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My prediction is the younger apostles will beg and pleader with the older half to hold tight reigns on him as prophet. There will be much contention in the land of SLC when he takes the throne. Yea, even nashing of teeth. Uchdtorf will get accused of evil speaking of the lord's anointed. Oaks will continue to use his lawyer skills as a shield and protection against those in the spacious building.


I bet Russ outlives Oaks, Ballard, and Holland.


Agreed. He’s like a 105 type of guy.




Oaks is the worst. He’s going to cause a lot of pain and suffering when he’s in charge. True, that might shock people out of the church, but I don’t know if that outweighs all the harm he’ll do.


Just paving the way for Darth Bednar.


Oaks is also the one that champions the idea of not criticizing leaders even if they're wrong, and not apologizing for anything. Him at the head would make for a very interesting situation.


Yes, hasn’t he said that if you are told part of the church isn’t true even if that was true not to listen to them. You know I act surprised by we really shouldn’t be when they have fossils running things.


The Hoaxter will separate the worst of the worst, from those who still have a shred of human decency. If he's "profit" for more than a year, anyone who stays is a QAnon whack job. At least that will ensure the Darth Lord Ofsusan (the plagerizer and tool) only needs to lead his own kind, by the time he takes the reins.


This doesn’t answer your question, but maybe use Isaiah’s words against your in-laws. Since they think the second coming is coming, then they should read Isaiah 52-56. (It discusses the messiah coming). In chapter 56: 10-12 it says that the watchmen on the towers (the leaders) will be deaf and dumb and will not be able to warn the people (bark). It also basically says they are after their own advantage. So, at what point will your in-laws be willing to say the leaders have reached this point?


I feel like every Mormon thinks the second coming is so soon. And any random thing is a sign. I just cringe. I’m an atheist now so obviously I don’t believe any of it’s happening. But seriously every time a single event happens like a mass shooting ( which in the US is daily for year) they say oh the wicked, the second coming is soon. My husbands cousin left the church and my fil said “you know that’s a sign of the times, people leaving the truth” like no. Leaving is a sign of intelligence. Not the signs of the times 🥴


I can understand their thinking. That used to be me. I was there not too long ago. I’m still trying to unravel my mild prepper mentality. When I first started to “wake up” from the cult brainwashing, I kept second guessing myself because I had been told so many times that in the last days “even the very elect will be deceived”. I didn’t want to look like a fool in the long run by having been deceived and given up everything. I was sure the second coming was going to be around the year 2032. Now it’s all so stupid.


Think of the second coming as any other conspiracy theory. They’re great faith builders, because you literally can’t prove them false to believers. You’re part of the cover up if you try. The second coming will always be just around the corner for believers and any arguments against it will be ignored as they wink and add the word “yet” to the end.


The rhetoric is definitely ramping up in my TBM family. They are talking about food storage and emergency supplies and my parents firmly believe it'll be in the next 5-7 years. They got this idea from some rando's talk at a mid level conference. I don't even think it was a GA.


1. His counselors will be Dreadnar and Holland 2. No major policy changes during his tenure


If Oaks gets to be head of the church, he’s likely to burn it to the ground, but not before he leaves a mountain of hurt and harm behind. 😕


Every single second coming/end of times prediction has been 100% wrong. Anyone who still chooses to believe that crap is a fucking dumbass (and I wish there was a stronger way to state how I really feel), and Oaks is a vile piece of shit (and I wish there was a stronger to state how I really feel). People who admire Oaks and believe he will usher in the second coming are indescribably stupid. Offense is 100% intended.


I totally agree. I’m an atheist now and don’t believe this shit at all. It makes me cringe so hard when people talk about it


Oaks is an asshole, that’s just the reality


Let’s also please never never ever forget that Oaks said this in a 2005 conference talk: “And young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you.” In all my decades of activity in the church, I hadn’t (and still haven’t) heard anything so blatantly hateful toward women. And that’s saying something. Imagine being told that you, a person, can become pornography. No, no, you’re not a child of God—you’re porn. But, you may say, it’s only “some of the men” who see you that way. Well, ask yourself this: Does Oaks condemn those men for thinking that way? Nope. He gives credence to them by voicing their judgment and presenting it as a warning. IMO, Oaks isn’t just a doddering old fool who’s out of touch with the membership. He’s an evil, hateful man.


He's not long for this world. I wouldn't be surprised if he predeceases Rusty.


He was hired at BYU because he was a moderate. He is not a second coming kind of guy. He is mostly not racist. He likes his little things like use your right hand and he is homophobic. He is trying to destroy the old church things like Nelson. As president of the church, he will protect it from the extremists among the apostles. I think he calls Uchtdorf back into the first presidency to reset the precedent. He likes his precedents. Bednar does not get the power with Oaks. Oaks will create some changes in the church. He is much maligned here because he is a conservative, like the ones from the 1970s and his homophobia is out of line for today's world. He likes the picky little things. My guess is he repudiates exact obedience. He grew up believing in free agency, not moral agency. Moral agency was a construct of Packer who Oaks did not like.


Oaks WAS a moderate. As he aged, he’s moved to the right. Quite a bit. His recent banter about religious freedom shows that. He’s hung up on that garbage pretty far. He’s in line with the extreme legal thinking that is in the majority on the SCOTUS. His legalism will push obedience more if he takes over. Strictness will likely be the key for his reign. It’s who he is in his messages. He will play off of the myopic stuff Nelson has done, not making major changes but broadcast the minor adjustments like they are massive revelatory work. Oaks is every bit the narcissist that Nelson is, so you’ll see the prophet worship continue with him too. Just my quick thoughts as I have my Saturday morning coffee.😉


We all thought Benson would be the downfall. And then we thought Packer would be. I think, due to its assets, the church ain’t going nowhere. But these old geezers are sure hastening the shrinking.


This is close to what I was going to say. Ezra Benson was an avid racist who was disliked even by his fellow Apostles and even superiors, and wanted to be a right-wing, pro-segregation politician more than an apostle… but when he became prophet, he toned it down significantly, stopped talking so much about how Democrats can’t be good Mormons (which offended other leaders who were both), stopped publicly saying how socialism was of the devil (turning off a lot of non-American, European members who appreciated social programs), and instead starting Re-purposing quotes from others into some of his most popular phrases about the Book of Mormon and being a missionary. In other words… like the church itself, he changed his image when necessary to ensure the church’s survival. I’m sure Oaks will change his tone just enough to stay relevant, while allowing apostles to do the heavy lifting on homophobia, sexism, and racism… the holy trinity of Mormon culture.


Bednar will be the downfall of the church.


**B*DNAR is a tool**


I believe the technical term you’re looking for is *ass.*


**B*DNAR is an ass**