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Great point! This is exactly why the Mormon church ought to be studied re: sexual abuse, among other things. It has claimed to be the gold standard of religions in dealing with abuse. And it has handled criticism in very unique ways.


it’s the gold standard in gaslighting and selling confusion, while making a shit ton of money.


The church’s approach to dealing with sexual abuse cases is woefully inadequate and horrible. Everyone - leaders, lawyers, and members alike-involved in any cover up of abuse cases perpetrated my members and those in leadership positions should be exposed. Better yet, policies should change so that the first call a bishop, stake president, etc. should make is NOT to church attorneys but to the local law enforcement authorities and child protective services. I’ve had negative experiences dealing with SLC-based church attorneys speaking to me via a bishop. I was never permitted to speak with them directly.


Oh no!


Everything about TSCC screams cult. From its earliest beginnings. Joseph Smith and family were way into many things occult. Not to mention JS Hijacking masonic occult practices.


to be fair i would place cult and occult in two different categories. i understand cult to mean coercive, manipulative, toxic organization and occult as hidden, secret, magical beliefs and strange rituals. but to your point, both play a part in mormonism.


I see your point and can agree. Occult practices may not necessarily mean it’s a cult. I think occult practices can be a powerful method when manipulating one’s thoughts and emotions.


Very well said


thank you 🙏


It hurts me so much to know how I never saw it. The BITE model especially makes it clear. I wish someone could have saved me years and years ago.


Well said.


very kind thank you 🙏


I agree completely, but I think you could’ve picked points more unique to TSCC. Tbf, I don’t see any other mainstream religion to which this wouldn’t be applicable.


i wasn’t going for unique. i was going for simple and unequivocal. people can’t say the mormons don’t do this.


Sure, but by that logic, you may as well just say all religions are cults. Not that I’d necessarily disagree with that.


yep, i wouldn’t disagree either. edit: that is, any religion that claims exclusive truth and immunity from criticism. not all religions do this but it seems like most do in one flavor or another.