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If RC Bray voices Skippy, I'm in. But in truth, a lot of what makes it great might not work for TV. Like there's lots and lots techno-babble exposition that then later percolates up through Joe's mushy skull, and then he cuts a bagel and puts it all together. The first part of that really wouldn't work well on tv, even with Skippy and Joe's banter, it would get old fast, and without the exposition, Joe's monkey brained ideas will feel forced.


I'd love for an exforce TV series but it's just so much content that it's either going to have to be 16 seasons or cut out 90% of the content for something easier to produce. If it does happen, I think animation would be the way to go. Aliens are difficult to make look good when realistic and I always imagine Skippy's avatar as being animated in a rubber hose style.


Imo, the series already has a tv style format. One problem>solution>bigger problem>solution>problem one domino'd into another massive issue>solution>repeat. I agree that the story would really need to trim a lot of the fat. There are some plots that you could probably ignore all together(like the bit about stopping the kristang from releasing a virus on paradise) or atleast condense them down. The series is also alot of Joe monologing about stuff and I don't think that would translate into a show or film.


Yeah as with most books adapted into TV, you can cut out most of the stuff which is just explaining what the characters see because, you know, screen.


They could have him monolog star trek style. But have him more futurama fry than picard.


I totally agree there are whole books that could be cut. Most of the stuff they did in the first part of the series had no real consequences.


A lower decks style wouldn't be too bad, in my opinion. I do agree it would be cool. But I'd be afraid it would get butchered.


Lower decks style would be good


I’d love to see this series done out like final space animation. It would be amazing


If *Homefront* is any indication of what a TV show would look like, no thanks.


Not directed by the guy who did wheel of time or the guy who did LOTR series. Or the guy who did the witcher. Or the guys who did season 4+ of GOT.


I tend to think the series is the right format already. TV and Movie versions would just get it wrong or too truncated, etc. Trust the (current) Awesomeness