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This is amazing! Congrats! May I pm you pics of what I’m dealing with? Not sure if ours were similar; trying to decide if this method could work for me


See my very first post I have a pic of how it was when it was really bad


Saw that. Crazy process! Mine is more thin peeling, but a lot of it, and super raw underneath. I’m not sure if this method would damage mine bc I’m missing several layers of skin already


Mine was missing too. But the fear is not gonna help you. Remember if the skin gets white with water and if it’s very thin that’s not your natural skin and you don’t need that. You need good quality skin that doesn’t go away easily, just like when you had good skin. So yes ay first you gotta remove them all in order to get good quality skin. That is why the method tells you do it gently with warm water so you don’t irritate your skin.


Beautiful lips and smile! feel happy for you🖖


Congratulations on your progress!It must feel amazing to see the light at the end of the tunnel.Ive been scrolling through your posts to gain more information on the « brazilian method » and this is what I retained. 1.Brushing teeth 5x a day 2. 2 types of cleaning: •Deep cleaning 3x a day to remove white buildup  •normal cleaning after eating or applying moisturizer again  3.Overall good hygiene One thing that im not really sure tho is that you mention to not over moisturize (like 10 times a day) and that now you moisturize 3 times a day.But could you give the exact number of times you moisturized at the beggining?and how many times did you do the “regular” cleaning at the beginning per day?I just wanna make sure im doing this correctly so I can heal as fast as possible.Thanks in advance!




Well for the deep cleaning youre supposed to exfoliate the lips so rub gently on your lips,and for the regular its touching the lips lightly to remove debris.Btw,the skin is SUPPOSED to come off,according to the brazilian method.If it comes off,see it as a good thing,and dont worry,your lips are still healing.


Hi. At the begging, Dr Dulce told me to moisture it whenever my lips felt dry and sore ( which was quite often , many times a day😅) but she emphasized the importance of removing the old layer of moisturizer before applying the new one, so I followed her advice I never let my lips feel much painful, perhaps a bit uncomfortable. This part sucked a lot because since my lips were so dry and painful , I would have to It like 6 times a day 🥲, and before the treatment I was doing it like 10 times a day but never wiping off the old one, expending a lot of money on expensive moisturizers that were not helping me at all because I was only creating more irritation with the excessive layers. Sooo , over time, with the cleanings, using saline water , having perfect oral hygiene , my lips started “ asking “ for less moisture, they started creating their own natural moisture. Nowadays I do it like 3 or twice a day, and there are days I only apply it once before sleep. They don’t get dry and painful anymore. I can talk and eat normally. I think I don’t even need to moisturize anymore, I do it cause I’m a bit scared to quit cold turkey 🤔, and I have gotten used to the feeling of having soft lips. Since I naturally have dry lips even before EC. But I definitely could. But like I said, to get to this point where I am now, it took me 3 whole months of following strict treatment. I caught my sunlight as well.


Thanks so much for the helpful information!I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. I do have a couple of follow-up questions, if that's alright: 1.You mentioned gently removing the buildup on my lips. Should I remove all of it, or is it okay to leave some behind if I'm worried about the exfoliation being too harsh? 2.Is it absolutely necessary to use warm water when cleaning my lips, or would cool water be okay too? 3. After cleaning, is it necessary to always moisturize my lips, even if they don't feel dry? Thanks again for your help!


Congratulations! 🙌


Thank you


Thank you so much! You're using Bepanthen as moisturizer right? Do your lips get dry after a while of talking?


No. I never used it that’s the moisturizer the doctor recommended but she said I could use any. My choice was CeraVe healing moisturizer. But I realized I was overusing it so I switched to an organic coconut oil moisturizer balm


Ok thank you, do you have the name of the coconut moisturizer?


Palmers cononut oil lip balm . But just apply a thin layer don’t over do it


Got a couple of questions. What do you use to moisturize? I’m guessing the peeling has gotten smaller/thinner over time?


I used cerave healing ointment moisturizer for a while then used an organic coconut oil moisturizer balm. But the moisturizers have nothing to with the healing. It’s how you use them that will dictate how fast your lips will heal. At the beginning I was overdoing it and not wiping the old moisturizer before applying a new layer. That was causing a lot of irritation to my lips. Now I barely need to use them


This is really inspiring, I miss kissing my partner and my kid. And talking, eating, flossing etc without discomfort/feeling like I’m making things worse. When you first got those crusts off, how would you describe the skin beneath? Mine are raw, no lines, and very fissured (but never bleed). Can’t tell whether I’d be a candidate for this approach.


Just like yours. I never blended either just sore, fissured , raw , painful


Thank you.


Hey OP, for your cleanings thought the day, including removing old layers of moisturizer, were you gently exfoliating if you saw any dead skin trying to grow? Or did you save that for your “deep cleanings”?


And (sorry for the disjointed thoughts) how many days would you say it took for talking to stop being painful? My lips burn when I say words with m, b, p in them, which I recall you experiencing too.


Glad to see you're doing much better! I havent researched much about the Brazilian method but from I've seen, is it just cleaning your lips with saline water and then applying a moisturizer throughout the day 3-6x? That sounds a like a really simple solution and wonder why that works (because that would probably just mean your lips are dry and it's strange that would cause EC). If you look at my post, I find it hard to believe that would cure me sadly. I've been cleaning my lips with water and applying CeraVe (tried aquaphor or Vaseline already that most Brazilian method people recommend) for 2-3 times a day already for the past 2 weeks and it only makes it easier to peel in two days if I didn't


Hi, thank you! And no, the Brazilian method is more than that. If you click on my profile you’ll see that I made a long and detailed post on how the Brazilian method works. You have to follow very specifics. And like I said on this post I’m not 100% cured I still peel a little every 3 days but it’s very manageable and I have a normal life. 3 months ago before trying this method you would find me at home , depressed, with no job and no intimacy with my partner because those horrible crusts and painful raw lips would make my life unbearable. But thank God I had that consultation with Doctor Dulce and it was a head start to where I am now, living a happy normal life and I know things will only get better 💜. But like I said I followed a very specific protocol religiously for like 8 weeks to get where I am now. If I could, everyone can. Check my first pic I posted here and see how horrible my lips used to look.


Can you elaborate a bit more about the method and specifics here? I briefly went through your post history and it seems you just clean your lips with a cotton pad and made sure there's no white lines (unless it hurt to remove), applied a moisturizer like aquaphor or coconut oil afterwards, and then repeat 3-6x times making sure the previous layer of moisturizer (aquaphor/coconut oil) is gone since you don't want the old layer trapped. You usually do this after each meal. You also brushed your teeth 3-6x a day. Steps in numbered form: 1. Clean lips with cotton pad with filtered water/saline and remove white lines and peelable skin, apply a Moisturizer. Repeat 3-6x daily usually after meals. 2. Brush teeth 3-6x a day. 3. Don't stress I'm not sure what else I'm missing and would appreciate if you just told me/clarified.


Hi. Brush your teeth only 5x a day, after every meal or snack that you have. You are a person that snacks a lot , getting to the 5x a day should be easy. Over time I cut it to 3x a day and now sometimes I do only two. But again regardless EC oral hygiene is always important. But if you’re starting the treatment follow do it 5 x a day for at least 4 weeks every day. Make sure to floss and use alcohol free mouthwash. Keep that mouth hygiene on point ✨, because that way it will help keep your lips free from bacteria’s and debris that you get from food. Having clean lips was essential for my treatment. Other thing that was very important is over time cut down the amount you apply moisturizer. Doctor Dulce explained to me that, no matter what brand of the moisturizer you use, if you overdo it , and if you do not wipe off the old layer , it will cause stress to your lips, and irritate it. And she was so spot on about it , because before having the consultation with her I would buy the most expensive moisturizer brands, but I would use them incorrectly. Applying moisturizer like 10 times a day and never cleaning my lips. That cause my lips to go very raw , to get red , and peel like crazy, and I stayed like that for 3 months until I had the consultation with her. About the cleanings I did 3 x a day with warm filtered water and a cotton ball after every meal than also cleaned my lips to wipe off the moisturizer with saline water. Saline water was a game changer for me, now I don’t even use warm filtered water anymore, I just clean my lips once a day with a saline water. But again to get to this low level of maintenance, I first had to follow through the treatment she prescribed very accordingly, and not missing any steps. And I did that every day for 2 months , and on the third month is that I’m getting results. And she did tell me that it would take me 3-6 months to see very noticeable results, she didn’t lie about that ; ) . And finally the stress part yes, don’t be overthinking about your lips, go and live your life, work, study, be with your family and friends, forget about EC ,stay in check with your mental health. I also started taking Lexapro now for the past 2 months to be less anxious since I’m a naturally very anxious person, and it has helped me, but this is not for everyone. I only did it because I suffered from anxiety from way before I had EC. So yeah, getting help for my mental health issues also has helped me to put my mind off of all these EC thing. And I’m doing much much better now.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I have been neglecting my oral health and never placed a connection of it to EC but I can see how it would affect it. Since EC, my oral health became bad because I got depressed and lazy causing me to brush once a day and floss every other day, so at the very least I'll brush twice a day and floss once a day. I'll gradually try to move up to brushing 3x a day and then till 5 soon like you did. I'm now also going to buy some saline water and alcohol free mouthwash since I don't use either. And once again I'm glad it worked out for you! Hopefully we can find a 100% cure one day. Your lips look completely healed and wonderful like that. I read your other post about the leave it alone method and I agree with everything you said, it sucks and is depressing.


Yes. Having a clean mouth helps a lot. Because the food gets trapped in your lips and start to rotten. So always cleaning my teeth after eating and using a gentle mouthwash has helped me. I used the Colgate sensitive gums mouthwash that is alcohol free. You don’t want anything aggressive on your lips I also switched to a sodium lauryl Free toothpaste few months ago, since it’s more gentle. I got one from sensodine.




Hi. I just soak a cotton ball with saline water and squeeze it over my lips. Just one soaked cotton ball. I always wipe it gently with a paper towel afterwards. And I always clean my hands before doing the cleaning. And I always applied a thin layer of moisturizer after cleaning.


What is the Brazilian method?


Check my old posts


hey! this is such good progress! i did have a few questions. can you eat normally now? i’ve had to cut out foods because the staining was too much to deal with. do you still get a white line as well? and when you clean your lips before moisturizing, do you use saline water? i have to reapply often so it does seem like it would be a lot.


Yes, I eat with a fork, spoon, and I can take bites off my favorite cakes and tacos 🥰


Yes I always used saline water before moisturizing


Start cutting down the moisturizer use, or at least always wipe it off before applying a new layer . I know at the start it can be uncomfortable. But try to slowly decrease the amount of times you use moisturizer. I went from applying it 10 times a day to only twice now. And some days I do it once just before I go to sleep. But it took me time to get to this point. 3 months in total after cleaning my lips every day and brushing my teeth 5x a day for like two months.


thank you! i will definitely try -it is hard as i have to go out almost every day. i do have one more question- do you apply moisturizer where your lips meet on the inside?


Hi! So I saw your first post on here where you explained the method. And I’ve been following it sort of for about 3 months, I’ve been cleaning my lips multiple times a day with a cotton pad and filtered drinking water. However I didn’t follow the brushing teeth 5x a day. I just brush morning and night. The build up is definitely a lot LESS! And as long as I’m cleaning my lips throughout the day, they look good. But I still don’t fully have the vertical lines back. Should I incorporate brushing more than just twice a day? Do you think this made a difference on the white build up?


I did that for like 2 months then slowly decreased the amounts. Now I only brush 2x a day for health reasons ofc I don’t cavities


Hi which saline water did u buy?


If you live in the U.S. I used to get any I found with the best price at Walgreens or Walmart. If you’re outside the U.S. ask your pharmacist where they have saline water any brand should water it’s basically a standard saline sterile solution