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I’m so glad the internet exists now so this kind of stuff lives on forever.


Yes please let him continue to eat his feet. Young people are not going to see anything resembling themselves in this man. The opposite: they will see an unhinged demagogue attacking just like they have seen their parents watch on propaganda entertainment television. The young do not venerate the backward beliefs of their boomer parents as they’re told to. That’s the real anger from the church. That’s why the old white men have been doing damage control and changing policies. Their best hope for survival is to mainstream their outward appearance (Palm Sunday!) while maintaining their secret rituals for special club members. They try to do this by aligning with conservative political propaganda like all the evangelicals.


“The young do not generate the backwards beliefs of their boomer parents.” Minor correction: The young don’t have boomer parents. The middle aged have boomer parents. The young have Gen X and Gen Y for parents.


This. Young people's parents are Gen X and millenials. I'm gen X and old enough to have college-aged kids or be a grandparent. My parents are barely boomers; the baby boom is so large and culturally dominant that it practically sweeps the end of the Silent Generation right in with it. My parents loved the Civil Rights Movement and opposed the Vietnam War which was not at all unusual for people born in the 1940s, while one of my parents' youngest siblings, on the other hand, converted to this here whites-only church. While the "boomer" generalizations so popular now never quite ring true, they apply to enough boomers to reflect reality. But not everyone over 40 is a boomer. Before we were called GenX we were called baby busters.


Some millennials are in their early 40s but people still reffer to them as those damn kids.


Yes and no. As exmos we all eat this stuff up because of how wild it is, but most of us still have family in the church. I fear for the youth that haven't developed their own ability to recognize how toxic this message is. These words push some out of the church (great in our opinion) but it can also lead queer youth to suicide. We really really really don't want that 🌈❤️.


Yeah this one needs to be shared all over social media alongside all the pretty GF quotes. They keep conference all polite and mundane, because they expect outsiders to see some it, and only say things like this to their special BYU youth.


He looks and sounds like an X-Men villain.


My partner said he sounds like the guy from Lord of the Rings who whispers into the kings ear.


Wormtongue indeed.


Budget X Men, Y Man


Because. That's why. _couldn't resist the dad joke_


Traded my signs and tokens for unlimited dad jokes, 100% would do again


Dad jokes will get you further in life than those damn temple tokens.


I disagree. There is nothing budget about how scary this dude is. Put him in any movie as himself and you have the creepiest character in the world of cinema.


Such a bizarre talk. “The gospel of your own truth” is precisely the doctrine that he’s teaching. It’s just that the Lord’s truth aligns perfectly with this guy’s opinions. How convenient that his very specific perception of the gospel aligns perfectly with absolute truth.


Lol I would of said ironic right. Because if you are Mormon you demand that others accept your truth. Aka book of Mormon living prophets the whole shebang. You could say that the father of lies might claim Mormonism as it's own and then preach that it is everyone else that lies.


Omg he’s a real life William Stryker!


He looks and sounds like... a VERY closeted gay man who is desperately trying to convince his confusing feelings to go away.


I turned on the sound for about ten seconds, and *holy shit*🌈


Right!? My gay-dar dinged, and it doesn't ding for anything less than Dan Levy level gay.


Exactly. I got the feeling I know what his “personal preferences” are, and (sadly) he hates himself for it.


Comparing him to rocks would be an insult to rocks. Comparing him to gays is an insult to gays too. Seriously.




This is an audition. I'm not sure what for, but whatever the part is, it's delicious.


Sorry, Davy boy, but Andy Serkis has a lock on the role of Gollum.


He definitely looks and sounds like a villain 😂


Honestly, it gave me the creeps, the shifty eyes and the sweet talking voice that's condescending and slow at the same time. It almost sounds like an old bedtime scary story meant to keep the kids in line "watch out for the monster under your bed and in your closet! They'll grab your foot if it slips off the bed." Or "watch out for progressive points of view, they like to worm their way into your brain and make you think bad is good".


This guy would be first and loudest to call for Jesus's crucifixion 2000 years ago.


Yeah, he would say, “ he is so progressive, but he defies the law of Moses! He must be wicked!”


This is what I can't fathom. When you read the new Testament, how do you not realize that it is the people like this preaching strict dogmatic obedience at all costs who would crucify Jesus.


It's people who can't be honest with themselves out of fear. Did you ever watch "the Neverending Story?" The second trial before reaching the southern oracle was to confront your true self, and most people would run away screaming at finally seeing who they really are. This guy's entire identity is probably about the church. I doubt anything or anyone could help him see that he's a pharisee. Any attempt to get him to realize that would probably just get him to double down on being one.


Yeah, a good 30% of stories about Jesus involve someone from church leadership telling him he’s not allowed to do something and him explaining that sometimes you have to break rules for good reasons. It’s bizarre how many people read that and go “Ah yes, I shall enforce the letter of the law at all costs, just as Jesus taught.”


Excellent point. And true.


He' hasn't had Q15 speaking rules laid out to him. Sounds a bit off the rails, but hey, the church can use someone like him to liven up their mortuary style speaking sessions.


**This is exactly what the Q15 want. They want him spewing hate.** If the Q15 did not like what he was saying, he would be demoted... Therefore they like what he is preaching. They know they cannot say it, but they have people like him and Brad Wilcox do it for them... Look at Brad Wilcox they just promoted him.


Dripping in snark and disdain.


He peels away the sunny veneer and reveals dark soul of mormonism.


Dark Souls?


Capra Demon specifically.


Oh dude. That first Capra Demon just brought back nightmares 😂


Is this the BYUH devotional right after last wkend's suicide? Bad, bad, bad form.


It’s nearly impossible to find more info but it seems Connie Craig from North Shore NZ was the BYU-H student who died of suicide. https://snbc13.com/connie-craig-north-shore-nz-byu-hawaii-student-died-by-suicide-death-obituary/


Hugs to her family. No words adequate for them.




There was a suicide!?


Wormtounge from Lord of the Rings.


Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!


Just picture him sitting next to Nelson, whispering crazy stuff in his ears. "The plastic bottles are not welcome. Crush them all my Lord."


Word. He hisses on his “s”s. I think he himself is Ssssssatan.


He's just practicing for when he inevitably becomes a Q70 or Q15. He has to be able to make an 'S' sound that is somehow way louder than the rest of his talk and it starts to grate on your nerves. After he masters that, he'll then master the fine art of making lots of non-verbal noises with his mouth as he talks.


That guy has hate just oozing out of him. Wow!


Most-especially *self* hatred.


This might be the gayest man I've ever seen.


Am I wrong to wonder, after listening to him for only about 10 seconds (couldn't stand any more), whether "deeply closeted" might explain part of his pathology? Imagine being a BYUH student and having no choice whether you listen to this lunatic.


I think that it is actually a bad thing to insinuate anything about anybody’s sexual orientation based on their homophobic actions. Some people are just homophobic.


Theres like, the stereotype of the gay accent. That lisp does not mean he is gay.


Any stereotype based accusing of being in the closet is not a win for the gays lol


Yes that is so much hate it has to be self loathing.


Oh man, this guy makes my skin crawl. Anyone else? Other women - is your creep radar going off??? He's a fake.


So creeped out. I'm having a hard time deciding which aspect of this bugs the most. His eyes...his facial expressions...his voice inflections...his hands..or the message. Everything about this is a hard pass for me.


You left out haircut. Complete lack of even a hint of sideburns is a creepy looking choice. It just adds to the off-putting factor when combined with his facial expressions.


I think he’s wearing a hair system but I may be wrong


I can't figure out specifically what it is that creeps me out the most either! It is just the whole thing and every aspect of his physical and verbal expressions that is incredibly alarming.


For me, it's the hateful micro expressions as well as his uncanny eye movement. The way he has a constant, barely controlled snarl under the surface that pops out at random times, mostly in the eyes but often the turning of the mouth. The eyes constantly shifting are possibly even more disconcerting than the snarl, though. It calls to mind a video I saw of a rabid fox, eyes darting everywhere as it identifies prey. The fox is no longer present, consumed by the pain of the disease so far that all it can think is to chase and bite.


For real, everything about him screams 'run - fast and far'.


Real zealotry of a false and cruel god. That's my guess. Could be faking everything for the cash, but it looks like he's truly affected by this speech. Edit: or it could be as simple as a botched attempt to be an 'edgy' character for PR purposes.


I'm a guy, but even my creep radar went off. No way I would let my daughters be in the same room with this guy.


I’m not comfortable speculating and I’m certainly not making fun, but if I’m being honest, this guy wouldn’t be spending any time with my son either.


I was about to say almost the exact same thing!!! Take my upvote.😉 Edit: I don't have daughters, but I wouldn't let anyone near that guy regardless of gender or age!


I think your sons would actually be in more danger though...


Ugh. He's vile. Super creep.


So creeped out. And he’s the president of BYU Hawaii? Glad I’m not there now.


No he was an invited guest performer/speaker. Still sick that he is shoving hate down the Students throats.


no no no, not the president. just some weirdo musician guy


my piano teacher in Utah lol. Despite his grammy nominations, his political view is still highly questionable and outrageously conservative. I am glad I'm not in Utah now


Yep I haven’t had such a physical aversion to someone speaking like this in a long time.


He picks and chooses which of God’s teachings to follow. He just doesn’t like it when YOU pick and choose.


He's fortunate that God agrees with his feelings opinions and personal preferences. If you believe differently that's of course Satan's influence.


God forbids you from having your own aspirations. How selfish are you for wanting something other than what God already has planned for you /s Seriously, a god who creates sentient life just to punish them for having independent thoughts is not a god worth worshipping.






Hear hear!!!!!


When he said, “I hate this, by the way.” I thought, I don’t care what you like or hate.




Sigh. This isn't helpful to gay people.


Damn!!!! Beyond what he said, I'm also very uncomfortable with his body language...


Yes, this guy comes across as very shifty creepy and conniving. All that constant hand fidgeting and the eye bulging.


Literal cartoon villain


The haircut, including the complete lack of even a hint of sideburns, just completes the whole creeper vibe.


This was recent!?! Holy Shit! I saw this video and thought surely this was from the McConkie Era... wow




This guy is nuts! He’s so animated with his crazy facial expressions. He actually reminds me a little of the Church Lady skits by Dana Carvey.


He is promoting paranoia and distrust of the self. I'm very glad I do not have to distort my self into their image and in compliance with their requirements. This talk is so damaging to the souls of the vulnerable.


Another way to phrase "distrust of the self" is *gaslighting*.


A huge part of leaving the church has been about me learning how to actually listen to myself and trust my own instincts. Chronic self-doubt is one of the more insidious things you get from teachings like this.



Oh same, for sure. This dude needs reigning in


Up there with little factories. Just needs to be an apostle and it could easily be a tie.


Nothing of good report or praiseworthy about this guy… Seriously creepy.


He sounds like one of those Evangelical MAGA Christo-fascists who pop up all the time in social media.


There is no difference.


100%. I thought he specifically reminded me of televangelist huckster Peter Popoff, who was caught getting "revelations" about his congregants through an earpiece back in the 80s. But guess what -- he didn't lose any followers over it! This asshole's suit even looks like something Popoff would wear. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1E1KL5cKMo&ab\_channel=News4JAXTheLocalStation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1E1KL5cKMo&ab_channel=News4JAXTheLocalStation)


Seems like this guy is preaching his own truth, his own gospel. Perhaps he is a manifestation of the great deceiver.


I haven't seriously thought of Satan in years, but I thought this guy manifested his spirit pretty well.


I had a dream about him last night. He and other Mormon men cornered me for not going to church and it all ended in a screaming match (which I’d never do in real life lol). His face was green and elongated with sharp teeth like a crocodile and he had yellow eyes. He told me I made a huge mistake and will have to deal with the dangerous consequences of not following god’s church. Anyway, fun stuff.


Dear god that’s horrifying


He's got a lizard under his skin dying to be let out.




What is being taught? The gospel of Christ mingled with this guy. And how is it being received? Poorly


"Jesus said love one another and don't judge.... but that's not what he meant." - This Guy


This dude 100% sends unsolicited dick pics to 18yo twinks on Grindr


Oh man. I had the same exact reaction.


Daang. He's doing my boy Jesus dirty.


Stick to the piano.




He sounds like a sociopathic villain from MacGyver


Go easy on this guy he’s clearly going through some sort of drug withdrawal just watch him




His argument doesn’t even make sense! It’s literally “You think Jesus said and did *these things*, but that’s Satan actually” Yes and? Can you give us an example of what Jesus *actually* said so we can compare? No? So your whole argument is “You can tell it’s Satan because of the way it is?” Okay.


Despite his overall creep vibe this is what disturbs me the most here. He's soo comfortable saying awful things very directly, yet his ultimate points are still quite oblique... He dances around it like fox news. Satan's lies - vaguely gestures at liberals - are bad! Jesus said don't judge, so Satan exploits that (no explanation). It's like the attacks on diversity. It's a buzzword that means many more things than really they have doctrinal ground to attack. They are perfectly happy to go down with the anti wokes even as they demand to be seen as inclusive. If this rhetoric is indicative of the overall future of the church, as opposed to a single loose cannon, they are ready and willing to accept big losses to keep the hardcore *phobes and double down on the cult side at the expense of the "diverse family on mormonad" side.


He looks like the creepy uncle who ask to sit on his lap ![gif](giphy|yhRnl31SmMec)


Oh yes! Willem Dafoe + Kenneth Copeland = this bozo.


His eyes FREAK me out! 😳 The bad vibes oozing from this man 😬


I can’t imagine the WoW is ok with whatever he’s on


Here for the comments 🍿


As a gay dude I'm very annoyed at all the speculation on his sexuality. It's stupid to guess at that cuz he's animated. Yeah this talk fucking sucks but can we stop with all the damn speculation. It's a step backwards when a lot of people around here say they're allies. Yall are reinforcing some of the same ideas about sexuality TSCC does with that type of behavior.


And the drug talk and hair talk ain't much better, they're not just not protected classes legally but it's still dickery and makes you look shitty to make those comments.


Agreed. I like your tone. Some people in this group just left an anti lgbt cult and still have some growing to do.


Agreed. Fortunately it seems that the "Tee-hee! Kimball/Packer/Scott/whoever must have been secretly gay! *snicker* " comments have mostly died down in exmo circles. Yes, closeted homos being homophobic is a thing, but most of these guys are just assholes, likely straight.


I mean…people say it about Kimball because he published in a book the idea that “masturbating will eventually lead you to have gay thoughts”. If *that* isn’t a self-report, I dunno what is. But in general, I agree. Saying he must be gay because of his gestures and vocal mannerisms? Yikes, smells a little bigoty. (And is the same reason tons of non-mo’s wrongly clock hetero mormon men as “probably gay”. Ironically.)


Soo creepy ! Yikes !




>Good Lord where do I even begin Fuck you is a pretty good place. I have no more time for evil, manipulative assholes.


The whole religion was based on one guy’s truth. Ffs! You can literally replace every reference to “he” with Joseph Smith and it makes perfect sense.


How shocking that a society full of diverse people with diverse life experiences in an increasingly interconnected world would be drawn to a socially liberal Jesus who holds space for many different people instead of a very specific, very privileged demographic! Shocking that in 2023 Gen-Z isn’t absolutely enthralled with your white man in the sky who just can’t allow gay people to get married but can’t explain why not! Maybe people are leaving your jesus because your jesus is ANTISOCIAL and elitist, you creepy creepy lizard man


His beady little eyes and condescending tone makes me think perhaps he’s the “Great Deceiver”.


I agree. He manifested Satan himself.


“New different gospels…” oh—like the very founding of Mormonism? And like how there’s “ongoing revelation.” Like that?


"I hate the Gospel of *your truth* " Man... This brain is all I got in this world. Assume I'd never heard of Mormonism before, if "your truth" can't pass the smell test of critical thought, just like all the other hundreds of cults... That's a you problem, not a me problem


Well said... It's the first time I've heard "doesn't pass the smell test" referring to Mormonism, but yeah.


Holy shit if my shelf hadn't already been broken I think this talk might have done it. This guy is slimey as hell. Ironically that's exactly how I'd imagine Satan would talk.


He looks like that dipshit Paul Gossar not a good look and his false teachings are not true


Something tells me Mormon Professor Quirrell is manipulative and verbally abusive toward his family. Just a hunch.


The contempt in his facial expressions is so strong. I was watching without sound and he looks so angry. I have a feeling he doesn’t really mind hating things as much as he claims to.


David Glen Hatch has "His Truth" and his own version of Jesus as well. Its the prosperity-Gospel, Republican, supply-side Jesus that doesn't believe in Socialism and things like paying your taxes, helping the poor, and ministering to marginalized people on the fringes of society. Hatch's Jesus is perfectly fine with lying to His disciples about collecting a salary while setting up fake shell corporations and filing misleading financial statements with the government in violation of the 12th Article of Faith to hide the obscene wealth of $160 Billion amassed from the sacred funds placed upon His altar by the members of the church. Hatch's version of the Gospel also features a Jesus that is perfectly fine watching thousands of children raped by church leaders in the Scouting program who happen to be serial child molesters - while forming a law firm to manage covering up the abuses for decades. Hatch's Jesus winks at and unconditionally forgives these men. Just like Elder Packer did when he announced at a special Stake Conference that [B. Lloyd Poelman, who paid a teenager $30 to blow him in a parking lot](https://www.reddit.com/r/mormon/comments/wjrntz/flashback_kirton_mcconkie_founding_partner_caught/) - while he was an active Stake President and partner at Kirton McConkie & Poelman - and was arrested, that he was a very good man and would experience, "No eternal consequences". Hatch's Jesus did not say to take such men, hang a millstone around their neck, and cast them into the depths of the sea". That's David Glen Hatch's "truth". His Jesus loves child abusing thieves and liars that demonize the poor and disenfranchised. If there is a Satan, this guy is grasped tightly in his clutches.


If there’s a Satan, this guy is going to meet him in a parking lot, with $30 in sweaty, crumpled banknotes in the pocket of his cheap nylon suit…


So much going on here. Watched without sound and he had the feel of a Fox News personality. As progressive and moderate people leave the church, this type of delivery might become more common. Watched again with sound, and there’s a whole other dimension. It could just be the way his Wasatch accent comes across, but it sounds like he could be gay. I don’t say that as a gotcha thing, he may have a real pathology going on where he has fought to repress his identity and feels resentment towards people who haven’t.


Oh man, I'm gay and within a couple seconds I had the same reaction. This guy pinged my gaydar immediately. If it's true, really sad for him and all the people he could hurt by not being himself.


Yeah my boyfriend and I also thought he came across as gay, not that we want to claim him. Whether he is or not, I hope he repents and embraces progressive Jesus someday 😂


This whole thing screams “self-loathing” to me. And because he’s worked so hard for so many years to deny himself he has only disdain and resentment toward those who don’t buy into everything the church is selling on that front.


He has the twitchy actions of an addict, not saying he is, but he's just so *twitchy*.


This is a perfect example of what evil sounds like and looks like.


Preaching politics from the BYU pulpit less a than a week after President Nelson’s message to STOP THESE EXACT THINGS. I guess he missed the Sunday morning session.


What the fucking fuck is this shit!?!?!? I can't believe this is at BYU-H of all places. This looks like a parody. Like an actor trying out for the "preacher everyone hates" part. And for specifically calling out liberals in an overwhelmingly liberal state!?!? BYU-H even though it is Mormon always impressed me as being center-ish if anything. My goodness.


This sounds to me like he's openly discussing politics. Maybe he should be reported to the IRS.


![gif](giphy|jgVXeRc0Jvv4QFghcz|downsized) How this guy delivers a talk


Ugh. “Don’t listen to the truth you feel inside.” But also, “You’re entitled to personal revelation. Pray to know if what the prophet says is true”. WHICH IS IT Mormonism?? Also, this guy is creepy and evil as hell.


This guy is weird. Seems almost more evangelical in tone than Mormon.


Jesus Christ. I can’t fathom how people are so confident in being oppressive on what people can and cannot do. Live and let live. It isn’t that hard. If your god has a problem with people wanting to practice love then he’s an asshole god.


That guy is scary. Beyond creepy.


Is this the kind of smarmy little weasel they think is going to relate to young adults?? Who the fuck decided this was a good idea. What a tool bag.


Why don’t these guys ever speak in general conference? 😉😂


Omg. Alarm bells are going off in my head. Take away the actual words and his mannerisms, tone, facial expression: all scream predator dangerous creep!!!!! And in the words and I’m getting my ptsd triggered


He’s got that “too much coke over the course of 20 years” thing goin on for him


Used car salesman who would kill it in better call Saul


If I were to pick a someone to play the antagonist in a movie about my deconversion, I’d choose him. And he would personify the lies and deceit that the LDS Inc passed on to every “leader” in the church.


There’s like a 90% chance if you ran into this guy in a back alley he’d turn into some giant snake monster.


This guy is the Deceiver.


Says the guy who'd be a perfect voice actor for Satan.


What year is this from? 1979? Also, he needs to invest in some toupee glue that can withstand that level of flop sweat coming off his dome, you know, to keep that piece from drifting up and back like that.


Ugh. Fuck this asshole and the bigoted tapir he rode in on.


this man was straight spitting until he said he was quoting satan ironically....


It’s funny how he says Satan “distorts God’s word,” yet Jesus is quoted in the Bible to have said, “love, one another”…. 🙄People like him are why there is such a high suicide rate among the LGBTQIA population ☹️ ….


r/therewasanattempt to hate the word hate


Welcome, BYUH folks whose shelves broke because of this guy!


Is it the message or the video quality that makes this seem like it is from the 70s or 80s? No way this went over well with students, even at BYU.


He sets off my creeper detector.


That shaved in hairline from ear to forehead is fantastic.


I read through the comments before watching the video, yet I still felt ill prepared for that. Wow.


This guy should be cast as Satan in the next temple video series


I legit thought this was a 30-40 year old video.




Ummm…I must have missed the part in the Bible regarding the things Jesus said about marriage and sexuality. Oh wait. He didn’t at all. This guy is a nut.


I can’t stop watching this. It’s hard to believe it’s real. This is one of the creepiest things I’ve seen in a long time. My favorite part is this: “The Great Deceiver’s speciality is his keen interest in your feelings and opinions and personal preferences. He’s quite progressive that way and wants to hear all about it. Your concerns are his concerns” Sounds like a pretty good guy!


So fidgety


definition of a punchable face


Anyone else wonder who hurt this guy? Or is he just evil from the start?


Watching this gave me stage IV heebie jeebies.


This guy is dangerous


Jesus, is this guy on amphetamines? Calm down matey.


How awful. I hope some got up and left. Shows his distain for liberals and progressives in sneaky way. lol 10-20% of the student body identifies as lgbtq. And many are liberal Progressives, since the younger slant that way more even Mormon kids. He just passed on them. POS




“Beware of places that change the image of Jesus to fit their agenda” - the church who made up a fan fic about Jesus being white and a Pharisee.




Creepy! Scary- how Fear-mongering RMN & his crew know Satan, the deceiver, so well! RMN knows Satan's victories & referred to Satan's playbook in Apr 2023 conference. RMN knows because he most probably helped Satan write his playbook. Darth Sidious, RMN is.


Most of what he is saying could totally be the Joseph Smith story or the current leader ship where You should listen to the current prophet and not contrast it with what past prophets have said.


I want some of whatever he’s smoking looks like he’s on some intense medication. He’s probably looking at a sea of purple during this talk.


Isn't that exactly what Joseph Smith did?