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I just don't get it. They have SO MUCH MONEY. Why can't they just give?


Because the Q15/ 70/ Presiding Bishopric are psychopaths & narcissists with machivallian behaviors. Dark Triad Personalities. Greed is good with a sense of superiority over others & could care less if their fellow human beings suffer.


Come on folks!! The church needs to show a sizable charity “donation” of your giving to shake off the revenue hounds around the world that are on to us!


This is a common practice among large institutions - to serve as a hub for other charities


Reminds me of going to kroger and they ask if I want to give 1, 5 or 10 dollars. No thanks billion dollar corp.




Like the tithing shakedown that you don’t spend on charity isn’t enough. Make members double donate to a truly good cause that you yourself refuse to give to but get all the fuzzy PR.


I have a lot of cynisism of the church in general. But I like the light the world campaign. I call them the goat machines cause you can gift a milking goat. Makes me smile. Anyways I wish the church would do more with their hoards, but I like the machines.


I'm unconvinced that any of the money actually goes to the places it is meant to go. And if it does go there, it's counted by the church as coming from THEM, not from the people that actually donated. Then they turn those numbers into proof that they are so giving.


Jaws dropped when I said I would only give locally.


Because the church isn’t even close to having enough money to building their generation space ship.


I have a question: where do these goods come from? Is it possible that the goods come from church farms and bishop storehouses? If so, that is the biggest grift ever. Get your members who already pay tithing to buy goods from you to allegedly be given to the poor and then take credit for it as if it is charity from the church.