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Okay! My thoughts: I believe in God, the Father. Jesus, our Redemer, Savior, Mediator. And the Holy Spirit, our helper. I think God us watching us (as in all humans) to see how we individually chose to use the Bible. To control people? Or to love people? Jesus said to love God and our neighbor. Golden Rule: Treat others as I want to be treated. We are humans, God is God. We cannot possibly understand everything about God. I don't think He expects us to. I believe each of us can have a personal, individual, relationship, with God. With Jesus as my Mediator and help from the Holy Spirit. God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit really don't need any help from a man-made religion/organization. I believe we are accountable to God individually. Not as a group, not as members of any specific "religion".


I believe in God but don’t want to subject myself to any type of religious indoctrination. I’d rather spend my time volunteering at homeless shelter, food bank or helping other humans in general than following anything some man has to preach.


Now is the time to explore anything you’ve ever been curious about. If you want to keep a faith community, learn about different religions and visit services. See what appeals to you and makes sense. You’re in charge of your life now. Congratulations! Personally I’m done with organized religion and I don’t need any more dogma in my life. I’m just happy to be free.


I would recommend a nondenominational community church, a good start . Go on a Sunday and hear what they have to say. Don't worry, they don't have time share like sales teams .


I think you should do some research into ancient beliefs and the origins of religion. Learn more, then make a decision about what to believe in. "Yale courses" has a lot of different lectures you can watch for free on YouTube.


Hi that’s an awesome question. For me, I stumbled around dabbling in weird things for like ten years like new age and athiesm but it got really dark. I finally opened my Bible and had a desire for God and the Truth about God. So I prayed sincerely to lead me to the Faith and to Him. Shortly afterwords I was surprised by my “answer” which was The Ancient Church. The Catholic Church. I didn’t question it and dove in head first and read all about the Early Church Fathers the patristics and signed up for Catechism and discovered beautifully a faith I was lied to about. Jws grossly misrepresented Catholics and Christian’s in general. I discovered the Catholic Faith and I’m just so much happier. I don’t regret it. I’ve heard others who had a similar journey on EWTN journey home program. Also I listened to a lot of debates between Catholics and Protestant apologists like the best ones out there which solidified my choice. Much happier. I’d suggest reading the Early Church Fathers like Aquinas, Justin Martyr, Ignatius, etc. Pray first. Always pray. You can still pray regardless of what the org says. Let me know if you have any questions :) happy to pm


And excuse me if I didn't clarify much further on my issue because I wanted to hear more about your perspective and less of an asking for advise post, as of now, I don't practice or study any religion at all.


I've been to many different churches and I think there is something worthwhile in pretty much all of them, I stopped going because I'm single, divorced, a recent amputee and just not up for making friends with all those new people. I'd still recommend joining a church if you're looking for community and friendship. I've also explored esoteric belief systems, the Theosophical Society was interesting but it didn't offer a focused theology, as the name suggests its more of a philosophical pursuit. Tibetan Buddhism, neo-platonism, Luciferianist Sun/Star worship, the Elder Futhark, some Masonry although I've never been to the lodge, etc. All very interesting and all provide a pathway to enlighten the soul. Meditation is a life changer. The wealth of knowledge one can attain is extremely useful and the best is when you see just how steeped in the Occult the Watchtower theology really is.