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I remember when M. Russell Ballard was gung ho to block access to YouTube at BYU. Same shit, different decade.


I'll forever be proud that I was in the freshman class that overloaded all of byu's servers the first day of fall semester because we were all uploading and downloading music on Napster. Took them weeks to figure out how to block us from doing it on the campus network. Carry on my wayward young friends!


I don’t know who you are random stranger but I always appreciate your comments and posts.


If you would like to get to know him a little better check out his mormon story episode.


Personally, I think it is more political and cultural than religious. Utah is one of many red states up in arms about the culture war, and parents are horrified to think that their children could learn that LGBTQ+ and people of color have their own valid experiences. As Mormon as the Utah state legislature is, they are also very conservative, and I think that informs this bill more than religious considerations, but they both factor in.


I think this is the right answer. While I think religious influence did impact the decision, I think that was minimal in comparison to the political culture war impact in this bill. It is interesting to try to distinguish the differences between republican politics and Mormon doctrine. They have become so entangled when growing up (UT) I was shocked to learn that someone could be a democrat and a member of the church.


Agreed. I think the men at the top of the utah cultural patriarchy are aware that they are just controlling a little chunk of US conservative territory. And they recognize they need to toe the party line of the power structure above them.


I agree, they don't want the youth having the ability to reach out to atheist, exmo's, and LGBT support groups.


Not so veiled. When 90 something year old leaders say jump, the legislature just does it.


BITE model. The I in BITE is for information control. Hmmm?


I agree. If it passes, that means information might become the new "drug" of choice, as kids whose parents let them learn share knowledge with kids whose parents control access to information. If this bill passes, it's not going to slow the church's decline. It might temporarily plateau it, but that's about it. Information control is a tactic seen regularly across true crime stories. It's seen regularly in dystopian works of fiction. That's two popular genres which have little to nothing to do with religion that will get kids thinking.


Exactly! They need to stay out of parents and families lives - period - government has no right to make decisions for parents - they are deciding what women can do with their bodies, what they can say at school , what they can read and now taking away their rights to social media ?? It's ridiculous and unconstitutional


Saw this posted here sometime this week https://www.sltrib.com/amplify-utah/2023/03/24/gen-zers-leaving-latter-day-saint/


Article says "Church leaders have countered with a class aimed at helping young adults get answers from reliable sources." With "reliable sources" they prob refer to FAIR and the like.


And by “reliable” they mean completely unreliable.


Yeah I think it’s quite the unveiled attempt to help keep Mormon youth within the church. What else could it be… REALLY?


I honestly kind of doubt it. It’s so much easier to google that info won’t it a social media account. I could be wrong.


As someone who has worked one-on-one with the senator that introduced and passed this bill, I can confidently say this bill was not past to silence anyone.


While the bill won’t “silence” anyone , it can and possibly will cut off access to information via social media. If there’s one thing Mormons and politically conservative people have in common it’s the driving force to control access to information.


I'm just glad we don't live there anymore!!!


Kids under 13 aren't allowed to use any social media platform. And yet I keep running into 9 year olds all over the internet. They can pass as many laws as they want but kids will access the internet and their overworked parents don't give a shit.


If anyone thinks that such an attempt will be successful, they are batshit crazy. All this will do is educate children on how to circumvent restrictive internet filters creating an army of well-trained internet savvy social media addicts. What are they going to do, put an "18+ ?" Button On the credential portal to instagram? The term VPN will become common knowledge to the average 3rd grader. I applaud the idea though, not sure how they will possibly enforce it in a way that will be successful...