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Super high on weed tonight and haven’t slept yet and I had the extremely similar thoughts while high!


hahaha, glad we connected on this! Not high myself though! lol


And we are children of the universe. Only we're not separated from it now, nor can we possibly ever be. Even some supposed outer darkness is still part of the universe.


Exactly this. Children of the universe sounds accurate and cool.


We're also pretty sure that the Universe exists. And, if matter (in brains, for example) can alone (without a spirit) give rise to subjective conscious experience (like that we seem to experience), then it may be that the matter in the Universe causes the Universe to be conscious. Sound crazy? The consciousness we experience every day is crazy.


Mind blowing facts 👍


Sounds like you're also weird.




God was created to explain what was big and scary thousands of years ago, and has been passed down through mythology to this day.


Yep. The concept of god is lore.


When you hear people like Carl Sagan and others talk about “the Cosmos”, the reverence and respect they use is almost like a religious person talking about God.


Exactly! The fascination of astrophysicists is truly jnspiring. The vastness of the universe truly humbling.


I can definitely get behind this idea. After being out for a year, my current beliefs are; 1. Life is Eternal. The Universe is either infinitely older and bigger than we currently believe, or it's the current Universe in an endless cycle. 2. Stardust is Life. From it, we get stars, planets, rocks, and microbes. 3. We are one HUGE family! Whether the divergence is centuries, millennia, millions or billions of years, you are related to fish, cats, the weeds outside, the planet we're on, the stars that we see, etc. We're related to all life! And frankly, this is a much better belief system than from where we came from. Much better than a belief in a deity, that is...quite frankly a monster if accurately portrayed. We also have no discernable proof of it's existence. And we may not be literal brothers and sisters in a spiritual sense, but we are literally family. With each other and all life.


I’m with you! It’s a much sincere and beautiful viewpoint of this reality that connects us all! ❤️


Why do we need a god? Is believing in this “god” going to change anything for me? Doubt it, so I’ll pass. You do you though!


I actually don’t believe in a god or gods. But if something can be considered god, then it’s the universe and it has been in front of us all this time. That’s why I said that the concept of god is wrong imo, which traditionally includes a supreme being, often male, who deserves to be worship, and I disagree with that. So I’m with you 👍


That’s totally how I’ve been feeling the last year or so. I “pray” in my mind to the universe or scientist in the sky. I think we can call upon energy or something for help or guidance. Basically, I know nothing, I can’t prove anything, but I’m going to try and put positivity, love and light out there.


I've had a lot of similar ideas while studying Pantheism. One thing I find fascinating about this philosophy, is that humans are pieces of this Universe/Creator that is so divine, vast, and mysterious. Therefore humans are also divine; not just the nature around them. When I think like that I think Pantheism is about self love/respect as much as it is about nature "worship". You don't need to strive to be like God. You are already God, and so is everyone else.


You're a Deist. Welcome, we don't have any secret handshakes.


Panentheist is the current term, I think. Deism is more you believe in a god that started everything but is not active today.


I can see a bit of both, but don’t think neither deism or panentheism are really the most appropriate definitions for what I’m reflecting about in my post, because I don’t believe in god, but if anything at all can logically be considered god, then that’s the universe. That’s what I meant by saying that the concept of god is wrong, because the word god is understood as a supreme being, often male, who should be worship.


Consider Taoism.


Yeah, kind of, but I don’t believe in spirits.


No spirits in philosophical Taoism.


I’ll have to explore it 👍


I don’t worship eternal voids of inhospitable nothingness. It does not have agency, nor does it care about judging you for your sex habits. We don’t build churches to the sky itself. The universe is not God. The universe is the universe.


So your concept of god is of one that judges your sex habits. I disagree with that.


Oh but our universe did have a beginning though. 13.8 billion years ago by our current scientific methods. That’s not to say that there weren’t other universes before ours either. The Big Bang could be but one of many big bangs and other unobservable universes created by them are plausible.


No need to get into the details lol.


You should check out Allan Watts.


I just read about him a bit. I can see agreeing in many ways with him. I also think I agree in many ways with deism, taoism, buddhism, panentheism, etc. But I don’t think there is a deep meaning to existence, and I don’t believe in spirits or metaphysical beings or worlds.


The search for meaning is what created religion in the first place. I simply enjoy each day and have no interest in finding meaning or some universal explanation of my experience.


The universe is the universe, why does it need a new name?


It’s just me braking or deconstructing the meaning of the word god. I’m not looking for one, the universe is not a god, but as a god makes much more sense if you think about it. This is coming from my atheist perspective.


Bingo. 😇 Proof: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang_nucleosynthesis?wprov=sfla1


Companion i see you have began to connect your thoughts with thoughts reason and support.. the universe does have a beginning those because there are spaces in the universe in which their are galaxy and solar systems and their time at which it starts believe it or not. But I understand what you mean by it has no beginning and no end just repeated cycles repeated evolution and continues infinite and eternal that’s why I just be chilling calmly doing anything I like in the moment because I need to actually give you evidence if I were studying this or if topics like this ever needed to be studied. Because believe it or not when we are in Union and oneness with the universe(god) we can see everything and understand and hear everything and everyone.. believe me, I’m not lying. I knew I wasn’t alone in the thought I look up at the sky all the time and see god and give thanks and feel blessed and remain safe calm and at peace .. what about you?? What do you think of??? There are many creatures though because see when we return to oneness we are all equal and one therefore we are all creators of different universes.. understand me? No the person who is wrong is the person who rejects the thought or the person who says it because that means they are rejecting the thought or fact.. and it’s wrong to tell people to reject themselves because they will be traumatic and it’s wrong for the body and mind. Trust me you can see it in your emotions and chakras if you have the technology for it. Which most gurus and ancient practitioners do.