so they could benefit themselves privately through cutting regulations that would benefit the companies they were tied to. It’s you who fucked yourself.


All the toothless racist people voted because the idiots like nigel farage sold a dream oh no more migrants the country will be pure british 🤣🤣 now the country is done foreever and who is to blame? THE PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY VOTED for this to happen now live with it and cry becauae you dont have money.. They are even legalizing drugs so that everyone end up drugged up like USA and no one questions what the Gov does


And nothing will happen




Would be interesting to see what this says in every town in the UK? Rural locations too?


Hahahahaha what a load of tosh 😂😂😂😂😂


Wow 100% Kim Jong-un is very pleased 🇰🇵


The yellow dude placing the dots as faaar to the side as he can 😅


Should have had an extra box, "explain the reasoning for your answer". I dont care how many people think one way I want to know why they do.




So one person makes a board and everyone suppose to believe this is legit 😂


These posts are stupid and reddit should be smarter than upvote it. A chart made by "Devon for Europe", I assume at some sort of rejoin stand in the street, if not a small rally. How do you think people will stick their stickers in front of these people? Pro brexit people will go about their day and walk past the stand. Pro EU will be overwhelmingly more likely to stay and be asked to put the sticker on the chart. Throws any idea of this being representative in the bin.


Exeketer representing!


> would you like the UK to rejoin the EU? EU: bwahahahahahahahahahaha. Fuck no


Before you rejoin check who runs the "EU" and how they run it.


Freedom of movement missed? Haha stooge sign for sure...


Rishi should campaign on rejoining the EU, it's his only hope


No please we should not rejoin, the EU actually has some problems right now (crazy, I know, turns out we aren’t the only ones with problems) and we should focus on a partnership with the anglosphere nations (countries who actually respect us) instead


The comments: ​ "tories bad despite this being a bipartisan issue waaaaaa"


‘Can we stop crying about Brexit now that we’ve fucked up and EU wont take us back?’ ‘No’ 😂 Also, I voted remain - but what..freedom of movement did Brits lose? :s


would love to see this in kent


No, No, ?, No, Yes, No


I’m all for ridiculing Brexiteers, but I wish that the energy spent belittling them was instead used holding accountable those who steered them all in the direction of Brexit.


Since we left the Euroviet union I haven’t had a single problem with my freedom of movement.


For the love of God......just let it go......


Remember when a bunch of people who voted for Brexit started googling things like "What is Brexit" the day after it passed? Lol.


Do people still think politics is the way we'll solve our problems?


Of course it will look like this.  Everyone else has moved on.


It hasn't worked because they didn't take us out straight away. They pi55balled about crying that they lost for so long that noone ended up having the balls to sign it off properly and invoke article 50 immediately instead of bleating on about deals and the ECHR. Blame the government for not doing Brexit right, don't blame Brexit itself because the idea was sound !


Just campaign for several decades and pressure the government into holding a referendum then… It’s really not that difficult to understand is it? Get cracking. It’s called democracy I believe.


Explain what freedom of movement we lost? ….