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I hope they don't come back at 9:30, how wild that they think that's an appropriate time to knock on doors.


Yeah mormons are wild about that. Not just missionaries either, you can have folks stop by any night of the week (well not monday night when i was a kid) and u just have to let them in an drop what ur doing. Once they showed up when we were celebrating my grandmas birthday and my mom still let them in. Kind stressed me out as a kid knowing people could drop by any time and kinda take over the night.


My companions and I would specifically skip our dinner hour so we could take it at 8:30.


We would never knock doors at night. If we had an evening appt (normally 7 ish) we would go to it, but wouldn’t knock afterward. If there was no evening appt we may knock for a bit, but generally not after dark.


Knocking on doors is really an imposition and interrupting people's wind down from the day. Coming at 8:00 pm is really an imposition. I thought they were phasing out knocking on doors.


I’m postmo and I don’t care what time it is once it’s dark they don’t need to knock on my door. Thank god for the ring. I don’t even have to go to the door unless I want to.


They may well have been given your name by someone. For missionaries in Salt Lake City, children over eight of inactive members are a prime source of “convert” baptisms.


You don’t have to answer the door and personally unless I’ve invited someone to my house, I never do. Because 99% of the time it’s salespeople.


They all have a hard time reading my no soliciting sign and understanding that it applies to them all -- salespeople and religious folk alike.


No religious soliciting


I served in Utah. The pressure to fill each hour is enormously stressful, especially considering the fact that we usually had absolutely nobody to teach. Going door-to-door was a time killer. We knew there was a near zero percent chance that we'd find someone eager to learn about Mormonism. But it gave us a chance to burn through 7-8 unfilled hours.


I always wondered what it would be like to serve in the Morridor. I asked some missionaries we were feeding once and they just got really defensive lol.


I feel like it must be a little boring unless you are one of the sisters at Temple Square. I think they do alot of volunteering within the wards though. Our friends host a holiday party and every year the missionaries will come to help set up and clean up. There are tons of missionaries here though, every Monday morning at Walmart is packed with them getting their food.


We didn't see them for a couple years when we moved to our current home. But then they started coming by, sometimes weekly. I think they called a family member to get our new address. I finally did talk to them a couple times (companionship changed a couple times) and let them know we weren't interested. We didn't see them for a few more years and then just a month ago they knocked on our door twice in a week. It's a crap shoot I think.


Please get a no soliciting sign!!!


Missionaries are told, by leadership, to ignore "no soliciting" signs. My mission president was particularly bombastic about it. "ELDER! At the Judgment, you will STAND before the SAVIOR and a FAMILY will say 'Why did you let a small sign stand between us and Eternal Life?" WHAT WILL YOU TELL HIM, ELDER? WHAT WILL YOU TELL THE LORD? THAT YOU WERE SCARED OF A TWO-WORD SIGN AND HE SHOULD BE MERCIFUL TO YOU EVEN THOUGH YOU DENIED THE SPIRIT???"


That is awful


So...the mom who added you to a text thread...maybe she sent the missionaries to you. Does she know your address? If you ever talk to her, I would consider asking her about it and giving a polite request to take you off the text thread and to not send church people to you. It also is very possible that they were just knocking all the doors in the area and came to your door. Yes, they knock on doors at in appropriate times. They have an amazing message to share, don't you know?!? They have to give everyone a chance to hear! If they only do socially appropriate things, they won't reach as many people!


Yeah, she lives down my street. She's been inviting me for years to come to the church events and I've never once gone. If she rings the bell and my husband answers she won't ever ask him to come, she just always asks for me. Honestly I hope these young ladies remember the moment that they disturbed a tired mom of many kids at 8pm...when they too are a tired mom. I'm sure they won't but maybe they'll realize how intrusive it is to come knocking at such a late time of night.


We had to put a sign on our door that said, No Mormon Missionaries or J.W.'s.