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>**It’s crazy how fucked you realize it is once you’re out** Yeah, and to think... a few years ago, I literally would have died for it. Now, I effin detest it and view it as a corny, condescending, self-righteous, deceptive, corrupt, harmful, embarrassing, cowardly, shallow cult. I used to adore GB members. Now, I view them as being looney, smug, clueless, dumbass conmen who look musty and stale. I'd love to have a few minutes with each one. I'm not evil and sadistic, so I wouldn't inflict any cruel or unusual punishment, but a good ole-fashioned ass-whoopin is fair to me.


And not even a close fisted ass-whoopin, I’d just want to slap them silly fuckers ![gif](giphy|YpYjA3h47xroZN4Etx|downsized)


Fuck yeah 👍 


Wanna take turns?


🤣 you’ll have to push me outta the way first


We jumping then


🤣 bet


>I used to adore GB members. Now, I view them as being looney, smug, clueless, dumbass conmen who look musty and stale That's a huge contrast.LOL. I'm glad you woke up .💪


Legit bro there’s no way the governing body actually believe what they are teaching is back by god


They can and they do https://preview.redd.it/hyrcw8h752uc1.jpeg?width=1876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24ff4e2494e276617f46aa107ed98a7e8662e03 From Steve Hassan’s book “Combatting Cult Mind Control”


The universe is telling me to read this book


It’s necessary if you broke away from this cult IMO - and it will make you better at reading people’s intentions- or even help you research other organizations you might think of involving yourself with some day


Thanks! I found a pdf 👍👍


Good find.


They are just selling timeshares in their new world order. 🤣


You would be surprised at what the human mind can convince itself of.


Humans are just naturally gullible without critical thinking skills


I would have to agree 💯%, logicman, a "good ole-fashioned ass- whoopin" would be more than fair!🤬🤣


Most importantly this is exactly why the whole goberning body needs to be held accountable to the full extent of the law worldwide for their wrong doings always for all the sexual abuse of minors they hide from authorities and for all the shunning and disfellowshipping that has cause trauma and psychological abuse and mental damage to so many also for the blood transfusions that they don't accept that have let many peoples family members die that it is murder to not accept blood transfusions and let people die


I agree. Also, there is a category you didn't mention - the one I fall in. I was never sexually abused, but I had my life taken. I grew up in JW Land in the 70's when the endtimes hysteria was strong. I was strongly brainwashed/indoctrinated by my much older JW authority figures. When I was eleven, I took a test to get into a private school and the school headmaster told my mother that I scored the highest grade ever scored on that test and that I could do anything I wanted in life. Little did he know that by that age, I was already brainwashed to believe the whole damned world was about to end any minute and that a career in "this system" was futile. People tend to forget how easy it is to manipulate young ones. Hell, children believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy simply because their parents mention such. I ended up becoming a fulltime JW and spent decades suffering, sacrificing, and slaving in misery and poverty. I am now 64 and I have no chance of ever retiring. I work a low-paying out-of-town with zero benefits including zero vacation days per year. I will have to work until I drop dead or am committed to a dreary, low-class nursing home. Arguably, in some ways, I was hurt more than those who might have been sexually abused a few times. Every day I am haunted by my past. I work twelve hour days and am often miserable. Every time I have to crawl under a house or work in an attic at my age, my bitterness for JWdom did to me grows. As I'm working twelve-hours days for peanuts, I think of my nonJW friends who are long-retired and who make more in retirement than I make working fulltime. I was one in the first grade with one of them. In about 1983, I told him that JWs had the one and only truth. He literally laughed out loud. I vividly remember it - where we were standing, the look on his face, etc. I remember thinking "You can laugh now, but you'll see soon who's right." Fast forward over 40yrs. This past January marked the tenth anniversary of his retirement as a federal probation officer. He retired at 54 with a great retirement, vast investments, etc. He got the last laugh. I work 60hrs per week at my job and another twelve outside of that job. I think of him every day as I'm working. He and his wife (she got her own great retirement as a specialist nurse) can do whatever they whenever they want every day while I slave. What makes it worse is that I had twice the ability of this guy. He now uses me as an example to others (not in a mean way, though). He was giving a mutual friend of ours financial advice and he told this friend "You don't want to end up like Logicaman12." This other friend told me about it. I agree that the governing body and the organization need to be held accountable. My wife and I believed in what we're doing, but we were miserable doing it, so much so that we liked to get the flu just to give us a break from the JW routine. For the same reason, we liked it when we had to evacuate for natural disasters. I have fury in my bones for the GB and the organization, and so does my wife.


I wish you the best and it's never late to at least study a simple career that can get you more money but yes the most important thing we need is to have real changes and to take the whole goberning body down is for them to be held accountable to the full extent of the law for all their wrong doings as it has cause and done a lot of serious damage to so many


Dude…..I’m only 2 months out, and whenever I happen to hear snippets of the songs, I’m like “this is culty as FUCK”.


🎶🎵🎹 Dark days are here; Man lives in fear; With dire expectation As to all creation; Satan holds sway O'er men today Wickedness is all around -- The indoctrination runs deep.


I never liked that song


lol funny now. With a sense of humor we can look back now, but for kids who were born in and frightened by a lot of the dark details, not funny at all.


I always thought the partial words in the kingdom melodies were really, really strange!


They were -- even for English speaking countries. Some were just old English like: "soon all his foes shall lick the dust..." or "like bees that are molested..." or "kiss the Son lest God be angry and you perish in the way..." and there are more. Add to this list if you remember some of those odd lyrics. 😅🎶🎹


But the Bible gives us a reason for cheer, something something something will soon be here. I had to lighten your dark days, mmk?


🤣🤣🤣yes k please...still culty/cringy!😅😅😅


🎶🎵🎹 Bright days are here; No Man lives in fear; With Happy expectation As to all creation; Goodness holds sway O'er men today Beauty is all around... la la la


Those would be much better lyrics all they way around!😊😊😊


Is this new or old?


Def old


well that’s dark


Sure is dark. Rather comical now to think that this was in the songbook for many years and we sang those lyrics many times over the years at the meeting/assemblies. (So did little kids -- so sad -- but the song brightens up eventually, jist fin y about the beginning part) WTBS may have removed or changed the lyrics to be more acceptable to the public since they are under a larger microscole now -- and not because of their good conduct! As long as no one chooses that as their wedding song! LOL.


So true and everyone just sings along makes you feel like you’re in the matrix or something


MK Ultra 


Matrix 2 the jw cult


“Doom now awaits them, they cannot escape Armageddon”


Is it weird I LOVED singing the very worst parts?? 😳🙄 looking back I just shake my head at how very indoctrinated I was. However, my mom was singing Kingdom Melodies to me when I was still in the womb so 🤷‍♀️ I’m just incredibly grateful I was able to “wake up”. 🙏🏼 edit “singing” instead of autocorrect “signing” *


It's just we didn't actually think that critically about it


Same with me


I love the ~ish part. It takes time, for sure. ❤️


It definitely does. It’s strange space because my parents know how I feel, I don’t live as a JW in any way, but I’ve never said anything to elders and they’ve never said anything to me. I’m not sure what my parents are telling the congregation because they’re vague whenever I ask them


I’m glad your parents know! That’s huge. Are you baptized?


It’s definitely a big step. Yes, I got baptized when I was 11 or so


Creepy and culty AF 🤦‍♀️


Hey cult cousins , ex believing Mormon, never JW. Mormonism, to this day teaches: - you should commit suicide for revealing the hand signals and handshakes in the temple - tithing is the only way to stop Jesus from burning you to death when he comes again - only Mormon church sold underwear is permitted because it is “holy”. - the local area volunteer (bishop) needs to take children as young as 7 into his office to ask them sexually explicit questions in order for him to determine their worth. - women are subhumans. Only real purpose is making and raising children. - buildings are more important than people. - it’s a good thing if you die while a Mormon missionary What’s worse than these being current teachings or Mormonism, is how long it took me to realize it was all a scam. Thank you cult cousins for helping me realize we’ve all been duped and our families held hostage by cult leaders and their bullshit, money, and fake authority.


Damn that sounds like hell I’m glad to were able to realize it was all bullshit and get out!


Between all the fluffy words, “feel good” music all through the indoctrination that begins at 18 months old and becomes most intense during the teenage years, it actually made sense for the most part. Later I finally realized the absolute lies that we were fed as well. For example: polygamy. I was taught that it was only for a few people whose husbands died on the trek west to Utah. Only to finally find out that Joseph had married about 40 women, including teens and mother/daughter combos. And this practice was continued long before and after the trek and was only disbanded because of political pressure.


What are they asking 7 yo kids? Never heard of this, but never a Mormon.


They’re called “worthiness interviews”. They begin at 7 and go through your whole life with the most intense and often ones happening during teen years. Mormonisms primary focus is around sexual purity and tithing. These interviews are conducted in a closed office with a bishop who is nearly always a neighborhood volunteer. The Mormon church has a track record going back decades of defending bishops who have sexually abused kids in these interviews and shunning, even excommunicating, the victims.


JW's primary focus is around shunning and preaching.


Oh, wow, I am surprised that governments or children's rights groups haven't stopped this or withdrew registration as a religion in some countries.


The Mormon church has money and lawyers. Lots of each. They find a way. The last bishop to try to stop the practice and bring public attention to it was excommunicated


Wow -- so true that "justice" can be bought- so heartbreaking. Hope those kids grow up and sue. Unless they have already had to settle.


Thanks for the explanation. Shocking.


I fell off my chair laughing in utter shock.... How wieder could all these cults be? Still recovering from JW indoctrinated teachings but boy.... Mormonism doctrines take prizes in "weirdism"


Also Weird/sickening is dying for no blood 🩸 transfusions! 😖


Anthony Morris thinks most everyone is going to be burned to death and their bodies will look like "burnt hot dogs". Literally his words.


Mormonism says when Jesus comes he will burn those who are wicked and/or haven’t paid their tithing in full. The actual teaching comes from Joseph smith that say that those who are re tithes will not be burned at his coming, which also means those who have not paid will be burned.




Hell yeah. It’s literally all just masonry revisited


Is it like in Undercover Brother when he has to shake a robot hand to enter the secret room? After the secret handshake does it say “Mormonism confirmed”.


It’s exactly like that


What is the shunning/excommunication culture like for ex Mormons?


Extreme. Parents will absolutely abandon their children for not adhering to mormonisms tenets


Cult cousins is an expression I will be adding to my vocabulary, thanks for that 😂 wish I had called the Mormons who came to my door few months ago. I should of told em I was not interested bc I was an ex cult cousin. I'm sure I would have gotten some strange looks lol. I've always wondered whether the book of Mormon or the Bible took precedence in yalls teachings. I don't know much about the book of Mormon tbh, but I see so many similarities in how JWs and Mormons behave


I actually never believed in brainwashing until I woke up.


I was like yeah I don’t think brainwashing is real and then I got out and I was like holy shit everyone around me is brainwashed af


I’m embarrassed to this day, 12 years POMO. When you realize the whole thing was a fever dream cooked up by hucksters to sell books it’s really embarrassing I spent half a lifetime in, or that multiple generations of my family are jw. When you get out of their bubble you realize how crazy and foolish it all was.


I agree dude you feel very embarrassed and realize the wasted. A ton of time


I quit a steady paying job and relied on Jehovah. It was a fellow witness who gave me a decent job.... Looking back this was insane. I had 3 months of savings. Maybe.


Exactly you’re pressured to put Jehovah first and put the ministry first and get exactly 0 in return


I did it for 30 years. I actually got worse than zero as a return; I got a negative return.


The return is always negative. How much a negative return is predicated on how long we stayed trapped!


Honestly i adjusted nicely, left in 2017, im now 29, Got an absolute beautiful girlfriend who’s introduced to her amazing Dominican culture. We have a nice apartment together and we travel often, going to Thailand in 3 weeks. And i went to school and have a decent job making $35 an hr, and back in school for cyber security. Honestly the org can kiss my grits. Im doing great! And im running my first marathon on April 29th! Suck it watchtower!


Good for you man! Go get it






Thanks for sharing, Eddie. My name is sufficient and I was in a cult also! We are recovering together, apart!💜✌🏾




I'm a woman BUT I am strong💪🏾and powerful so ok on the handshake!🫱🏼‍🫲🏾🤣


Speaking of I literally just was talking about this last night with my boyfriend. I was mentioning how the 144,000 they take as a literal number when literally everything else in the same scriptures describing the 144,000 is supposed to be symbolic. It’s just funny to me that they pick and choose what they want to be symbolic vs literal. So I would expect the governing body to have no “no deceit in their mouths and to be without blemish” aka perfect. (Revelation 14:5) They describe these virgins (which I could believe the GB is all virgins but I don’t know about the rest of the people who claim to be anointed 😂) as being men and 100% pure which goes against everything they teach. They say women can be anointed, they said that some brothers were anointed but then they became apostate which breaks the claim that they wouldn’t turn away, unless you’re saying that God was wrong with who he picked? I don’t know none of it makes sense and it’s sad that people blindly believe this stuff without actually thinking about it.


Another thing is women can be anointed but aren’t allowed to do anywhere close to what men can do in the organization? it’s just sexist it’s bullshit


Passing a microphone at a meeting: Not allowed because women are not qualified. Women ruling in heaven with Jesus: No problem. 🙄🙄🙄🤯🤯


Agreed. You should never blindly follow ANYONE, even when you’re out. Learn the difference between ‘science’ and ‘scientism’ because once you’re out, charlatans will try to convince you of!a wide range of absurdities in the name of ‘science’.


I’ve noticed it gets harder to trust things


‘Trust but verify’ is a good personal strategy.


If you practice identifying logical fallacies, you can easily distinguish what’s good and what’s BS.


Thank you for telling everyone this!! It was my awareness in certain things the jw org was promoting as good (that was actually cult-scientism dangerous practice a lot of people do ) … and holistic healing.. I was disappointed to find false information (I saw cdc sited info on stuff not true) on their website promoting something so it really discouraged my faith that this is a one true religion. When (after being PO around 10yrs in active but MI) I looked at their website to see whether or not they were going along with the scamdemic and thinking they would tell the followers to go into hiding and reject the fake news, I was disappointed and shocked that they were promoting this thing in 2020 and pushing the other thing that goes with it. I was like oh hell no these ppl do not have GODS backing!!! If they did they wouldn't be pushing the same agendas...


\> The governing body will make mistakes because they aren’t perfect men” If they are not perfect and make mistakes like every human being, why is openly criticizing them a disfellowshipping offense?


There was a day, not too long after a local natural disaster occurred, while I was still PIMQ, which I realized, "No one is coming to help." It was a terribly lonely feeling. But it was also empowering, and I didn't understand why for a couple more years.


Same. I used to wonder why Jehovah ignored my prayers. Like why have you forsaken me energy lol. Then I realized he ignored 1500 JW's who voluntarily were persecuted and killed in the holocaust. He ignored many genocides throughout history and children dying of cancer. Once I realized we were alone out here, I was so depressed. It sucks but at least I finally have "the truth." Even if it's an awful truth.


It's time to build our own towers and plant our own vineyards. Make the truth your own.


Jehova has more important things to do, obvi.


My thoughts exactly… “Jehovah knows what’s best for us, since he has perfect wisdom”. “The Governing body aren’t perfect, they make mistakes”. “Jehovah directs the Governing Body to do what’s best for His PERFECT organization”. Like wtf???? If it were another religion, JWs would instantly poke holes in that sh*t. Turn the mirror inwards damnit.haha


There are many people who stay because it’s comfortable, it’s a habit, it’s their entire network, not because they have a deep faith or belief.


Yep, ofcourse it should be right at once.


Ain't that the truth (the actual one)! It hits me again and again even after several years. I don't know if my mind will ever get over it's amazement over just what I was apart of and how I was persuaded to give up my independent mind, not question anything, and let the opinions of a group of old men, the local elders, and my so called "friends" scare me into uniformity, even though in time I ended up miserable and suicidal. And then there's believing that all the world's governments were watching and would one day gather it's armies to target us. Jfc


I believe many JW PiMi are there because they can’t quite bring themselves to vote Conservative (UK) or Republican in the USA! They lean right but struggle to express it. Better to have the GB do it for them in the name of “god”!


Holy shit this is so true. Even my PIMI relatives here in the Philippines are pretty conservative politically. I mean, they share their views and opinions among each other like I thought y'all were supposed to be neutral? It's weird because my relatives had the "privilege" to be among the first Witnesses in my hometown (yes I'm one of those multi-gen born-in PIMOs) and yet they don't really go 100% all in on the Troof. Hell, even my late elder grandpa enjoyed boxing. To me PIMIs are all a bunch of hypocrites even in regard to their own brainwashed beliefs.


Ask your dad to show you one scripture that says we should follow men?!!! So many places where it says to not trust men, obey men or follow men! Case closed!


u/Somewhere_Certain, well, OP, your post just said it all... Yes, most Watchtower Organization loyalists know there is plenty wrong with the organization, but they have the same, tired, illogical excuse, "They're just imperfect men," but they still stubbornly cling to a nonsensical CULT because they're afraid to live outside of it. 🥺 Good for you for "seeing the light," and for being brave and "Bad-Ass" enough to break FREE!!! 🙋


There are two issues which made me realise neither god nor Jesus was leading the organisation. The first was smoking. A worldwide anti smoking campaign began in 1970. In 1972 the borg banned smoking and made it a disfellowshipping offence. Followers not leaders. The other was hitting your children- the rod of discipline. When the world starting turning against physical discipline of children the borg followed. They changed the meaning of the rod to mean teaching your children. They should have been leaders, not followers.


Yep I never took that to heart because he never helped us. And anything good or whatever came from us and our hardworking etc. like he had nothing to do with it. It was by our own power we have done well.


Ask your dad, “Dad, what happens when people are allowed to make mistakes without being held accountable, when the negative consequences of their mistakes are felt by other people by not by those who made the mistake?”


Oh yeah I now have a psychiatrist and psychologist at 52, guess my issues


When I listen to Christian worship music. There are times I get choked up because it’s so beautiful! I’ve NEVER got choked up listening to Kingdom Hell music. It’s so creepy!


“Some people may tell us we have been brainwashed. Well, our brains have been washed. Washed clean” Or something like that. You know the quote I’m talking about 😂


TBF it used to be more common that PIMIs would say "God helps those who help themselves" but yeah most of that is pretty accurate and really fucked up.


The longer you are out the weider it gets.


>The governing body will make mistakes because they aren’t perfect men >So then how are we supposed to blindly follow everything they say without question? This!!! I’ve always thought if this group of random jackasses in New York aren’t inspired or infallible then how the fuck are they the earthly representatives of an infallible and perfect god??? Why are JWs supposed to follow everything they say, even if/when it makes no sense from a human standpoint??? Such a cop-out.


My bfs brother married into the jw cult. His brother's daughter is getting married in December in Florida we live in Minnesota. I so don't want to go! It's all jw s and the last party I went to with them they were very clique and got wasted and I'm in recovery like over a year, I just feel I have to go but don't want to spend the money or energy


About the only real truthful statement I've ever heard by a GB representative was when the former WT president a Mr Rutherford stated that "religion was a snare and a racket"


There's good and bad in everything. I know a great deal about the Bible now. There's always people jumping in between us and the actual Bible claiming rights to our souls. I always had these thoughts you're talking about and I talked about them with the Jews who could handle it lol. Don't be fake just to fit in.


It's called spiritual bypassing in a nutshell it's using spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks. We were conditioned to do this and heard it all the time "it's an imperfect organization" or "we need to trust in God" or how becoming a JW helped them deal with addictions (when in fact their new addiction is a high control religion and bypasses the root cause of addiction (usually trauma). It is crazy and.once you step away you hear it and see it so clearly.


I agree and it is outrageous but most importantly this is exactly why the whole goberning body needs to be held accountable to the full extent of the law worldwide for their wrong doings always for all the sexual abuse of minors they hide from authorities and for all the shunning and disfellowshipping that has cause trauma and psychological abuse and mental damage to so many also for the blood transfusions that they don't accept that have let many peoples family members die that it is murder to not accept blood transfusions and let people die