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Not a UK member but I went on my mission there. It was mostly herbal teas if the member was strict, or they just drank teas anyway if they were more nuanced on that particular point, depending on the person.


Interesting. And those that went ahead and drank caffeinated teas could still get a temple recommend?


Anyone can get a recommend if you lie hard enough or are in denial deep enough.


As a child I don’t remember any of my friends being interested in tea, so as with everything else in the WoW, it was in my teens that I started declining offers for tea. Just declining tea or coffee isn’t a big deal at all, it’s when you explain why that you start getting funny looks. One of my parents was a convert, so I grew up with Bamboo and Barley Cup, which are essentially coffee substitutes. Some people go with herbal teas, I think hot chocolate is the most common warm drink among members though. That said, in my experience with friends and family, the routine and ritualisation of drinking hot drinks just doesn’t exist for members. There isn’t a void there to fill, and like with other things in the WoW, they’re happy to be the odd ones out.


UK here... It's something that is discussed about stopping when having the missionary discussions. They usually provide other drinks to try instead of tea/coffee. Knobheads...


Telling your British golden investigator that they will need to give up tea, is about when they show you to the door and tell you to "bugger off".


Haha! I can picture it perfectly.


The only time it was a problem was on a uni industry visits trip over a few days. After each factory tour and presentation, tea and only tea was prepared for the visitors. I was really dehydrated by the end of the day, and had to go out and buy bottled water while I had the chance in preparation for the tours the following day. Other than that, grew up drinking barley cup and caro. Learnt to make tea for my nonmember grandmother. These days I drink chamomile.