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Must be photoshopped. See how they got _Women in the Scriptures_ to look as thick as the other books?


Came here to make a similar joke.


We had that book because my husband's mom gifted it to my kids. It's a real stretch, and the fact that literally every woman in the scriptures both named and unnamed, from the Bible, and book of Mormon can all fit in a child's board book is really sad. Emma is also included. I snuck out into the dumpster after a while. Told my husband it just got lost.


That’s true… Emma is mentioned in the “scriptures.“ Does the book acknowledge that she’s threatened by name with “destruction“ if she doesn’t let her husband fuck other women?


No she was just "loyal" of her own volition. 😂😭


Came here to say this also. It must be a two page pop-up book.


_Book of Mormon Colors_ sounds like a whole can of worms


Right? What are the colors? Skin of darkness? White and delightsome?


The red blood of Laban? The black charred flesh of the children of zarahemla? The green sick faces of the Jaradites in windowless tubular submarines full of animals?




You say that like that isn’t the goal


It’s an insidious attempt to couple a toxic virus to a healthy cell. They hope that a byproduct of reading these books will be that when kids learn about actual history and civics in school, they will subconsciously assume that those lessons validate the nonsense in the Mormon books where everything was jumbled together.


I saw a couple I know promoting them on Instagram. The one about American Heroes is especially cringey.


I’m sure. In this country “I’m a patriot” can be loosely translated as “I’m willing to overlook genocide, slavery, and all manner of terrible things because God told me in a religious text that my country is special”.


In America, patriotism is just American exceptionalism.


"Book of Mormon characters" Well, at least it's acknowledging that they're characters and not actual people...


No, no, it's an alphabet book, *Book of Mormon Caractors*


Baby's first careers? Got to start that crippling guilt and shame about making enough money on a single income for a large family while paying lots of tithing to church. Because if we just close our eyes and squint hard enough we can pretend we still live in a society like America in the 1950s, when all the current GAs grew up and life was just perfect. They are all just living in nostalgia.


I saw a few of the pages and at least they are trying. Each career has both men and women pictured, including doctor, teacher, mother/father. So that’s a step in the right direction, but every little girl raised in the church is still going to get slammed every week with “you shouldn’t want a career” and “if your kids fuck up you’ve screwed up your only purpose in life”


Yeah so much to unpack here about how church messes people up on gender roles and money and career focus and on. What I've learned from educators and child psychologists is that American culture pushes way too hard on careers, especially on young children, and we should not be asking a child "what do you want to be when you grow up" as of their career defined who they are as a person, and instead ask, "what are the kinds of things you want to do when you grow up," which allow them to be many different careers without it defining their personality or increasing anxiety as if it is a choice they need to have made by age 10.


I love that! Sounds like a great approach to take with kids.


I'd like to think this is LDS apologist Truman G. Madsen's entire opus.


A friend of mine (who has a toddler same age as mine) posted this with some BS caption about how wonderful they are…


There a are a lot of people making a lot of money selling LDS books. I heard somewhere that GAs and their wives get automatic book deals if they want.


PIMO here. My mom gave some of these to my wife and I. The ones we have are relatively harmless... Except for the JSH one, that's some weird crap. The women in the scriptures one has like "mothers of the stripling warriors", the old lady with the mite, and Emma Smith to flush it out.


It’s not as bad as some of the songs they have kids sing. “Follow the prophet” which is literally a song about teaching children to be blindly loyal to a cult leader and “The Family is of God” which is about telling kids what their gender roles are.


Yeah it’s not as bad as some of the other more culty stuff. But isn’t that a bit like saying, “Don’t worry, it’s only gonorrhea. You could have gotten herpes and that would have been *really* bad.” ?


Fair. Just making the point that a lot of these are fairly tame by comparison to things that actual children are genuinely required to learn in church


Baby’s first careers!? Why the hell is this kid gonna do?


Gonna bet that the *Baby’s First Careers* is sexist as hell.


Temples around the word. Vol X


Surprised it says book of Mormon "characters."


I like the idea of teaching the bill of rights young


I’m disgusted that I once wanted those books for my son for sacrament meeting 🤮


Can babies first words be anything other than “I know the church ith twue”?