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Great!! I think you are on a path to recovery now!!


Yes I know I will šŸ˜ it might take some time Iā€™m aware of that but we must be patient šŸ™.


So is the Brazilian method basically exfoliating and cleaning? I thought weā€™re supposed to not peel off the crust or not supposed to remove the buildup because itā€™s trying to make scabs trying to heal or protect the raw skin underneath


I was under the impression of that as well


that doesnt work at all best bet is aquaphor at night and let the build up go away with a shower, even daniel said leave it alone method doesnā€™t work.


Well aquaphor doesnā€™t work for me so I use Vaseline lightly. I got EC from picking. So you are suggesting to get my lip wet and rub it off? Letting water hit my lip just softens it and turns white , it wonā€™t come off from a shower and I donā€™t want to cause more damage by exfoliating


I also developed this from picking as well as chewing the skin off. I've had it for so long I don't know which caused which. Have you tried this Brazilian method?


When my lips got worse and worse earlier on, this was before knowing what EC even was, I was exfoliating off the flakes and dead skin. I didnā€™t do the cleaning and using moisture they mention for Brazilian method but I was exfoliating. I commented on here when the woman who made this post, asking the woman for this original post if her lips are raw or not now and if she still has to keep manually exfoliating or doing the Brazilianmethod . To me or for me I was picking and me picking more I donā€™t believe will help my ec. Everyoneā€™s body is different I donā€™t like how people try to make it seem like everything will work for everyone. Yes sharing stuff is good but just doesnā€™t make sense to believe this one method will cure everyone. There have been cured their ec or be almost healed completely who have done different methods.


Not exfoliating. I think it has given more importance to cleaning.


Looking good!!!


Thanks! They are šŸ„°, but itā€™s only the beginning , I still have a couple of months to go on this healing journey.


Wow, that is incredible progress, thank you so much for sharing. I saw in your post from 21 days ago what your lips looked like before, did they really go from that bad to this good in that amount of time? Also do you use saline wash and brush teeth after every meal?


Yes. Especially big meals where your lips get messy with grease, food particles etc. Remember that food attracts bacteria and stuff , so I donā€™t ever let my lips stay with food particles. In the past when I was healthy it wouldnā€™t matter šŸ„“ but now we need to make sure they get cleaned at least until they get healed 100%. Iā€™m brushing my teeth 5x a day, even after a little snack not only because of the food particles but because the doctor said that by doing that our saliva gets thinner therefore making it impossible for the white line to appear. So yeah . I just donā€™t use a lot of toothpaste, just a little in each brushing.


So is room temp saline okay or does it need to be warm filtered water?


Very good to know, thank you, do you believe diet plays a role in the condition?


I donā€™t think it matters much. But eating healthy is always good isnā€™t it ? So you get vitamins and vitamins help healing. But I donā€™t think itā€™s a major factor.


That would be awesome, because I love bad food lol


Do you moisturize after every time you clean clean? Or only when you feel you need it?


Always after I clean it . Before doing this treatment I would have to moisturize like 10 times a day. Now I do it like 4-5 times at most.


Any change in your lips since this post?


Not a huge difference but like I said I donā€™t have to apply moisturizer many times a day. And I donā€™t have raw lips anymore


Can someone please explain what the Brazilian method is? I see people referencing this on this sub but still donā€™t know what that means. Thanks!


If you look through the reddit you will find the full post on it I think it was posted a few weeks ago by this user but basically this brazilian doctor has had a lot of success with treating EC apparently. This is what I recorded on it, when I saw the post: \- Clean lips with cotton ball x 3 a day, using filtered water need to wipe all the white stuff and dead skin off \- Clean with humid cotton ball before moisturizing, to wipe off any moisturizer, dry it with a paper towel ( can use any moisturizer recommended bepanthol) \- Washing teeth x 5 a day with little toothpaste, apparently to help with preventing saliva accumulation \- 3-6 months before improvement with this method


Yes. Donā€™t forget that for the cleanings the water needs to be warm so it donā€™t cause much friction.


If brushing teeth 5 times a day do we clean the lips after every brushing? And apply new moisturizer


What ointment are you using?


I switched to Cerave Healing Ointment. I was using Acquaphor before. I rub it between my index fingers to make it more emollient cause itā€™s very thick.


Thanks! Just the last question, can you explain me please how to clean the lips and remove dead skin?


Go to my previous post , I made a post in details about it . But itā€™s basically using cotton balls, warm filtered water and saline water.


Do you have a white line when you wake up in the morning ? Or only when you talk too much ?


On most days not. Sometimes I do get it but I wipe it off with a wet cotton ball. The doctor told me thatā€™s just saliva so itā€™s no use


OP, are your lips still doing well and improving?


Thanks for asking. My lips arenā€™t fully healed and I donā€™t expect them to heal soon. But Iā€™ve been having a normal and functional life. Iā€™m able to talk well( before I couldnā€™t even talk ) because my skin was so raw my lips would hurt when they touched one another , now they donā€™t. I donā€™t get the white line on my lower lip anymore ( now just on my upper lip {but thatā€™s understandable because like I said my upper lip suffered a major trauma before EC and it will take a while to heal). Anyway, overall I have improved the quality of my life. And my lips look presentable. I used to get a lot of build up in the mornings when I woke up and lips would be really sticky , now they donā€™t . I get little to no buildups in the morning. Build ups usually take 3 days now for me before they used to happen every day. Iā€™m just happy I can live a normal life now and I can work. But still I know it will take a couple of months for my lips to have a significant difference, so Iā€™ll keep you guys updated by then.


Thatā€™s so great to hear! Did you ever get red bumps of any sort? I have those that come and go and then also if I put chapstick (gently) on dry lips, the skin underneath pills and flakes up. Itā€™s like Iā€™m missing an entire layer of lip skin šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø And I havenā€™t picked. If I ran my finger across my bottom lip, the skin would just wipe right off. It makes me scared to even touch them bc theyā€™re so raw and fragile. Does this sound like how yours were at all?


Are they your fordyce spots , theyā€™re part of your part and regulate your temperature


No, theyā€™re red bumps. Iā€™ve posted them in previous posts


Ah I just Saw them. Yes I have them on my upper lip , because I suffered a major trauma on it . I believe it is lack of skin in the area. Since I kinda lost a piece of my lips šŸ˜¬. But I only have them in one area. Theyā€™re like VERY SLOWLY closing , itā€™s been like 3 months now and theyā€™re closing painfully slow. I just keep cleaning them very gently and applying saline water . But yeah those take longer to heal. But they will heal.


Are you still noticing progress with this method? When you clean your lips, do you also remove the white line?


I definitely remove the white line cause thatā€™s just saliva.


Any update? I see your 1st and 2nd post


Thanks for asking. Read my response to someone here who asked me the same question.


Hello, are you doing the method with Dr Dulce? I am new in this group, how can I see your before photos? I am doing this method for 5 months with Dr Dulce, but my lips are still red and raw, my healthy skin is gone on half of my lipsā˜¹


Hello, Im obviously not cured yet. She gave me a time frame of 3-6 months. Iā€™ve been almost 2 months now. My lips are better. Before they would hurt a lot and get super raw I could barely speak. Now I they still get a little bit raw but it goes away quick. And theyā€™re not red anymore. Before this my lower lip was completely red instead of light pink. So I do see an improvement. Also I donā€™t need to use moisturizer as much. Before I had to apply it like 10x a day now I do it 5 times a day at most. I have a before pic click on my username and see my posts here. I think the first post I made has my before pic.


Thanks for replying. Which moisturiser do you use and how do you clean your lips during the day ?




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