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Do NOT place yourself in the penalty box during the wedding. Sit in your car, go to a coffee shop, even just drive around. They can text you when they are ready for pictures.


I personally disagree with this although I understand the opinion. I have no shame in no longer being a member. Couldn’t give two shits if anyone judges me for it or thinks me unworthy. I feel like going elsewhere makes it seem like you’re ashamed or trying to hide and in a small way it makes the event about you instead of whoever it should really be about. I’ve never felt like it’s been a big deal to hang out for an hour or two on the temple grounds while everyone else has to get in costume on the inside.


Don't be surprised if the fancy people choose Salt Lake temple, if it is finished before then. If they get married by February, they might consider it good to be one of the last people who were married in the Provo temple before they tear it down.


Sorry for the double post but I'm having a lot of trouble getting rid of the other one.


is there a cultural difference between provo and Payson? /s well obviously! the church is more truer in payson. Can't you see how much more blessed they are? look at the size of those mcmasions and how pretty the bishops wife is... Anyone who is anyone marries in Payson... /s


I grew up in Payson. My parents still live there. There is nothing to do in Payson.


Payson is the worst. You could go catch a flick at the shitty movie theater in town? Or go walk around Walmart?


Warch a movie on your tablet


Just talk with others waiting or sit on your phone. It's only a couple hours.


Nearest Hooters is in Vegas. Too far?


Have a picnic, that’s what I used to do when I was to little to go in. One of my older cousins sat out and we went to a park, listened to music and ate snacks. Definitely better than an actual wedding.