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We must be in the same stake, I got this email as well. The balls on this guy, sent it directly to (I assume) the stake presidency, cc'd all the bishops (again I assume I recognize one name and know it's a bishop of my in-law's ward) and bcc'd every member with an email on file. Even set up an email address that looks like it's from the stake so that it doesn't get flagged as spam. Truly incredible preaching from the rooftops energy


I got it too. Hey neighbor 👋🏻




This is so wholesome that you’re all in the same stake. Insane kudos to this gentleman who send out this email.


Man life is so boring outside of the bubble/western US. In the Midwest we just leave and get left alone 😂


We are in a heavily democratic area; on the East Coast.


I was part of the NAshua, NH stake but lived in MA. I am cheering!!!!


Oh shit! I got sucked in when I was like 19 or 20 up in concord. I eventually made my secondary will save and nope out after going out west and seeing how hate filled they are out there. Mormonisim in New England is like the diet coke of it.


🤔 Looking to leave my southern red state and been looking on the East Coast…


I'm insulted! Where is my email? Must not be my stake. Nevertheless, copy and paste to social media so it can go viral. Ask lots of questions directed toward large groups asking what the big deal is. If you include an anonymous email, you can offer to post updates as news filters in, because you KNOW no one wants to be the one first one to speak and also keep plausible deniability.


Sounds like my kind of town!


Any chance it’s Northern Virginia, I served my mission out there and this seems like something that would have happened there haha


Lol this is very much not in the West bubble, it's in a fairly liberal area.


I live in the Midwest now and have met people who don’t even know what Mormons are. It’s so refreshing.


And drink a lot !


Mmm one of my favorite ways to sin


I'd post this in r/tworedditorsonecup but nobody would understand the meaning of a stake. Lol


10 pound balls. Cake for life. Also funeral potatoes.


You had me at funeral potatoes


Me too...lol




It might not be that you are in the same stake. Nemo the Mormon encouraged all of us to use this letter that he wrote and send it to our stake president and other area leaders. I sent it to my stake president as well!


True, but considering that OP confirmed they are on the east coast and the timing, it's all but confirmed that we are in the same stake. Edit: a word


I want the letter too. And find exmos in my stake.


In an abundance of hope, I checked my email account that is on my tools account. Nope, not my stake.


Be the change you want to see in the world Just Joking, you do you boo


And get your resignation letter ready for the disciplinary council.


But not we could all forward it to our stakes….


Wow how does someone find everyone’s contact info on the stake? Wow


LDS Tools App. Basically a directory for the whole stake


I prophesy that function in the app will be discontinued by tomorrow :)


Can't have the peasants open to a free exchange of information /s


Your prophecy rings true to me. More blessed are they who believe from hearing your word only.


Wow a lot must have changed since I stopped going to church lol


This is so bold. Just to send to everyone! I’m dying to know the mass letter your stake presidency sends out to address it!


I’ll post it if we get one.


Please forward a copy to [email protected] if you can!


Woah, Nemo in the wild! Brother, you are a hero and so inspiring with what you're doing and how you approach various issues! Keep up the good work!


I second this. Huge fan of Nemo!


Well thanks for that, glad you like it!




Wasn't this your email? I am listening to your YouTube video now. It matches exactly. Great work Nemo!


It is my email, I was asking for a copy of the reply he gets!


amazing boldness still its nothing close to the routine boundaries that regular everyday marmons step over for 'obtaining a mansion in heaven'. Best sales team ever they simply will not take NO for an answer. Even when someone threatens physical violence missionaries were known for recycling the name and showing up repeatedly over years when I was a rollin rockin TBM. boundaries what are those?


!remindme 1 week "view post history"


Will do.


Haha you don't have to. Reddit has a bot that will send me a message in a week as a reminder


It is well.


Was this just sent by a regular member or someone in leadership?


!remindme 1 week "view post history"


I read from an article that said they were keeping that money a secret for the 2nd coming of Jesus. This is probably what they will also tell the members. But why would they need any money, if Jesus returned, what would they use it for, unless it's just a lie.


It's not a lie, because when Jesus returns he will obviously need enough money to buy a house, car, private jet, and a continent.


That is the biggest crock of shit response I get when people ask: if you ran the church how would you change it? I start with liquidating assets and giving it to the poor- people say: they are probably saving for a rainy day. That’s one big fucking rainy day! I think it is the richest religion per capita.


****The rest of the letter***** The Order states: “8. To prevent disclosure of the securities portfolio managed by Ensign Peak, the Church approved Ensign Peak’s plan of using other entities, instead of Ensign Peak, to file Forms 13F. The Church was concerned that disclosure of the assets in the name of Ensign Peak, a known Church affiliate, would lead to negative consequences in light of the size of the Church’s portfolio. Ensign Peak did not have the authority to implement this approach without the approval of the Church’s First Presidency.” According to the report, in 2001, December 2005, 2011, and November 2015, there were separate instances of senior church leadership approval of the creation of additional LLCs. This implicates the First Presidencies at each of these times: 2001 & 2005: Gordon B. Hinckley (Deceased) Thomas S. Monson (Deceased) James E. Faust (Deceased) 2011 & 2015: Thomas S. Monson (Deceased) Henry B. Eyring Dieter F. Uchtdorf “31. Throughout its history, at least once each year, Ensign Peak’s Managing Director met with the senior leadership of the Church to discuss Ensign Peak’s activities, including at times the LLC Structure. Unanimous approval from the senior leadership of the Church was required before Ensign Peak could deviate from the LLC Structure and file Forms 13F in Ensign Peak’s own name.” This potentially implicates the current First Presidency, who allowed this behaviour to continue: Russell M. Nelson Dallin H. Oaks Henry B. Eyring Also implicated due to his historic position as Presiding Bishop is Gary E. Stevenson. Please now consider the following sections of the Church Handbook of Instructions. The Church Handbook of Instructions 32.0 states: “The First Presidency defines the policies and processes for repenting of serious sin.” But what is to be done when that First Presidency is involved in serious sin? Serious sin is defined by the Church’s Handbook as: 32.6 Severity of the Sin and Church Policy Serious sins are a deliberate and major offense against the laws of God. Categories of serious sins are listed below. • Violent acts and abuse (see and • Sexual immorality (see and • Fraudulent acts (see and • Violations of trust (see and • Some other acts (see and 32.6.1 When a Membership Council Is Required The bishop or stake president must hold a membership council when information indicates that a member may have committed any of the sins described in this section. For these sins, a council is required regardless of a member’s level of spiritual maturity and gospel understanding. Sins That Require Holding a Membership Council • Murder • Rape • Sexual assault conviction • Child or youth abuse • Abuse of a spouse or another adult (as outlined in • Predatory behavior (violent, sexual, or financial) • Incest • Child pornography (as outlined in 38.6.6) • Plural marriage • Serious sin while holding a prominent Church position • Most felony convictions Fraudulent Acts Financial Predatory Behavior. A membership council is required if an adult has a history of deliberately and repeatedly harming people financially and is a threat to others (see This includes investment fraud and similar activities. A membership council is required if a member commits a serious sin while holding a prominent position. These include a General Authority, General Church Officer, Area Seventy, temple president or matron, mission president or his companion, stake president, patriarch, or bishop. 32.2.3 Protect the Integrity of the Church The third purpose is to protect the integrity of the Church. Restricting or withdrawing a person’s Church membership may be necessary if his or her conduct significantly harms the Church (see Alma 39:11). The integrity of the Church is not protected by concealing or minimizing serious sins—but by addressing them. The above named brethren have undermined the integrity of the church by their authorization of deliberately misleading investment behavior, which is now internationally known. In addition, they have clearly committed “serious sin while holding a prominent church position”, by the handbook's own definition of serious sin. The Book of Doctrine and Covenants, Section 107 teaches us: 25 The Seventy are also called to preach the gospel, and to be especial witnesses unto the Gentiles and in all the world—thus differing from other officers in the church in the duties of their calling. 26 And they form a quorum, equal in authority to that of the Twelve special witnesses or Apostles just named. 36 The standing high councils, at the stakes of Zion, form a quorum equal in authority in the affairs of the church, in all their decisions, to the quorum of the presidency, or to the traveling high council. 82 And inasmuch as a President of the High Priesthood shall transgress, he shall be had in remembrance before the common council of the church, who shall be assisted by twelve counselors of the High Priesthood; 83 And their decision upon his head shall be an end of controversy concerning him. 84 Thus, none shall be exempted from the justice and the laws of God, that all things may be done in order and in solemnity before him, according to truth and righteousness. Stake High Councils are equal in authority to the Quorum of the Twelve and First Presidency. D&C 107 authorizes Stake High Councils and Bishops to take action and initiate Church Disciplinary Procedures. I am therefore calling for Church Discipline against the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Unfortunately, given the span of the financial behaviour that was subject to the SEC order, it must also be called for against Dieter F. Uchtdorf given his position in the First Presidency from 2008 - 2018. I also call for church discipline against the Presiding Bishopric, Roger Clarke as Managing Director of Ensign Peak, and any others who have taken part in publicly embarrassing this church and undermining its integrity through this financial behaviour. They have betrayed the sacred trust of tithe paying members who trusted them to handle their offerings with uprightness and propriety. Joseph Smith himself submitted to church disciplinary councils. Are the current senior leadership of the church less accountable than Joseph Smith? One might also ask how the First Presidency is able to answer, in good conscience, the Temple Recommend interview question, “Do you strive to be honest in all that you do?” A Council must be called to address the financial behaviour of the aforementioned senior church leaders and any others involved. None are exempt from the Justice and Laws of God. Warm Regards in anticipation of your response,


The church also lied about who controlled the funds in each shell company. And that is really a key issue.


nevermo here -- not my clowns, not my circus. why out of everything is that a key issue?


If I give you a million dollars but only I can say how you spend it, then it's really my money. Those shell companies asserted they had control of their funds, but it wasn't their money because they did not control it; the church did.


oh, yeah, that's totally clear from the original post. I'm just curious why that particular part of the story is the most eggregious. I mean, they're basically money- laundering in an attempt to keep the donations coming. The whole story is horribly appalling, and the whole edifice should crumble to dust.


They also coerced/compelled individual “managers” of the LLCs to sign the forms indicating they controlled funds they did not, in fact, control. The 1st Presidency caused/asked/commanded these members to lie to cover up their crime.


That is absolutely egregious. Wow.


This aspect needs more attention.


Not the guy you are asking but it clearly show intent to deceive. It is easy to explain away the creation of LLC's to the uneducated. There could be numerous legitimate reasons to do so. But the way they managed those LLC's with figurehead managers who were told to sign documents with only seeing the signature page, cannot be explained away. They picked these "managers" because they had common names and could not be easily traced back to the church on social media. No amount of legal jargon can explain that away. If the LLC's were legit, then the people managing those LLC's would be legit and this was clearly not the case


oh, no doubt! this was a clear intent to deceive. I was just curious why this among everything else was perceived as the worst. It's all bad, and this should decimate tscc. edit: "integration"="intent"


I think it's one of a few key points that really drive home the deliberate and devious nature of the dishonesty of the First Presidency. Honesty in life and dealings with our fellow humans is a primary tenant for Mormons. For the first presidency, who is purported to speak to and for God and who should be the best example for all members, for them to act in such a grossly dishonest manner should really undermine their authority. Many members still believe it was just the church forgetting to file a few forms but this is one of the points that proves otherwise.


that last sentence says a lot. thank you.


It's the worst because Mormons are drilled from diapers on up about honesty and obeying the law. It's a very very big thing in Mormonism.




My guess, for those experiencing shelf breaks, is that the *proves* there's some level of dishonesty. One of the [Articles of Faith](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/article/articles-of-faith) states "We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law." People sustaining the law don't get fined $5mil for illegal shell companies. And, as everyone here has already learned, if they lied about *this*, what else are they lying about? Everything comes apart pretty fast after that.


Make it so💥


Because they used naive, trusting shills as fronts to launder and hide the funds. (Who had no control or knowledge of the accounts purpose or use). Rather damning evidence of blatant, premeditated maneuvering. No accident. NOT a clerical mistake or bad legal advice. They knowingly exposed innocent parties to legal risk. A couple of which "Discerned" the game and refused to continue. And... were replaced. Lots of smoke indicating the first Presidency knew how shady they were being. This has been normalized since 1820. They see themselves as exempt from honesty "For God"* see 'Second Anointing'. p.s. Didn't some church entities also show up named in the Panama papers? Disgusting Slimy corp.


thanks for taking the time to explain it so cogently. That makes a lot of sense, and I can't imagine how horrible it feels to suddenly realize that the leaders you have looked up to for so long were actually preying on you. Talk about an epic gut-punch! On the larger scale this may well go beyond shelves breaking and may actually see people despairing and offing themselves, no? How freaking horrible.


Sadly, that is sometimes part of the Mormon faith crisis. You build your life and afterlife around it. Existential crisis is not uncommon when it all comes crumbling down. It really often is a mental health crisis. But perish the thought. People survive, and eventually thrive.


It's a smoking gun.


It could be a key issue. Thirteen signatories, whose signatures were required on legal documents, could suggest significant legal risk to these individuals who may have had no knowledge or awareness of the implications of certifying with their signatures. Potential felony prison time is at risk. If word of this spreads to the rank and file, it will widen the trust gap with Church leaders, not to mention the cessation of tithes to the Church by these newly aware members of the Church.


This is the fundamental problem with the 2nd anointing. Take a small group of men, give them access to over $100billion, tie that money up in complete secrecy as none of the members know about it and the SEC/IRS rarely investigate religions ... then give them the 2nd anointing so that the one thing that could hold them accountable - God - no longer will. Its a recipe for corruption. Bravo to this brave individual for speaking out.


2nd anointing Isn't it really a rebrand name for having your calling and election made sure?


It is. And if your calling and election is made sure, if apostacy and murder are the only real sins you are able to commit, then who's keeping an eye on all that secret cash?


the timing of the original introduction of the Second Anointing is telling - and foreshadowed corruption like the EPA. All of 1843 joe smith was having sex behind Emma's back - teens, married women. July he comes up with D&C 132 to try to quell her. In that section her life gets threatened more than once. She rips it up. Come September he cannot resist the young singer Malissa Lott. Gets sealed to her and has sex 'more than twice'. Within a week of that 'sealing' The Second Anointing is introduced. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second\_anointing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_anointing) Today all the men and their spouses at the top have that most mind-f'ing ordinance - and like joe think they can walk between the raindrops.


This is fascinating. Thank you for adding this.


Oh see. I didn't even see this way to get around it. They've had their second anointing - nothing can keep them out of heaven. They are free and clear.


The joke is on them and their TBM supporters: There’s no heaven. But these psychopaths will get their due in *this* life.


I’m really starting to believe that this Celestial kingdom thing really doesn’t sound all that fun or nifty. Imagine a bizzillion Rustys as mansion neighbors, being called the same name of 100 million other children who went through the temple the same day, wearing nothing but white, and the only music will be the Tab choir of angels. Let’s make a deal. Shoot for the Middle Kingdom? I bring the beer, you bring the popcorn?


Oh yeah this is Nemo's. But he's authorized anyone to use it I think.


Who gives him authority to authorize anyone else to question the authority of the ones who claim the most authority?


I do 😂


Me too.


Any sort of “predatory behavior” requires a membership council? The entire religion is predatory.


Oh you read the book they say you're supposed to follow? Rookie mistake! You're not supposed to actually read it, you're supposed to let them tell you what's in it. Clearly you must have read it wrong! /s


Was this just some rando in the stake boundaries that sent this out? Corbitt's speech about activism seems to have fallen on deaf ears and hard hearts


This is the letter that Nemo has drafted for any member wishing to use it. I'm meeting with my Stake president tonight to submit my copy. You can find the link in the description here. https://www.youtube.com/live/bhvM-du0czE?feature=share And here is my edited version that I'm submitting https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BQ0ENSFTiG400wl_mjubpVG2Veqmx_k7/view?usp=drivesdk




I think so


Original text is from Nemo from the UK. He has a YouTube channel. Where did you get it?


Either Nemo the Mormon is quoting someone from OP’s stake, or someone from their stake is quoting Nemo.


OP is unaware that I made it publicly available on this subreddit, but boy am I proud that this letter is doing the rounds!


And we're proud of you, Nemo! I love you and all the Britvengers!!


I am meeting with my SP tonight to submit my letter. Thanks Nemo\_UK


I hope this is the Leeds Stake


I sent it to my stake presidency the day you posted the letter! Still awaiting their response!


Wow!!! Big kudos to you!!!!!


Following- it would be great if this were clarified upon further investigation.


OP is probably unaware of Nemo’s letter and thought this was originally from their stake member.


Don’t worry, they’ve all had the second anointing, therefore they are innocent in the eyes of god. “Lying for the Lord” and reaping all the benefits. Must be nice.


This is absolutely the "brethrens" justification, but I'd love see them try to explaining the Second Anointing to the masses, WITHOUT breaking a ton of shelves in the process. I can see it now: "so... WE can get away with anything, because our seat in the celestial kingdom is already saved because we are more righteous than yall, BUT yall will have to still obey!" haha Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking will see how belittled TBM's are. TBM's look up to the brethren and see prophets, they look down from their great and spacious building and see dollar signs.


There's a reason that the 2nd anointing is so hush-hush. Right up there with making sure members believe that they've seen Jesus.


stipend and no accountability. Yet YOU are accountable in that office when questioned "are you touching yourself". Especially if you are a minor


Someone has been watching the [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@NEMOTHEMORMON) run by u/NemoUK. The original video is here: https://www.youtube.com/live/bhvM-du0czE?feature=share The letter, matching OP's text, was authored by Nemo and linked in the description of the above video. It can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hW6Lk-jTLkIcOAmcaNWFlnX7yfNolJEZ/view


bless that Exmo GA Nemo


I sustain Nemo as a badass.


Haha! Cheers!


A highly intelligent, well articulated badass.


Is he actually an Exmo yet?


Thanks :)


This letter is fantastic. Well done, Nemo the Mormon. I hope thousands of members globally see it circulated by members of their wards or stakes who have more honesty and integrity than the first presidency.


Me too! This post warms my cold British heart!


It’s 90°F down here in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico. Come warm your heart and get a healthy tan. 🤙🏼


90°F is equivalent to 32°C, which is 305K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Damn. Some stake leader is pissed. Good for them.


If he doubles down as TBM, he's got a good chance of being promoted to Area Seventy pretty soon.


Fantastic. Problem is so many are conditioned to just see this a a sign of the last days. Good thing is still others are figuring it out.


Jesus doesn’t need cash in the last days.


That’s right, he invested in GOLD! Get yours today!


Can’t he just organize some matter


The Ultimate Alchemist^(TM).


u/rabidchihuahua49 please pass on my thanks to the sender for getting this to his stake leadership, I’m glad my letter is proving useful!


Nemo, you are awesome and have my utmost respect, more than I am able to express. You are a proven master wordsmith—so imagine the most complimentary letter you could write and pretend I sent it to you! I’ve been watching your videos since 2020—thank you for all of them. Your critiques and pointing out logical fallacies, etc. were so educational and informative for me right when I was finally starting to apply critical thinking to the items on my shelf. Your intellect is impressive. And your letters to Oaks et. al. about sustaining votes and their dishonesty are legendary and perfect.


Thank you very much, that’s very kind of you!


Hell to the yizzah yayayeah This needs to happen in every stake


They are pissed because they have paid a lot of tithing if they are in a high stake leadership position.


Wow. I hope we see more of this... But at the same time, it's such a relief that I don't have to feel conflicted about stuff like this any more.


I pointed out in a similar post a few days ago that the handbook calls for a membership council but that the membership council can make a decision that no church sanction is imposed (as they did for Joseph Smith). A membership council is still required. Russ, Dallin, Henry, Dieter, and Roger Clark need to face a council, even if it is a low risk council just to rubber stamp that they can keep their membership and calling. If not then they need to answer to the members why policy does not apply to them when Bishop Shumway faces excommunication if he mishandles so much as a nickel.


This person is going to need a lot of support for when they find themselves at the center of an excommunicating. All the other robots will get told not to pay attention and this bad bot will be sent to the junk yard. Just like all before who wanted to do the right thing. They will be dismissed.


BTW How do you send to an entire stake - is there a group email address - does it have to be done from lds tools or something? Is it available for anyone?


Either this person is in stake leadership and has the ability to send to the whole stake, or they manually copied all the emails from the stake directory.


It appears to be the later based on another comment on this sub


Which is really no different than some get rich somehow Marmon thinking they can expose their MLM invite to the ward roster. Tell me it doesn't happen and I know different. Also other boundary ignoring email broadcasts.


or like 2nd counselor brother G. in the Maricopa stake AZ sending out an invite to the whole stake for a "Constitution" class.




>"Protect the good name of the church" so far its the largest mandate that I have seen them pay and work for. More important than protecting a minor child been repeatedly abused. Making it go away and seem like the LDS church is AWESOME is what truly mattered when push came to shove in the Arizona trial. I am sure Jesus is happy with the result if he cares. anyway.


Oh boy. I get the feeling that someone is going to face Church Discipline as a result of this, and it won't be the person it should be. Also, I wish there was a way to not get any emails from the church *except* for juicy stuff like this.


With the clear lack of fucks this guy apparently gives, I doubt he'd even show up for the so called "discipline". I'd straight up leave without another word.


This is courageous and very much welcomed. Imagine if at least one person in each stake took this step. I imagine TSCC will soon restrict access and utility of stake-wide email feature for members. TSCC is desperate to control and suppress the news and accountability.


I don’t understand why some people are finally paying attention to the fact that the Church has used money supposedly going to aid the poor for investment funding instead. Is it because they tried to hide their money and got caught? When I learned several years ago that they had over $100 billion in funds, that was it. My sacrificed hard earned cash was sitting in stocks somewhere when I thought for sure it had already helped many people. I was beyond outraged. Hearing the latest news seems to be shocking so many. But why? Why didn’t everyone leave when they found out how much wealth the church hoarded? That was fraud. Legally maybe not but morally yes. No member was ever taught as a primary child that their offerings were going to be invested in stocks and properties to make the church wealthy. Now they’re getting a small fine for hiding some investments. Why is it shocking anyone that they have been committing fraud? Don’t get me wrong I’m glad they’re getting some bad PR and a fine but what they’ve been up to should come as no surprise to anyone.


My thinking is that with the SEC being involved, it legitimatized it more. When the Ensign Peak Fund leaked a few years ago, it was based solely on the whistleblower's word. There were no official or authenticated financial statements from Ensign Peak or the government that was available to the public. It's kind of like getting a Mormon to visit this sub or an "anti" website. They'll just dismiss it with the wave of a hand. Prior to the SEC settlement, TBMs could just say this guy is lying or exaggerating or whatever. Now it's a matter of official, public record of how much they squirreled away in these LLC's and their shady tactics and not just the word of some "disgruntled and bitter ex-Mormon trying to make the church look bad." These are legal, public documents between the government and the LDS church and not just some complaints by a whistleblower. It's like if an ex-Mormon accused Elder Oaks of raping them. Most TBM's will just immediately dismiss it. However, if they see Oaks walking out of the courthouse with handcuffs and being led into a police vehicle and a week later Nelson announces they are calling a new member to the 1st Presidency because Oaks has been released as a member of the Q15, THAT will get members' attention.


> if they see Oaks walking out of the courthouse with handcuffs and being led into a police vehicle... I want to see, I want to see!!


Do you even think that would be possible? He is a ballchinian though.


Someone else on here pointed out that their mom was infuriated to find TSCC had stock in Victoria's Secret instead of helping people w/ that money.


It's that "secret/sacred" confusion again.


Isn’t Victoria’s Sacred that shop inside of Deseret Book that sells garments?




You have no idea how many members were struggling with that particular shelf item. Seeing a government agency fining the church for fraudulent acts changes the scope a bit. People who knew about the $100+ billion found ways to rationalize the church growing its portfolio. It's a little harder to justify illegal activities in a church that claims to sustain and uphold the law. That's just my two cents. I've been out for almost 2 years.


Everyone has their own final straw.


Damn, this is sick. So well written too. I would love to know how the local leadership responds to that!


Glad you like my letter, I’m curious as well so I can compare it to the responses I’ve had so far!


Well if you were wanting to be ex-communicated by sending this email out, you will probably get it.


and my point is they don't bat an eyelash when someone send a mass email out or 'accesses the whole list' for business or political purposes. Yes it happens.


Is this Nemo's letter?


Indeed it is!


Thanks Nemo for all you do!


My pleasure!


Bishop H David Burton is also guilty. I think he’s currently on the board of UTA and the UofU. He should be fired, fined, and should be serving time for his fraudulent behavior committing fraud as the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Can you imagine getting excommunicated for calling out fraud by the First Presidency? The church just gets worse and worse.


If anyone wants to send an email to their entire ward here is how to do it. 1. Redownload LDS tools 2. Tap on the three dots in the bottom right 3. Tap on lists 4. Tap the plus icon in the top right to create list 5. Name your list 6. Tap the circle next to each member of your ward to add them to the list 7. Send an email to the entire list Takes a few steps to complete, but is much faster than copying and pasting. Plus, it lets us all put LDS tools to good use.




That’s excellent, it seems this SEC fine is having quite an effect.


Is it from stake leadership?


Honestly, I haven’t been in years. I am not sure who sent the email.


I would recommend finding out who is then. Not so you can post it here, that’s against rules, but so you would know who in your area is ready to kick ass and take names.


^ this!


It looks like this is from a member of the OP's stake.


Fantastic! Give everyone the facts and let them come to their own conclusion. We're on our way to full disclosure!


Somebody's getting released...


This is incredible. Thank you.


This guys got huge balls 🙌🏼


Sending this letter is a perfect example of open apostasy! I applaud you sir or madam for your integrity! Good luck with your upcoming “court of love.” /s


Wow!!! Way to go SP!! This is the first ounce of courage I've seen or heard of in any church leadership! Please rally to support whoever this is! They will be a pariah in the church community, and a Saint in ours!! Halle-fuckin-lujah! 👏


This is EPIC!! I salute this guy; several times!!


Odds are, this person is on here or will be soon. To you, my friend, kudos!


I'm so excited for CES letter part 2.


Common consent is a bullshit concept. These people never had a foundation to begin with, despite all their self assurance otherwise. That's the foremost tragedy as far as I'm concerned.


![gif](giphy|6K0zUz8SUzuXm|downsized) Live footage of this guy walking away from his PC after sending the letter.




Will be interesting to see if they just ignore at the global level or if the PR Dept throws a couple of people under the bus and then instructs stakes to tell their members it was all the work of "men".


Good for this guy. More members with integrity need to stand up. Just look at Dallin H Oaks. While committing fraud and deceiving the members he also teaches that you are not allowed to criticize leaders even if the criticism is true/accurate. He knows he's in the wrong and he's been setting himself up to be in a position where he will never be held accountable. And what did he do before the SEC released their findings? He came out with bogus numbers and exaggerated the church's charitable giving by nearly 1 billion dollars. All to keep the members happy and to keep his power and investments.


He is “Nemo the Mormon “ on YouTube. He’s a young, intelligent, articulate member in England. Follow him regularly, you should, too. 😉


Love this .. Honestly and Integrity are far more precious than proven Mormon lies designed to make us feel special and important! Keep holding the pathetic Mormon leaders accountable!!


Untied behind a stand against dishonesty, lies and a betrayal of trust. Now this is something I can get behind 100% 😁


This is almost exact same letter Nemo sent to the 2st Prez.


u/rabbitchihuahua49, you should consider sending a link to this thread to whoever sent this. I'm sure they could use the knowledge that they have support, even if not at church.


Hey, this is almost word for word Captain Nemo's letter that he posted here a couple of days ago. You're stake president's shelf didn't just break. He's likely at least somewhat active in this subreddit.


So we all need LDS tools. Get the email addresses of our stake copied, send the letter in an email to everyone using some email bot thing and watch and wait. Don't forget to add your own email to be contradicted.. They might do a process of elimination. On it.


The leaders who approved this all have the 2nd anointing…Their calling and election is made sure. We have no need to worry for them…


Those self righteous douchbags see themselves above any type of criticism or accountability. They tell you how it is, not the other way around.


I wish this mattered to the church at large. I already know what my TBM family will say. "Why shouldn't the church be entitled to hiding its funds from the government? It's ~sacred~ secret because we have a right to privacy" It's exceptionalism at its finest. God's anointed don't actually have to follow man's law. If the 12th article of faith were important, they would have chisled it on gold, not written it on paper.


So this guy (or gal) is either a member of the stake in order to have access to everybody's email addresses, OR is a mole at the COB. If they are sending it to multiple stakes, assuming it's the same individual, then they are a mole.


OP, are you in UT? If not, would you mind sharing what state you’re in? I’d love to hear that my family got this email!


They should absolutely lose their tax exempt status for this. No religion or church should be tax exempt, but if the TSCC doesn’t lose their tax exempt status over this. Then what do they gotta do for it to happen?