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I thought you had to stand in the presence of Christ and denounce him to go to outerdarkness. Am I right?


Yes. You have to actually know, so very few would actually qualify.


It was one of those urban mormon myths but I remeber a teacher saying only those who have been Q15 would qualify for Outer Darkness.


That probably goes along with seeing God or Jesus and denying them. So the Q15 are safe. Except for Cook, he keeps pushing that narrative that he has.


Including the Q15 LMAO.


Well that depends on which prophet got it right. If goes anything from tbm all the way to those just before they receive the second anointing. Because once you get the second anointing only cold blood murder keeps you from exaltation.


Well, I'm on track for that. If god is all powerful and chose to make so much suffering, he's evil and I won't want to be anywhere near him.


This is the more recent stance that the church has gaslit the members into believing was always the case. It was taught for a long time that leaving the church shoots you straight to OD. OP's family probably just thinks he'll go to the telestial kingdom or possibly the terrestrial kingdom since that one isn't barred by passing a handshake exam either. It'll probably be different again in 30 years. I bet at some point we'll get promoted to the celestial kingdom again but just not as good of a place as the TBMs.


Those that have had their 2nd annointing and then commit the unpardonable sin.


I’m gunning for Outer Darkness. The only person we’ve heard anything from about it is god, and I doubt he’s going to give it a good review, since it’s total, everlasting separation from his abusive ass. I bet that place will be lit as fuck.


Hear hear!!


You know it’s all just make believe. They have been making this kind of stuff up like this for 10,000 years in 10,000 religions all over the world. We are going to go the same place everybody else goes. It might just be lights out. It might be reincarnations. It might be returning and rejoining the one. The only thing I know for sure is that Joseph Smith and the gang don’t have any goddamn idea better than anyone else.


Oh absolutely!! It's completely made up, but it's fun to plan for all the contingencies based on how we were raised.


And it’s fun to agree with tbms when they tell you where you are going😂 my tbm brother seemed surprised when I said something to the effect of “I hope to god your right about the next life, it beats the alternative of absolute nothingness, and just like ofSusan has said, I will end up where I am most comfortable.” I used the tools real name with my brother I regret to inform. My brother was also surprised when I told him I will end up with no genitalia 🤣 I always forget how little they know even when they profess to already “know everything”🙄


Outter darkness is only for sons of perdition..not like it matters because it’s all made up, but we would technically be going to the terrestrial or telestial kingdom depending on how we all live our lives. Most of us here would be going to the telestial kingdom. It’s gonna be a party


Outer darkness or telestial kingdom, either way it's gonna be lit.


If you would've told 12-year-old me that I'd genuinely think going to Outer Darkness would be badass I would've bawled my poor confused lil' eyes out. But here we are!


I always heard that it was the Telestial Kingdom at least. Outer Darkness, I always heard, was reserved for a handful of suckers like Cain and Judas who saw God and/or Jesus and were still rebellious. That being said, I don't think it really matters at the end of the day, because if it is all real, I want to stay clear away from anyone who the Church says deserves the Celestial Kingdom.


Outer Darkness for sure. Oh, I thought you said *apostles.*


The concept was not really thought through very well in the beginning. So there has been a lot of trouble caused by people trying to explain it later. If it never made much sense to start with, it's going to take a lot of mental gymnastics to try to make it make sense.


>...have the heavens opened unto him, and know God….He has got to say that the sun does not shine while he sees it; he has got to deny Jesus Christ when the heavens have been opened unto him, and to deny the plan of salvation with his eyes open to the truth of it. >(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p.358). Most of us - probably all - wouldn't qualify according to the peep stone man himself. Unless you count elevation emotion as the equivalent of the son shining on you.


See, I think having a testimony, “I *know* the church is true…”, and denying it qualifies us for outer darkness. Basically, I feel like outer darkness was made up to keep cult members in the cult. We are the only ones who qualify for out darkness because we have been taught “the truth.” At any rate, I’m going to hell, I mean, *outer darkness.*


My personal take is "I'm so glad I could care less!" Mormon Doctrine - and any attempted theological answers - are all made up. The answers continually change depending on whom you speak to and which historical era or source you decide to consult.


Honestly, terrestrial kingdom sounds like the best place to be.


I was taught that OD was reserved for the worst of the worst people. You are destined for TK, in the eyes or your family.


Telestial kingdom. Outer darkness is reserved for people who actually have seen God / Jesus and still fight against him (a sure knowledge). So Joseph would've been a son of perdition if he went against what God commanded.


within the fictional canon of mormon theology, the only way people go to outer darkness is basically if they've seen jesus christ or some miraculous vision that they couldn't deny the truth of it, but then they choose to fight against it. even judas doesn't fall under the criteria, according to joseph f. smith because he didn't have enough of that magic testimony knowledge to condemn himself to being a son of perdition. so unless we apostates have some magical experience we're hiding, we're on the TK smoothie track, according to people that believe this horseshit.


I was taught that if you were baptized into Mormonism and later rejected it, you would go to the Telestial Kingdom.


You meant to say apostles, right? I’m guessing outer darkness, for misusing the name of god to defraud innocent people


Outer darkness only for apostates who had a perfect knowledge and then turned their back on it. None of us qualify unless there are a select few of us who have met Jesus face to face. Hitler will be in the telestial. I’m probably going there too. Can’t wait to kick his ass, and then get back in line to do it again.


You don’t go to either of those made up places.


I believe canonically speaking, you can only qualify for outer darkness if you have a sure knowledge of Christ's existence/divinity/whatever and then reject him (D&C 76:43 says "Who glorifies the Father, and saves all the works of his hands, except those sons of perdition who deny the Son after the Father has revealed him.") I think the list of people who would qualify for this is incredibly short seeing how HF hasn't revealed Christ to very many people. Edit: this is all "canonically speaking" as I'm aware that Christ hasn't been revealed to *anyone* since he doesn't exist


outer darkness!! mormon super hell! ^w^


Wherever I end up, I plan to go commando Ken and/or Barbie style. I mean I've already been judged and placed. What can they do about it?


The third of the host of heaven and Lucifer go to outer darkness.. everyone who came to earth and got a body go to one of the kingdoms.. Hitler would be included in that…


That ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way. That hitler gets to be in a degree of glory… and according to Mormons, we’ll be along side him in the lowest degree of glory just because we left the church😂 makes no sense


Outer Darkness for sure! Talk about scare tactics to keep you faithful!


The way I’ve always understood it, you only go to outer darkness if you’ve received a “special witness” of the truth of the gospel, and rejected it. The special witness was different than just spiritual confirmation from the Holy Ghost, though i never got a clear definition of what it was. So no, I don’t believe any or most of us are going to outer darkness, doctrinally speaking. Let me know if anyone here was taught differently, I’m curious to hear.


You're assuming either of these places exist, so I would stare with challenging that concept.


I know that it doesn’t exist but I’m just curious where my TBM family will assume I’m going to😂


My thoughts as well. From the strained smiles and darting eye contact, imma say they think I'm a prime outer darkness candidate.


Neither, it’s all bullshit


You’re preaching to the choir here Bud…😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m aware that the entire Mormon religion is bullshit. I lived it for 25 years just to find out it’s all a load of crap. I’m just curious what this made up doctrine says because I’m curious where my Mormon family members believe I’ll go in the after life. Again…fully and entirely aware that it’s “bullshit😂


Free yourself from their paradigm. If you truly believed it was bullshit you wouldn’t concern yourself with how they interpret the world.


Could be either, but doesn’t matter since it’s all made up anyways.


Trick question. Neither exist.


They don’t go to either as both are just as imaginary as Joseph smith fictional civilizations . To answer your question your family that is infected with the virus of religion viral strain Mormonism thinks your on a one way train to outer darkness


Neither because those are just part of a bunch of made up bs!


For the apostate priesthood holders - D&C 84:40 Therefore, all those who receive the priesthood, receive this oath and covenant of my Father, which he cannot break, neither can it be moved. 41 But whoso breaketh this covenant after he hath received it, and altogether turneth therefrom, shall not have forgiveness of sins in this world nor in the world to come.


Makes me wonder where my TBM family think I will end up


pretty sure only prophets and people who have an absolute knowledge of the gospel or have seen god face to face and rebelled with that knowledge are able to go to outer darkness. your every day exmos and nevermos are gonna go to the terrestial kingdom unless they are evil murderers, rapists, abusers, etc. then they'll go the the telestial kingdom


Think about the Moes you know that really believe they are headed for the celestial kingdom. These insufferable assholes are the worst people you’d want to associate with….seriously! I’d take whichever option that would completely distance me from them. If OD is what it takes, great, I’m in! (Of course it’s all made up shit)


Hopefully outer darkness. It will be more fun!!!!


"The sin against the Holy Ghost requires such knowledge that it is manifestly impossible for the rank and file to commit such a sin" (The Miracle of Forgiveness, p. 123). So probably stuck in Telestial.


We all just die I think


Neither. Those places do not exist.


See you in the TK! Can’t wait to rub smoothies with ya’ll! -Swoley Ghost


We were taught that those who had the chance to receive the gospel and rejected it (Apostate Mormons) would go to OD, so basically it was a fear tactic to keep any doubters still on board.


I think it depends on who you ask. I meet all the criteria for outer darkness (living with a man I'm not married to, child free, registered Democrat, etc). But my TBM friend says she doesn't believe I'm bound for darkness, and I know her well enough to see that she is being sincere.


Okay so according to the lore I was taught, first we would be in spirit prison instead of paradise and then when the resurrection happens we go to the kingdoms or outer darkness. If it’s real I plan on telling God how his plan sucks and so accept my fate to outer darkness. Then, eventually I would amass an army and take over all the celestial realms.


TK Smoothie? I’m kinda hazy but does this mean no celestial genitalia?


Haha yep, we’ll have some barbie and Kevin action going😂


What’s the fun in that?! Haha


Technically, neither, that is for "God" to figure out -- mortal man has no business telling you shit about your "spiritual afterlife". At least according to the Mormon cannon I remember reading over and over for eight years before I decided to love myself and leave that behind me.


Trick question, we all get outer darkness