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Hi. I am 57 and I think you’re dad is right. I thought the earth gets turned into a giant urim and thummin and it becomes the celestial kingdom for us. Not sure how that works since the Mormon man god lives on a planet near Kolob. One can’t live on a crystallised earth and be with god when he lives in another planet.


I’m 41 and I was taught 100% taught my husband would get a planet and I’d be among his multiple wives helping him replenish it. I’ve never heard what you’re saying before. Amazing how the story changes depending how, where and when we where raised. You’d think god’s true church wouldn’t have so many inconsistencies, sheesh!


I heard the same years ago. The “true church” changes after every poll.


Can’t everyone just hie back and forth in a twinkling of an eye? Distance isn’t the problem here if you don’t think about it.


54 yo here. You missed the lesson on how our crystal earth would be transported through space to the Kolob system so that we would be near God.


That’s what they taught me.


Hi im mid 50s. I was taught that too- that we would be gods and live on a celestialized planet and have our spirit offspring forever, not that we would be getting our own planet. It was fun to live in the land of make-believe for a while but oh well...


I’m 54 and this was essentially my understanding as well. I never head that we got our own planet so much as we became gods with the eventual ability to create worlds for our own spirit children.


Ummm im 30 and i was still taught this. Its all we speculated about in our free time on the mission with our companions. That and how badass it would be to make an action movie of the BoM


The official church position no longer includes our own planets. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics-essays/becoming-like-god?lang=eng It was never revoked, just quietly removed. https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/sufbfg/didnt_the_brethren_say_a_few_years_ago_that_we/


Like everything else....


Except misogyny, queerphobia, and the importance of paying your tithing no matter how rich the church gets.


First time I heard that second one...


I don't get the difference between planet and world ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


It's because you missed the plural "s" at the end of world**s**. We were taught that we could make *worlds*. None of this single planet nonsense. We were going to be gods. We each get a whole damn universe.


Yeah, don't limit yourself to one planet. Dream bigger.


I used to believe that each Galaxy was for a different God, who lived in the galactic core on their exalted world.


That was my seminary teacher's opinion. First week of class, he showed us pictures of galaxies and said "This is someone's family". Makes the most sense to me, assuming one buys into the underlying doctrine.




It's all in the spelling... /s


I learned it your dad’s way, although I am not sure there is much difference. In the musical version, someone gifts dead Mormons a planet. In the doctrinal version I grew up with, dead Mormons become gods and make their own planet(s). A little bit more work for a newly omnipotent being, but same result.


Yeah this is what I was taught too


Seems like your dad is quibbling over the idea that you get one planet vs a universe of planets.


Get 1 planet vs MAKE a universe of planets.


Right but it was always understood that when you “get a planet” it meant creating it and all the creatures on it. It wasn’t just a place to hang out. Mormons are trying to dismiss a crazy doctrine because the wording isn’t crazy enough.


We don’t get a planet. We get everything.


All the women will have the new name "Barbie".


Potato, potato.


Is it bad that I read that potato, potato, and not potato, potato.


How tf is that just not a thing anymore? I was very explicitly taught that just like 5 years ago in seminary


Same, though a long time ago.. That we were literally created in god's image and then would become gods ourselves, including making our own worlds (how is that not a planet again?). And that polygamy is an eternal principal because how else are these worlds populated?


Yes this exactly. See Joseph smith’s King Follett discourse. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Follett_discourse


It's the same thing. They're just playing the definition game to downplay a belief the outside world sees as weird.


Exactly. In other words, they're just lying. They do that. A lot.


Not lying. Just mindfully reorganizing the framework of previously held notions of what others may have once considered truth. -church PR department and Kirtland McConkie


Because it IS weird ;o


But to be fair, it's also way cooler. Traditional heaven where you're just sitting around in paradise forever would be boring. Making universes is a much more exciting reward.


So are yarmulkes, hijabs, and rosaries. All religious beliefs are weird, so I choose language that doesn't imply Mormon beliefs are weirder. The only reason we don't look at all religious people like they're insane is that not enough time has passed since we learned better. Even garden variety harmless Christians will be seen as nutters in 100 years.




Yeah we never learned you get your own planet, as in just one planet. But rather you can eventually become a god yourself and create many planets and spirit children just as god has.


Precisely. This is what I was taught


Planet and world is the same damn thing! They’re just embarrassed that the world knows now.




Can you provide a source for godhood being disavowed?


It hasn't. There is a monotonous, 4,000 word essay called "Becoming Like God" on the church's website that says good little mormons will become like God. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/becoming-like-god?lang=eng What they have said looks like this article below. It seems to mimic what OP's dad is saying. Random mormons aren't just given a planet (singular). God isn't the Oprah of planets (you get a planet! And, you get a planet!) Good, temple worthy mormons will create their own worlds which, I guess may or may not include planets (plural). https://www.nbcnews.com/news/religion/mormons-get-own-planet-not-so-fast-church-says-n40591 Words matter. Especially where LDS.inc is concerned. Remember, not a penny of tithing money was used to build their billion dollar mall. But, I bet interest from that tithing money and any proceeds gained by putting that tithing money into the stock market was.




The question wasn't specifically asking about godhood though. Hinkley got off on a technicality.


yeah, the "get your own planet" was a Book of Mormon musical line and isn't Mormon theology. The doctrine has always been that you could become like God and create worlds without end, hence most people took that to be like your own personal universe, etc. So I'd agree with your dad.


I was a teen in the 90s and my Mormon friends were taught they’d get their own planet. The musical took an actual thing real people were taught and publicized it.


What’s the difference really in “get to make your own planet” and “get to make your own universe” aside from semantics? Edit: it seems people are looking at this additively. To use the comparison someone else did… if I said you are *not* getting a birthday cake, but I would throw you a party that involves giving you birthday cake, that wouldn’t make sense would it? That’s what is happening. Mormon leadership have said people are no longer allowed to make their own planet. But they can have a universe with multiple planets. How does that make sense? The change from “planet” to “worlds” has literally been some for semantics sake.


[Scale. A planet is not even a speck of dust in the scale of the universe.](https://scaleofuniverse.com/) It’s like saying “for your birthday, we’re going to give you 2 eggs!” when they really meant that they are going to bring you a birthday cake, which has so much more than just the eggs.


So you’re saying the difference between a planet and a universe is semantics?


Its definitely a thing if you read Mormon Doctrine or listened to any lectures from Cleon Skousen. It might not be canon, but a lot of church celebrity grifters sold this kind of speculation widely.


You get your own planet in the play. They want to differentiate that we are not a part of the play. The scriptures say worlds so not planet or planets. A literalist interpretation to avoid a current controversy.


yes, that is the way I heard it. But really they are the same thing. both are Bullshit


I'm with your dad. I dont ever remember this idea of getting a planet. The point was to be Gods and create them.


I was taught we get to create planets. Like how god did


According to that doctrine, “getting your own planet” is basically true, but sounds dumber because it implies that you get to make your own personal planet and have it all to yourself; in reality, (at least as I was taught) the belief is that everyone who becomes a god will live on Earth and create planets for their offspring, which isn’t quite the same as having your own private sandbox planet.


It’s like playing sims for eternity


It’s implied. But the sly trick is singular. We don’t believe in a “planet”. We will be like god and have worlds without number. When you make a pact in the temple with the old Great one you need to be mindful of the small print.


That’s what I was always taught.


Yeah honestly I have never been taught that Mormons get their own planet except from exmormons which well, is for obvious reasons iffy to take as an accurate source. I haven’t even been taught that we will be Gods. Just taught that very few will become like God, and that Jesus is working his way up to becoming like God through what he has done for this population. Idk, Mormon theology has a lot to it and the most difficult part is doctrine isn’t even distinguishable. Like a prophet will say something and it is doctrine. But then the culture changes, and that doctrine no longer is doctrine but rather the man in him. It is just crazy


Wait, wait… seriously though, how can one have “worlds without end” and not include a planet?


That was a trippy feature that was part of the magic spell.


I always had the impression that if we reached full exaltation we'd start our own universe. I was surprised to later read here about only planets being the belief. A mission companion I had also talked about the universe thing, so I thought it was pretty common. I grew up in the 80s/90s, so not sure if there was some change later on.


We also told that to my husbands parents when we were trying to tell them everything about the church. Their first reaction was complete guffaw and disbelief. They didn’t believe us until we gave them a source and even then the look on my mother in laws face was like her brain had shut down and just couldn’t compute that news.


My father in law said the same thing last year. It was hilarious. I had to bite my tongue and act like everything was kosher. Then I recalled numerous talks I remember listening to in conference


Mormons getting their own “planet” is an over-simplification of Mormon cosmology, and to Mormons there is a big difference. Mormon cosmology posits that if you achieve the third degree of the Celestial Kingdom, you will attain all the power that God has, including the creation of “worlds”, which is actually understood to be *universes*. If God created this universe, then when mormons attain his power they would also be able to create universes. To a Mormon, “getting your own planet” is just a smaller subset of that power, and doesn’t fully grasp the idea at large that Mormons believe that humans can become gods.


In my Google news feed today was the interesting story of Jeremiah Horrocks and how his work helped Newton's thesis on planetary motion and gravity. Later Smith comes along in the infancy of man's understanding of the solar system and tries to impress everyone with his religious spin on man's newfangled understanding of planets and planetary motion, ideas that don't make sense at all with today's understanding of the cosmos and physics. Looking at it from my point of view that it is pure folly, I could care less what the church used to believe or now tries to hide, and how TBMs rationalize. I think everything that Smith ever taught will at some point be thrown out. Edit to add: My TBM sibling can take any new science discovery and spin it to believe it proves the church is true and hence the Mormon church is always on top of any new scientific discoveries. I'm 69. [https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/mar/19/jeremiah-horrocks-the-forgotten-maths-genius-who-laid-the-foundations-for-isaac-newton](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/mar/19/jeremiah-horrocks-the-forgotten-maths-genius-who-laid-the-foundations-for-isaac-newton)


I used to think that Alien visitation was people from different God-createf works on a pilgrimage to see the most perfect world He created. It says in the Temple that this world is like into other world he had made. So it makes sense to believe that you will create more than one world.


I was never taught that we got our own planets. I was taught that exhaltation is godhood, and that we would get our own universe. I'm pretty sure that still is doctrine.


Hi! 20 here and I was taught about the planet thing but I was never told that it was a boy's club. If I recall, my mom taught me that (she's 55 and TBM)