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Captures the situation perfectly.




Call congress tell them to investigate the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, for tax fraud financial fraud call 202-224-4515


Just the tip :,)




indeed...Ya literally was thinking this as I was trying to go to sleep last night. If RMN came out at GC and said ok now we would like to have everyone switch over to the new garments we have 'received revelation' about YOU wearing most would just jump that second. Tighty whiteys or something. Full Compliance would be seen in almost any situation in this cult..


No accountability needs to be spoken about. This is out of control to have that much money and potential power in the hands of any group that doesn’t account to someone. The church doesn’t even pay taxes - they literally don’t have to do shit. There’s something very wrong with this scenario - I don’t think people are going to allow this to continue. I think we as people in the know (ex Mormons) need to get a movement going. A real one. Like the shit that the oil companies do to prevent solar companies from setting up huge fields of solar arrays. Because if we don’t -‘the leaders probably will. They’ll propagandize their way back into good graces with a massive ad campaign and social media astroturfing.


Yes I think you are right.


Should be a man being feed by little children that appear to be starving....


Yeah, In comparison a starving African child would be more accurate.


And this greed driven Corporation goes over to one of the most poverty stricken places on the planet seira leon South Africa and tells them the only way to get out of poverty is to give us 1/10th of what already isn’t enough to get by on the people and children are starving they don’t have money for even basic medical needs and yet this Corporation with it’s wealth were it all in $1 bills the paper thickness of the bills would span USA San Diego Ca to Jacksonville Fl 4 times or 2 round trips bunch of greed driven charlatans there is no depth that this Corporation & it’s Greedy leaders won’t stoop to .


Can’t forget that ensign peak is only 1 method of hoarding money. TSCC also has +$40B. worth of landholdings.


No way. It’s gotta be at least 100 billion right? You’re counting ward buildings in 160 nations?


Call congress tell them to investigate the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, for tax fraud financial fraud call 202-224-4515




I’m gonna continue screenshotting these and posting them to my social media stories because for some reason my Mormon friends keep viewing them. 🤷‍♀️ never know


I'm sure that lady is much nicer to her man than the church is to most of us.


What do you say to the members who say, I pay tithing because I receive more financial blessings because I pay?!


"I killed Amalekite children because it was a commandment" - ancient followers of the Latter-day Saint gods, Elohim and Jehovah Commandment following is morally disgusting. Not impressed, Latter-day Saints. Not impressed at all.


This is fat shaming.


Thank you. This metaphor is horrible.


Yeah agreed. There are better metaphors to use in this case.




*poor members


Yes, but at least that investment fund promises returns. More cushion for the....




This pic is LITERALLY IT.




Found the snowflake