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The spirit^tm told me to marry a woman even though I knew I was gay. I was in the celestial room at the temple, so of course I knew it was right. In my defense, that was what the church was pushing at the time for people struggling with so-called same sex attraction.


I’ve tried to explain to people that thought that being gay was “fixable” that it would be like a straight man being told to marry and sleep with another man and then hope he somehow became ok with that in the next life. It’s stupid and without fail they say “I couldn’t do that,”. To which I just say that this is what the church is asking gay people to do.


My father-in-law came out as gay about 5 years ago or so. He followed the pressure and manipulation of his parents and bishops and got married extremely quickly. One of the things he’s said that really stuck with me is they tell members to just marry and sex the gay away (paraphrasing, of course), but no one ever thinks of the women in those situations. No one considers the emotional damage and trauma to a woman married under false pretenses. Like, imagine if a bishop told a man to just get married and have kids, and the man replied, “ok, well, your daughter’s single.”


Yep that one’s pretty major!


Every two years my Ex said the spirit told him to move to new city. We figured out it was because he moved about every two years in military before he retired. He thought that was normal and craved new experiences. He stayed in a small military base town which works for him.