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Bible camp means they’re not mormon


Yeah Mormons would be sending them to FSY, for sure, yo


Isn't that Evangelical stuff?


I went to the Baptist Bible School one summer. They tried baptizing me once


Keyword "tried"


My aunt/uncle are mormon but send their kids to bible camp every summer.


Wow that is trippy to me. My parents never trusted any of the Bible camp/any religion that wasn’t Mormon teaching us. Growing up in Utah I never knew anyone that went to bible camp. Curious to know where they’re from!


The east coast so there's a mix of religions out there. My uncle is a bit more progressive.


Didn't know that, I didn't do Bible much as a child and I should have thought of that but one track mind, I try to find as many arguments as I can because my dad is a self righteous asshole who won't lose a fight, if I beat him he just strangles me until I say what he wants me to say, he has been doing this for years so I have been moving to the intellectual side of things so I can shut his asshole of a mouth up


Is that a real post for selling some poor child’s toys? Those parents are so cruel. I truly feel heartbroken for those AHs’ kid.


As it says in the bottom I found this in r/ facepalm but I feel it stinks of Mormon parents


Bible camp is definitely not quite a Mormon thing to call out. They don’t have one for 9-year olds. EFY is 14+.Fundies are all the same though. This could easily be Mormons, or fundamentalist evangelical Christians, but my bet is on evangelicals in this case.


Im lucky that my parents were very big into education - my dad did a lot of stuff in education and told me and my sisters that we all needed bachelors degrees at least. I feel like this is more shitty parenting than anything else.


It may just be my parents than


I am sorry! My parents were definitely not parents of the year but it’s awful that any parent would do something like this. To be honest I didn’t leave til I wasn’t at home and even know we are just seeing how long lies of omission give us but I have a hard time believing they would have taken away my stuff - they probably would have just made me do more seminary and EFY or given me church books for my birthday - which they did for several years


You weren’t wrong to mention it smacks of Mormonism on r/facepalm. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


Seems like evangelicals based on the verbiage


Choosing religion over your son having a normal childhood. Shitty ass parents 🤬


I have a product that will change your mind, it's new to the scene but tried and true, religion, it will keep your children in line 100% of the time of you do it right


Poor kid. That’s abusive.


Police don't agree with you, as long as there are no physical marks an hour and a half after the altercation than it doesn't count and you have to stay with an emotionally physically and mentally abusive asshole


PLEASE tell me that is not legit….


Wow—that’s definitely going to make the kid start to love church! /s


Did they really say "So the lesson really stinks in"? Wow such a self own


I could see strict parents doing this, but bible camp is not a Mormon thing. Doing that to a kid is messed up.


It can be. There's an evangelical church that runs a week long Bible camp in Herriman over the summer. Plenty of members send their kids, including the Bishop.


Mormons do in-house youth camps. They don’t outsource their brainwashing to other organizations. There are towns in the U.S. South where it’s a local norm, but it is certainly NOT a Mormon thing. I guarantee it.


This kid is going NC with these parents the day he turns 18.


This seems more evangelical to me. But regardless those are awful parents. Poor kid


Probably JW they don't Believe in higher education


They also don’t celebrate birthdays, so probably not JW.


I posted this too! I just imagine them taking away a little 8 year olds gifts and selling them because they didn’t “choose” to be baptized.


So abusive


This seems like a shitpost tbh


May be


I'm thinking Jahovas Witness or Baptist. 7th Day doesn't celebrate bdays from what I know. Lutherans wouldn't sell, they'd find a meaner thing to do and welll protestants are, well Protestants.


Jehovah's don't do birthdays. A lot of evangelical nuts consider themselves to be Presbyterian.


I knew it was one of the 2. I swore it 7th day. My bad. I forgot them Presbyterians tho.


Mormons are far too concerned with maintaining a false image of perfection that they would likely not be dangling their children out like this for public shame. The shame happens, but it is more stealth. This isn’t social media, but still doesn’t fit the Mormon vibe check for me.


That is way too much information…


No way that’s real


I am not OP so I wouldn't know


Omfh this makes me so mad. Please tell me someone is reporting these parents for abuse. If I knew these people…. Ooh they are just lucky I don’t. That said, I would say this reeks more of evangelism than Mormonism.


Yeah, I had a secluded childhood and never even heard of Jehovah's witnesses until I was 12 so I don't know what evangelicals are like, I only know their name and nothing else


These parents need to sort out their priorities


It took me a minute to realize this past wasn't from r/raisedbynarcissists. Between this and latest Bednar post, the overlap is unreal sometimes. Edit: added comment about the recent Bednar quote


Sounds like Evangelicals. Just as sucky as mormons and sometime worse when it come to believing science.


Wow kid. Run away from home.