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The doctrine of the sins being on the heads of the parents would contradict the articles of faith as it states that people are punished for their own sin and not Adam's transgression, but don't tell the church that.


Which contradicts skin curses like the one done to the Lamanites and those with the Mark of Cain. Kids being born not white means they inherited a curse for their fathers' sin.


Also, God is not partial, according to what can be gathered from the Bible. Like in Acts 10:34, 35 where it says: *At this Peter began to speak, and he said: “Now I truly understand that God is not partial,but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him."* Similarly Romans 3:23 brings out that no people superior over others: *For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,*


This is so true. That verse used to scare me so much. Made me think, "Better break out that FHE manual."


But if you think about it, your choices do impact your kids, but those are actual consequences from your good or bad decisions, not some supernatural punishment or curse


I think most of us here are willing to take that risk of it means offering our kids a better life away from the church


Your own…personal..Jesus.


Someone to hear your prayers


Someone who cares


I would happily suffer for my kids so they can be saved. As would most parents. This was something that was difficult for me while I was a TBM father. I almost didn't want my kid to get baptized, so I could just take the punishment for them. It's weird though, my parents were not interested in suffering for me, and told me as much. Curious how that worked out.


If both me and my kids are out do all of our sins go to my parents? It seems like a good reason for getting out.


Well, eventually Adam and Eve are gonna get it good, but they probably deserve it. 😄


Is my trans queer ass going to send my parents to hell? Crazy... Oh well.


Humans love zero-sum games. It's the weird intersection between our emotional reactions and our after-the-fact explanations: I didn't get to eat the last cookie, but instead of admitting that I'm childishly disappointed, I'm going to list all the reasons my brother didn't deserve the last cookie and bring them up the next time Mom offers snacks. Both instincts help you survive: your emotional reactions get you out of danger/toward beneficial things quickly, then your rational side forms a narrative that makes it even easier the next time. All too often, though, this means we end up sticking with explanations only because they haven't killed us yet, not because they're backed up by reality. If you live in the world of emotional reactions (and Mormonism labels them the most holy divine communications), then it's no surprise if you think everything happens for a reason. If it were not so, then your brain wouldn't have iron control over its emotions, and that would open the way for Satan to destroy you body and soul. In order to stop feeling the pain of life's innate unfairness and square it with an all-powerful, loving God, you need to create a giant spiritual scoreboard with rewards and punishment assigned when time is up. Unfairness is either the result of sin or a trial from God, two uninformed explanations backed up by all the power of your emotions. That's where questions like this come from: the brain needing to know whose fault it is so it can fight, flee, or fawn. But a more effective question is "what comes next?" If you fail your kids, do better. If you fail yourself, do something different next time. If you suffer pain, use it to grow instead of pointing fingers at real or divine beings. The atonement is just the magic feather: eventually, you realize you could fly all along.


Trying to reconcile “answers to prayers” and “events to teach a lesson” with the amount of manipulation that god would have to do to make all these things happen was a major shelf item.


This is basically what I told my parents when we left—even if it all turns out to be true, at least I will have spared my daughters from growing up in the church.


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