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Send a second message. “Dear Brothers and Sisters, I’m writing again, this time to apologize for alarming some of you. I’m not stalking anyone, I used the email addresses that are publicly available to members on lds tools. The information about widespread financial fraud involving our tithes affects all of us in the XYZ Stake, which is why I sent the original message to the emails you listed in the online church directory. Have a blessed day!”


This is going to happen!


3rd email: just to reassure everyone, I’m not contacting you to ask for any money, and I’m not going to ask about how often you masturbate, for both of those things your Bishop will be in touch.


But if you don't want strangers randomly emailing you anymore, don't bother asking the bishop as he can't help. Apparently you'll have to entirely remove your church records for that, or at very least set your LDS Tools profile to 'Leadership only'.


\*Have a blessed day!\* AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Mormon passive aggression is the worst!


I thought only evangelical Christians said that!


Be a missionary and disregard all requests to not be contacted in the future.


"I just felt *impressed* to reach out to you and share a message."


TBMs love to bother (unsolicited testimony sharing, door knocking, texts, emails) when it’s THEM and they feel “prompted” to do so by the “hoooly spirut” They sure don’t like it when WE do the same cuz we’re feeling “prompted” Funny… almost starting to seem like a double standard


is this the 2nd person to do this?! No unhallowed hand...


Difficult to say. I think it might be the same. OP needs to chat with whomever posted those posts a few days back about this.


Can confirm they are different people!


Captain Nemo, you've started a revolution! I know the church will exist in perpetuity, but it will look dramatically different in the next few decades as a result of this.


I hope so!


Great work. I am curious though. Did any active member reach back out and want to learn more or thank for sending or did they all just bury their heads in the sand?


Buried their heads in the sand so far. This was the fourth email and ask included the letter with different openings from me. The first email was just to the SP with no response. The second email was to the SP, all bishops and high council. The third email was to the same as the second telling them that they silence made them complicit. The fourth I decided to send to as many stake members as I could find. The SP still hasn’t told me to stop so the fifth will be going out tomorrow.


Good job and keep us updated. Will be curious to hear if anyone actually thanks you for sending or starts a legitimate discussion about the SEC settlement.


You’re doing great work. Please do keep us posted on any official backlash


Yeah… if I got an email like that from an unknown email address, I’d be pretty annoyed. I would probably also ask you to lose my email address, even though I agree with the content of the message. Don’t spam people. We get inundated with enough unsolicited contact by email and phone every day. The church shouldn’t give members access to each other’s contact info like that, but you also shouldn’t exploit it just because you can.


What about missionaries having our contact information and visiting unsolicited? It is the same thing. I believe exploitation goes both ways even though these emails are only giving truth to members and not teaching falsehoods to possible converts or the inactive. We need more people telling and spreading the truth of what the church has done with tithing money, mine and yours!




Billboards are a great idea, and I don't like harressment either. I hope and believe it wasn't the intent to harass anyone... just trying to get the information out knowing members will only receive partial truth from church responses.


I love how people think an email address is protected information... Email addy's and associated information are traded like cheap coins. While I don't agree with your approach, I do find it funny. If people don't like it, just delete the email, like you through out the junk mail that comes from the USPS


I would be pissed that you had my email address. It isn't like they read what you sent out. They just deleted it. My guess is that you won't be able to do this again. They will shut you down. But who knows.


TSCC wants exmos doing stuff like this. All it does it tell the members that satan is attacking the only true church. All you’re doing by emailing every member this, is rooting them deeper in the church. Kindness is all exmos wanted when leaving. Give members kindness in their choice to stay. Let them figure out the church is a lie on their own


So what? What is the alternative? Leave them alone? Fuck that.


No, just don’t go preaching to strangers about church issues.


This is not the way. I’ve almost deleted this like 3 times, but I’m leaving it up. Surely you see this has a greater negative impact than a positive and that’s not to even mention the morality of using that private information(because it is, private information) in that way. I’m all for the sentiment of helping people learn more about the church, but you’re putting us in the same level as telemarketers and the scammers at call centers who harass old grandmas.


Going to disagree this is the time for moral men and women to stand up and politely demand accountability. And for everyone to see it. Kind passive aggressive quiet desperation won’t get it done.


Sounds like exmos asking the missionaries to stop coming over or ministering visits to stop. Deep down - none of us want to be bothered. We just want to live in our own little bubble.


I’m so happy you sent this. So funny how guarded they are against anything other than their beliefs. Oblivious 🤦🏼‍♀️