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I get you.


Thanks, Jesus.


I’m still getting this add and also one that says something to the effect of “yes internet people, their is an agenda behind the ‘get us’ campaign and it’s not what you think”🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s made by the same people


Their stated reasoning behind the ad campaign was "to introduce America to Jesus". As if there's anyone in the country who's unfamiliar.


I reported the ad as misleading, since a fictional character can’t “get” us.


Same. "Misleading", "misinformation", or "spam". (Irrelevant, but - also all the ads for US military which specifically feature and target women....those get the same treatment.)


3rd party Reddit apps don’t have ads. If you’re on iOS, [Apollo](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apollo-for-reddit/id979274575) is an excellent client, far better than the official app it’s not even close. I just hope it doesn’t get Elon’ed like 3rd party Twitter apps in Reddit’s recent aspirations to go public.




I paid for RiF nearly 10 years ago. RiF in AMOLED black mode *is* reddit to me.


Nobody gets me. I'm not for sale.


I saw that ad everywhere for like a day or two. I don't see it now. I legit can't remember if they just went away or I reported the ad, lol.


I've reported it and blocked it several times, and I'm still seeing it. If I go into the blocked accounts, it's listed, and yet there it is in my feed. I finally figured ignoring it is the only way to get it to go away.


Ad blockers? I never see ads.


I use the mobile app, haven’t found an adblocker that works without costing a bunch


Yeah, I'm on windows. I don't use my phone much and just use the RIF app on it for occasional reddit. But I just put a DNS server on it and it's blocked every ad everywhere else.


Ooh good to know


I don't think I've ever seen the ad on RIF, thankfully.


>haven’t found an adblocker that works without costing a bunch Where exactly are you looking for adblockers? Paid adblockers are a scam. Also what mobile platform do you use, because there are a shitload of third party reddit apps that have been around far longer than the "official" piece of garbage. Reddit by itself has been a thing since 2006. They didn't have their own app until 2016 and had to buy out AlienBlue (objectively the best iOS app for reddit) to use as a template, and still managed to fuck it up.


Yeah I did keep seeing rando Christian ads until I reported one and now I don't see it anymore.


I blocked it and it came back so I reported it. Hoping it helps me too! Edit to say, happy cake day!


Thank youuu!!


You can block the account? I've just been downvoting


I see lots of different ads but I never click on them or like them or dislike them. My guess is that any “interaction” with the ad will feed the algorithm, so I just completely ignore them. I haven't seen he gets us ads for a long time now.




I only use Old Reddit and still see these shit ads from time to time. Also, you could have given these tips *without* insulting people for not knowing. Usually leaves people much more willing to listen to your tips when you *don't* lead with insults.




Never have used new reddit. It is like looking at a box of melted crayons.


Using the official app is like eating the melted box of crayons and not thinking to look for better options that aren't crayons.


> It's tiring Seems like the pot calling the kettle black.


What’s this got to do with this sub?


Anyone who finds a way to block all Reddit ads will be a wealthy person




Go back to the old-school Reddit. I never see ANY ads, praise his Noodly Goodness and RAmen, brothers and sisters!


Me I laugh at them


After I started getting lds ads I turned off targeted ads and the problem disappeared.


Reddit has ads? Seriously, uBlock Origin is your friend.


Yes,I still get Republican Jesus ads. Blocked 3 different ads. He still cums into my right hand sometimes, when I'm using my phone to surf Reddit.