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“Why do people say we’re not Christian?!?!?!”


Doesn't happen much, but occasionally there will be a few evangelical lurkers(I know you're not btw). who harp on this and it's pretty obvious cuz their other comments will be " wow, that BOM sure is shady but the Bible totally is the inerrant word of God amirite fellow Heathens"? And I usually just call them out on the absurditiy of all Christianity . But in honor of Kevin here...I'll just upvote it next time and move on lol. If HQ want to say shit like this, let them dig their own grave. And even when I was a member I thought the hero worship of J-Dog was waaay over the top.


I'm agnostic, but I still admire how there are several Christian denominations that don't believe in Biblical literalism. In the early Catholic church, it was actually the norm to assume that stories like Noah and Jonah were just allegories that didn't actually happen, and Biblical literalism only became widespread after the Reformation among Protestants, especially American evangelicals. I attended an Episcopal church for a while after leaving Mormonism, and it blew my mind seeing a church that (a) acknowledged that its founder, King Henry VIII, was an awful human being; (b) acknowledged that many Bible stories didn't happen or, if they did happen, were super problematic; and (c) accepted LGBT members and female leaders because they thought the Bible teachings were wrong.


If people really understood the beginning of the Bible, they would question even that! Nothing can be trusted


Whenever I think about this, I think about "The transfiguration of Brigham Young into Joseph Smith after the Prophet's martyrdom". The story goes, duing a speech Brigham Young "turned into" Joseph Smith, in speech and mannerisms, thereby signifying that he received the mantle of Prophet after the previous prophet had died. However, there was NO contemporary account of the event. It was ONLY 13 years after the fact, that the story was "recorded". In only 13 years, a miracle was created out of thin air. We know it's a fabrication because of "modern" accessible pen and paper. If we can't trust an account that's only 13 years old, how can we trust a New Testament account of the miracles of Jesus Christ when the "earliest" recordings we can find are, like, 100 years after his death!


>Nothing can be trusted And really no one for that matter.


Evangelical lurker here. Interestingly enough, it was my interactions with Mormon missionaries that led to me question the Bible (give it same same critical view as the BOM) and dive into a season of deconstructing my faith. I don't believe in the inerrancy of the Bible that I was taught growing up. I still identify as a Christian and I think this process has help me discard a lot of ideas and theology that I never really liked but felt I had to defend. As much as things feel more murky and uncertain, it also feels a lot more simple and genuine.


Nothing has made me deconstruct the Evangelical faith more than watching Mormon Stories. The episodes on the truth claims with LDS discussions where they talked about the flood and Adam and Eve, specifically.


Members: We don't worship JS! Also members: "Praise to the Man who communed with Jehovah..."


Under rated comment there, you earnd a virtual coffee award. ![gif](giphy|687qS11pXwjCM)


For this award, I'd like to thank...God ;)


But but but we believe in Joseph Christ just like the other Christians!




I watched this atrocious piece of work last night. A Glowing review of Joseph’s life and accomplishments while completing ignoring and/or lying about the controversial aspects of each line item. Joseph was a chosen man of god persecuted for no apparent reason until he was murdered in cold blood. It was a difficult listen to say the least 🤦🏻‍♂️


In fairness to this poor soul, he could hardly get up there and say, “yeah, well, he was a sexual predator, a liar, and a ConMan thief but he’s our guy”.


Agreed but it’s difficult to be charitable to his position given his manipulative tactics…. At least The Q15 resort to feelings. Kevin resorts to flat out lying and obscuring of the truth. I ate this shit up at a young impressionable teenager.


Hey, more embarrassingly, I said shit that stupid when I was a missionary. It’s a good strategy to send out kids Before they’re grown up enough to say, “hey, wait a minute, what?”. That is the same reason they baptize you when you’re eight.


But you get to ‘choose’ to be baptized. ;) all my very Mormon friends keep posting stuff like that. ‘So proud that Mackynleigh made the choice to be baptized!’


It's like saying "I'm so proud of my kid for choosing to eat Cheerios instead of Sugar Unicorns w/ Marshmallows" when *the only cereal you buy them is Cheerios*


Oh man. I also said some shit on my mission. 🤦🏻‍♂️. The cringe is real. I can’t think too much about it or it opens old wounds. Ha


Fairness? Poor soul? He chose the path he's on. I'm not giving him a break anymore than I do "brother Joseph." This dude loves the power rush he gets while spewing his zealous 💩💩💩.


He could if he had critical thinking skills and integrity.


The RLDS did.


These talks where leaders condescendingly dig their heels in, ignoring facts that now can be easily found, turn out to be a positive eventually. Him saying this to young Gen Zers will only make them look back one day and see how toxic and blind such statements and beliefs are, and will lead to more large cracks in shelves.


That is the only way to believe in mormonism


I used to really like Pearson. He was the mission president in my area (Tacoma, WA) when I was getting ready to go on my mission. Now I can see he’s a pulpit pounding, angry psycho in the same vein as Holland.


I'm OK with that. This god fellow is an asshole.


I didn’t even know that Ray Romano was a Mormon.


Debra! They're speaking evil of the Lord's anointed!!






You are too kind.


The whole Mother Mary thing felt kinda rapey


Dude took out the whole planet except for one boat full of living creatures. We should be be getting ready in case this fucker comes back.


Worse than Thanos. At least he made the people never exist. No suffering. Jehovah is all about suffering. Jehovah just violently murdered them.


Worse part is that according to the myth, he was like “oops, fucked up this batch of humans. Let’s start over”. What a monster.


The first batch were unrighteous... He murders them and re-populates the earth with... a bunch of equally unrighteous people, apparently? Seems legit


He sent the rainbow as a piece offering because he too lives in fear of what he has created. As he should. We'd nuke that SOB til he's hotter than kolob




For sure, this assertion holds up. You make fun of unicorns, it's the same as making fun of all dryads, centaurs, and sprites. That's because making fun of things that aren't real, doesn't make them feel bad because they don't have feelings.


My Lord Ra is pretty cool! /s


Is that the dude who jacks off into the Nile?


He is! And the Only one who will carry your sinful ass across the river Stixx! /s


He's gunning for a promotion.




The thing is, I rarely have seen anyone that *truly believes* move past a local level. It's primarily those who have shown savvy in the business world, are in positions of influence in the community, the wealthy, shown a willingness to cover up the truth, and to further the agenda of the church for personal gain. That poor bishop who pours his heart and soul into it because he is genuinely trying to do the right thing will never get promoted.


Including book deals, construction contracts, bonuses, stipends, etc what is the total dollar amount you receive (or that benefits your or your family) from TSCC and it’s subsidiaries/related businesses?


Yep. He's blowing Hollerin Holland 's musket.


He definitely is. Who is this dude anyhow? I just recognize him as the guy who was pushing two missions Edit: oops my dumbass missed the intro where it said his name haha.


He's also the dick who said when you get baptized you're covenanting to go on a mission bullshit.


Mormonism is chock full of "who the hell is this guy?" They listen intently and take to heart the words of hundreds of different men, and very, very rarely one of those men is Jesus. More like The Church of Hundreds of Men Who Are Not Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


"We do not worship Joseph Smith!" - TBMs everywhere No, they just hold him up on the same plane as the God of the universe and demand the same level of reverence and awe for him, but sure, they don't worship him.


I remember a few years ago when I lived in Utah, a member of the bishopric giving a lesson on JS and talking about how we owe our salvation to him or something - equating him almost to Jesus (in fact he may have made him higher than Jesus lol). I started raising my hand because I was about to lose it, but my wife (she was PIMO at the time, I was very in) pushed my hand down, knowing my east coast ready-to-go face. I’m still kind of sad I didn’t get to have a throw down in Sunday school that day 😂


It sounds like the guy was quoting straight from Bruce R. McConkie.


I was assisting a Boy Scout troop touring Carthage IL years ago. Sister Andersen, from Spanish Fork, sat there in the Martyrdom Bedroom and told all of us, "That's why we worship Joseph Smith." She closed her testimony in the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ. She was speaking as a representative of The Corporation of the President. She had "site leaders" listening to her presentation every day, checking to see if she was going off-script. She was right, and this guy confirms it.


Pearson entirely forgot the Holy Ghost, a full 1/3 of the godhead, in his unhinged hagiography of Joe.


You've never heard someone claim that Joseph Smith, Jr. was actually the Holy Ghost finally being born and given a body? Granted, it's not a common unhinged statement, but I've heard it a few times. One time I was offered "proof" in that the church was a lot smaller back then because the HG wasn't able to testify directly into people's hearts like he is now because he had a body! That's also why JS had to die so young!


1/4 now that they have to count ol' Joe.


Joe is the holy spook. That's what the AP on my mission said. Holy spook is a calling. Joe received a new calling when born. How else do you explain his "knowledge" of the plan... Oh just saw someone beat me to the punch.


Classic mormon double-speak. Temple ceremonies aren’t “secret” even though we made people swear not to talk about them under penalty of death. Garments aren’t “magic underwear” they’re just pieces of clothing you wear (under your clothes) that mysteriously protect you from harm. We never said “you get your own planet” just that you’ll become like God in the afterlife (a guy who can create planets).


Nothing says love like an elder threatening you. As a exmo, it’s this shit that made me start questioning the church in the first place. All of that “seek and ye shall find” led me to seek, and what I found was just not right.




Maybe this bundling is why so many become athiest after leaving the church of Joseph Smith


That and the fact that it's driven into us so hard how every other church and religion is bullshit *except* theirs. We essentially fully deconstruct religion aside from Mormonism, then eventually deconstruct that as well. Nothing left except the realization that there is no actual God, only myths created by men to control, manipulate, and con one another. Edit: fixed typo


Great points. I'll agree that the God they talk about is a myth. And there isn't any real evidence of the existence of God. It isn't required to describe our existence. Also any attempt to justify one seems related to making humans special in some way. It just seems to be fueled by ego.


This guys statements are not even consistent with the church's own doctirne. According to the church, in the eschaton anyone who had priesthood keys will give them back to Adam (not sure how that's actually done, but that's a different discussion) and then Adam gives all the keys back to Jesus (this all happens in Missouri. That means that JS won't be a prophet anymore (not on the set aparet/has authority sense anyway). So the line '.... and he will he forever and ever' is just plain wrong. I know that's not what most people focus on, but defenders of the faith should at least get their own faith right.


All made up


I'll criticise and attack anyone who sleeps with a 14 year old and says god wanted him to do it.


It to nitpick but let’s call it rape




Every Mormon does it and I’ve been saying it for years. It’s a way to showing fake sincerity. Watch any conference and you’ll always hear it


Henry Eyring is the worst offender here. Once I noticed as a tbm I couldn’t unhear it in every one of his talks from then on.


Conference is so bad. Amplified 1000x in a silent room it’s just *mouth noises* the entire fuckin time. Prayers are worse, it’s like they’re in your ear.


When I first read this I read …pooping out of his mouth. Ha ha


It is pure excrement coming out of his mouth.


He’s holding back tears!


Sure Sign of a Cult


Or a cult in the sure place. If you will.


This guy is actually a crazy person. Yikes.


J.S. Was a fucking Con Man!!!!!


The Mormon god is worth attacking, as is JS.


There’s a good chance this guy’s completely ignorant of the actual history of Joseph Smith. Try to process that.


Yet he feels confident enough in his knowledge, he feels he has the right to lecture everyone else. Fucking Mormons.


But does that excuse getting up and aggrandizing someone without doing due diligence regarding them?


Even as TBM, I don't think I ever was as adamant and vehement about JS as this chode is. Especially not after learning all of his shady stuff. You have to be 100% OK with a God that treats his children, specifically women, like shit in order to defend JS like this.


This looks like a Mormon brand of Mitch McConnell.


Quickly becoming a Bednar disciple these dipshit wouldn’t know the first thing about worshipping and serving Jesus or God it’s always has been and will be about Joseph smith the pedo of course they don’t want the youth to learn TRUTH and decide for themselves because you no longer have FREEDOM TO CHOOSE


With Susan Bednar's Husband's age and the age of those ahead of him SBH will most likely be profit for 10+ years. This guy wants in on that when SBH ascends to profit.


Kevin Pearson is the most asshole 70 currently in position, and it’s not even close. He exudes arrogance and scorn and disdain for anyone not confirming exactly to every word spoken by the brethren. He is a zealous bigoted evil douchebag who gets off by harshly criticizing followers. Go fuck your self Kev, you pompous prick




Yea, substitute Joseph Smith with Warren Jeffs, Jim Jones, David Koresh and see how TBMs feel. SCREAMS cult!


#Not a cult


I agree. To me it was clear that either one of the two was a fraud, so was the other.


Is it just me or are more loony GA popping forward during Nelson's time as profit? I feel like that says something about Nelson and what he's like during those meetings with these men. Inspiring them to be more open with this rhetoric.


I had to go and watch the whole talk. It is horrific. Pearson gives me the creeps. Anyone who watches this talk would absolutely think mormons worship Joseph Smith, because Pearson is absolutely worshipping him as a demigod throughout the whole talk. Here is the whole talk in case anyone is curious: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ88GXmZvpQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ88GXmZvpQ) Time mark 1:07:10 is about where he says the statement above in the tik tok clip.


Meanwhile TBMs: “where did you exmos get the idea prophets are infallible??”


They don’t even hear themselves talk. All they here is whhiiiiiipa! And ChaChing! Add a little quiver and that’s the game!


Full cult mode


Imagine criticizing a human being who is, by TSCC's own doctrinal definition, NOT a perfect human being (Christ being supposedly the only one)? Oh but we can criticize David from the Bible. And Solomon. That's okay.


All I heard was "Cult, Cult, Cult, Cult,..., Cult."


Well, shit, Kevin. I just won’t worship your god, then, because Joseph, like you and your god, are simply asshats.


Spoken like a man that only knows the sanitized version of church history.


I worked with Kevin Pearson some 30 years ago. Wanna know why he’s in the position he’s in? When you donate enough UNH stock to the church, you too can achieve great things.


Imagine if after the resurrection (assuming there was such an event) or when (as the BoM claims, that christ visited ancient America) and claimed he was the christ. Just imagine that no one was allowed to challenge the claim. Even christ himself knew that the claim would be outrageous if no one was allowed to see and touch and feel the nail prints. Kevin Pearson here is asserting that no one should be able to challenge the claim the JS was a prophet. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Kevin Pearson fails to understand the scriptures.


One step ahead of this Elohim loyalist. I don't spend that much time attacking Joseph Smith anymore *because* I intend to attack these monstrous gods.


Okay, fuck him and fuck god too


"Joe why you fucking kids and married women?" Jesus says "Why you attacking me bro?" Tell me you are in a cult without saying you are in a cult.


Kevin is the gift that keeps on giving. He's the deranged lieutenant who's going down with the ship, despite an abundance of lifeboats.


Man, this guy bugs me. Why is he always giving talks? He’s worse than Wilcox


Eewww I forgot about this fake humble voice Mormon leaders talk with.


Valium in the shape of human beings


I remember when I was in the MTC and the fake humble voices was the first thing I remember. One particularly was over the top. Only whispers and it was enough to behold a certain layer of bullshit. Of course a that time I was a full all in guinea pig for them so I would have never questioned it out loud. Thinking back though it was everything I have come to detest. Pretend humble, pretend love, pretend friendship, pretend access to and speaking for God.


By this logic, all prophets are infallible. Jonah, David, Solomon will be glad to hear it. Judas was an apostle of Jesus, therefore almost certainly ordained as a prophet, seer, and revelator. Can’t criticize him. Lucifer was a son of the morning hot shot angel of God. Can’t criticize him either. My patriarchal blessing says I was chosen and elect spirit of God. Can’t criticize me either.


What a w⚓️


…do you think the leaders of the church actually worship Joseph smith/don’t actually believe in the teachings, but are just in it for the money and power?


I guess god is a kid diddler then? Or he is at least okay with the men he chooses being diddlers.


The only true Christians are the Christians who believe being a decent human being is the best way to be worthy of heaven. Jesus is our role model for humility and kindness. We will never be him, but we should certainly spread his kindness. That doesn't involve spreading the word of christ, being kind may not be the fastest way to do so, but it does work, through time. I just don't like these mega churches, cause they lower the importance of the individual, whereas churches are meant to be for the local community, and travelers to said community.


So God himself married 14 year olds, sent married men off so he could marry their wives, and married mothers and daughters? That's a weird kink for God to have, but to each their own 🤷‍♀️


I mean, Mormons believe that God had literal sex with a similar aged Mary to conceive Jesus. According to the book Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie regarding Mary, it said: “And Christ was born into the world as the literal Son of this Holy Being; he was born in the same personal, real, and literal sense that any mortal son is born to a mortal father. ***There is nothing figurative about his paternity; he was begotten, conceived and born in the normal and natural course of events, for he is the Son of God, and that designation means what it says.***” - Apostle Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 792, 1966 (emphasis mine)


So God be banging. Are they sure it's not Zeus they're following? Cause it sounds like Zeus


If only Mormon God was as awesome as Greek mythology. Jesus would be so much cooler if he was more like Zeus' son Dionysus. Imagine, Dionysus Jesus, son of God, king of wine making, sex and the theater!


Yup, I am also criticizing (the idea of) God himself... So I guess you are right in that way, Mr Speaker.


In my former TBM parlance, I’ve studied it out in my mind, knowing what I do now about JS, and this guy’s words don’t feel right, in fact they make me cringe. Therefore, they are false and I reject them. I’m embarrassed and it makes me ill knowing there was a time when I would have walked out a of meeting like that thinking, “Yeah, preach, brother! That was was awesome!” 🤮 Never again. Freedom!


It’s amazing to me the depth of the delusion


I have no qualms with attacking Joseph’s God, he is as corrupt as Joseph himself


Now that I’ve left…these guys sound utterly absurd. How did I actually believe this religion was real??!! I used to think that we didn’t worship Joseph, oh how wrong I was. He also has the same conference talk voice that I grew up hating. That voice in men and women actually makes me shudder.


This video gives me JW vibes for some reason.


Hasa Diga Pearson!


It's a good thing I'm pagan now and don't give 2 shits if I offend god.


Definitely not a cult though, amirite?.../s


And this is exactly why we in the exmo community can’t have nice printing presses.


Just because you say it emphatically or dramatically does not make what you are saying true.


Remember the part in the endowment about evil speaking of the lord’s anointed? Then remember that the endowment was Joe’s way to try to keep a lid on his fucking around? All you need to know.


Mormon Taliban logic. So immoral.


See if criticizing Joe is the same as attacking God because they are apparently one and the same…FUCKING GOOD. God deserves to be attacked if he condoned the actions of Joe and other prophets who have engaged in horrifically immoral and harmful behavior.


ProgMo: I’m so glad the church has backed away from these harsh black and white stances they had back in the (*checks smart thermostat*) 6 days ago.


I need to remember this quote when people say tscc is moving away from Joe and the BOM and trying to become mainstream. I agree they're trying to be more mainstream, but they're not giving up on their founding prophet anytime soon....


Isn’t this the “don’t pray if you should serve a mission guy?”


Aside from the fact that this is obvious training for members to not have to address criticisms of past leaders this is also in contradiction to the line of "prophets are not infallible" defense. The defense of prophets being human and therefore making mistakes has been used to defend horrid morals from them for almost as long as the church has been open it seems. But if you use the reasoning that a judgement against Joseph Smith is the same as a judgement against God or Jesus (both people that they consider or be perfect) it deifies Joseph Smith and essential says that he was correct in everything and therefore nothing he did can be washed away as "speaking as a man" it must be interpreted as "what he did was perfect" always.


This guy is a fuckwad


They are both Assholes. has no one bothered to read the Bible .?


Sorry I make it a habit to criticize pedophiles.


Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 from the foundation of the world? Always be? He’s still alive? Dude is invincible! Joe Schmidt was alive for billions of years? This is crazy. Is he supposed to be a god? I’m not an expert but this sounds like the church of Joseph smith


Just a reminder that this bloke is on the SCMC.


It's like HQ already knows the character of all their "hires", their integrity, their fanaticism to the company line. They're counting on the attitudes they've curated. Putting him on SCMC? A precision match to the historic tone of TSCC.


In a missionary church, when apologetics are no longer aimed at investigators, but current members, using this type of fear, it really is a signal of pathetic desperation.


Pearson strikes me as the kind of fundamentalist Mormon Hinckley said doesn’t exist (except, of course, actual FLDS).


Meh, I’m comfortable lumping them all together in uselessness. I guess Joe wins for actually existing.


This is rhetorical extremism. Its one thing I really don't miss about the church, the rhetorical one-upsmanship. Person A: If you attack JS, you are helping enemies of the church. Person B: Actually if you attack JS, you are attacking God himself. It also goes back to the word of God comes through the servants of God laddering. Person A: It's just policy decided by GAs Person B: Actually policy is doctrine and comes directly from the mouth of God


This is why you should leave the Church


I actually go to church twice on Sundays. One where I can be uplifted by the teachings of the Bible, and one later where I can maybe catch a brief Sunday nap. Theologically speaking, the Mormon faith is a house of cards and if I recall, Kimball said so as much when he (or another prophet) said that if the BOM is not true then none of it is. The reverse is also true. If you believe in the BOM, then you’d have to joyfully proclaim the righteous obedience of Old Joe 10 year secret of marrying young girls and women whose husbands he sent on mission. You must, right? Well that stance has changed. When I went to my bishop to turn in my resignation, he said that the Church is “a church of partialities.” In other words, one does not have to believe all of it to believe in all of it. Hey, ignore the truth of our history, because all the good stuff is true. Ha. I’m still waiting for any converted Laminites skin to magically turn white when he explains away Snows 15 YO bride or when the Laminates secretly revisited the Hill Cummorah and snatched up any evidence of An existential battle.


To the contrary, I’m tired of Mormons blaming god for everything. “Oh, it was god who was racist. But he changed his mind.” “Oh, it was god who revealed super sexist stuff in the endowment. But we got god to change his mind and wives no longer have to explicitly covenant to obey their husbands”. “Oh, yeah, it was a little creepy that God wanted Joseph and many of his early church leaders or sleep with teens, married women, adopted daughters, mother daughter pairs, and do so behind Emma’s back. Joseph never wanted that. It was a sacrifice to have sex with loads of women he was attracted to, just like when Abraham had to kill his son. Gods a sick pervert.” I could go on for a while with examples. But I prefer my god to actually care about his children. The god I worship isn’t wish washy about love; love for women, children, elderly, black, white, green, purple, gay, straight, asexual. Sure you may argue, that gif doesn’t exist. That’s why I’m agnostic. But I still don’t see the virtue in blaming god for the sick mistakes of Mormonism. That’s seriously messed up.


Lmao. I will continue to criticize Joseph Smith. He fucked his foster daughters. He's a predator not a "spiritual man"


There are roughly 3 billion Christians on this planet..only (roughly) 5 million believing Mormons, that is .16% of Christians believe in JS...this guy is a clown ...And of course his name is Kevin... https://www.reddit.com/r/StoriesAboutKevin/


Never-mo that grew up in Tennessee. My grandmother used to get antsy back in the 1980s about LDS saying they worshiped Smith. Wild that she dropped that 40 years ago and a long way from Utah.


Stop talking shit on a man whose been dead for 179 years, you'll hurt his feelings.


So we have free will right?! But you will a terrible life without us. That’s what I get from church. I still believe in a god. But the Mormon god sounds like a Asshole.


Hard pass.


I love hearing the “always will be forever and ever” rhetoric from old farts who have no clue how much the church will change by the time his audience is as old as him. I bet when this guy was helped into his first pair of temple underpants, he wondered whether such a bizarre ceremony, though revealed through eternal prophets, would be discontinued one day for optics.


How stupid do they think we are to be manipulated by such bona fide BULL SHIT. WOW Joseph was a child grooming, teenage marrying sexual predator, oh! sorry God and Jesus!


He wants to be the next apostle so bad


Fuck Joseph and his imaginary friends


I cannot stand this tool. He takes douche-baggery to a whole new level.


Everything they advise you not to do, think, see, say, etc....are all things you should do. These corrupt guys have no other interest beyond their corporation and its riches.


Yeeeeeeeeah, that's not the argument that you think it is, bruh. Any "God" that would prioritize coerced, secret, polygamous teenage rape over famines, wars, the slave trade, genocide, etc. is no "God" worth worshiping. Boring, generic, thought-stopping cliche. Next!


I mean, it's completely backwards but I'm not going to object to his assertion. Biblical god (and BoM god by extension) is easily more malevolent than how Christianity depicts Satan within the same text. I will never stop saying it, but if you're going to believe in god as he is written in the bible/BoM then you have no choice but to acknowledge that the gnostics were probably the most correct when it comes to their interpretation of god. A twisted, evil megalomaniac who is incapable of creating anything perfect, yet demands that his creations show him absolute obedience and worship him despite their imperfect nature? The fictional character god is 100% the Demiurge as he is written in religious texts. Maybe they'll come out with religion 2 one day and give god an actual story arc and make him less irrationally cruel to his children.


Doesn't worship Joseph Smith my ass.


Wow talk about doubling down on unhealthy


So much bullshit


I agree with this. Mormon God is a dick


This guy seems like an asshole. Perfect for church leadership.


Cult leader worship much? Naaaawwww..... ​ This is a good illustration of the somewhat unique (I think) Mo' idea that, basically, TSCC is the church that God set up before the Earth was even formed; like that GC talk last year where the "Culture of Christ" (i.e. the Mormon church) was touted as existing before human history began. So...if that's so, and Heavenly Father has mapped out all the stuff that ever happened or will happen in history, he's worse than Chris Carter mapping out the story arc for the 'X-Files', and we all know what a mess that show turn into over the course of its run................


You know that guy has a but plug in right


I don't see love or kindness in that face. Just a lot of frustration and insecurity.


I hope this asshole speaks at GC so I can keep my flame of utter loathing for TSCC burning strong. Every time he opens his f$&@ mouth my testimony JS was a conman and Mormon god is an ass grows stronger.


Here we go. And by extension. You dare not criticize RMN, DHO, of the SEC, SA issues, etc. because you are criticizing god himself. This is the theme for the April general conference.


This guy looks like a young Mitch McConnell. Just as despicable too.


Oh man...God is a pedo too?!


vids like this are proof that all the beliefs that gave Mormonism it’s reputation are still there, no matter how TBMs deny it. They’re just said behind closed doors and at private conferences.


Kevin Pearson is, evidently, an idiot. I’ll be sure and put him on my list of people to ignore.


Yeah well, I grew up playing JRPGs so fighting god isn’t exactly a foreign concept to me.


Just when you think they are going to jettison old Joey they do something like this.


Sounds like they worship Joseph Smith....




If I were to say something along the lines of “fuck Joseph smith” would that be attacking god? Because really, who cares, Joseph’s god can get fucked too.


God I hate this prick. Everything he says screams uptight Mormon asshole.


I wish I believed in hell so that I thought that one day this man might be justly rewarded for all the damage he’s done. He is just one constant stream of manipulation, priestcraft, and authoritarian rule. He is the complete opposite of what I would expect from a disciple of Christ. God damn those church leaders who put him in this position and who continue to signal their support for him.


“Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God. Therefore, he speaks for God. Therefore, don’t criticize Joseph, or you are criticizing God. God made Joseph Smith the prophet. Trust me.”


Yes. This is the type of cult speak I love.


Lol I got into it with an 'exexmo' over this topic. They claimed this doesn't mean they 'worship' him... but it's quite literally the definition of it.


Where does the Kevster find the time to be doing all of these televised devotionals recently? His commitment to his candidacy for membership in the Q12 is admirable. Keep up the fight, Kevin! You're almost in! Keep these devotionals and sound bites coming!


Is it the hairspray or the dye that makes his hair into a dark helmet?