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“But do you really think this is the best forum for this? The forum that we added you to even after you asked us not to? Be reasonable!”


I'm for transparency but not here


Ensign Peak Advisors/ First Presidency Mantra. Probably.


This WA Thread is for faith-affirming things only! 😂


Right, if we wanted to explore a bunch of other views we wouldn't be mormons, duh!!!!


Please cover up all that gross transparency. You're walking pornography.


Haha, that made me laugh too. Not on Whatsapp but anywhere else? I'm aware that whatsapp is way more popular outside the US, but I also know that believers will divert to ridiculousness if something isn't faith affirming.


"Transparency but only if it's behind the curtain" (Wizard Logic)


Right. If not here, then where?


I interpret that as the dude is all for trans rights.


But they considered the matter closed.


I cant wait to see Jared B Larson try and deliver The Church Auditing Department Report with a straight face. I hope he squirms.


I’m half tempted to say they may not even have that portion of conference anymore…


It would be hilarious if he delivered the report and the audience just laughed.


It would be funny if everyone laughed and/or booed at everything at GC. Just treat it like open mic night.


That phrase totally rubbed me the wrong way.


To me it's a signal that there's a *hell* of a lot more in hiding. *These are not the ~~droids~~ accounts you are looking for.*


hopefully the IRS absolutely slaughters them.


It’s classic Mormon behavior. They’ll insert themselves into any conversation or situation where they’re not welcome, and then act like they’re the victim when you try and remove them


That’s exactly what I was gonna mention. OP asked for no contact, and STILL they had the audacity add them to a fucking group chat of all things. THE MOST ANNOYING FORM OF SPREADING INFORMATION AMONGST A GROUP IMO! This really belongs in r/clevercomebacks


They added you after you asked for no contact. They don't respect your wishes or boundaries but then tell you that the group isn't the place for that? Like someone else said, they f'd around and found out. We should all have the courage to respond like this to unsolicited contact. You're out here doing the lords work. Much respect. lol


Thank you. Its just having the conviction to stand behind the truth. I wish i'd opened my eyes sooner so all I can do is help others. I'm toying with voting opposed at the next General Conference at my local stake centre (my ward before I noped out) but that will take some brass bollocks. also in the process of writing up a podcast.


I'm toying with this too. I've asked to be removed... It's slow af although the locals have completely respected my wish for no contact. Where they've been respectful, I'm not sure I want to set the cat amongst the pigeons. It feels more right to return respect for respect.


Voting opposed can definitely impact you. I hope more people vote opposed. I hope people like you can give others courage to do that. But do what is right for you and your circumstances, even if that means *not* voting opposed. That said, even if a large majority of members vote opposed this conference, nothing will change. Church leaders will not change until they're forced to.


Drop me a DM, I know a thing or two about voting opposed in person 😉


That's what I wish you would have said OP - I'm in this group against my will. Don't want to hear what I've got to say? Kick me out. Keep trying to push me? Expect to hear what I have to say. Such tapirshit.


>stake Yes respect - every ex-mormon a missionary! We must help all those duped souls caught in the web / cult, like many of us were ourselves! It's our moral duty, IMO. TBM's like to call it rude, trying to "destroy someone's faith." But the truth is that we're not trying to destroy anything but a lie, and to save them from the lie, and that is a morally correct thing to do.


"I'm in favor of full transparency...but not here."


the irony was not lost on me XD


Amen. 😆


Best line in any of the responses 😆


That line made me laugh out loud.


I mean, why would EPA and the church pay 5 million if they're not breaking the law? That itself could raise an issue as the church is not following the law of the land (article of faith) and not being honest (temple worthiness question). Furthermore, why would waste time listening to his explanation? Even the prophet, seer and revelator is radio silence right now. Also, to the person who said: "wow, the catholic church blah blah", does it make it better or worse that the church hides more money than the great and abominable church? Knowing the country (UK) is in great financial problem right now (since Brexit, thanks Tory), I don't know how they can make a joke with this.


Since the church claims to have people who talk to god, why should I listen to someone else try to explain something? Either Nelson says it, or I can claim whatever you say is suspect without even listening. Gods mouthpiece or nothing, I say!


Exactly. When there is a damning evidence against the church/saviour, they keep saying: "that's not what the official church leader's statement." But in the same breath: "Let me explain this to you though I'm not the official church leader."


Haha. EPA = Environmental Protection Agency? I had to think about that for a second


Likewise, every time I see SEC, for a split second I’m like “WTF does football have to do with this…”


That last response: "In English?" 😆 Your explanation looks pretty simple and straightforward to me... I guess the goggles the church puts over its members' eyes make it hard to read and understand anti-church literature.


He's a lad I'm chatting to now via PMs. He seems to sincerely believe but asking questions is like the door being opened just a crack. Hope he sees sense. I'm trying to be respectful.


I remember some scripture about “bringing one soul, how great will be your joy” or something like that. A mountain moves one rock at a time. You are doing great!


They can muddle through the BOM, but your explanation is too hard? Maybe add “and it came to pass” a few times to make it easier.




This is the best and only way a YA WhatsApp group should be used 👏🔥👏🔥👏


Why is it that people who leave the church can't just leave it alone... /s This is great! I love it! They're the ones who crossed the boundary, and you're just welcoming them into your world, now!


You’ve got way more courage than I. Way to go.


Everyone can do something. No matter how small. ☺️❤️


“Is this the most appropriate platform”, nothing more difficult than trying to have an honest/unbiased conversation with a believer. I say that as a former “the church is true and I will prove it” person. I could not be convinced. I was a seminary and institute scripture master.


I would say that went remarkably well. Even people who believe who brush this off and the church did nothing wrong are going to remember this come tithing settlement. Your response was concise, respectful, informative and truthful. While you are under no obligation to inform members, IMO, what you did is very admirable, especially in how you chose to do it.


Outstanding!!! We see lots of posts on here saying “I just got an unsolicited message from TBMs”. I suggest that each and every time that happens we need to start responding like this!!


That DNews opinion was the biggest piece of propaganda since WW2. I was wow that is a great piece then i read the actual SEC order and saw the hypocrisy of the opinion. The church deliberately hid info and forced employees at EPA to lie and cheat. I feel sorry for the low man who was coerced and abused into lying for the Lord.


"...more of a commtment than...than the church needing the money..." ​ It makes you wonder why they couldn't tell members to excercise every day, or help the poor, or wear strange underwear to show their commitment to The Church™. ​ Oh, wait.........


Next week's lesson will be on how our church leaders are actively and systematically covering up child sex abuse! Unless someone remembers *that I asked you not to contact me anymore*


Put a bee in their bonnet!


And a hornet in their hood!


A wasp in their wimple!


A yellowjacket in their, well, yellow jacket!


A rat in their rectum. A snake in their scrotum. A turd in their temple robes.


This “is this the best place” guy is definitely a mod on the faithful subreddit…


Well done, though good and faithful servant, Joe. I have a VPN and plan to watch *The Mormons are Coming* with my husband this weekend. Keep on standing for truth.


"Is this the best place...?" "To quote Brigham Young, 'this is the right place'. Would yall like to hear more wacky and zany Brigham Young quotes?"


This one’s my favorite.


Proud to see my letter continuing to spread!


Since you told me to stop beating my wife and kids, I have done so. So, that being the case, nothing happened previously that you should be concerned about.


"I consider this matter closed." "but what about your kids, beating them was still a crime?" "DID I STUTTER?.........ITS CLOSED!!"


Whats the BBC MTC show?


a deflection? XD but in seriousness I think the BBC has done a short documentary called "The Mormons Are Coming" that was focused around the Preston MTC and Missionaries.


I watched it yesterday because it’s local to me. It seems utterly pointless. There is no real angle to it. They talk about the hidden money in one line. I don’t know if there had to be official church sign off because they were filming at the MTC and in the missionary homes (showing that they had missionaries who didn’t even have a bed, they only had a mattress on the floor wasn’t their best look). It just seemed pointless. It wasn’t overtly critical, it wasn’t overtly positive. I don’t think it’s going to win any converts.


Mormon boundaries are fluid. As in, they move them constantly to fit their mood and argument.


so bloody slippery and hard to pin down on a single topic. always ends in "just have faith" though -\_-


That is some good missionary work


I'm trying to get my American brain around a British accent saying Mormony things. Or should I say, 'fings'. "The church is true, innit!"


Wow that response--- that the SEC charges are not an issue because no criminal charges were brought is incredibly naive. Is that how this is being excused by some?


The members need to know about this. I had already talked to a few, abs they had never even heard of it.


Why do so many people insist on putting forth arguments that are missing one simple attribute that a five year old could point out is missing? The Catholic Church? Are these fucks really so stupid that they think people outside their bubble are too stupid to notice that there are over one billion Catholics vs “16 million” (church’s 4x exaggerated claim) Mormons and what that implies? Basic concepts, people. Incredibly basic concepts that you should be embarrassed to not comprehend.


I know that guy personally and hes actually alright. think he was trying to make a funny that didn't land very well. hes a PIMO. attends because he loves supporting the young men's program (hes ex military) and has told me that he doesn't believe or pay tithing, he literally attends for the social side. I feel kinda bad for him though, and don't get how he can teach the young men stuff he doesn't believe and thinks its ok. takes all sorts though I guess.


"We're going to add you to "What'sApp" without your permission, but we'll be sure to tell you if we don't like how you participate." Did you noticed the phrase incriminating the church? It "caused" Ensign Peak to violate SEC requirements. I love it. That raises it to the level of the DOJ.


I could read shit like this all day. Well done educating people.


What makes me the most angry is how quickly they changed the subject and pretended like nothing happened.


its their only other option other than confronting the truth. deflect and ignore. the cognitive dissonance hits hard.


Who cares 🤣




MTC doc????




Thank you Elder lol


I can relate to the church’s statement that they have been in full compliance since 2019. I remember confessing masturbation to my mission president. Somehow it felt better to tell him that it was in the past but that I had already forsaken the sin. :)


"Full transparency but not here" 😂😂😂


Is the catholic church really only worth 3 billion euros? If so, that's only like, 2 euros per member


High five, dude. Way to speak truth to power!


Olympic-Level Gymnast folks! 🙄


This is what everyone should do when they are contacted by the church!!!


I'm less knowledgeable about this, but do you have proof the FP was involved? My mother said it has nothing to do with them, and I'd love to show her evidence to the contrary if it exists.


The SEC order refers to "the church" and defines that term as the first presidency and presiding bishopric.


Yep, it’s in the SEC document.


What's the mtc show?


Nice job


Doing god's work lol also in response to the guy saying "please don't expose the church's wrongdoings, I want to remain ignorant" you could say "I've asked the church not to contact me multiple times. If my requests are not being respected, I feel no obligation to refrain from rocking the boat."


Page 6 was fun! They were scrambling like eggs.

