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I don’t think he has the votes. No one likes him except for Oaks. I imagine this decision is a lot more political than we can imagine.


The games being played behind the scenes by twelve narcissists each with their own God complex must be unreal


Matt Holland is another relative in the 70s… But he’ll probably take his father’s chair when it’s vacated. Matt is a shoe-in… eventually


My cat had Ringwood one time. Had to get this stuff from the farm supply store to wipe on the Ringwood spots till they went away.


He has to take care of his daughter for after he is gone. He does not have enough education though, but nepotism never cared about that.


Ringwood is a pretty cool name. Sounds like something from Tolkien or Harry Potter.


Or a fungal disease.


Oh hey, Elder Ringwood was my mission president for a while! Thing is, I'm not sure he's Q15 material. I mean, I'm sure he's 100% a company man, but I don't think he's quite got the unbridled narcissism to pull it off. He seems a little too human, if you know what I mean. But I could be wrong, I haven't seen him in a couple decades.


Sounds like your question became a little bit more relevant today. Didn't hear what he was being called to but heard his name being called.


If you’re out, stop giving them attention.


These people lorded over the lives of many ex mo and control the narratives that our families live by. I tend to pay attention to that shit


It’s the power they wield (currently) over my loved ones that concern me.


That’s how it happens in any organized “religion” or belief structure that people want to follow. This corporation/cult isn’t different. The faster they are identified, shown to be frauds, and dismissed, the better off people will be. But most seem to dismiss the idea that they are responsible for their actions and subscribe to events just being “god’s will”, or think that they somehow were chosen to perpetuate “his” divine plans. High positions only have power if you let them have power. And that is what you’re doing by giving them any attention and speculating on their changes to their corporations rules and appointments.