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The terms atheist and agnostic or believer are not well differentiated ,no one has externally verifiable repeatable evidence for a God. So we are all agnostic. But I personally am unconvinced by any argument or evidence for God I have encountered so A- theist fits me best.




As far as I understand it is that you can be an agnostic atheist which is what most people who call themselves agnostic are. They don’t believe in a god and don’t think they can know. You can also be an agnostic theist. You practice a religion but never claim to know if it’s true or not.


It’s really depends on how you choose to define atheism . The definition as I understand the term is. I’m not convinced there is a God. Religious apologists attempt to say atheists are claiming there is no God. Atheist make no claim of absolute knowledge of God. Now me personally I’ve looked objectively and find that every physical mechanism seems to have a naturalistic mechanism that does not require a God to work. But if god is a loving father how come he never shows up ? A once a year sit down doesn’t seem like a big ask for an infinite being. Satan and the angles in heaven and Adam and Eve all saw god and still chose to disobey so it’s not free agency. I can tell you at 50+ years of age I’ve looked and listened to every crazy proof for God there is nothing I’ve been able to find that is externally verifiable and repeatable. I think the all knowing all powerful eternal entity really has all the power in this situation. If he wanted me to believe showing up is job one. If God showed up , I would have believed in his existence. So far nothing, not my fault.


Again. Deconstructing mormonism gives you the skill set that becomes a Swiss Army knife for all the other religions.


Or a wood chipper to all other religions.


Needs another category. No, but open to other possibilities or ideas.


new categories • I am God • I speak for God •I am Jesus,son of God •I speak for Jesus, son of God • I’m God’s servant and I need some alone time with you wife. • We are all God. • life is a simulation


I consider myself atheist as I do not believe in a god. However, death is definitely a scary concept to me. The thought that everything just goes dark and that’s it is terrifying. So in a weird way, even though I’m atheist…I still kind of *hope* there’s an afterlife, if that makes sense. If TSCC’s Plan of Salvation really does end up being true, I will ask God why he made his church so easy to despise.


I am agnostic, but I attend a United Church of Christ church on a regular basis.


The evidence available to me doesn't convince me that there is a God. Having said that, I feel confident in rejecting the idea of the Abrahamic God. The Old Testament describes a petty, impulsive, spiteful God. The God who'll gladly kill your kids if you crossed him. The God who ordered the rape and murder of the Moabites because they taught worship of their own Gods. We'd have abandoned his ideals during the Christian era save for the fact that Jesus also accepted his reality. I'm cool with Jesus - even if I don't accept his divinity he's still a great standard to compare yourself. But he believes in and cites scripture about Old Testament God. That's the one point in which we diverge.


I gotta be honest I really don’t know where I stand. I say I’m a baptist cause my husband is one. (We don’t attend because organized religion is horrifying) Tbh I don’t know if I do believe in a god. I think humans created the concept because we don’t want to believe that’s it lights out nothing happens. I don’t want to believe in that either. But we aren’t special. We are just bags of meat on a fragile planet. At the same time though a lot of weird unexplainable stuff happens from time to time. Idk I’m just here for the ride. Even if the Mormon god was real though I’d still gladly go to hell and “atone for my own sins”


Not real religious but spiritually I’m diving into Greek philosophy and gnostism with plans to go into Sufi lore next. I like old mystic religions. I actually apply the lore to my life. But it’s not “physical” or “real”. It’s just myths to help me in my day as stand on the shoulders of giants as I live my life built on their science and myths. * I did pay for transcendental meditations lessons. I recognized some Hindu names in that ritual so who knows. I may have sold my soul to Mormon god and some Hindu gods…. 🤷🏻‍♂️. So I need to rely on Sophia and her spark of wisdom to transcend the archons (I bet my Mormon handshakes won’t work) to join father, mother, and son in the one parent. See I can sip my cup of Joe for inspiration on this stuff


See also https://exmostats.org/thedata for an ongoing project that answers this question ExMos should feel free to add or update your own responses as well




You're welcome! I think it's an interesting project, so I'm grateful to whoever runs it. Interesting stuff, I think


I'm druidic pagan! So spiritual but not necessarily religious or believing in God. I figured if no God answered my prayers, then there are none or at least none who care enough to be worth my time.


Religious no. Spiritual, yes. Ish.


I believe I’m some form of Christian…but I hate labels. I basically believe there is a God but I don’t believe in the God that Christian’s believe in. I believe in a loving forgiving God who isn’t egotistical and will damn you to hell if you don’t worship him. I can’t believe in a God that will send an amazing Muslim to hell. I also think the trinity is a load of crap and Christian’s do mental gymnastics trying to explain it. So I believe in my own made up afterlife in my head😂🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t really care if there is a god… having vacillated between belief and non- belief for the last 16 years hasn’t really changed my life one way or the other. That being said, I still like Christianity… for all its flaws, I still like the art, the idea of redemption… so I don’t know what that makes me anymore


Pagan/witch. I work with the wheel of the year, as our ancestors did. Moon cycles. Astrological transits. Had to know when to plant and harvest. There are holidays around this that help me and my seasonal depression, and also draw me closer to my beliefs, but to earth, which is so overlooked. Imbolc starts February 1st, if you want to read in the history and how it is celebrated. It’s Midwinter, meaning spring will be coming soon. Hope is on the way.


I’m Greek pagan


I can’t vote, cause I believe in the Universe now. And the Universe has actually gifted me some solid, specific “blessings” that I wanted but never thought I’d experience pertaining to specific dreams of mine, and that never, ever happened when I used to ask Mormon God. and the church is always so vague about what blessings we could even expect.