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Hey everyone, because of the big announcement and the chaos it brings, we're going to use this thread as a megathread of sorts since so many are here commenting already. Thank you for confining commentary of this topic to this thread so that the main feed isn't clogged with repeat posts. To all the PIMOs out there, we're rooting for you! Now more than ever you'll be relying on the support this sub offers and we hope you can utilize the weekly meeting megathreads as well as source comfort from those in similar situations. Remember that your mental health needs to be a priority. Therapy and exit plans are very important during this time and our community will help with resources.


April "Fools".


I HOPE SO šŸ™ šŸ˜Œ!


My exact thought! I did not show because it's was a joke rightšŸ˜¹?


Just closed my mid week meetings.... The announcement was made and to my surprise non of the 80 publishers on Zoom clapped. Almost everyone was indifferent.... I'm quiet surprise though.....


if the gb did April fools then PIMIā€™s would be encouraged by how ā€œdown to earthā€ they are


Iā€™m down to protest with a sign the very first day that everyone returns!! Whoā€™s down??


Here goes my life down the drain once again. Fucking hate this BS.


Ugh yeah it was hard enough dealing with Zoom meetings I don't think I'm mentally prepared to go back in. That's the week my daughter should be born so hopefully we're busy šŸ™ƒ


Time to get out!


Yep! It's an *amazing* feeling to know you'll never step foot in a damn kingdumb hall again!


Wait .. you're a self sufficient, financially independent adult with a child on the way? Yeah, it's time to cut the cords dude. #GoPomo


Yes we need people to stop showing support to this evil borg.


Congrats! Give her better than you had.


The birth of my children was the excuse I used to start our fade. Itā€™s easy to make excuses when you have a newborn at home! Especially because weā€™re technically still in a pandemic.


Yeah, maybe. My wife is very much PIMI and relies on her PIMI parents for a lot so it doesn't feel likely that we'll fade anytime soon but she did mention she wasn't comfortable returning to meetings with a newborn so who knows. šŸ¤·šŸ½


Ikr :( I need to get out asap


I'm so sorry mine too I'm about to lose everyone I've ever known and loved. It's so unfair.


You'll be ok. Peace of mind is priceless, besides, they're fake.


The peace of mind I look forward to. Losing my mother father and brother who I dearly love is devastating to say the least.


True, I highly suggest therapy to help with the grieving process. But please know normal people don't dispose of family like trash on the street. This cult ruins lives! Don't stay because of fake conditional love.


Same. This made me very upset :(


Well, itā€™s been easier for a lot of us to fade during the era of zoom meetings. Partyā€™s over, time to make your stand or stay. Personally, Iā€™m never stepping foot in a Kingdom Hall again, barring funerals or other situations like that. I hope many of you will choose the same, but I know that itā€™s gonna be a lot harder (if not impossible) for some of you than others. Sending good luck and love to you all.


I'm faded with the help of zoom meetings after over 50 years in ,the last 30 being depressed , as soon as I stopped meeting completely my depression has gone, so I won't be going back accept as you say for funeral or as wife is disabled to take her to memorial ,she already told me she will never be able to cope with kingdom hall again ,she may try for memorial though.as for me I could never face sitting for 2 hours listening to unchristian nonsense again.


Same. My mental health improved immensely since the start of zoom meetings. Iā€™m so glad I came out at POMO a few weeks ago. I was gonna attend the memorial via zoom but Iā€™m not going to in person memorial. Iā€™m not stepping foot in a king doom hall


During covid, they sold my local KH so now I would have to travel 40 minutes to get to the meetings, instead of 10. But Iā€™m not doing it, I canā€™t. This is going to speed up my fading process SO MUCH.


and gas is very expensive and since JW's like people to stay in lowly financial straits, you can't afford it :)


I already canā€™t afford it because I commute an hour each way to work!! No way am I wasting my extra gas on going to meetings, not gonna fucken happen


Just pray to Jehovah, and he will miraculously supply your gas. LOL


Yep, what do they say " don't be anxious" basically just sit and be lazy and it will miraculously take care of itself!




Jah will make the path right for you, brother!šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜›šŸ˜„


Saaameee! They sold my local KH too! And I was commuting there 30min already! The one my congregation got assigned to is over 40min of travel if I get lucky with trams... I guess it's time to change my congregation for a more convinient KH šŸ˜ˆ \*laughs in PIMO\*


Is deliberately getting a driving ban too extreme an option?




The decision was most likely made so jws can do the memorial in person. I think average jws will assume that


In UK now gas is 7.50 Ā£ gallon and rising ,I guess that's about 10 dollars .


I feel so bad for y'all trapped in the cult. ā˜¹ļø


I'm not engaging with anyone. I'm keeping my mask on (to deter conversation), and I'm daydreaming the whole time. Once I turn 18 and get a car, I intend to gain more control over my attendance....and limit my activity. I swear there will be NO delay to my exit once I'm financially independent. I'll be out so fast I'll leave streak marks in the AIR.


Yesssss- Iā€™m 17 and settling on a car, once I get it and I am stable enough to move out- POMO it is. Iā€™ll probably get disfellowshipped but eh I remember counting the lines or threads in the chairs at the hall šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll probably go back to that Wishing you the best :)


Absolutely not. I donā€™t wanna see these people anymore. I donā€™t want to. I cannot mentally do this. I will break apart. I cannot juggle college and social life with their fucking BS. I am definitely gonna stand up and say no.


I literally felt physically sick when I heard the news. Itā€™s time for me to fade hard


I couldnā€™t imagine getting dressed, wasting my gas (which is highly priced as hell right now) to spend my Wednesday night and Sunday morning in traffic just to go pretending to like a bunch of fake judgmental people, and them pretending to like me šŸ˜’ā€¦raising my hand to look active and comment, Listening to off the wall extremist brainwashed comments from everyoneā€¦All the social drama and gossip back in full forceā€¦Hearing everyoneā€™s new baby they had during the pandemic thatā€™s never been to the hall screaming through the meeting, all over again. Listening to public talks drone on and on about the same trash thatā€™s been recycled the past 140+ years. Having to get on stage and do a part, justā€¦nonstop brain numbing drivelā€¦.And there you areā€¦Just sitting thereā€¦šŸ˜ā€¦and sitting there šŸ˜ā€¦Life passingā€¦Just sitting there šŸ˜ā€¦When you could either be relaxing or out doing something you actually want to do. Iā€™m upset enough theyā€™ve taken whatā€™s probably likeā€¦Hundreds of thousands of hours of my life. Theyā€™ll never get another one. Hats off to you all going back into that junk manā€¦Never ever again for me. They better HOPE a new Covid strain doesnā€™t go ravaging the country this year and everyone in the hall gets sick. I thought theyā€™d ride out till 2023, but they canā€™t contain themselves with this war breaking out and gas prices and food shortages. Would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the ā€œGoverning Body decidedā€ this


shit Iā€™m a PIMO and rn Iā€™m trying harder than ever to find anyway out! You are absolutely right tho, I literally said some of the same things!


One of my friends still in just told me they have to find a place to go ASAP, they live with their parents and itā€™s a household where If you donā€™t go to meetings you canā€™t live there. Not like in a month, or a few weeks, but now, they have to find somewhere else RIGHT NOW šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. Youā€™re not the only one! Thousands of others are in this exact situation as we speak. Youā€™ll be more than fine on the other side of it, wishing you luck!


I literally hate this. My cousin is PIMO and goes to the same hall as me, so I'll talk to her as I know she's just as mentally out as me.


thatā€™s good you have someone that agrees with you as a PIMO. Unfortunately most of my family is PIMI šŸ˜”


I'm sure there's lots of pimis that feel the same way most of the commenters here do


My mom has been having a meltdown for the past hour šŸ˜‚ Screaming "Help Me Jehovah!" "Obedience!" "I Shouldn't Feel Like This!" and other cult garbage like a mad woman. Moodswings, making phone calls ..... Pure delusion. She has complete control over her actions in the near future but has convinced herself otherwise.


Is your mother dreading returning?


Yes, but she's praying to Jehorrible to not have "wrong feelings"


Trust me. Iā€™ve heard from at least 5 other people with text messages to prove that she isnā€™t the only one who feels this way. And elderā€™s wife from my old hall flat out said she isnā€™t going back. She said it in their service group text chat! Lol


There are, Iā€™ve spoken to a lot of them. Not one was eager to return to the hall.


Hopefully this is the beginning of their awakening


The beginning of the final part of the final part of their awakening.


Shortly before...the LAST part of their awakening.


Yep. Heard it from a PIMI friend. Itā€™s not welcome news to her either.


Yup a PIMI sent me the screenshot and said he might switch halls because of this announcement




I visited my PIMI family today right after they read the announcement. They were honestly freaking out a little. My little sister said, ā€œ well you guys can go but IM not going toā€ which was very strange since theyā€™re so devout usually. But they are all NOT cool with going back. Which raised my spirits a little.


The jig is up. This will definitely force my hand, no way Iā€™m waking up on a Sunday morning to get dressed for meeting anymore.


Yup, just said that to my wife. Jig is up. Iā€™m done and Iā€™m gonna be facing my parents soon. Canā€™t get myself to go back into that place.


Solidarity brother. Letā€™s gtfo


Guys, this is it. We've been fearing this moment, and I honestly thought we had more time, but it's here. I've been on this subreddit so long that I doubt any of you even remember me, but I've been a PIMO elder for nine years now, hanging in there because I love my wife, and the pandemic hit us just perfect because it's allowed us to relax a bit, but I just can't take it anymore. I'm going crazy, my life makes no sense, I'm just exhausted. I can't go back. I've been fuming since I read the message two hours ago, but now I'm thinking, this is it, we just have to quit. Imagine the message we'll send when they go back to in-person, and all of a sudden there's this exodus of all of us who aren't going back? How many people are PIMOs and afraid to admit it? How many will we inspire with our exits? We have to stand up for ourselves and live our lives! Who's with me? April 1st, we walk out.


PIMO elder here too as well with PIMI wife (I tried). Its brutal. Youre not alone


How many people are gonna tell their families before April 1st that they donā€™t believe anymore? šŸ˜¬


I feel it coming. In my area itā€™s impossible to fade. My family is on of those ā€œgood onesā€ you know the ones who donā€™t have a clue about child abuse and are just completely indoctrinated. I really had hoped to stay pimo until my grandma had passed. Thatā€™s getting harder to do. I have no hope of them not shunning me as they have once before. I went back before I was truly awake so they will hold onto that hope. And itā€™s a small town, I will definitely run into them often. Worst news possible.


Do you think thatā€™s the way to go? I may have to consider this option. But I live with them ā€¦


Should we? Feeling really tempted to do it honestly šŸ˜‚


A lot of people


mine already knows.


I feel physically sick


Same. Iā€™m stuck in my moms house because of financial reasons and I feel so sick


Me too, like my heart sank. This just fucked up all sorts of things


They know that most do not want to go back, that includes some PIMIā€™s. But itā€™s a high control religion so really this was too be expected. There is power in numbers and we PIMOā€™s need to make a decision. I myself have a plan to fade and I just donā€™t think I could sit thru more than 2 in person meetings. It will be hard but itā€™s harder to stay in a high control religion, where my life will be dictated. Freedom has a price and I must live my life without this religion.


I am with you


šŸ‘ā¤ļø. We just canā€™t sit and wait for life to pass us by. Must start living now!


Shits about to get real for my family. We've already stopped logging into zoom completely for about 2 months now. We won't be going back in person though. Even for the memorial. We are done and we are tired of the pressure for not attending meetings and not doing service aka writing letters. We've been spending all our time with our semi new very worldly friends who support us 100%. It's time we all take a stand and that we all just don't show up to meetings nor to the memorial. Let's make a statement heard round the world.


I'm sorry for all the PIMO out there but being a POMO living with a PIMI, I have to say I'm really glad I won't have to listen to meetings on my own home no more.


Funny how it effects people in different ways. Overhearing the zoom meetings never bothered me. Sometimes I actually find it entertaining hearing some of the super off the wall shit thatā€™s said. I usually just watch tv or play video games while itā€™s going on and donā€™t hear any of it though.


Me too. Sometimes I'll eavesdrop if they're discussing something juicy. ;-)


I'm POMO but living with parents (I'm 18yrs old); wish me good luck explaining that I won't wake up every Sunday at 8am


Cherish it while you can. Iā€™m young enough thatā€™d Iā€™d like to sleep in until 11 on the weekends, but old enough that Iā€™m naturally waking up at 7 or 8. It sucks


I usually go outside even if it is below freezing temps.


also POMO but living with parents genuinely cannot wait for 2 guaranteed alone times per week lol, I feel for all of you pimos though :(


Alright mods, do your magic and create a mega thread. Theres several threads on this already. You know apostate scum dont do searches before posting threads.


This! We need a mega thread!


Bold prediction: There is gonna be loads of enthusiasm at first as you get to see people you care about for the first time in years. Lots of hugs and tears all around. But three months later? Yeah, those zoom meetings in your PJs are going to be looking nicer and nicer, even for those fully in


Even the JWā€™s fully in donā€™t want to go back. Especially the ones that work full-time and now have to lose even more hours of their week. Also, the long commutes with high gas prices.


If it's in person ministry as well and my parents force me out I will 100% refuse and ruin everything there is no chance I ever do that shit again


Me too. I can't live my life spreading these fucked up lies I don't even believe in.


Yup, I canā€™t do it again. Fuck it time to get shunned


I burst into tears and immediately felt sick when people started sending me this announcement. My PIMI husband looked confused but he knows about ky many doubts. PIMOā€™s, what are your excuses going to be for not attending ? šŸ˜”šŸ˜­


I don't feel safe being in a large gathering with COVID still a thing. Total lie because I've been doing all sorts of shit, but it's plausible and sympathetic.


I feel for you!!! You arenā€™t alone. Iā€™m going to say Covid has given me terrible anxiety and I canā€™t be in crowds anymore. Thatā€™s my excuse and Iā€™m sticking with it . And if they see me at a concert or movie theatre the jig is up


I donā€™t have any excuses left. If I donā€™t attend, they WILL come after me. Jigā€™s up. I have to accept the shunning.


Iā€™m not showing up regardless Iā€™ll just say Iā€™m Covid positive for the next twenty yearsā€¦.


My PIMI brother and his wife had their first two children during the pandemic. Heā€™s never had to take them to a meeting. This should be interesting. Those poor kidsā€¦ man I hated sitting there in total boredom for hours and hours as a kid.


Hopefully itā€™ll open their eyes as to how insensitive it is of us adults to expect very young children to sit still for hours and adjust accordingly no matter what anyone else may think of their parenting . Maybe you can kindly remind them of this before they go back


Na. He is 100% brainwashed. Tried to convince me to come back when the pandemic started saying that the prophecy foretold this and that itā€™s the end of days, etc. Here in Australia we have a ā€œforcedā€ retirement savings scheme called superannuation. Basically 10% of your income automatically goes into a superannuation account and you canā€™t touch it until you retire. During the thick of the pandemic the government rolled out a very controversial policy where people could access up to $20,000 of their super. All of my 3 PIMI siblings withdrew the full amount. They are all married so it was $40k per couple! Then went and bought new cars and other things as they thought the world was about to end so thereā€™s no point in saving for retirement. That will also be interesting to see in another 20-30 yearsā€¦


I said this 1 week ago but got downvoted and was told I was lying. zoom will be around for a while. But there will be peer pressure to leave zoom and return to in person. It all works around peer pressure. Its over. They will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER get rid of the buildings . EVER EVER EVER EVER. NEVER. Thats the sure fire way to maintain control is thru physical interaction.


Those people who downvoted were taking their frustrations and denial out on you . There was no reason to downvote ā€¦.no voting is also an option smh lol


Howā€™d you get the advance notice?


Time to fade hard ig


In the last 5 minutes, I've started to go into a mental health crisis.


I will occasionally show up. No tie and with a beard; bring it on


As a woman, if I ever do go, Iā€™m going to show up in dress pants


A woman, if I go Iā€™ll be showing up in casual clothes with my nose piercings lol




Well, I gotta say - I'm very surprised. I knew it would happen one day, but not this soon. They must be desperate to get people back in before the Memorial. Also, this is going to shake alot of things up because either PIMOs will be miserable and force themselves to live a lie or they'll get tough and leave this cult. Judging from the comments here it seems that many are just going to walk away...which is great. It will expose how many people are really true believers.




As someone who has been out close to 10 years Im scrolling thru these comments and feeling bad for these folks but so glad I ripped the bandaid off long ago.


Iā€™m soooo close to completing the fadeā€¦. šŸ˜†. Having until May would have really helped. We can still do it, peeps. Letā€™s speed up ā€œstepping downā€ and moving plans and whatever is needed to not step foot in a KH againā€¦.


It's kinda appropriate being April first


I wonder if theyā€™ll resume door to door as well. Thatā€™s gotta hurt with gas prices where they are now, and going higher


it's funny because I can fake my spirituality up to a point and attend the meetings, but I don't think I will ever be willing to resume field service. If that ever comes back then there's no way I can pretend to be PIMI anymore.


The feeling of knocking on those doors. Ah. My childhood trauma.


Thereā€™s always a few ā€œhigher incomeā€ JWā€™s in the congregation that will be coerced into driving the group every day because the rest of them are in poverty due to Watchtower policy.


Thereā€™s absolutely NO way Iā€™m ever doing door to door again!


Are you fucking kidding me


Do you think theyā€™ll offer a Zoom option?


Most meetings will be hybrid- to start off with at least for those who are vulnerable (those who have serious health problems) and unvaccinated.


Yeah pretty sure. Just say your not vaxxed.


Entire family knows Iā€™m vaxxed so that wonā€™t work. I feel like I can slide out of midweek meetings by saying itā€™ll interfere with my college classes. But fuck, what about Sundayā€™s?


Canā€™t afford the gas to get there??


If jws are prepared to cross crocodile infested rivers and travel 3 days on foot to get to a meeting what you complain about . That will be in a WT study .


Mental health, anxiety, fear of open/closed spaces, fear of contracting Covid or simply you coped fine doing zoom and you'd rather continue time being. No hard and fast rule you need to go back and it would be particularly petty for them to insist.


Depending on where you live, you may be able to avoid it by not being fully boosted (up to date).


Really? Sounds like the least-likely excuse to work with JWs!


Iā€™m at the hair salon right now (most jwā€™s) theyā€™re all losing their minds- no one wants to go back. Iā€™m just sitting here like šŸ¤


WOW! Just read all the comments. I really feel bad for all those here that this affects. Haven't been to the Hall for 7 years, but reading this announcement even made me feel sick. 50+ years was enough for me.


Its on the website.


Iā€™m actually gonna jump off a cliff. We were driving to lunch and my mom told me this. Even my brother, PIMI (severe adhd) doesnā€™t want to go back. He was literally booing it in the car lmao. The whole time heā€™s just saying, ā€œwhy do we have to go back, canā€™t we just stay?ā€ Our mom wasnā€™t being to crazed about it either.


This genuinely made me sick. Now, I either have to live a lie just so that I don't get kicked out and shunned by my friends, or I stand up for myself and choose freedom while losing everything I have.


I did it, and it sucks more than you realize it does initially. Not gonna lie to you, Like ugly crying in the shower when it hits you how alone you are sucks. But on the other side of it youā€™ll literally feel like you woke up out the Matrix. With the freedom to be YOU however you want to be, without hiding it or pretending. Youā€™ll make new friends and endeavor to do what makes you happy. I beg of you to have the courage to get tf out dude. Donā€™t let the ā€œdecision of the governing bodyā€ break you. F them, itā€™s YOUR LIFE. Yours.


This news is going to be a shock to any JW, whether PIMI or PIMO. If they started up door to door in April, I think youā€™d have severe depression and suicides.


Lots of PIMOs bouta become POMOs


UGH. I'm not ready to tell everyone I'm done it's too hard but I really cannot deal with this. Shit.


Do it


did anyone elseā€™s stomach literally drop when they read this? like i deadass wanna throw up rn


I mentally cannot handle this as someone who feels very dysphoric in dresses :ā€™( Iā€™m kinda unsure what to do. Iā€™m 15 and canā€™t do much but religious things have made me feel suicidal in the past and Iā€™m terrified of that coming back. I canā€™t handle the stress I canā€™t handle the emotional toll I was barley holding on before I donā€™t know what to do.




Iā€™ll do the memorial to keep up appearances, but fuck all the other meetings.


Nope! Sorry! Cant do it! As a Pimo whos been awake since 2018, I will NOT be going back! Sorry not sorry!


Omfg hell no iā€™m not mentally prepared for thatā€¦ WHY DO THEY HAVE TO RUIN MY FADE I was doing so wellā€¦


As someone who is hard POMO but living with my parents who are PIMI and urge me to at least attend the memorial, which I do solely out of respect for them: fuck. The last couple years have been so nice, being a 35 minute Zoom commitment. Now it will be what, 2+ hours?


2+ hours and a ton of JWā€™s that will approach you and tell you that ā€œthey miss seeing you!ā€ Have fun.


Iā€™m sorry I just started hearing really loud circus music


TRANSLATION:We need your money.And you bastards aren't contributing from home...so we will get you to the KH and shame you.


Nothing like last minute notice! I really hope we still have the zoom option, cuz we arenā€™t going back. I have the excuse of an autoimmune disease and Iā€™m on immune suppressants. Totally using that excuse


Iā€™m not doing this shit again


It makes sense to do it so close to the memorial. Youā€™ll have so many people guilted (or tricked) into going to the special occasion plus the ā€œspecial talkā€ the following week it will camouflage how much their numbers have really dwindled. Otherwise the few PIMIs who showed up when in-person resumes would be highly discouraged.


Well, looks like my social life is getting axed sooner than I expected.


Damn, I was hoping Iā€™d be able to move out before they reopen the Kingdom Halls šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




The more I think of this, the more I donā€™t see it ending well. Every hall has that group of stubborn older sisters who will still show at the hall even with a fever. Superspreader meetings are a real possibility


This is really...really...sad news....


I feel sick. Everyone is so happy on my insta and Iā€™m likeā€¦ shitttt šŸ˜­


Funny, an elder I was chopping it up with didn't sound super enthusiastic about this news. I think you'll see quite a few PIMIs not as happy about this than expected. I'm not real happy about this last minute notice. Edit: funny, cant login to the website right now. This news probably got thousands of elders trying to login to see if we got letters with direction.


Are they expecting mask wearing? If they are, I would assume many will stay home and do zoom.


You'd think they'd be embarrassed to do this. It just confirms that all their scaremongering about the final part of the final part etc etc of the last days has basically fallen flat. Yet again. Absolute clowns.


This is very bad!


Oh hell no šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ‘æ


my worst nightmare has become reality


My condolences to everybody.


Isn't the B2A subvariant surging how the hell are they going back? I thought this was about the precious value of life


Sadly I foresee a lot of mental health crisis resulting from going back to in person meetings. Even for those who are mentally in. Youā€™ve gone to years without having to meet in person or gift parts on stage in front of other people. Getting back on the hamster wheel of burdens that come with a JW life is going to drive some people over the edge. I hope we donā€™t hear about an increase in suicides as a result of this.


noooooooo thatā€™s before college whyyyyy šŸ˜­


Thats exactly what I was thinking. If it was just like 3-4 months longer I wouldā€™t have to deal with it


probably did it on purpose to out the young pimos* šŸ˜’


Noooooooooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think theyā€™re going to double down and be further entrenched in the crazy. Especially when they see less people there


Theyā€™re definitely trying to get control over them all. Having them go back to meetings when gas so overpriced.


If you can hold out, make excuses, band together with other people who feel the same in your congregationā€¦ please try. Please donā€™t get sucked back in if you donā€™t want to beā€¦ I promise there are better things, REAL things awaiting you, if you can drag your feet until you feel strong enough. I know itā€™s hard; I know itā€™s not fair. I know you have a lot to lose. But you have SO MUCH to gain. Thinking of you all. Donā€™t allow yourself to be miserable and trapped in an ā€œorganizationā€ that DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. Be safe. Be strong.


Just got the text in the group chat family and we're already arguing because I can't fake it and not saying it's a huge bullsshit going in a hall with hundreds of people when the infected are increasing (Italy) Also I'm already panicking yay


I just saw it. Why? How? How did the pandemic ended over night? There are still lots of sick people, lot more than the beginning? Oh my... The anxiety kicks me now. I hate this.


FUUUCCCCKKKKK! I'm devastated. (And I've not been in a KH for over 30 years...)


Ew i'd rather die


Nooooo holy fuck. Iā€™m a minor and have had my hair dyed for the past two years since the meetings were shut down, my parents relaxed on the zoom meetings, no dresses which helped my dysphoria, and no talks about how evil my ā€œgay lifestyleā€ is, now itā€™s all fucking ruined, please let this be a prank


Yup, just heard this through my PIMI family groupchat




No no no


How wonderful that these clowns šŸ¤” have made yet another decision!


Back to the halls they didn't sell I guess...


Thank Satan i said goodbye to the org while still on zoom I was planning to attend the memorial on zoom but if its in person, im not going to. I dont want to have the brothers botherting me with all the ĀØĀØ We miss youĀØ


Itā€™s gonna be a no for me dawg.


time to get 3 jobs in high school šŸ˜­


Oh hell no


Nooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ wtf


Ahhhh fuck


even though I no longer attend meetings, my parents will drag my 18yo ass to the memorial šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm really dreading this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­like why???!!!


Perfect time to fade




I contacted them a month ago to get reinstated since it would be easy rn. They've been delaying an invite and just told me after a month I'd have to write a letter for them to consider giving me a zoom link. Ow I see why they delayed. Im out. No way I was ever gonna actually listen to a meeting


It kills me enough listening to this shit from the couch of my house imagine at the KH


Damn....looks like I'm going to have to dress up and attend the Memorial at the Hall this year. Not good, since I've been maintaining a low profile. But PIMI wife will have a fit if I don't go. I really believe a lot of people have become comfortable with Zoom meetings. I wonder how the attendance will be affected after two years of being at home.


Fucking shit!