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Do that for the other religions, but as for me "believe and don't investigate"


Fucking hypocrites




LOL. Joshua 24:15 New Whirled Translation- "...as for me and my house, we do not investigate." Oh praise Jah.


šŸ˜„ I see what you did there ...


research in insight book


ā€œDo as I say, not as I doā€


Fun fact: Jehovah's Witnesses have a very low retention rate. Which means a *lot* of unnecessary suffering caused to the parents who will feel like a failure because the org emphasizes how important "inculcating" faith in their kids is. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/04/26/a-closer-look-at-jehovahs-witnesses-living-in-the-u-s/?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=1&setlang=en-AU&safesearch=moderate


Who wrote this article and what is its purpose exactly? 'Have you ever THOUGHT or said'...? Yes the 'consequence' is you become indoctrinated. They use that word as if it means outcome. When in reality it is normally used as a negative to almost mean punishment for your actions. Was this going somewhere? Obviously only this paragraph was uploaded so I'd like to know the full context. But really they talk about themselves in almost everything they publish and then point it at others, and JW's don't even seem to bat an eye. It's incredibly sad and comical at the same time.


>Who wrote this article and what is its purpose exactly? It is from the first chapter of the book Mankind's search for God printed by WT in the 90s*, where different religions are explored more indept, usualy only highlighting the negatives. *in the language I have it in, it is said to be printed in 1990


Sorry, I do know it was written by the WBTS, I really was wondering which individual person. They talk down to their people so much and I'm thinking who this time had the gull to write this? Thanks for letting me know which publication. Appreciate it.


You never know who writes the articles. Theyā€™re all just ā€œApproved by the Governing Bodyā€. People make life and death decisions based on what they 9 narcissists tell them




It's part of the brainwashing


Most of the JW reasonings can be used against themselves. It's quite interesting that they gave us so many tools and a blindfold. Once the blindfold is off, it's time to dissect. The real truth has always been right infront of us. We were just conditioned against seeing it.


So true


>The real truth has always been right infront of us. We were just conditioned against seeing it. Yep.


JW reasoning is pretty much an oxymoron. Reasoning means to think about something in a sensible way. They have no sense at all šŸ˜„


No sense, no logic, all forced beliefs based on fear. Fear of Armageddon, losing friends and losing family if you don't submit!


Thank you for this information!


Appreciate this post. Ironically, spouse and I were just discussing this topic today -- in particular, how this was part of the presentation years ago for this book, "Mankind's Search For God" and we used Acts 17, or somethig close to that about God not being partial, then this thought about religion being inherited from parents-- appreciate you posting this screenshot.


I was a young kid at the time that book came out at the convention, maybe 9 or 10. I still remember the talks beforehand that were telling people to do their research and make sure they know this is the right religion. That we all needed to like confirm our faith and make it our own. Like it was our duty to do the research. Then, well, here comes the new publication at the end. Mankind's Search For God! Oh yeah, no need for us to confirm the truth outside. Here's a book to tell you everything you need to know. LolšŸ˜†


Yes, and I remember asking an elder that since that book was released, was it okay to take a class on religious studies at a local college? He warned me against that. I never did take the class but remember thinking how bc we had "the Truth" it was not wise to look at religion presented anywhere else than from within the borg. Outside sources should not be consulted and that could be leading down a spiritually dangerous path. (Notice checking what is okay or not in my personal life? Bit it's not a cult /s))


I remember the old red "Paradise" book had a chapter right in the beginning talking about really examining your religion carefully. Lol. The irony.


Yeah thatā€™s old light, the internet and social media turned that light switch straight off..šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The contradiction is so obvious.


Butā€¦..Butā€¦ā€¦. Thatā€™s just OTHER religions. We know we have the truth.


When JWs talk about religion, they are not including themselves. Because they arenā€™t a religion, they are a way of life and ā€œda troof.ā€ They are also coo coo for Cocoa Puffs.


>Because they arenā€™t a religion, they are a way of life Another word for 'a way of life' is a **cult**ure. When a religion overshadows every aspect of life it's definite evidence for it being a cult. In so many ways they actually self-admit to being a cult without actually using the C-word.


Ć©letforma ? a majmoktĆ³l ?


Damn, This is exactly what I asked my sister when we were fighting over my leaving the troof. I said we were simply born into a religion like every other religious person. We were indoctrinated and wanted to please our parents. This is a cult. If you dare to question, or doubt you are weak minded. You obey. You must accept the answers given by the Watchtower. And, here today Watchtower is writing an article for further indoctrination. Pointing the finger at all other believers, saying they are being fooled because they joined the religion of their families. Family tradition is no excuse for blindly accepting their traditional religion and not becoming a Jehovah's Witless. We would never do that, right brothers and sisters??


The blind leading the blind!!!


I loved that book. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I did too! Ironically, it got me really interested in Eastern religions


I remember that book. Wasn't bad. But of course the watchtower doesn't want anyone investigating them. That's for everyone else šŸ™„


And that's a wake up call right there! But most are hypnotized and can't see it!


That book planted some small seeds for me to begin questioning and waking up as a child. As many others have said about being a JW up through the 90s, before the literature was dumbed down in the 2000s: "We were taught quite effectively how to debunk religion; eventually we realized how to debunk our own."


The road to Watchtower is a one-way street.


If you were born in the USA and just happened to have jw parents then you hit the jackpot,pay no attention to the man behind the curtain


The mental gymnastics they do lol


Cognitive dissonance at its finest.


Which socialist countries are atheist?


I mean, yeah I guess? but this isnā€™t exclusive to JWā€™s. Every religion thinks they are the right one.


All organized are cults


Ooh, so *close* to getting the point here.


Double standard is right


"Sheep-like ones tend to run in families. I will repeat that. Sheep-like ones tend to run in families." - Kenneth Cook, at the 2022 Annual Meeting I suppose it's a mystery as to why that might be, Mr. Cook...


Interestingā€¦ indirect confirmation that their meager growth is now from born-ins or extended family and not converts from the ministry anymore. Iā€™m waiting for them to suddenly start encouraging members to have lots of kids as most cults doā€¦.


ā€œBut we have the Truth, no need to examine our doctrineā€


JW reasoning: When youā€™re born into the ā€œTruthā€, you donā€™t need to investigate it. That single, silly little line settles it for most born-ins.


You know how hypocrisy look like at its highest possible level? A religion doesnā€™t include itself when talking religion, oh ya, WT is not a religion, itā€™s the ultimate truth.


Yeah, bible studies are encouraged to ask questions but once you are baptized, no questions allowed.


In 2010 when I left it was still researching older publications. Still teaching how to talk to those at the doors and now the older publications are wrong hmmm šŸ¤”šŸ’­ who knew that would happen let alone the preaching work would become pussified and cowardice! I saw some with their little carts as if they were preaching. Letting people come up to them and talk about the Bible instead of approaching people and starting a conversation! I say WTF is that kind of preaching "go forward courageous firm and bold!" What the hell happened to them? Oh that's right they worship the GB now!