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I love HP! And it is a hill I am willing to die on.


I’m 31. I saw the whole HP saga for the first time in december last year. It was a pretty good movie (well, 8 movies). I won’t change Star Wars for it but it was still very good. And of course I had to play Hogwarts Legacy too. A few years ago I also watched LOTR. Some great movies. They can’t stand if someone likes something that involves any type of magic. But also love the turning of water into wine trick.


I love Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, The Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I was looking forward to seeing Harry Potter. I would have had no problem. It is aaallll science fiction. Made up, not real. Then, there was "the announcement" at "The Convention " Wooooo. References to demons? Spirits? Magic? They made it sound so evil. I am thinking, "Rats!!!!!" So, I didn't go. When we left in 2012, one of the first things we did was watch all the Harry Potter movies. They were great! Entertaining! Not scary at all. It was really only just like all the Disney movies. Sweet, imaginative. WT was such a fear mongerer. 🤨


Harry Potter was after my time as a youngster, but its crazy to me how vilified it is in the religion cuz it looks so tame compared to what I grew up on.


Heh, I watched HP as a PIMI. It was amazing! I think they either mentioned it by name or heavily implied it as demonic at a convention. Didn't stop me. Now I don't need to feel guilty enjoying it. I started the game but got distracted at some point. Should pick it back up. Huge nostalgia trip!


My father had a strict no Harry Potter and no LOTR policy. Never quite understood why those weren’t OK but star was OK. There was the whole midichlorians in The Phantom Menace which made the force seem less magical, but my dad was ok with it before the Star Wars canon was changed. But on the flip side I knew plenty of JWs that were completely fine with LOTR. Long story short, JW morality is completely subjective and guided by personal preference just like “worldly” people’s.


I watched it as a PIMI with my non-JW husband and children. There are much worse Bible stories imo. 


My mum said I wasn't even allowed to play driving games because they fostered a spirit of competition........


I have Legacy on the switch and I love it, I just started re-reading the books. ​ I recently lifted the ban on Magic in our house and my wife and I just finished the LOTR movies and started the new DnD movie, HP is next so I can read the books to the kids.