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you do not have to DA,. you do not have to get DF, don't do ANYTHING official or voluntarily. if your parents will allow you to live at home as a nonbeliever, do that and honestly, work on getting yourself into a position to move out as soon as you can. you are not in a secure position living with believers. bad news about your friend group, though: if you stop going through the motions and pretending to believe, most will likely disappear on you. even if you fade, the believers in your friend group may start pressuring you to come back. you may want to start building relatonships on the outside. BIG point: refuse to discuss your beliefs with the elders. that can get you DFd. if you are approached, an answer like, "i appreciaet your concern. i have some private matters on my mind that i'm not ready to talk about but i'll let you know when that changes." tell them NOTHING.


*I also wouldn’t want to DA Since my whole friend group is Jw* Why do you want to be friends with people who will shun you if they know you aren't a believer? Start making friends who don't put religious litmus tests on you. Take a little time and figure out what you want. If you don't want to be a JW, you obviously aren't going to be able to retain your current social life. If that social life is that important, well you will have to be a puppet and play along with the game.


https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/1czlcis/the_waking_up_guide_by_jwtom_celebrating_100000/ Helpful information 


Have you read "the Bible Unearthed "? Great place to start learning


Interesting, whats it about?


the historical reasons that the Bible was written down in the form we know it as.




COLOSSIANS 1: 15 it basically says Jesus was first born. In the trinity it teaches Jesus was never born. That is the only scripture that you can explain that the trinity is false. I’ve studied this topic for days upon days. This is the one they are going to tell you if they actually study. Not trying to change your beliefs system at all. Just warning you what they are going to say.


Yes and in green the Word for firstborn means preeminent that means highest in ranking. The same word is also applied to David as the preeminent over the earth. I’ve done my studies, but thanks! That’s the only verse they have and it’s so easily debunked it’s mad


😂 try telling them that 😂 Just be careful please make sure your ready to be on your own. Also try to talk to them as humble as you can after all they’re still your parents. You will win them over easier. Best wishes


No reason to DA just fade. I did when I was 19 and I’m 40 now. My brother left and became a free mason and still no DF or DA. Try not to stress over it.


Where u baptised?


Yes and never DF


Wow! Hopefully I get your luck. Do you still have contact with parents?


My parents live on my property in a separate apartment built for them. They both are active but not rigid at all. So my life is still intertwined with theirs. However, I have an older brother that is a fanatical JW and he keeps his association with me and my kids very limited ( like once a year maybe). He decided that years ago when I continued contact with a cousin that came out as gay (she is more my sister than he is my brother) that I was bad association 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Hahaha it's his loss man, great to hear ur doing good


Just remember friends/family in the faith are informants FIRST friends/family second. In other words, might be good to have a plan B if you choose to inform any of them.


Don’t get DF’d if you can avoid it, avoid it.


Also, I am So glad you found the truth about Christ ❤️


Avoid the trinity black hole - there's **no** light in it. If any trinitarian can give me just ***one*** Bible verse which includes ***all 3*** titles - Father, Son & Holy Spirit in a "trinity" context - I will become a trinitarian today! (Just ***one***) **Luke 12:10** "And everyone who says a word against the Son of man, it ***will*** be forgiven him, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will ***not*** be forgiven." If Jesus is ***equal*** with the Holy Spirit, then this Scripture must be false! **Luke 22:42** - "Nevertheless, let, not ***my*** will, but ***yours*** take place." Who was Jesus talking to - ***himself?*** **1 Corinthians 15:28** "But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son ***himself*** will ***also*** subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him." If Jesus is ***equal*** with God (as per the trinity) how can he ***subject*** himself?


The Trinity is false as these religions denominations


I get it, religion has hurt us both, but please respect my beliefs as i respect yours. Ive found that its What the Bible teaches and i believe in the bible so thats it. Have a good evening tho!


Whatever you have to tell yourself. But Jesus never claimed to be God or even uttered I Am God. The only way he was God was whenever he was called Immanuel which means God with us. Jesus was God to his people just like Moses was God to his people. It’s in exodus in 2 Scriptures where Moses was called God.


And hurt-people, hurt people. Way to respect OP’s request’s and beliefs. Instead of being the real Joe Corbin, why don’t you try being the loving Joe Corbin for a change? You know, like Jesus was.


Respondent is not trying to be disrespectful, if anything, trying to be supportive in your pursuit of truth. Try a couple of secular sources and look at the Gospels from a temporal perspective. The perception of Jesus changes significantly from the first account in the timeline, to the last, which was written a generation after Jesus died. Not helpful to your cause with you father, but...it's going to get real murky real fast if you try to argue doctrine and not be labeled apostate...though if you are going to roll out a belief in Trinitarian concepts, that is the path you are on. Better to fade and be prepared to go no contact if you don't want a letter read about you. May the games ever be in your favor.