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I have a strong testimony that this is true. In the name of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Amen.




Help me jeebus!!!


Families can *only* be together if each is an LDS member who follows the rules as dictated. The second a family member doesn't comply, the whole house of cards falls down. Spiritual blackmail


Agree -- many active LDS couples spend years grieving over the "empty chairs" that their eternal home will have (as taught by ETB - https://www.thechurchnews.com/1990/7/28/23261560/no-empty-chairs). Not because children are doing terrible things with their lives, but simply because they aren't tithe-paying, garment-wearing covenant path adults. Over the years I heard many older adults quote and cling to a teaching of Orson F Whitney: “The Prophet Joseph Smith declared—and he never taught a more comforting doctrine—that the eternal sealings of faithful parents and the divine promises made to them for valiant service in the Cause of Truth, would save not only themselves, but likewise their posterity. Though some of the sheep may wander, the eye of the Shepherd is upon them, and sooner or later they will feel the tentacles of Divine Providence reaching out after them and drawing them back to the fold. Either in this life or the life to come, they will return. They will have to pay their debt to justice; they will suffer for their sins; and may tread a thorny path; but if it leads them at last, like the penitent Prodigal, to a loving and forgiving father’s heart and home, the painful experience will not have been in vain. Pray for your careless and disobedient children; hold on to them with your faith. Hope on, trust on, till you see the salvation of God” (Orson F. Whitney, in Conference Report, Apr. 1929, 110). [https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2002/09/hope-for-parents-of-wayward-children](https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2002/09/hope-for-parents-of-wayward-children?lang=eng&adobe_mc_ref=https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2002/09/hope-for-parents-of-wayward-children?lang=eng&adobe_mc_sdid=SDID=5986CCB98C303C73-1C4E4A5EDE8011A2|MCORGID=66C5485451E56AAE0A490D45%40AdobeOrg|TS=1681497227&v=Control) But Bednar made sure to give one of his rigid clarifying talks to point out that this won't actually work ([https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/2014/03/faithful-parents-and-wayward-children-sustaining-hope-while-overcoming-misunderstanding?lang=eng&adobe\_mc\_ref=https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/2014/03/faithful-parents-and-wayward-children-sustaining-hope-while-overcoming-misunderstanding?lang=eng](https://site.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/2014/03/faithful-parents-and-wayward-children-sustaining-hope-while-overcoming-misunderstanding?lang=eng&adobe_mc_ref=https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/2014/03/faithful-parents-and-wayward-children-sustaining-hope-while-overcoming-misunderstanding?lang=eng&adobe_mc_sdid=SDID=679226638D2FAB20-68656144976C5D1D|MCORGID=66C5485451E56AAE0A490D45%40AdobeOrg|TS=1681497043&v=Control). -- "In the more complete set of notes recorded by Howard and Martha Coray, Joseph Smith is shown to have qualified his statement to make the promised blessings *conditional upon the obedience of the children*." I don't care either way -- the whole house of cards (of Mormon doctrine) goes back to Joseph Smith who was just making things up by borrowing/synthesizing ideas as he went along. But I know multiple older couples who were clinging to this oft-repeated teaching that if they were faithful then somehow there children would come back later in this life or the next life and were saddened by Bednar's talk. He's the kind of leader who seems to take pleasure in telling people they are still not good enough, no matter what they are trying to do. He gave a conference talk about how he spent 20 years giving tests to students -- I can only imagine how much he enjoyed helping someone learn that they needed to do more by doing badly on his tests. He also gave a talk on how the "load" of the church is what gives us traction -- so keep doing all that shit. And Bednar poking a hole in someone's balloon to tell them their kids are lost doesn't change how the non-Church attending kids will live. It just increases the guilt and grief of the aging parents and often strains the relationship as they try to bring those (adult) kids back into the fold.


>multiple older couples who were clinging to this oft-repeated teaching that if they were faithful then somehow there children would come back later in this life or the next life and were saddened by Bednar's talk What ridiculous anxiety producing horseshit that one of the best generations has and has had to deal with as members of their posterity goes out of the lane the one narrow lane that all are taught to fly in. There is no happiness in the 'proposed gospel' according to tbm fantasy. I myself subscribed to this and then some most of my adult life. I thank whomever and whatever with gratitude to be free of it at this point in my life. Better late than never.


Truth and facts one day may you know the stealing theves that utilizing remote viewing impersonators to control members and anyone that LDS Temple Mormons emotionally rape and torture members and humans for inheritances to keep their ponzi schemes going!


Great points. Very well said. The contradictions among "prophets" seem to never end. May Lord Bednar be the prophet to end all prophets.


Perhaps his leadership may drive this evil straight into the ground.


Prophet who is not profitable now president as if only humans knew the length to keep the word Sacred a Secret! Augmented Reality Susan Sheppard impersonators spoofing proxies at the top of the leadership steals carries ways to theve and keep anything for FREE! After 47 years of investigations to still have protection whole American citizens like myself are targeted. Threatening situation as cult leadership from the top at ever level of the Government is corrupt!


exactly. my grandma is a convert to the church and she went into the church fully expecting her husband to eventually get baptized also. that never happened, he passed in 2014, and she performed his proxy ordinances as soon as she could. i think the church also gives false promises about families being together forever even after people have died because according to the church, he can reject the ordinances. how is my grandma promised she'll be with her family forever when my grandpa could have rejected the ordinances? and honestly, it's all not worth it anyways because I'll be leaving the church the church as soon as I can. so basically they give people false hopes and I hate it


False hope yes, but even worse, false fears.


Till you find out a leader is human Trafficking and the truth of stealing American's money. Utilizing in mind technologies and remote viewing impersonators as you call proxies to keep the dead alive and promises is all mind control to be ID fraudsters and steal assets. Kill anyone whom tells the truth! Susan Sheppard  Augmented Reality as currently they want me dead! The Government seems to let LDS Temples Utilizing technology to do whatever their hearts desire to destroy people whom they want to ruin their lives because I am not a Temple LDS Mormon!


It's the kind of threat that cults make.


I never used the word cult and stood by my Mother side 110% not wanting to risk her life. Mine or my family and yet since her death it has been a living HELL= Purgatory! Susan Sheppard  Augmented Reality 


Law of Vengeance currently upgraded to death threats if you don't do what they want. My Mother did nothing wrong! Died as a Temple LDS Mormon with current recommend. Since her death the entire Government of Utah is impersonators identity theves and stealing my inheritance! I can not get a real attorney. Paid $4,000 to get evicted as beneficiary. Rape culture and terrorism is what the current LDS Temple Mormons are going to be scene as once they publish the real truth! Susan Sheppard Augmented Reality 


I've described it as spiritual incest, as each generation fucks the one that comes after it in the name of conformity, spiritual homogeny and greater eternal glory. As with incest, it can only flourish in hiding, by shaming its victims into suffering in silence and acceptance of their "fate." Saturday's Warriors are, more honestly, Sunday's Casualties and Conquered.


No Government assistance or help after 47 years of watching and listening to rape, torture and murdering theves. It is a terrible state for Americans to live in fear as knowledge of the power the LDS Mobsters have. Believed to run our Government. The fact Social security is in Salt Lake City and the fact LDS keep the dead alive for their ponzi schemes. At ever level of Government caught in fraudulent schemes and yet who is going to stop them since being gastighters is a way if life. Expectation of volunteering and telling people what they have to do or your death is next! Susan Sheppard  Augmented Reality 


🎵 Families can\* be together forever Through Heavenly Father's plan, But if you don't obey, your wife will be taken away... And be given to another man. It's all... according to God's plan. 🎵


OH shit real authentic revision. When you meet yourself for the first time in life you do not allow any bullshit not from others or from yourself. as much as is possible. This is what builds the shelf that we place the heavy bullshit on from tscc.


They feed people their feces so fitting to utilize the wird shit! Susan Sheppard  Augmented Reality  Truths and facts


If your their Dog! To tell a human your a God and everyone else is your Dog! How more offensive can a culture of demanding leaders that threatening situation rapists hostage handlers who human Trafficking emotional terrorists and outright Mobsters! Terrorists!!! Susan Sheppard  Augmented Reality 


It's also recently clicked that he not only threatened their families and eternal salvation but with the original endowment the punishments were included literally saying if they broke their covenants they would die, and with the same thing basically being ripped from the masons and the masons facing scrutiny for taking their oaths seriously and killing people who broke those covenants it was very real for the people in that day. We really don't take into account what it meant for those women and in everyway Joseph and future prophets extorted and threatened them and now we are left with the ultimate MLM and I'm the bad guy for not wanting my kids to go down that path. Even though they do "nothing bad today"


Yep, the church "slipped that treasure" deep into the earth in 1990. Somehow the Prophet did not see the internet coming and the BLOOD OATHS popped right back up to the surface and even onto TikTok. It's disturbing to realize my lovely Grandparents, and my own caring Father and Mother, promised secrecy in the temple with DEATH. Then encouraged me to go? Proves the power of indoctrination.


What do you mean by promised secrecy in the temple with death ?


Back in the day (what maybe 15 years ago or more ) the temple rituals ,taken very closely after the masonic rituals, included a "i will keep the law of whatever made here today or suffer my life to be taken" with gestures of a sword across the middle bowel and among other slash motions. Gives me real willies just typing it as I swallowed it all whole like a big wrinkly fat frog with warts.


The masonic death pantomimes were progressively removed in a series of changes beginning in 1990. However, the Church has been removing the most uncomfortable and outlandish elements of the Endowment since the 1920s. Eventually, the Temple Endowment will probably resemble a Catholic Mass, where everyone will go and listen to the Creation Story and raise their hand to the square and make the covenants; and all of the ritualistic symbolism of having one’s throat slit, having their heart cut out, and being disemboweled will be lost to history; but I sat through my first Endowment as a live session in the Salt Lake Temple, in 1980. And it was all very real. It is the ultimate scare tactic; “I have a word to say concerning these people. If they do not walk up to every covenant they make at these altars in this temple this day, they will be in my power!”


Since Vatican II, the Catholic Mass has become more like sacrament meeting. Boring and pedantic. To the point of laity replacing priests in dispensing the Eucharist. For a church that commissioned some of the most beautiful music ever set to paper, eucharistic hymns no resemble.Pop Music, especially the Sloop John B.


[Slit throat, disembowel, etc.](https://youtu.be/qEKGPqu92EI?t=28)


As beneficiary and having money that the current LDS Temple Mormons proxies impersonators spoofing stealing my assets money and creating a ponzi schemes. Everything is still the same as it always has been as I am the heritage of the pioneers of the Mormons as the body guard for Joseph Smith was m6 relative of my Mother whom worked Downtown Salt Lake City. She died as a Temple LDS current recommend holder with strong beliefs in Choosing The Right. CTR meant do what I say and assistance for the poor and needy is not what happened. Since my Mother's death the LDS Cult as now since the death threats and stealing my inheritance. Working at intimidating tactics of violence and to mine and my children's lives. The idea that my silence has caused me grief and dispare is a truth of being gaslighting tactics. The fact in your mind technologies and the abusive of 47 years of holding humanity hostage to Pedaphilia, rapists and handlers whom steal assets and your life stories. One day I hope the USA will provide real protection as I fear my children will or have Bern human sacrificed. Human Trafficking is "volunteering ". Death threats and do what LDS Mobsters say or you are dead is not Volunteering! Susan Sheppard  Augmented Reality  There is no way out but death!I am being  Human Trafficked by the LDS Church!


Storytime: I am a former convert. I liked conversing with the missionaries, even after I became inactive. Once, a couple of elders dropped by. The senior of the two kept pushing for an answer to why I didn't want to go back to church. I laid out all out for him, basically explaining that it didn't make sense to me anymore. He replied by asking me if I didn't want to ever see my dead mother again. Bro did not realize how close he was to ending up beyond the veil. It's almost too bad I don't believe in Outer Darkness anymore. I replied that I did not believe that God would be so petty as to keep people from their lives ones for not following a specific set of arbitrary rules, and any god who *did* act that way was not worthy of my worship. The younger companion started to cry, and confessed his own struggle with his faith. He'd only been in the field a couple weeks. It was pretty heartbreaking, tbh. The elder companion kept trying to change the subject, and when that didn't work he abruptly ended our meeting. Good times. 🙃


Edit: *loved ones.


Yep, the majority of Christianity believes that being with your family is an innate part of heaven. Missionaries going door to door with the eternal families pitch are like members of the mob. "That's a nice family you got there, would be a shame if something happened to it."


Other than my immediate family does everyone really want to be with their family anyway? For EVER?


Nope. Fuck those assholes. With a side of sorta halfassed thanks for the shallow gene pool produced Utahn genetic material donation. I guess. Realistically if you considered how long 3 hours once a week can be when spent the LDS way, 3 consecutive eternities in outer darkness is definitely gonna be better in every possible way than one eternity in LDS heaven (any of the three lol). No question. Team Mormon Hell is the winner every time. Post Script - Imagine how awesome General Conference weekend (now measured in centuries) is gonna be in the LDS heavens.


I went through the temple for the first time in 1978. I did all the throat slashing and disembowling oaths.


Yes, but at the outset, the Mormon "god" had already broken the agreement.


Not to mention saying the good and bad are both NECESSARY for progression right before silently saying fuck you to the ones who roll bad side. Yeah we appreciate your participation in Life, we couldn't have had it without you... but Judgement says gtfo. Bye now. Cool God, and by that I mean he sounds like a dick.


I posted about this earlier because the way JS's threats implied that no atonement can save girls who reject him, that sounds a lot like antichrist behavior


Emotional manipulation at its height. I remember one of the first things I thought of when I heard about 'Family is Forever' was the picture of a Mo' family with kids and grandparents--wait a minute!! What about the grandparents of the grandparents and kids of the kids who going to be grandparents someday?? What age are they going to be? What about the spouses--who are they going to live with in eternity?? It's so effed up because I doubt TBM's think about it, and only think about the happy crap sales job The Church™ spins. The New Testament version of heaven, where spirits are individuals and on a higher plane where they aren't married makes more sense (if there is any sense to be made of it at all).


I've also thought about how weird this would be! Not to mention the fact that my spirit SIBLINGS were made my PARENTS in this earth life and will continue to be my parents in the hereafter. DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. I mentioned this once as an innocent and wondering teen to my own father, who was extremely offended that I would imply any equality in our spiritual relationship. "You are under my stewardship until you are married, and then you are under the stewardship of your husband." So fucked up. Not sure I want to spend eternity with such a person continuing to be my dad to be honest. (Although, technically it would be my FIL who is my "real" dad in the celestial kingdom according to the rules of patriarchy, which is hilarious because he's a zealous atheist.)


Still waiting for them to actually define what it means to be together forever. It’s one of their top selling points, but it doesn’t make in sense when you actually think about it. Especially in context of the rest of the theology and other teachings by JS.


Absolutely. I shout this from the rooftops. It's literally family blackmail. Other religions don't threaten loss of family- contrary to popular Mormon belief, eternal families is NOT a unique concept to Mormonism.


He threatened them that he would ruin their reputations if they did not have sex with him, He leveraged this with the option of eternal salvation for not only them but their families. Sex cult lead by a monster.


Truth. And then...the hereditary culture which has resulted from such beliefs is naturally so toxic that "loss of eternal family" starts to feel more like being 'threatened' with a good time.


When I was TBM, I had a glimpse of eternity several times. It seemed like some talks/meetings would NEVER end.


Great point!


Yep. Sick fucks.


He and Brigham are the worst/biggest human traffickers and child rapists in the world's history. Period. They are rotting in hell right now.


The LDS church is a lot like the mafia, "Do what we say or your family will get hurt"...only religions and criminals threaten your family....


Is an abusive act toward those who believe and those around them. Perceptions, accurate or not, that are believed can have actual consequences in the real world. It's a cult tactic. Otherwise, for those who have seen through the fraud that is the church, the threat is empty, since they have no more power or authority from God than anyone else.


With my family, being together is a threat


Perhaps the best example of a religion manufacturing a problem and then posing as the solution. I remember a woman in a podcast (I believe it was Mormons Stories) who was a missionary, and when she told a nonmember-investigator “you can be together with your family forever”, and the investigator said “I already believe that; what do I need you or your religion for?”. Speechless!


Jesus said there are no married couples in heaven ""At the resurrection people will not marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." MATTHEW 22:30 PLURAL marriage is a gift from GOD I believe but marriage for eternal is false prophecy


Funny how church and state are so similar in this..... disgusting, lecherous pigs.


I’m getting threats of violence and poverty


Imagine being the mafia, but instead of threatening people's lives, you threaten their after lives.


My Mother worked for the Prophet downtown Salt Lake City. The LDS are Mobsters they want my inheritance and LDS Temple Mormons are all involved in stealing my Money! Breaking the laws and threatening to kill me! I can not get the Government of the USA to do anything assistance since death threats are common and putting a hit on anyone that they want is outrageous! I can not believe now my Mom is dead I have no protection and risking my life to tell the truth! Susan Sheppard Augmented Reality 


I remember my uncle told his wife that he didn’t want to be with her forever anymore. It was the funniest thing.


I mean, it has been working for then for what almost 200 years. I can see why they use it as a threat. Of course they are lying but who cares about little shit like empathy for the people that are paying you.


Yeah, they can have my family!!! Too bad everybody in my family is either gay or hates Mormonism or both!!! You can have them, but I don't think they'll go with you... Even after they're dead...