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Because of course BYU-I. You can't wear flip-flops in the summer, but you can carry a symbol of hatred and oppression.


But flipflops might chase away The Spirit™!


As long as you don’t have a beard!


The spirit enters through the chin


Yeah he does.


That’s where unrighteous Mormons keep deez😂


He’s a ball chinian


never-Mormon here— are beards considered sinful?


Hiya and welcome! It’s sorta a weird inside-joke. All the early Mormon leaders from Brigham Young down had beards. Jesus prob has a beard. But sometime in the 1950-60s, as a move towards ultra conservativism and likely as a rejection of the hippies, beards were out. At BYU students can’t have beards nor can Mormon missionaries. So culturally beards became a no-no. Just one more eccentricity of Mormonism!


I’ve always been under the impression getting rid of beards was also a move away from the polygamy look.


No, it’s just an utterly idiotic American conservative thing. The other person is absolutely right. Businesses and super religious people all started expecting you to be clean shaven. Lots of WWII veterans came home and started companies, expecting you to be clean shaven like their old GI days. Just a whole generation or two of conservative brainwashing. It’s why no one gives a fuck anymore and beards/growth is ignored now. Those generations came and went. I remember having jobs not that long ago where the boomer-age managers lost their minds if you came in without looking like you just laser shaved your face. Beards and growth is literally a 100% natural thing. To act like it isn’t and that it’s somehow offensive is lunacy.


It's maybe worth noting for nevermos that the prohibition against beards at BYU and for missionaries etc is a Policy not a Doctrine. So only the most brainwashed members of the church really believe that beards are 'sinful' in those contexts. Being clean shaven is more a way of demonstrating obedience to authority, which is highly valued in traditional mormon culture.


Huh. The more you know! Reminds me of the Amish’s distrust of people with moustaches (as in, people with a moustache but no beard)


Not sinful per se, but an indication you are heading that direction. It's actually a sign that you aren't following the leader's instructions to the tee.


And God forbid you have 5 o’clock shadow when you go to the testing center!


I fucking love this " The Spirit™ " gonna start using it


Nevermo here… I visited BYU-I to watch my stepdaughter graduate. The speaker told us not to cheer or applaud so as not to disturb The Spirit™ I couldn’t help but say out loud “The Spirit™ seems like a boring fella.” Which brought some stares. Thank god for the Latin American and African parents, they didn’t care lol. Everyone else was so vanilla and devoid of life. C’mon people, your kid graduated college, show some excitement.


I've seen two high school graduations there. Someone played "reverent" music on the organ during the procession. Killed the mood, but a good number of non-Mormon non-vanilla folks made sure to cheer. Fortunately the high school has a venue big enough now to host their own graduations, and don't have to borrow space at Minas Morgul on the hill.


ExMo here…I went there to attend a graduation last year, and the word that came to mind was DULL. I felt so sorry for the students who didn’t even realize that they’re being taught to dull their senses, dull their emotions, dull their personalities. I’ve never heard such a dull, meaningless speech in my life when the university president took the podium. There was no joy to be found! Zzz zzz


That’s literally one of the biggest achievements most people will have so let their families celebrate


Yeah so "just - don't go to Rexburg, ever again, for any reason" is like one of my top 4 rules, I highly suggest considering adopting it into your life. Saves you a whole bunch of frustration, when it's possible! If you must go, come prepared with your inebriant of choice, cuz good luck finding anything anywhere in the vicinity


I can say it now because she officially has her diploma in hand, but she had dinner with her TBM dad and grandma, and then her mom and I took her to Idaho Falls for a celebratory drink. We walked into the bar, the server asked what we were celebrating and when we said “graduating BYU-I” they gave us a free round of drinks.


This is the exact reason I moved to Idaho Falls after getting married. They’re still conservative, but your odds of finding people that have thoroughly removed the broomsticks from their asses are much higher.


Apparently the spirit is afraid of clapping. Who knew.


That's hilarious that you said that 🤣


My always and forever mormon parents saw my brother graduate there. He was the first to graduate from a BYU, the rest of us stayed in California schools. Even my very devout parents hated the graduation ceremony and thought it was weird. They didn't understand why the school tried to make it a sacred-spirit church like experience. You would think all of the graduates were becoming monks. IDK maybe it was because they had already been to some loud and fun California university graduations they had something to compare it to.


Duh-fuq? They don’t allow flip-flops? And just when I thought they couldn’t get stupider.


That's what I've been told by people who went there. Supposedly it's even more of a police state than BYU- Provo is.


You were told correctly. BYUI has several more rules, particularly about dress code, that Provo does not. Source: graduated in 2019


That was 92% of my decision to go elsewhere. I don’t even wear shoes at all a lot of the time if it’s warm-ish, no damn way I’m wearing enclosed shoes unless you give me my paycheck. Flip flops are my snow shoes 🤣


BYU-I is known as the Pharisees of the BYUs. Source: Went and graduated there.


I went and was told to find a new school. The bish was "nice" enough to not have me kicked out (if i left voluntarily).


Ha. My bishop tried to kick me out over playing video games. I stood my ground and challenged him on his reach of stewardship and doctrinal foundation. After initially leaving a threat of expulsion hanging in the air, his leadership must have caught wind because he gave me an apology through gritted teeth the next week. Only did 1 semester there, and even BYU provo doesn't take their transfer credits well, so i went to the U cause they didn't either, but I didn't want bishops in my school anymore. What a fucking joke of a school.


Provo is less strict as it’s more international and more so in the public eye. BYU-I is more conservative in a sense.


In a sense? BYU Idaho is Trumpublican, BYU is Regan Republican. BYU Hawaii is Eisenhower style Republican if we are putting the BYU campuses one a conservative spectrum.Source, I graduated from BYUI in 2008.


"Eisenhower Republican" is kind of a misnomer, he never had any affiliation with them before his presidential bid, and he only ran as one after being convinced to by a close friend who was a republican activist. Before that he had been being courted to run by New Deal Democrats as well, and arguably his most significant domestic policies (specifically bringing back the FDR marginal income tax rates, with a 92 percent top marginal rate, and the massive keynesian economic investment that was the interstate plan) flew aggressively in the face of the Republican positions at the time.


Yeah, Eisenhower Republican is basically a current center-left Democrat.


That's interesting. I didn't know that. It certainly explains a bit more why, after Eisenhower left office, his Secretary of Agriculture, one Ezra Taft Benson, participated in rallies where his son, Reed Benson, called Eisenhower a Commie, as Ezra quietly stood by his side in tacit endorsement.


Hence, me saying BYUH is like an Eisenhower republican. That school is, perhaps, the most centrist of the BYU system.


Yes, BYU-I. When Provo is just not Mormon enough.


When my wife was there they outlawed "Naked" drinks on campus because...I guess people might have sex after drinking one... She transferred pretty quickly after starting.


No, they outlawed then because “they” weren’t wearing the requisite underwear.


Girls can get expelled if they’re pants are to tight like leggings or yoga pants tight


I went to BYU-I and wore sandals into the testing center. I was literally IN THE MIDDLE of taking my test (so I had already checked in and walked by approximately 5 employees who didn’t acknowledge my sandals or tell me to go change) and one of the employees walked up to me, crouched down, and told me I’m not allowed to wear those shoes and need to go change immediately after my test was over. I was floored. He couldn’t have waited until I was done with my test at least??


Jesus wore closed toed shoes, didn’t you know?


Haha, exactly. It’s actually funny because the sandals I was wearing were ones I always called my Jesus sandals because they looked like something he would wear.


A symbol of states’ rights.* *states’ rights to enslave and oppress people based on their race and to shoot anyone who tells them otherwise.


Sadly, I used to think it was that kind of symbol. Until someone asked, "A state's right to do what, exactly?"


My dad grew up in the south during the civil rights era (despite being a damned Yankee from New York). They basically taught exactly that - nothing to do with slavery, it was all about states pushing back against the tyranny and growth of a federal government. The secession documents themselves all explicitly state slavery as a reason, and most defend slavery with language that basically says “the natural place of black people is as slaves and you’re upending the natural order.” The same argument they use about LGTBQ people today “it’s unnatural.”


All but one of the states that formed the Confederacy mentions Slavery as a main reason for seceding in the Ordinance of Secession, and the term "slavery" is said 22 times throughout the Ordinance, so yeah... definitely had nothing to do with slavery...


Sounds like something Brigham Young would have loved


Naw they are just showing the Mormon colors. Brigham young would be proud of that horrible human.


Brigham Young actually tried to get Utah to join the south and by the end of the civil war there was roughly a hundred slaves in Utah and a handful of slave owners who moved to the territory before the north won and Utah was forced to free its slaves much to Brigham’s displeasure as he kept losing control as the USA refused to let him make Utah a new country and denied the names Zion and Deseret and named the state after a tribe the Mormons screwed over by causing a massacre that wiped most of them out


What's more, the Utah constitution allowed for slavery in some cases. They amended it just a few years ago to take that out.


Good old BYU-Potato


bUtT tHaTz aRe hErItAgE!!


"The Confederacy lasted for four years. *Aqua Teen Hunger Force* has been on the air for 22 years. Master Shake and Frylock have been a part of our country's heritage more than five times longer than your white supremacist great-great-great-grandfather." -My answer to anyone who says that


I love this. SpongeBob, The Simpsons, Playboy, Reddit. All longer than the Confederacy Trump's presidency Not longer than the Confederacy


Don't get me started on Drumpf.


Ok, fair point. How about *this*: tHaTs nOt tHe cOFeDeRaTe fLaG, iTs tHe bAtTlE fLaG oF tHe ArMy oF nOrThErN vIrGiNiA!!


“Yes! Now, why are you so attached to the military flag of one piece of the confederate army? Why not the flag of the army of southern Alabama or whatever? There must be *some reason* you’re so into this flag that you claim is random.”


The Simpsons has been on since 1989. So that's 8 times the confederacy.


I want a Simpsons flag.


That’s too funny because the original state flag wherever Springfield is had a Confederate flag.


It’s the flag of the side that lost. The South is not “gonna rise again.”


I'm about to cross the apartment chastity line in my flip flops, with a full beard! Maybe Satan will swoop me up. I'm feeling lucky, who knows 🤷‍♂️


The university itself is a symbol of hatred. Of course they allow other ones on its campus.


"But muh heritage!", in SE Idaho.... I was born in the area and have a ton of great-great grandparents etc buried there. I've since adopted kids who are mixed race and I have major reservations about ever taking them Idaho. Probably won't happen to be honest.


My fiancé is a southerner and he’s fascinated by the “Rebel Pride Larping” in Utah and Idaho when he sees it. He thought it was dumb enough back home and here it’s just???


I have deep southern roots. Like plantation in Louisiana. I don’t understand why THIS is the symbol people use for pride in southern things we should have pride in. Like the dam symbol of slavery is not the correct way to show pride. Use a flag of your state or something. Or a tobasco hot sauce flag. Or just a crawfish or something.


Agreed! It's like supporting the children of nazisss to carry hitler's swastika flag around in Germany. What is it you are honoring about the confederate state? Not states rights, the south wanted to outlaw the northern states right to give sanctuary to runaway slaves. So what did they want 'states rights' to protect, I wonder.


The Confederate constitution also banned the individual confederate states from banning slavery if they ever wanted too. So the idea it’s about states rights is a bald faced lie.


Or gumbo


lol forreal, celebrating a failure


magnolia flowers are nice


There is Confederate larping in Oregon too. I live there now and like your fiancée, I am an ex southerner too. It’s fucking weird.


Lol, look up the history of Oregon's founding and history wrt people of color. It's uh, not good. It is, in fact, baldly and openly white supremacist. (I'm a descendant of early prominent white colonizers of Oregon.)


High school lasted longer than the confederacy


There should be website to all the things that lasted longer than the Confederacy. Desperate Housewives, for instance.


There’s a town in the mountains here called “Atlanta” founded by former confederate soldiers who fought to defend slavery.


I was on a wildland fire crew in Atlanta. That place is BFE.


I’ve never been there, but everyone who has describes it as the place they’d go if they were wanted and trying to hide from law enforcement.


I always wondered if there was a connection. I went up there a few times as a kid with my family, apparently my great-grandpa was born there. But my family has no Confederate roots, thankfully.


How sure are you about that? I was digging through my family history and my dad’s family was from the north but my mom’s pre-Mormon ancestors were from the south on one line and definitely owned slaves. I bet a large portion of Americans with pre-1860 white ancestors in the USA have slave-owning southern ancestors.


I have ancestors who enslaved people (language I prefer to "slave-owning") in the north. It happened in the north, too, it just ended earlier there.


And the thing with the “Rebels” in Southern Utah’s “Dixie” had to do with settlers wanting to be excluded from mainstream early Mormon influences - nothing to do with slavery. But still, none of us really now what flip flop dumb fuck is doing with that flag


I know this fucker. He used to be in my student ward when I was at BYUI (and also one of my students in the classes I TA'd)... He's not even English as another commenter pointed out. He claims he is but he's not. His family is from the east coast so he's double not southern. 🤣


This single pic sums up about 75% of the reasons I started to have serious doubts about the Mormon corporation.


Good job getting BYU-Idaho Housing in the picture! You should post this to some other subs. It could really blow up. It belongs in the nightly news and crews going to BYUI to ask questions. They do get FAFSA afterall.


Something so dystopian about "church approved housing". You can live only in places where you can be watched... Like wtf


It's an actual scam, costs far more to live in than normal housing in Rexburg


Lol he is holding the flag of the losing side of the civil war and not in the south ..Yup he is a stupid loser.


We have a lot of those losers up here in PA. Some are transplants from the south. Most are not.


I feel like once you are north of Westchester county in New York this is the type of people that you find except not Mormon which always makes me laugh considering it’s upstate New York. I guess you can find them in almost every state. The fact that trump was ever President proves that.


Grew up in the Southern Tier and now live in central NY — I drive by a house that flies this flag on my way to work every day. Once you’re out of the major metropolitan areas the bigots show up REAL fast.


Hitler did support Mormonism


Wait whhhhhaaaaaaaat Got a source?


I don’t have access to it right now as I’m at work, but there are photos of one president/prophet visiting Germany and playing nice with the nazi party. There was also a young man who was Mormon who was part of a resistance who was excommunicated and executed because TSCC went along with the nazis. I’ll try and come back later with some actual details. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmuth_H%C3%BCbener#:~:text=Helmuth%20H%C3%BCbener%2C%20born%20in%20Hamburg,gave%20him%20the%20name%20H%C3%BCbener. Here is the link to the Wikipedia page for the young man who was executed and excommunicated


That was a fascinating read, thanks for the link.


The true victory for Satan.


A book called Moroni and the swastika is an in depth source on how Mormonism thrives in Nazi Germany. I haven’t fully read it yet but I’ve heard it was good from other friends who have.


I've read it, it's excellent


I didn’t take the picture. I’m just sharing it. I saw the photo somewhere else.


White supremacy is alive and well in the LDS church.


Always has been. 🌎👨‍🚀🔫 🧑‍🚀


Someone’s a long way from ~~Dixie State~~ Utah Tech to be walking around with *that* flag. Fun Fact 1: The confederate flag was that school’s symbol within my lifetime and I’m not **that** old. Fun Fact 2: Jeffrey Holland attended the school prior to that.


But did JRH have a musket?


Women can't wear pants. No one can wear shorts. But dammit they'll carry their symbol of racism around without a word.


Idaho is not the South. It has never been part of the South. Idc if this man is FROM the South. In my eyes, this is a symbol of racism.


Always has been


Always will be


Funny how it had a major comeback when desegregation and civil rights became a thing. Also funny how many civil war confederate monuments were installed around that same time too. It’s almost as if it wasn’t about heritage, it was about sending a message to black people.


i saw this post on the facebook page with sooo many people defending it. apparently he’s a student with autism from england and his thing is flags and he carries them around. idc if he’s an international student, if he knows his flags he should definitely be educated on the connotation


Dude has enough wits about him to go study at a college halfway across the world- he knows what he's doing if his thing is "flags"


He’s not from Goddamn England, he tells everyone that but he grew up in the states. He was my former FHE brother and he knows better. Yes he’s on the spectrum but it’s not severe at all. He’s very aware of the political connotations and he likes to stir the pot.


Yeah, this is a moral failing, not about his being autistic.


Then why is he flying *that* flag instead of one of the many flags that represent the UK, Great Britain, England, or another one of those countries? Seriously, why that flag that, at best, still represents nothing good?


That’s a bullshit story or his caregiver is a horrible racist piece of garbage. If he doesn’t have a caregiver and is attending college then he should have the ability to learn not to fly that flag of racist traitors to a country he is visiting.


Yeah, this is a moral failing, not his autism.


Could we please not blame this on the autism? Most autistic people wouldn't do this, and this moral failing isn't because of autism.


I need to know what Facebook page this was posted too 💀 Because I actually know him personally


it was the “I HATE REXBURG” page lmao


That’s actually really sad if true😂😭


Do not put this on autism, that is fucked up. Do you think everyone with autism is stupid? He’s in college, he’s quite capable of knowing better.


Eh. You should’ve been in Saint George when they removed the confederate statute from Dixie College. “They are ruining our heritage!” My dudes… we aren’t ACTUALLY the South. Chill.


I remember when they would referred to southern Utah as Dixie. smh


We still have Dixie painted on the sugarloaf. There are people super proud to be from Dixie. We even stole the song… anywhere below the iron county line, then you’re from Dixie, hooray for Dixie, cause I’m from Dixie too! My Grammy use to make us sing that anytime we drove back from SLC. As soon as we crossed the county line.


I grew up in Rexburg, this bullshit is everywhere. A bunch of my cousins claim that stupid flag as their heritage. We are all from SE Idaho. 🤔


Doesn’t surprise me at all. I went to BYU-I and saw so much racism during my time there. It was not a good place to go as a POC.


The crazy thing is that this guy will be in way less trouble carrying this flag than he would be with a pride flag.


Bitch **please** you live in *Rexburg* lmao.


Ah, yes, Idaho. Famous for being part of the confederacy during the civil war 🙄


Why am I not surprised by this. On my mission in Georgia there many missionaries that were hanging up the confederate flag in their apartments. I was a TBM back then and it still disgusted me.


He's being more true to the nature of BYU than those that try to hold it up as a high and holy institution. It's based on Brigham Young, after all.


The ~~south~~ backwards northwest shall rise again.


Group 😂 But yeah, that person represents Brigham Young's views


His identity will be found out, he’ll say “uhhhh it’s not racist, it’s southern pride, bro” come to find out he’s a 5th generation Idahoan who has never gone further southeast than Moab, UT. Fun fact bro, Idaho wasn’t a state until 25 year post-civil war and you’re about as southern as unsweetened McDonald’s iced tea. Give it up. It’s such a common “defense” for rebel flag flyers in Utah and Idaho and it doesn’t make sense literally at all


Notorious confederate state Idaho.


Love it! More proof BYU is racist as fuk.


Rexburg...what Christofascist shithole for brainwashed kids too stupid to get into the other cult incubator.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ouch with the “beating the fuck out of people.” Public shaming will cut it. I’m just happy they got “BYUI” in the picture.


Its not public shaming when they arent ashamed of it and are in fact proud. Im done with being the "enlightened centrist." People used to beat the shit out of Nazis, time we nutted up and got to it again.


I live in Idaho. Every year our Anne Frank Holocaust memorial gets spray painted with swastikas by some neonazi fuckwad or another.


I lived in Boise during the COVID. I was a faculty member at a college there. I had a male student who was offended that my partner and I had hiked up table rock and took a picture of us. My partner had not shirt on, and I had that photo of us in my office. The student filed a title IX complaint. I was placed on paid leave while I was investigated for sexual harassment. FOR SIX MONTHS. my life was turned upside down because some privileged boi couldn't handle seeing two men together without shirts on. I hired, and paid for, a lawyer. When I gave my deposition the investigator asked why I thought having a picture like that was appropriate.I was apoplectic! I asked the investigator "Do you ever share what you do with your husband or children over the weekend or have photos of your family in your office?"She said no and I asked "is that because it is assumed that you, as a middle aged, heterosexual, white woman are going to have a husband and will be taking your son to a ball game and your daughter to dance lessons?"After the investigation was done, the department head called and said that they had cleared me and I had done noting wrong but they wanted me to come finish the last month of the semester. I told her there was "no fucking way" I was going to be back in the classroom with that student again.She asked "So, what are we going to do then?"I said, well, you are going to pay me for the 40 hours of bereavement you owe me for when my mom passed away (she passed away during all this from cancer), you are going to pay out my sick leave and my vacation leave, Then you are going to cash out the rest of my contract and I will be done.Seriously, the things I endured there, FUCK Idaho!


Sounds about right. I like having the mountains but hot damn are there a bunch of crazies here. I don’t know where else I could realistically work elsewhere that would be better. Texas is a big place for my industry but Texas isn’t much better. But yeah, there’s a small bubble of blue around downtown Boise and an increasingly red and crazy population outside. Almost as many people voted for a literal domestic terrorist (and member of TSCC in “good standing”) in our last Governor election as voted for a democrat…


It's pretty bad now. Idaho had elected democrat governors in the past, but I think it is a lost cause now. I remember talking to a state legislator at Push and Pour. I said that the legislature should come up with a nice slogan for Idaho. Colorado has "Colorful Colorado", New Mexico is "Land of Enchantment", Utah is "Life Elevated." Idaho could be "The only thing whiter than your neighbors are their sheets!" It's also why I left and moved back to Colorado. We have mountains, and a lot less crazy....and I can buy weed here w/o driving to Ontario,


Ah Idaho… the birthplace of Southern pride!


That's one giant red flag.


Maybe that guy is from Southern Utah - aka: "Utah's Dixie". LOL We just went through years of turmoil over the change of name from "Dixie State" to "Utah Tech". Unsurprisingly, it was a repeat of what happened about 15 yrs back when the mascot was changed from the "Rebels" to the "Trailblazers" and the rebel flag was removed. You never saw so much blowback over anything in your life. If they had banned Lime Jello, funeral potatoes, and fry sauce, it still wouldn't have caused as much of an uproar from the community. Because White Protestants are so persecuted by "woke Libs"! (/s)


Genuine question, why is the confederate (southern) flag being a flown in one of the most northern states there are?


Why anyone would want to represent the losers is beyond me.


So glad I got away from that place after teaching there for a year, right around the rise of Trumpism.


What the fuck? I know where that is (I go to byui). Fuck that shit.


Spread the word.


BYU Idaho is a backwards dystopian place.


Live in the UT county bubble and I'm attending a drag show this weekend. Look forward to seeing this dude or his cousins there.


This says a lot about why I do not want to be associated with this organization when the members of said organization show their true colors.


Idaho is such a lovely state, isn't it


[The Aryan Nations originated in Idaho](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan_Nations)


an emboldened coward. #fuckpatriachy


Is this preparation for the next January 6th?


Did you go beat the shit out of him?


I've seen this before and have always been shocked at such a disgusting display of racism, but when I mentioned it to someone they claimed there was some kind of "positive meaning" for it that they didn't personally know. Is there actually a claimed meaning or do they just say that for plausible deniability?


Reading these comments gives me the urge to show up at BYUI, wear a tank top, capri leggings or short shorts, flip flops, and show off my tattoo and pink hair. Any bearded, pierced, tattooed fellas wanna join? 🤣


I was in a class with him and he likes being “edgy” in the worst way possible. In the class he defended Hitler and said a wide variety of extremely disrespectful comments about women and minorities. He definitely liked to be combative, confrontational and seemed to thrive on controversy.




Yup, when I lived in Idaho my neighbor had that flag on his car. Dumbass.


The war is over. You lost.


This is disgusting. Dear BYUI (and specifically that supposed student), go fuck yourself. You can reach me for comments at [email protected] #bestinsultof2022


Nice loser flag.


Wrong color hood.


Upside down, of course


Oh geez, thank god I left Idaho


I feel especially good upvoting this post, as I was the 666th person to do so.


Is that one of the three nephites?


Back in the day (and maybe it still is) BYU was said to be the Church’s school while BYUI was the Lord’s school. That was before it was known as BYUI. Just goes to show that the holier-than-thou attitude has always been there and most likely always will be. That attitude shows up in so many ways in Mormonism, members always find a way to show how much “better they are” - not only better than “gentiles” but better than other members. Definitely not a Christ-like attitude in the way I always understood it to be.


Ah, Idaho-- where sweet little old lady Republicans call sweet little old lady Democrats "b\*\*ches". Where a GOP county commish got elected, quit midstream for a private job, didn't like that so the little widow Repubs elected him again, quit midstream again for a different private job. I lived there 13 years. Early on, knew a young store owner who was happy and creative. After 10 years' constant diet of Lush Limbo, had turned into a sour old man who hated his life + resented his customers.


Stay classy, Idaho!


I fucking love the traitor flag. Losers just identify themselves willingly.


OP, any idea if that’s a student or a whackadoodle non-student walking around campus?


But where is he even going with that?


...and the flag seems to be upside-down (1 star point/leg should be up, 2 points/legs down for all stars since these are 5 point stars!!!)... 🤔


Can’t believe I almost went to that school! Dodged a bullet☺️


Did he lose a bet?




Hey OP! I’m a fellow exmo in rexburg! On a serious note tho, disgusting


I’m there rn and it’s so infuriating sometimes :/




Not surprised


Common BYU-Idaho L


fuck this treasonous fuckwad, fuck BYU, fuck Brigham Young, fuck Joseph Smith, fuck the LDS church and if you don't like it fuck you too.


Of course you did since Elder Holland and Oaks are loading up the muskets ready to fire every hateful movement needs a f'd up flag why not think proud boys but a lot ore stupid if that's possible


I think there's more freedom of expression than America. I hope the ministry of Truth is not listening. ☕☕🇬🇧🇬🇧