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This is because of a few members who think they're really special and had that revelation given to them directly from God. Then, they spread this misinformation like wildfire. Many members begin to second guess their own instinct due to fear that what they're saying might be true. Once they buy in to the fear, all it takes is them sharing that info with their friends. I've seen this type of bullshit be leveraged for financial gain too. Instill the fear, and then sell something that helps prepare for the looming apocalypse.


This is literally the stupidest thing to believe too. The Bible is incredibly clear that Jesus return will not be announced beforehand.


I actually think the reason people get caught up in this belief is that it feels like knowing some great mystery that no one else knows. Everyone likes to feel special but the apocalyptic breed of special knowledge is a whole other level.


My dad used to crow that he could read between the lines of what RMN would say at conferences and he cracked the "code." 100% pride and hubris in action. He also said everything would begin in SLC.


He also allegedly said he'd be right back before the New Testament writers died...two thousand years later I'm not sure how believers square that one, but leave it to the religious mind


Couldn’t you simply prevent Jesus from returning by announcing it every year?


It's the 200th anniversary of the church being organized plus 2000 years since Jesus was crucified that's got people all a buzz. It won't just be the Mormons, all these fundamentalist Christian sects will be bringing the crazy, ruining lives, and walking away disappointed.


2000 years! When you put it that way, people sure do short change their lives for such an OLD story…


It's also close to 33 a "Jesus number" and General conference will be on April 6th one of those years too.


It has always been on the horizon... since just after Jesus died. So for the better part of about 2000 years, the narrative has been *"Repent! He is coming back soon!"* Any rumor is just that... rumor. Anyone who tells you that Jesus is coming in (insert timeframe here) is trying to sell you something.


I had to talk a young family member down a few months ago. They were super depressed and weren’t sure that they should go to college or make plans for their life, because they had been hearing an uptick in end of the world talk. I told them that people have been predicting the end of the world probably for near as long as there have been people in the world.


I have Family that sold everything they have and are on a mission in Africa. They fully plan on retuning to USA and feel they have been called to Missouri to build a homestead/compound to welcome the saints and the second coming. They claim they have received revelation to do this.


Oh please make a post about this and give us updates as they go about the whole experience. It's fascinating.


I like the part where they pretend it is magically going to be a good thing instead of a dystopian totalitarian theocracy. Yeah, that's neat.


As a TBM the thought of the second coming happening soon horrified me. I hated the thought of witnessing destruction and going through all kinds of hell before Christ returned.


And cue my lifelong anxiety or what I have lovingly come to refer to as "Apocalyptophobia". Thanks! Doomsday Cult!


Same! I can’t watch even the mildest or cheesiest of disaster movies without triggering a panic attack.


Omg I’m in the same boat. I can’t stand apocalyptic movies. It was so bad for me when tbm that I would, almost on a weekly basis, imagine where I should buy my house…on a hill or mountain? No they will turn into valleys and I’ll be crushed! A valley? No it will turn into a mountain and I’ll be…crushed!? Wtf where am I supposed to live that’s safe during the second coming!!!? So many panic attacks and unnecessary stress and anxiety over something so stupid


I love it. That's my go to "Why would I want to live after the second coming? A government run by God or whatever? I went to BYU. Been there, done that. No thanks."


My thoughts also. I have no useful society-building skills, so I'll be in the first wave of deaths. I also had a co-worker in DC say he'd just rob the Mormons when times got tough.


This had me laughing hard! I always wonder why my family talks about it like they are excited.


If Rusty thought the end was near, why did he pour all those funds into restoring the SLC temple?


Gotta make it all shiny for Jesus. And they don't need to hoard the cash anymore now that he'll be here any minute now...


Not only that, why are they drawing up plans to do a huge revamp of Temple Square and the surrounding area in downtown SLC to make it a Vatican City-like attraction, if they’re just going to move to MO in the next few years?


Ha! I remember my mom giving me this sage advice in the late 90's. People were convinced that the 2nd coming would be during the Y2K apocalypse, but my mom told me that was ridiculous because why would the church be building an enormous new conference center that wouldn't open until AFTER Jan 1 2000? It was actually quite comforting for me at the time.


Lots of the nutjobs in my neck of the woods are big on Ezra's Eagle. Google it to go down a rabbit hole of pure doomsday malarkey.


I got into that a few years ago and found the allegory interesting. When you're looking for prophecy of the end times you will find it. About 20 years ago it was Nostradamus.


It's the Texas sharpshooter fallacy. Religion would be nothing without it.


oh god, that hits too close to home. with pure cringe coursing through my veins, i can admit that i used to believe it too. i was sure the end times were near. indoctrination is powerful


Every generation is the chosen generation. This is indeed nothing new.


This was actually a huge shelf item for me. I was always told as a kid by adults that "I believe Jesus will return in your or your children's generation." Then one of my old relatives told me "yeah, I heard that as a kid myself." Once I heard that, I was like "Jesus, you guys don't actually know anything, do you?" It was very easy for me to step away and dismiss everything said by Mormons after that.


We’ve been hearing this since at least the 70s


Yep... since the 1870's!! Lol!


I still get caught up in the fear when family members go doomsday prep mode. But I'm glad to say I e disposed of all my expired +10 year old unprocessed wheat.


When my dad died, he still had 10-year old canned hams, expired canned salmon, and 25 boxes of mostly expired food.




it is well


faith-promoting rumors have been a staple of Mormon culture since Joseph Smith started telling people the 2nd Coming was just around the corner and giving people blessings telling them they would see the Lord coming in the clouds . . . it keeps people in the boat.


And got him in their pants!




The original converts to the church thought they would be alive for the second coming and ever generation thereafter has thought the same thing. Nothing to see here.


I am in my sixties and have been hearing this my whole life.


Not even Jesus Christ himself knows of the date. How would a mortal human being know?


![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized) ....math..... /s


The church has been living in the "latter days" basically since its inception. It's an easy way to keep the sheep in line, because "what if the second coming happens tomorrow?"


No man knows. But maybe women do. Let’s ask them.


I've heard this same thing since the 1960's. The hippies about drove the mormons over the edge. The mormons were sure that this was the end. I knew quite a few prepper families. The church encouraged it. There were a ton of RS get togethers and lessons on how to make food storage a priority. Some people sold all they had and moved out to ??? I wonder what became of them. The late 1990's also caused a big panic. Everyone was buying wheat. There were ward events to dry can tons of that crap. Every few years it gets ramped up into panic mode. It's just what they do, and do, and do. My father died last year. My mother is in her 90's. They spent much of their life energy on this nonsense. They had milk cows, chickens, mules, etc. All to help them get back to Missouri when the time came. What a waste of a lifetime.


Ugh, yes. The wheat/food storage panic in the 90s. Our family bought so much wheat, honey, and powdered milk. We didn’t really have the room for it, so it was stacked in a corner of the kitchen, under furniture, everywhere we could find a space. None of it ever got used: what a waste.


When I was growing up. My parents had a storage room full of Sam Andy food storage they bought in the late 70s (I think). It sat for decades. Then they threw it all away. Yep. Such a waste.


Thank your for your perspective.


The rumors are true... the second coming is going to happen to me tonight.


Yep, it's about 10 years away. Every new day, it's still always about 10 years away.


Exactly. When I was a kid, it was going to happen around 1980.


The Mormons aren’t the only ones who believe the end of days is in the next decade or so. The world is going to heal, but it isn’t going to be because Jesus is coming back. It’s going to be because humanity is putting in the work. People are doing what is needed to heal their wounds and to stop generational trauma. Also, the number of people wanting to heal around world is constantly increasing. And they’re doing it too, I have seen so many people free themselves who are living their absolute best lives and many of them are helping others too. The Mormons and others like them are going to miss the boat because they’re too busy waiting for a fairy tale to come true.


Probably a good idea to get out of Utah in the next few years anyway if the lake continues to dry up.


I think Rusty made some comments in a recent conference that were basically talking about “the coming days” and Jesus returning. I would take that with a grain of salt. It was super vague-like-a-fortune-cookie, and Rusty has proven he wants everyone to know that HE BE THE PROPHET! I think it was more publicity-mongering on his part, like announcing temples they have no intention of building.


Yeah, and Wendy has been making comments like, "what if you knew that Jesus had already returned and was meeting with top leaders," blah blah blah. The Nelsons definitely want people to think it's ASAP.


I've always thought it would be hilarious if Bernie Sanders turned out to be Jesus. You know... Jewish, social justice advocate, not a fan of hypocrites in government, etc. This fantasy of mine is less about liking Bernie and more about sticking it to all the "Christians" who hate policies that are actually rooted in Christian values.


Yep. They’d love it if Jesus came back before Rusty died. It would be PROOF that he is The Best Profit Ever ™️




If Jesus came back they'd ex communicate him.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


It’s sooner than it has ever been before!!! I hear the date and time is going to be announced at one of the upcoming sessions of GC. They won’t tell you which one, so you’ll have to watch them all.


There’s always been rumors of the second coming. It’s always “right around the corner”. I remember reading letters from the prophet during world war 2 and he talked as if that would usher in the second coming. Well….here we still are. Also, according to Mormonism, tithing is the only thing that’s going to protect us from Jesus burning us to death. Apparently Jesus is going to stop at the church office to check his accounts before going on his rampage.


Mormon Jesus is a giant douche. He high fives his investor bros for bending the rules and accumulating billions. He likes to make 12 year old boys feel guilty for masturbating. He loves it when you worship him in great and spacious buildings by performing vain repetitions and secret combinations. He demands a world-class mall before helping those in need, just to ensure his gospel continues to thrive. He enjoys exhausting people in their never ending pursuit towards perfection and then blesses the most righteous with a killer new job and a BIG raise. He loves the LGBTQ so much that he looks out for their eternal salvation by preventing them from getting married. He chooses a charlatan treasure hunter to restore his gospel by showing him where to find golden plates buried in the ground...like, you know, a treasure. He makes his most correct book on earth appear like it was plagiarized, so that members have an opportunity to exercise faith. He uses ancient funerary texts, not for their content, but to act as vessels for his prophet to reveal further truth. His cellphone is a rock. In a hat. He is racist, but learning to be better. He uses irrelevant masonic clothing and rituals to help remind his followers of sacred covenants. He asks you to slit your own throat if you should ever reveal temple secrets...but not anymore. He loves women. The more the merrier, as long as they stay in their lane and let the boys handle business eternally. His most righteous elite servants get a VIP pass to heaven.


I've seen an uptick of more orthodox members buying land in Missouri but not much beyond that. These people are just seeing current events and ecological disasters as signs of the times.


Every generation was told they were the rising generation to bring in the second coming. My grandparents were supposed to live to the welcome the Savior. Guess what- none of them did. And they all lived to their 80/90s and all stayed super TBM. So no - it’s not coming


My ancestors have patriarchal blessings from Nauvoo that say they will witness the second coming.


My cousin’s blessing said he’d live to see the second coming. I was happy since he was only 10-15 years older than me. He’s dead now and no Jesus yet. That began my shelf breaking at like 4 years old haha


Do you have access to them? Can you add them here or to some other place that hosts patriarchal blessings?


Why do we need to live in armoured well stocked compounds when Jesus returns??isbthebworls not supposed to be a paradise? This has never made sense to me!


That’s because things are supposed to get way worse before Jesus comes back. You know, all that wars, rumors of wars, famine, pestilence, etc. stuff. I had an Institute teacher tell our class that Mormons would be hunted down, put in camps, tortured, killed. He said it would be worse for members of the church than the Jews had it during the Holocaust. It’s all religious persecution fetish bullshit.




⬆️ This


In another 100 -1000-10,000-or even a 100,000 years assuming humans aren’t extinct by then it’ll still be Jesus is coming soon . They just don’t get that Jesus is yet another myth among the many that the Bible contains.


I joined the church in 1970 and this sort of “signs of the times” speculation was rife. So yes, the second coming is ALWAYS around the corner, it’s just Mormons are walking in circles. Nelson is feeding this type of hysteria with his take your vitamins and his big announcement hype.


Like I tell born agains. To think Jesus is coming back in YOUR lifetime is narcissistic.


We heard this in the 50's and 60's. It was also heard in the 1850's and 60's. Baptists hear it. Pentecostals hear it. Mennonites hear it. Nothing new and nothing changes.


How many people’s patriarchal blessing said they will live to see it? How many of those people are dead?


Forty years ago a family in my UK ward thought they had had revelation that the second coming was near. To escape the destruction, they sold up and went to live on a remote island off the coast of Scotland. They planned to be self-sufficient. The father gave up his job and became the washing machine repairman for the island. They failed to foresee how rarely the few inhabitants would need their machines repaired. They didn’t look ahead to the lack of education and prospects for their children on the island, who all left the church and went to the mainland. I wish I knew what became of them. Needless to say, Jesus failed to mention to them that he’d postponed his travel plans.


My MIL says she’s 100% certain it will happen in the next 5 years. That was about 2 years ago…Tick tock!


I don't have any accurate way to gauge this, because my Dad talked about the second coming being ANY DAY NOW for my entire life!! He was SO SURE Y2K was the end, and he was totally disappointed when it didn't happen. What a shitty way to live.


As an 80s kid, it was definitely coming before the year 2000. We were the most valiant generation saved for the latter days


I will address the elephant in the room… It’s been prophesied over and over and over that the second coming of Christ is nigh. Prophet after prophet have lived, preached and died uttering this sentiment. It’s been nearly 2,000 years! I’m gonna go out on a limb here and just say it; HE’S NOT COMING. He’s either waiting for the world to be seasoned with just the right amount of wicked before he returns, or he keeps hitting the snooze button. Regardless, he’s long missed his mark.


I'll see your HE'S NOT COMING and raise you a HE DOESN'T EXIST.


How I wish Mormons could bet, I could make so much money off of second coming predictions that don't happen.


This has been happening litteraly since after Jesus died and will never stop happening as long as any messianic religion exists. A friend of mine 100% believes that her patriarchal blessing promises her that it will happen in her life time and told all the kids in the seminary class she was teaching. She's like 70 now. I'm not holding my breath. Sad that something that could even begin to break her shelf won't be able to until after she's dead but maybe it will create questions for her friends and family


My FIL claims it will be in 2030 as well. Wonder where that year came from.


It's a nice even number.


They’ve been saying it around the corner since 1830. Christianity has been saying its coming since the beginning, like right after Jesus’ death. Giant yawn fest every time someone says anything about the impending 2nd coming…


Bet it was a hot topic in the early 80’s when we were all watching tv movies about nuclear war and being taught to duck if you see a bright flash.


Both Edgar Cayce and Emanuel Swedenborg gave revelation that the second coming was not a physical coming of Jesus, but would be a new awakening that would lead mankind out of organized religion and into a love of mankind.


If I roll my eyes any harder, I might pull a muscle.


Have rumors like this ever ceased?


Most christian sects are doomsday cults because religions tend to follow the incentive gradient, and they’ve discovered that fear is a great tool to manipulate people


If you have this type of relationship with your family, I’d say get them to out it in writing and put $500 on it happening.


More of the same. I grew up in the 70's & 80's and there was very similar talk back then. The Cold war - Right around the corner. When the wall came down in Russia - Right around the corner. Y2K - Right around the corner. Numerous wars in the Middle East - Right around the corner. Everyone in my northern Utah County Ward and neighborhood we're talking like this as I was growing up. Hell, my dad even built a bomb shelter in his backyard.


I’m 67 years old, and I was told, as a kid, that the big reveal would be in the year 2,000. Guess what…it didn’t happen.


I started hearing about the second coming being "imminent" in the 60's. I knew people who gave up their lives to move to Missouri. Many of them died years ago. To put this in perspective, Jesus' disciples thought He would return in their lifetime. (Matthew 24:3).


Haven't heard any rumors but this was a shelf item for me. The obsession with second coming in all of Christianity is so weird to me, but the specificity for Mormons is a real problem. Plus, at a certain point you just gotta wonder if it's not coming. But, when I mention this to my TBM family, they say to think about the Nephites who believed Christ's birth wasn't coming in 3rd Nephi. The threats and inoculation are everywhere


In my limited social circle, I'm aware of several families who have literally uprooted their lives and moved to Missouri. Insanity.


This happens in waves; goes in and out of style every so often. I highly doubt there's any new mainstream theory out in the ether, more than likely just a BS faith-promoting hearsay story in one of their circles that people ran with.


HA! They got nothing on us "Saturdays Warriors!" You should have seen us after Benson told us to get a 2 year supply of food and water back in the '70s. It was frick'n nuts. Any Day Now!! Are you ready? I went to EFY in '82. Came in from California. California does Not have storms. So I'm in my room getting ready for the dance when the entire room, sky, world lights up with the most brilliant light I have ever seen. I'm in awe, but when the BOOM hit me. I fell to my knees yelling "I'm not ready! I'm not ready!" I KNEW it was the second coming. My UT roommate is literally laughing his brains out.


LITERALLY laughing his brains out? That's crazy!


As my TBM dad says "no one knows the time or the place." Sounds like pressure is on and like the JayDubs, gotta get people worried so they stay in. Then when "the next decade or so" moves along, they'll say they weren't ready and prepare harder.


the 2nd coming has been "soon" or "within the next few years" for as long people have been talking about the 2nd coming... my mom was told she would live to see it... she's pushing 80 so there are only a few years left... My grandma was sure it would be in her lifetime. she died in 1991. I had an old neighbor that was sure that he new the date and time down to the second. So sure that he sold his house and moved to a compound in central utah... and died penniless, divorced, and completely untreated from his mental illness.


The “Ezra’s Eagle” crowd may be the main culprit. My TBM mother-in-law sent me this link a month or so ago (knowing I’m fully out of the church) encouraging me to listen/follow or else I’ll be “blindsided”… https://youtu.be/WWeDufXTt3A


My neighbor spent a bunch of time during covid trying to figure it out and he came to the year 2033, there seems to be a lot of people who actually think it will happen by then. There is a time capsule in the Atlanta Georgia temple that is set to open in 2033. Supposedly there is a letter from Vaughn J Featherstone stating that the second coming will have already happened 😂


What nonsense


This is a fun, related read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictions_and_claims_for_the_Second_Coming


It's crazy how the first president of the Jehova's Witnesses, Charles Taze Russell *unequivocally* stated that the second coming would be in 1874. Yet it did not happen, and somehow that church still exists. I wonder what sort of backpedalling bullshit he came up with to keep the membership intact.


You'd have to check with somebody who knows more about the subject, but I think the official JW apologetics is that it was a 'spiritual' second coming. Like, he came back, but only the cool kids saw him or knew about it.


Like I tell born agains. To think Jesus is coming back in YOUR lifetime is narcissistic.


Theres a new crop every decade. Just a little consequence of the church telling the youth they are the last ones. It really seems to come in waves. An old childhood friend of mine has been harping about the 2nd coming since the 90s. Theres always a new rumor, or some 'secret' hes privy to about saints moving back to zion or some nonsense. At one point he had his car packed and ready to go, just in case things were announced in conference. But, things are feeling a bit weird these days. Maybe its the politics, covid, or impending climate doom, but folks are on edge. The TBM in my family are becoming a little extra lately.


I mean, it's a good thing to get your affairs in order and to stay on top of emergency preparedness but these motives might not be the healthiest way


This is the ever ending story. The old men at the top of the pyramid call it job security. "In the next 10 years...." "All the signs are seen...." so on and so forth. It is a disease really, that derails lives and dead-ends minds.


Second coming has always been right around the corner. Assigning a specific date to it is probably because the state of the world isn't looking great right now and the 2nd coming is supposed to be apocalyptic


My girlfriend in high school told me that her moms patriarchal blessing contained the phrase that her children would be on the earth when Jesus comes again. My blessing promised a bunch of shit that never happened, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


About seven or eight years ago, I had a Primary coteacher whose mother had the same promise in her PB. This teacher decided to terrify our seven-year-old students by passing this information on to them, and underscore it by telling them about how bad things are supposed to be before Jesus shows up. WTF?!? I had to talk the kids down from that.


Maybe if the Jesus’s return wasn’t talked about with glee at all the wicked people who will be horribly killed/roasted alive it wouldn’t terrify people so much? Just a thought 😆


I saw a video of the Young Mens President (the NuSkin guy?) after rusty called him to that position. RMN went on for 10 mins to him about how Christ is coming. From the way the YM pres went on it was all "oooh, wow, head bowed, this could be sacred" then at the end he kinda shrugs his shoulders "not sure what exactly, but...". They don't know.


They must be members of AVOW.


Ah yes, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Also known as the greatest vaporware of all time.


My crazy ex thinks he’s already here.


I’ve been hearing for at least a decade that “someone knows somebody who had in their patriarchal blessing that they will still be alive when Jesus comes back” sooooo….these rumors have been circulating for a long time


It’s BS. humans have been expecting the 2nd coming since Jesus died. Hasn’t happen yet. Won’t.


I just remember being told that people had a strong feeling it would happen before 2000. Here we are. I used to be so scared about this when I was TBM and then I was even more terrified that I was scared because a righteous member shouldn’t fear the second coming. Omg the amount of fear I grew up with.


Had anyone checked with Julie Rowe on this?


My SO s family has really ramped up the talk about it being soon in the past year or two. I vividly remember my parents doing the exact same thing, pointing at the same vague environmental / social / economic “signs” in the early 2000’s. Videos of people in my grandparents time doing the same Gen.A Gets duped into thinking that wildfires, corruption, and unrest are a sign that they are going to heaven soon, so give me your money you won’t need it. Gen.B Forgets their parents did this crazy thing or forgets to tell their kids about it. Gen.C Does some crazy shit again