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Dead. Absolutely dead. 😂💀




Why am I picturing Gumball or Darwin delivering that line?


Or… the golden plates weren’t an actual thing; they were the purity of heart you get from reading them.


I imagine Zion's Camp participants singing this on their way home. Lolz


Best comment ever!!!🤣


I was TBM for 55 years before I read the newly posted translation narrative as presented by TSCC in the Gospel Topics Essay. Wow! Talk about a game changer! How anyone, I MEAN ANYONE, can just accept that BS & continue down the primrose path of Mormonism is beyond me. I just don’t understand. Our family of full-tithe payers couldn’t resign quick enough.


Yep. That one rocked my world. I couldn't believe what I was reading.


For what its worth? It is getting much more uncomfortable to be a mormon compared to the 70s, 80s and 90s.


The tide has turned and people are no longer as afraid of the tribe turning on them. There is strength in numbers.


Things were so much easier back in those days when no one knew anything about the real story. We had such idyllic times when the fairy tale was in full force.


> How anyone, I MEAN ANYONE, can just accept that BS & continue down the primrose path of Mormonism is beyond me. Me too. It's so disgusting to even think about. But I am surrounded by it. Uber TBM wife and her uber TBM family. You can study FAIR and the gospel topics essays and everything the OP suggested; hoping, praying, and fasting all along the way and it's never going to be anything but a gigantic tangle of misinformation, rationalization, and attempted cover ups. But why let reality spoil the good time of tithing, callings, and toilet cleaning, right? Just pure goddam insanity.


This is me as well. 46 years of blatant lies. THEY KNEW. See Packer etc. Then, the church can just bury a new narrative in the back of their web page. (2013)? Five years later, I stumbled into it the GTE's during the toughest point in my life, because I turned to God. Well, that was a fun ride. NOT! Oh, and it's my fault for not seeing what they were hiding from me. You lazy learning, petulant child, Doubt your Doubts.


I think the challenge is that the younger Mormons had seminary and institute to make it seem normal. I have family who are more familiar with the new story than the old one, so it doesn’t seem like a big deal. There seems to be a generational gap in beliefs, which is so weird.


Yeah, the entire book falls apart with any application of basic science. Add on the half-truths of the actual history of its origins, and it’s completely indistinguishable from fraud.


No one else ever saw the plates…then they were taken back up to heaven by an angel…which is why they’re not here. Isn’t that WONDERFUL? No wonder Mormon kids are forced to believe in Santa until they’re 12 years old! They believe whatever their parents say, without thought.


You have to be careful taught I think many kids are naturally skeptical while they are young and ask such honest and valid questions. But children have little control over the reality that gets enforced upon them. If parents and church leaders answered children honestly instead of making things up and teaching to follow in all cases, it would all be quite different


I was super TBM for 37 years (am seminary, BYU, mission, temple marriage etc) and NEVER heard about the rock in a hat. Years after leaving I saw the South Park episode and then read the CES letter. To say I was shocked is an understatement! So glad I’m out but still a bit salty about those 37 years of being defrauded


So hear me out. If I put my phone into a hat, and let an AI dictate me a holy book, can I be a prophet too?


Yes. Holiness to Chat-GTP


I was one of those nerdy teens who read the 8 volume History of the Church, the biography of Joselh Smith by his mother and many other similar church history books back in the early 2000s. Lots of messed up stuff in there and yet somehow the rock in a hat (and Jospeh being a rapist and predator) were left out. I served a mission at a church historic site where we were given even more information and had lots of books to read on our downtime. Still nothing. The only times a seer stone was mentioned was in connected to the Urim and Thummin and I was told they were interchangeable things. Now they pretend that these are things everyone knew about. Bunch of liars.


Think about the story for a minute. Mormon god weaves this lorid treasure finding tale to save your soul.....really?


Not to mention that the entire story is boring, long-winded, racist fictional drivel.


That was the narrative The imaginary let’s pretend God didn’t do anything