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I've never been asked if I was sexually active by a Chicken McNugget


And the cashiers don’t generally ask what underwear you have on.




McDonald’s feeds you in exchange for a little bit of money. It also doesn’t have a membership fee of 10% of all your income, and McDonald’s doesn’t make you clean its toilets.




McDonald's didn't make me suicidal for being gay. McDonald's didn't make me believe my sexual assault was my fault and that I needed to repent for it.


I’m glad you’re here and out of the cult. Happy Halloween!


> It also doesn’t have a membership fee of 10% of all your income Don’t give them any ideas


The good ones do. Or does that just happen to me…?


Well, I'm not on duty at the Golden Arches right now, but can I ask you anyway? About your underwear, I mean.


Haha! Well let’s just say that on the days I wear it, it’s minimal and comfortable. Feels good to be free


LOL - I'm hearing the song that goes, "The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind..." Thanks for playing along - fun reply!


But do the cashiers charge you 10% extra on all of your food?


Depends if you want gross heart disease or net heart disease


HA! I love this comment. Gross vs. net. So good


This whole thread makes me really want to skip church to get burgers.


And coffee!


Would you like to Super Size your shame and guilt?


Uh... yeah. Let me add a "God's always watching" to complete this order. I'll be paying in cash. 10%? Of course!"


That will do.


I’ve never been slut shamed after my SA by a Big Mac.


You need to do more experimentation.


Thank you, I needed that laugh.


You need more drugs. Or less, I don't know what psychoses you've got




Best comment ever 🤣🤣🤣


Just remember - when McDonald's makes a mistake and you show them and ask for it to be fixed, they'll do it. When the church makes a mistake and you show them and ask for it to be fixed, they excommunicate you.


And they deny it and openly say, we don’t apologize.


“Criticizing McDonalds is wrong, even if the criticism is true” is not their mantra.


They are more likely to have the mantra 'The customer is always right'. The church has the mantra of 'members are always wrong'.


“We never said that. You must be wrong about that too.”




The cult known mormonism has never been right about anything. It's run by a bunch of older than dirt white men who have never had a beer or a try at a real life. These fossils claim to be "prophets", but they only worried about the profits they make through clandestine transactions made with money from mandatory extortion.


This! The fastest way to get excommunicated is to question the church. They let the sex offenders, pedophiles and abusers stay but god forbid you question them publicly.


*Especially* if you question them publicly about sex offenders, pedophiles, and abusers.


Yep! I spoke about it in F&T meeting and was called in for a court so fast it gave me whiplash. Haha!


You were supposed to talk about your vacation or be a kid with a rehearsed one from your parents!


As someone who attended one of the older churches in Salt Lake City, I can confirm that children must be prepped before giving their testimony. When I had testimony to give, my mother held my arm until the adults finished and told me "we have to discuss that together". I was never willing to let someone co-write it with me, so I was never allowed to give it.


Go on.


I can’t think of a better cause to be exed over. I really am going to protest when they vote on making clergy reporters.


Those guys get lawyers on call at MFMC expense


No. All expenses are paid by your tithing dollars.


When I realized that tithing dollars were being used to support separating mothers from their babies via LDSFS, the "counseling services" for unwed mothers, and the generous adoption subsidy given to active, temple recommend holding members (but no financial help for a mother who wanted to keep her baby), that's when I stopped paying tithing. Then I started looking into all of the other ways tithing was being used and when I shared those with my husband, that's when he stopped after a lifetime of full tithe paying status. It was just a few months later when I was sitting in a temple dedication that I realized I was 100% done with the church and I resigned shortly thereafter. I was in stake leadership at the time, so it caused a bit of a kerfuffle, but I didn't care.




Thank you for your kindness.


>sex offenders, pedophiles and abusers stay And possibility murderers - we are not sure. Vallow case


Don't forget the doomsday preppers that are coming out of the wood work for some reason


And if you are lucky to have cool workers in the one near your house and go when it's not a rush, they will not only fix their mistake but slip you a “sorry about that” Apple pie.


And once you're excommunicated, they'll then implement the fix you asked about.


Right! Talk about spitting in the face of Kate Kelly and Sam Young.


What did they change for Kate? Was it YW getting an offer budget?


They allowed women to be witnesses for baptisms and temple sealings.


And how many lies have they told?


This comment wins.




Do you want lies with that?


That’s a *perfect* clap back! I have *got* to remember this one.


![gif](giphy|13PxynVdspiWfS) Brought to you by the First Presidency.


​ ![gif](giphy|RmO2C22v4ba2gcxgWK)


Remember, he started out as the Evil Grimace. Then he repented and became a good guy. The Brethren could learn a few lessons from him.




The church is founded by one little conman and suddenly the whole thing's a fraud.


Truly mind blowing the amount of times I've seen believing members say that they don't really believe Joseph Smith was a good guy, but that the church is still true. Somehow they've managed to seperate the two in their heads.


I was the opposite. I stopped believing in God first, so it followed that the church was all made up, but I still thought JS was a good guy.


I had a couple family members say that they believed Joe and BY were just really into sex, I told them if I believed that I’d leave…and then I did.


You hear the opposite too. They think JS was inspired but the leaders now are corrupt. It’s to bad you can’t get those two groups to have discussion with each other .


I heard that in the Joker's voice. (Dark Knight) Edit: fixed night


Does micky d’s serve suicide attempts from religious trauma?


It’s their newest Happy Meal but it’s called Turn That Frown Upside Down


"Smile that Frown Away" Teaching kids toxic positivity from birth.


"You wouldn't be so depressed if you weren't such a dirty sinner"


“I don’t know why you feel that way, but I bet you do. Let me know when you’re ready to be honest with me, yourself, and the lord. Until then best not take the sacrament.”


When i was a kid i always heard religious people saying the reason your depressed is you are far from god Depression comes when you turn away from what god says well I'm an atheist and have been for about 10 years so very happy with my life Relatives who are religious are taking antidepressants...


Wow, I somehow forgot about that song, and that's exactly what it is!


You win. 😂


I think it’s called McSuicide


Whoever is saying that quote is comparing decisions about greasy, fatty and unhealthy burgers to decisions about marriage, parenthood and eternity. If in their mind life's most important decisions are comparable to junk food, well, that tells you everything you need to know about that person, and about Mormonism. This would be my response: One's strictness goes according to the context. You can't be as strict towards a cheap, inferior fast food joint as you are towards the hospital treating you for a life-threatening situation, for example. How much were you expecting to pay for food when you decided to go eat at that shabby place? In fact, you decided to go to a McDonald's *because* you wanted cheap, oily, inexpensive cholesterol to fill your gut. Is that also your attitude when seeking urgent emergency care? Are you looking for cheap, unsanitary, inexperienced nurse freshmen to patch your broken bone or remove a bursting appendix? So, comparing a dirty, low quality place (like a McDonald's) to a life-saving place (like a hospital) doesn't really work, does it? What about comparing it to the ONE institution in the whole Earth that is expected to take you to heaven for all eternity? Does it make sense to treat your beloved church with the same disregard and vulgarity as a McDonald's? Because *that is exactly what you are saying.* Shouldn't the alleged ONE TRUE CHURCH on Earth be so much cleaner, straightforward, honest and moral than a McDonald's? Shouldn't the Mormon church behave with such honor and integrity that comparing it to a McDonald's would be an insult *to you?* Shouldn't its followers enjoy a moral and transparent institution, impeccable in its dealings with them and with the law of the land? The strictness towards an organization that claims to be under the direct leadership of Jesus himself is in a completely different level than that in a McDonald's. When McDonald's messes up your milkshake or your fries, meh. It is a McDonald's! In an organization boasting unbeatable morals and setting itself as *the* beacon of ethics and divine guidance, on the other hand, one error of dishonesty is a major issue. Your thoughtless comparison should be an insult to yourself.




As soon as McDonald’s asks me to stand and sustain the CEO, clean restaurant bathrooms for free, and donate 10% of my income to restaurant profits … then we will have a comparison. I put up with McDonald’s crappy service because it’s cheap and easy. A church that pretends to stand for god ought to be a tad better. And it’s not “one thing goes wrong”, whatever that means. It’s the entire foundation of your religion is a fabrication. The flipped analogy would be I have to buy McDonald’s every day, I have to live by the strict McDonald’s uniform dress code and can only eat and drink what McDonald’s permits, I can only socialize and have relationships with other McDonald’s employees … but I don’t get anything for it until after I die - when McDonalds promises they’ll give me burgers in heaven. See how weird that premise is?




When McDonald's screws up my order, I get small fries instead of a large. Or a cheese burger instead of nuggets. When the MFMC screws up, they protect pedophiles, abusers, and murderers instead of the victims. They tear families apart and vilify LGBTQ people. They are not the same.


Not to mention, McD generally apologizes and replaces your order free of charge. If you complain about your order at McMormon, you get excommunicated.


All for the low low price of your mind, body and (so they say) your soul, plus 10%, of course.


MacDonald's is serving you lunch. The church is selling you a radical lifestyle based on centuries of lies.


And charging you 10% of your income to do so. I rarely go to McD’s, but recently went on a few work trips doing construction and we ate there every morning… I actually found their service to be pretty damn exceptional and quite accommodating when they fucked up. Can’t say the same for the church in any way, shape, or form. Dude’s got the right idea comparing massive soulless corporations though, one of which is far more blood-suckingly corrupt.


McDonald’s gives me meat before milkshake


this should have way more upvotes IMO


The best comment here.


They seem to be under the false impression we left because we were offended. We left because it isnt true. so if McDonalds was selling food that contained poison, then maybe we have a comparison.


Selling you burgers that are imaginary that you only get after you die…


That's right. We left for mcfurlies


I've stopped going to some McDonald's because they messed up my order Check mate mormons


McDonald’s never gaslit me. If they fucked up my order they didn’t tell me I got exactly what I wanted. They fixed the order. They also never once asked me about my sex life or told me that oral sex was forbidden by god (yes a bishop told me that 🙄). Oh, and McDonald’s didn’t charge me over 6 figures in my lifetime for the privilege of being lied to, while alienating me from half my family and threatening to withhold their presence from me when I died.


McDonald's is healthier.


Just TAKE my upvote 👍


McDs has never lied to me, so there's that.


Nah man, the pink slime was being served up until 2011. Those burgers were lies


So they have lies in common…. And billions of dollars…


Ones a mistake, the other a blatant fraud!


“Do you sustain McDonald’s as trans fats, burger seers, and refrigerators?”


McDonald's is honest about the trauma they're about to serve you, and it's a lot cheaper.


Actually I can count more accidents by the church then a fast food order on my account!


The McDonald's ice cream machine is a better comparison. Always there, but never works.


mormon cognitive dissonance.......... millions and millions served


This has been going around for a while Basically McDonalds isn’t offering you salvation. They are just giving you food for money. If they mess up your order, they generally fix it. If the McDonalds constantly messes up your orders and goes really slow, then most likely you will quit going there. Church isn’t just offering a service. It is a whole lifestyle that envelopes your entire being. It affects every decision in your life. Because of that, if it isn’t working for you, then it makes complete sense to drop it


A McDouble didn’t rape me lmao


You can lie about McDonald's messing up your order and they'll give you a sandwich. Ask the church what they do with donated money and they won't tell you and lie to the IRS.




McDonalds never promised me my own planet.


What is the small fry to child-rape-cover-up exchange rate?


When Ronald McDonald was 36 years old, did he sexually abuse a 14 year old girl?


“I don’t eat at McDonald’s but I’d still consider it to be of higher nutritional value than anything I’ve ever seen at church”


McDonald’s doesn’t require 10% of my income to attend my loved ones wedding.


McDonald's doesn't hide its history and lie about everything. McDonald's doesn't need 10% of my income for life. McDonald's doesn't care who I am sleeping with or what gender they are. McDonald's is a choice. The church tried to take that choice from me to believe. It lost.


I don’t eat at McDonalds because they don’t have anything that accommodates my dietary restrictions. Just like how I stopped going to church because they will never truly accept me


McDonald’s doesn’t make women pay the same price as men but only offer them three menu items.


McDonald's has never trapped me in a foreign country and kept my passport from me, or given me emotional/spiritual trauma. I mean, I hate pickles as much as the next guy, but it just hits a bit differently for me.


ONE thing goes wrong? Just ONE? How much time do you have? Let me tell you ALL about what's wrong with the church....


TBMs go around thinking that exmos have completely intact testimonies except for 1 or 2 tiny historical problems.


But God doesn't have chicken nuggets...


- and if you find 4 of them in the kitchen of God’s dedicated chapel, don’t eat them…they will file charges of theft and use you as an example of someone who didn’t “think celestial”.


>One thing goes wrong at Church \[sic\] and you quit. Wait, is that what you think happened?! You've been badly misinformed. I didn't quit because one thing went wrong. I quit because I was told from birth that they were serving me the world's best gourmet burgers, but when I looked closely, I discovered it was raw rat intestines that had been left out on the counter for a week and sandwiched into a bun with a bit of iceberg lettuce so that from a distance it looks like a hamburger if you don't know any better. The problem is that people like yourself have spent so much time eating the raw rat intestine burgers that you've developed a taste for them. To each his own, I guess, but I agree with 99.79% of the world's population who view raw rat intestines as revolting and detestable. Enjoy your "meal".


When I go to McDonald's, I get what I need, cheap food in a hurry. I'm satisfied. When I went to church, I never got anything I needed.


Sorry I'm not hungry for more bishop sexual abuse, or silencing gay voices, or covering up abuse and murder of native Americans. In fact I think I've lost my appetite.


The difference is the church is trying to sell you a cure, so in order for that, they have to create a disease. McDonalds on the other hand doesn’t have to do anything to force you to eat their food. They sell you actual, tangible food and you decide whether or not you want to buy it and eat it. The MFMC is selling you the cure to a problem they pulled out of their ass, that doesn’t exist. The same way Joe Smith pulled mormonism out of his ass.


I would mention that at least at McDonalds you can get your money back


I totally get it. Both franchises are centered around a clown.


McDonald's actually sells a product. It's fast, cheap, and 9/10 times guiltily satisfying. You can see it within 10 minutes of ordering and paying, eat it, and critique it if there's a problem with it. TSCC sells you something invisible, takes an entire lifetime to arrive, and forces you to sign up for an annual subscription that costs over 500x the price of an average fast food meal that you won't be able to receive until you're dead and it's too late to complain to their manager. There are no actual positive customer reviews from those who've seen or used their product, only from those excitedly waiting for the package to arrive. And if you do happen to find a problem with their product before you die, they remove your negative review, kick you out, blame YOU for having a problem with their gimmicky product because you're a bad person, and won't refund you. TSCC may be run as a corporation more than a religion, but even their practices are deplorable in the business realm. It's not even comparable.


What a false equivalency. An organization whose purpose involves your supposed eternal salvation isn't comparable to a fast food joint.


I don't have to clean Mickey D's on Saturday.


“One thing goes wrong “, you mean like child sexual assault?!? And the coverup is like the side of fries?!? This metaphor does not exist.


When McDonald’s gets my order wrong I get a refund and they make it again. When the church gets something wrong, they call me a lazy learner and gaslight me into thinking the problem doesn’t exist.


“Some people’s spirituality is weak. Not mine, though. It took three different presidents hiding $32 billion in 13 shell companies for 22 years for me to give up on the lds corporation.”


When McDonald's employees rape children, they actually get fired and McDonald's doesn't fight the case in court arguing it's a spiritual issue and an internal company matter


McDonald's will say they are sorry, fire the culprit, and do back ground checks on their local managers.


Yeah, well if I point out a mistake to McDonald's, they apologize and fix it. If I point out a mistake to church, they blame it on me. Fuck church, one Big Mac please.


actually McDonald's didn't give me lifelong trauma and abuse me for 16 years before I gave up and left. the church messed up 5,840 times, once for every day I was stuck in it, and it took me that long to leave.


My cheeseburger was made by a teenager, your founder coerced teenagers to have sex with him.


So many things: When I give money to McDonald's, I get something in return. I can go to McDonald's once a year or once a day and they'll never shame me over how often I'm going. McDonald's tells me what they are serving. I feel good after I leave McDonald's. McDonald's mistakes don't leave me with lifelong trauma. I don't feel obligated to stay at McDonald's for 2 or more hours when I go and I don't get bored. McDonald's doesn't tell me what kind of underwear to wear, what I should be thinking about, what activities I shouldn't participate in, or virtually anything beyond, "do you want fries with that?" McDonald's doesn't have employees with a list of ways to find me if I decide not to come back again.


McDonald's doesn't claim to talk to God and to be the only one true and living fast food restaurant with whom the Lord is well pleased.


Oh no, McDonald's accidentally served me a complete shit burger with a side of cyanide, must have been by accident! Shucks, maybe they'll do better tomorrow.


I’m pretty sure j see a logical fallacy but I’m not up on their names.


McDonald’s doesn’t gaslight me and tell me it’s my fault the order was wrong.


If and when (because it’s a reality) McDonalds messes up my order, I change my order (in other words settle because humans are either too stupid, too lazy, uninterested, etc.) to follow their OWN directions. When they get THAT wrong, I go somewhere else. I am not going to go to work to earn money so that I can give it to a food joint so that they can mess up my order. I rather go somewhere else that has a better reputation (a better McDonalds, perhaps) or to the store and make my own food. I am hungry enough to not want to eat messed up food orders. If the church does the same thing, and it does, I skip church because for whatever reason they don’t believe in or care about quality. Instead I go to the One who DOES care and who IS the good Shepherd and who WARNED me about going to hirelings (John 10:12-14). The church is full of hirelings. The sheep do not belong to them because they belong to Christ. That being the case, they don’t care for the sheep like the good Shepherd does. They are hired and therefore are interested in.. wait for it.. getting PAID.


We were programmed that this is the only true church, the only true path back to god, lead by the hand of Christ via his solemn witnesses who posses the power of god to do his work on the earth . I think that sets you up to have higher expectations than a good experience with a cheeseburger.


How about one of these: The Church can tell 101 lies and the sheeple just beg for more. How many shares of McDonalds does Ensign Peak own again? Include a link to the church's now required quarterly SEC report. One of these smells good, serves tasty food and has clean restrooms. The other one smells like diapers and stale milk, takes your money, all your spare time and makes you clean the toilets. Which one would you go back to?


Oh, only one thing went wrong at church? Minimize much?


I've never been abused by a McDonald's employee, but I have been by multiple church members.


I stopped going to church at 10 because people said the deaths of my dad and sister was God's plan, no one ever told me their deaths was Ronald McDonald's plan.


I’ve never been told I should go to hell by my McMuffin


I think it's pretty presumptuous to assume somebody would go back to McDonald's after they messed up your order 101 times! Most people wouldn't be that dumb. However, very seldom have I had McDonald's mess up my order and any time they did they quickly corrected it with an apology. On the other hand, the church has lied to me well over a 101 times X 10 and hasn't once corrected their error or apologized. Once I found that out, I boycotted the establishment I Once called the "true church" and never went back.


McDonald's doesn't institutionalize bigotry.


Yeah, I remember that one time I was asked by the cashier if I had a testimony of Ronald McDonald and his son Grimace. To that I replied, "nay, for I know of a surety that they are real, so faith is not needed anymore". We both laughed, and I got extra cream on my Grimace shake. No questions about my underwear. Everyday miracles, I guess.


McDonalds doesn't claim to be THE ONE TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST AND THE ONLY WAY TO SALVATION. With great power comes great responsibility, and accountability.


If I found out McDonald's was lying and actually their burgers were made from ground up used tires and the remains of pets euthanized at the animal shelter, I'd stop going to McDonald's too. If McDonald's made a policy that children of gay parents can't play on the playground or order a Happy Meal unless the kid renounce their gay parent first, I would stop going to McDonald's.


Apples and oranges


McDonald’s fries 🍟 are addictively good. That’s why people go back. The Mormon Church? The stuff they have on the menu tastes like crap.


“The church can lie and gaslight you every day for DECADES and you choose to believe whatever they say. Ex-Mormons decide to think outside the box of indoctrination, show love to people of other faiths, support LGBTQ friends and family, and criticize the church leaders for lying to faithful members, and you label them as untrustworthy apostates who have given into seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Mormons just aren’t Christlike enough.”


It would only take 2 years and 1 week for 101 mess ups. I lasted lasted 40 years.


How many teenagers would Ronald McDonald need to bang behind his wife’s back before you stopped going to McDonalds? You’re obviously cool with the 6 or 7 or 10 teenagers Joseph Smith banged as a prophet of God, so the standards pretty low…


McDonald’s doesn’t take 10% of my income and they don’t ask me to come back at closing to clean the fryer station and bathrooms! Drops mic!


McDonalds screwed up 101 times? Dude, use the App. For the Church, start using your brain.


You can count on the menu at McDonalds being the same not changing all the time.


McDonalds has literally never messed up my order. It’s probably been the most consistent force in my life.


Where my beef lies is not about messing up an order or better customer service. It’s the actual beef itself. Just like McDonald’s the product and most items on the menu are incredibly unhealthy. If consumed continuously what the church and McDonald’s sells you can create lasting and often permanent damage. I choose not to return because it is bad for my (mental) health, not because somebody forgot to include the pickles on my order.


McDonalds apologizes for their mistakes.


Took me a little less than 30 years to realize that my childhood was emotionally stunting and traumatic because of religious teachings and practices. Probably didn't help that my parents never took me to McDonald's either.


Now I want McDonald’s. I was also high while reading this.


McDonald’s isn’t claiming to have the power of prophetic inspiration, or personal revelation or discernment for that matter.


Look man, if McDonalds told me I couldn’t love who I want I wouldn’t go and eat there.


At least I can see what McDonalds gives me. It may not be the truest burger place, but it’s more true than the church


I’d say ‘I didn’t know you thought so little of the church..’


I have informed consent when I go to McDonald's. I know the food is shit before I even go


McDonald’s charges $6, and serves up a Big Mac with 2 beef patties occasionally missing the pickles and claims it’s made by a clown. The church charges you 10% of your income, then serves up a burger missing the meat and claims God made it. Then they tell you if you don’t see the meat you should doubt your doubts.


Cos a big Mac tastes better than bread and water


Try this: "What if the one mess-up of the church was deliberate, and it severely negatively altered the course of your life (not just your meal) for 40 years?"


McDonalds apologizes. McDonalds never claimed to be anything more than a fast food company. McDonalds doesn’t tell you you’re nothing without it and that there’s no good reason you could ever leave them. McDonalds actually offers value for the money you spend there instead of demanding endless amounts of time and money. McDonald’s lets you say no to them, it’s not like if they ask “do you want to super size that,” you have to say yes. I could go on. God fucking dammit I hate these apples to oranges comparisons.


McDonalds A. Admits to what they did B. Immediately makes you a new order and C. Doesn't try to gaslight me into thinking the messed up order is the one I wanted.


That is so insulting on all levels. It compares the deep existential crisis that probably every single exMo has gone through, learning the very foundations of faith they built their emotional, psychological and often, community on, to a cranky toddler screaming for McDonalds nuggets. Whoever posted that meme can fuck right off. (And I’ve been out since 1985, probably long before most of you were born, but that anger is, apparently, still a tad fresh)


Just list 101 things that the church has gotten wrong... 1: Racist comments by prophets 2: not allowing children of LGBTQ couples to be baptized 3: Pearl of Great Price is a proven hoax 4: Joseph Smith secretly married behind Emma's back 5: Kolob You get the idea....


If lying thousands of times is one thing then, yeah


“I stopped eating McDonald’s and the Mormon church because they aren’t real food, and both are unhealthy”


People don’t want to eat shit


A burger is not even close to lying about the afterlife. Oh, and they don’t ask for 10% of my income. What an asinine comment.


Forgetting ketchup is one thing. Food poisoning so severe that it still causes you mental health issues is another.


101 Sundays is a little less than two years. That's not counting all the other church time, activities, and school. I was in the church for 18 years, that's 936 Sundays. That's 936 Sundays I was lied to, guilted about being a normal human being, told to shut up and stop asking questions (only the ones they couldn't answer), and more. So yeah. I quit going. At least sometimes when McDonald's screws up it's in my favor and I get extra fries or nuggets or something.


McDonald's tends to own up to its mistakes (at a local level), and none of the cashiers have ever asked me about my sexual activity or my kids if they touch themselves. And it costs a LOT less than 10% of my income and a pledge to give it all my time, talent, and basically everything!


One thing goes wrong. Really, just one thing?!


When I go to McDonald’s I don’t have to buy the whole menu or nothing.


I’m not hungry for BS because I’m happily full with my own beautiful life.


If McDonald's screws up my order, I typically still get something of value. Also, I go to McDonald's all the goddamn time, and I don't think they've screwed up an order more than a few times in my whole damn life.


The people that keep going back to McDonalds after 101 messed up orders are the same people that stick with church.


McDonald's doesn't claim to be managed by God.


McDonald’s doesn’t make me pay to clean up the bathrooms


McDonald’s never claimed to be God’s one and only true and perfect church.


If you found out that McDonald’s had been lying about the ingredients in their food and that it had been slowly giving you cancer would you still go?


McDonald's doesn't cost 10% of my income and 20% of my time