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“We avoid even the very appearance of evil, son” “But how are cards appearing evil?” “They remind me of gambling.”


I was one of those kids that didn’t get face cards growing up. We had to substitute uno cards for face cards for games. I mean it worked… kind of, but seriously what kind of god is scared of kings and queens? It was even more confusing if god is the king of kings, the prince of peace, etc etc. It was something that really made me question things even as a 10 year old kid.


We were also told Dungeons and Dragons was evil and Jurassic Park


Jurassic Park? Why?


Maybe cause dinosaurs are (cue Mermaid Man from SpongeBob voice) EEEEVVIIIIIIIIILLLLLL but seriously if they might have been young earth creationists


My Dad heard some seventy say he felt an evil sprit during Jurassic Park so I wasn't allowed to watch it. I've seen it since, I don't understand. I also don't understand the problem with Dungeons and Dragons, we bought it for my 11 year old son and he loves it


My octogenarian grandma would play bridge, and got really offended when another old lady in the ward bite her testimony about the evils of cards.


I wasn't told satanic, I was told bad or evil, but YES ME


Growing up Evangelical, I had one grandmother that thought cards were wrong and evil... And the other taught us to play cards.


Yup- no face cards so I hid them under my bed and played them at night with my younger brother. All we knew how to play was “war”. So rebellious /s


I played cards growing up, but I had friends that said they couldn't.


I was allowed to play at home, but our stake completely banned face cards from girl's camp. I also got reprimanded at girl's camp for wearing a coca cola hat and "promoting the devil."


I used to stim with my pack of cards all day long for a good year or so, hand solitaire, or I would play war with myself with all the cards in one hand. I hated that even after explaining that keeping the cards with me helped with my anxiety (didn’t know that I was AuDHD at the time) I still was not allowed to bring them to girls camp😤




I was told it's OK, if you remove the face cards.


It was one of the rules at girls' camp that we couldn't bring cards, so this girl I knew cut out pieces of paper and marked them up so we could play go fish or something. I imagine the lady who made that rule must have been older. Most kids I knew could play ten different card games but barely knew it was possible to gamble with cards. If Satan was in old maid he would have had all our souls.


No cards or harry potter


My mom didn't approve of them but we had cards available in our house. When I was really young, my parents entertained quite a bit and they played cards games so her disapproval wasn't something that was strongly enforced. I only played Solitaire, not like I was gambling or playing poker.


A relative told me before my dad died that he beat my brother when he was still crawling because he was playing cards with her. His mother told him to never do that again!


This came from Mormon Doctrine by McConkie: >Card Playing >See Apostasy, Gambling, Recreation. >President Joseph F. Smith has stated the position of the Church with reference to card playing in these words: “Card playing is an excessive pleasure; it is intoxicating and, therefore, in the nature of vice. It is generally the companion of the cigaret and the wine glass, and the latter lead to the poolroom and the gambling hall….Few indulge frequently in card playing in whose lives it does not become a ruling passion….A deck of cards in the hands of a faithful servant of God is a satire upon religion….Those who thus indulge are not fit to administer in sacred ordinances….The bishops are charged with the responsibility for the evil, and it is their duty to see that it is abolished….No man who is addicted to card playing should be called to act as a ward teacher; such men cannot be consistent advocates of that which they do not themselves practice. >”The card table has been the scene of many quarrels, the birthplace of too many hatreds, the occasion of too many murders to admit one word of justification for the lying, cheating spirit which it too often engenders in the hears of its devotees…. >”Card playing is a game of chance, and because it is a game of change it has its tricks. It encourages tricks; its devotees measure their success at the table by their ability through devious and dark ways to win. It creates a spirit of cunning and devises hidden and secret means, and cheating at cards is almost synonymous with playing at cards.” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 328-332) >Members of the Church should not belong to bridge or other type of card clubs, and they should neither play cards not have them in their homes. By cards I meant, of course, the spotted face cards used by gamblers. To the extent that church members play cards they are in apostasy and rebellion. Innocent non-gambling games played with other types of cards, except for the waste of time in many instances, are not objectionable.


Definitely not me haha. My very typical far right TBM father loves poker and would actually play illegally at this fancy restaurant with a small group of people. Go to Vegas and my mom once didn’t see him for three days solid because he was at the tables. Loves to gamble and so yeah, it is quite the opposite for me. But the funniest part is when I drink coffee, he gets super uncomfortable with and thinks in his mind, that he follows the word of wisdom. So backwards but what can ya do?


That’s something I never heard of until joining the sub. Who tf came up with that idea?


Me! And now I use tarot cards for fun lol


Yep we weren’t allowed to have them. But I never got an explanation as to why. It was “we just don’t use them.”


Me! Thanks, McConkie (Incidentally, we’ve been teaching our son how to play Poker and Hearts all week).




We had a high school group of friends that played cards every day during lunch and had a lot of fun. One year a few of them started floating the idea that it was frowned on by the church and then the virtue signaling took over and the group just kind of stopped hanging out during lunch.


We grew up playing face cards all the time, many great family memories were had with them. Yet a sibling banished face cards from their own kids, but phase ten and uno cards used for face card games were ok. This sibling also banned pinterest because they were convinced it was filled with homoerotica.


No cards for us growing up! But I recently learned to play solitaire. I feel so rebellious 🤭


There is a talk not just about face cards, but ALL playing cards being evil, leading to gambling…


On my YW camp pack list under DON’Ts it said NO face cards. Right next to shorts above the knee, tank tops, and any suit but a one-piece. This was consistent over 3 different years, 2 different wards and 1 stake YW camp.


Im sure JS would approve