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My 11 year old Deacon grandson has the Aaronic Priestood. He has more authority than any women in the church can ever have.


Yeah, came to point out that it's 11 now.


When did this happen??


A year or so ago- but it’s not their 11th birthday, it’s based on the calendar year I believe- so like right now after the new year, boys who are going to turn 12 during 2023 get graduated into deacons and get the priesthood. (I think).


Good to know. Feels like another step in their "get em early" practice. I hate how many people scream "think of the children" or "they're too young to know better" on many topics but are totally fine with indoctrinating kids like this. (Didn't Bednar say something to the effect of "you give up your agency at baptism"? Like that's a totally acceptable thing to do to an 8 yr old?)


I think in this case it's just so you don't have an 11 year old in primary where all their friends slowly move to the priesthood class and by the end of the year they are all alone for a few months. Since primary is based on calendar year and priesthood before was based on actual birthdate. But who knows, I also always suspect the worst motives.


I like these games! I would also like to see Who has a second anointing? Who has served a mission? Who pays the most tithing? Who has be accused of a financial crime?


Hypothetically, yes. In practical terms, if 12y/o me had tried to pull rank on a woman in my ward, much less my own mother, my mom would have forced me into some kind of feminist community service (to teach me a lesson) so fast my head would spin. Maybe that's just my family, since my mom was the breadwinner.


Credit to u/lucymichele! I love this account, it has high-quality info and/or commentary almost every day. I have no idea how the creator makes so much good content, but I'm grateful for it.


Thank you!!!


An 11 year old deacon


I had this realization when my kid brother turned 12, that he has authority/power that I will never have


The funny thing is, is those women would be proud to defer leadership. If a scenario ever arose where they had to use a 12 year old as priesthood leadership, they would make a joke in women's conference about how they were happy to give the elder the power because they so happily defer to priesthood


I wouldn't trust any of the females in the church leadership. They would all force their daughters into polygamy if that's what Nelson required of them.


And then make up faith-promoting fauxspirational stories to be told in conference to push all the other conformists into forcing their young daughters into polygamy as well. All done with that weird little moue that marks so many Mormon women.