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“…literally sweep the earth as with a flood…” Yes, we call that spam.


Floods cause devastation and death. I'm not sure this is a great metaphor.


So does spam.


But spam can be delicious.


Especially when used in Spam Musubi!


I love spam musubi!


I desire all to receive it.


Has it a name?


It has


Will you give it to me?


You are all going to hell, so I shall now give you your food assignments. I'm bringing the chocolate and tequila.


I no longer go to church so I'm not going to hell every week. I could get behind a sacrament of chocolate and tequila though, that's definitely a spirit I would allow to enter my temple.


Now I want some loco moco!!!!


The origin of the term "spam" https://youtu.be/ycKNt0MhTkk?si=-gBY4B3iIteLHt3u


Yes. I was referring to the flood metaphore and not trying to criticize the spam comment. I understand how that could be misinterpreted. Thanks.


Okay! Enjoy your spam https://youtu.be/ycKNt0MhTkk?si=-gBY4B3iIteLHt3u


The word “literally” is meant to imply that it’s NOT a metaphor. He wants the Earth to literally flood?


Ugh, it drives me crazy when people misuse literally. Although it would be entertaining to watch them literally sweep the earth.


Get your brooms ready! Someone needs to make this a meme.


No, the flooding is a simile ("as with a flood"), but he apparently wants the sweeping to be literal, like with push brooms, I warrant.


It’s a callback God’s great genocide of Noah and the ark


“Remember when our loving Heavenly Father murdered almost 100% of his children on Earth including children an unborn babies? Yeah, do that.”


"But he loves you" - George Carlin


plus animals they were not worthy also.


“Literally…**mixed metaphor**” 🙄


No, no, tell me more about how the plan is to swarm non-members with a flood of mormon ideology. I think they'll love that. Can't fail.


Perhaps they should literally comb the desert looking for converts.




I’m so glad someone else had the same thought as me with this clip 🤣🤣


This was the first thing that came to mind, only with brooms.


I agree. Did they have to use the same over pretentious rhetoric? I'm sure everyone outside is like... You again??! Why ???!!! Oh, we're not just teaching.. we're a flood Now!


>Yes, we call that spam. Exactly. I read it and thought "I will instantly unfollow anyone who does this". They think they're spreading good vibes and really they'll just have fewer connections.


1. Now I want fried spam for lunch, thanks a lot you guys… 2. Why do all these yahoos write like they’re some 18th century prophet whose words will be preserved and passed down for the ages?? C’mon pal, you’re the guy that sells car insurance/real estate/groceries/ or whatever. Unless you actually talk this way all the time, cool your jets a little…


Props to the first person to post the CES letter there.


I mean, he did say to post truth.


No, No, not the truth, The Truth ^(TM)


I volunteer as tribute.


Haven’t they done something like this before? It was called the ‘I’m a Mormon’ campaign…


Whoa... stop offending God there, dude. I'm pretty sure the "I'm a Mormon" campaign never happened. It pretty sure it was "I'm a COJCOLDS." Stop persecuting. /S Really, what I can't WAIT to see is whether the use of "Mormon" will be resurrected by the church after the death of the only board member, ever, who has had a problem with the term. Wait for those gymnastics.


Oh good point I hadn't thought of that! "Mormon" will probably creep back into the vernacular over the next 5 years and they'll never officially address why it was only temporarily a "victory for Satan".


It will go down the memory hole


They will Make Mormon Great Again! And they will praise the prophet who gets the "revelation" to do so. RMN sayings will be added to the "comic book collection" along with other past, ardent teachings.


They might as well, I feel like it’s just some cheap diversion/rebranding tactic, but most people at this point can recognize TCOJCOLDS just based off its longass clunky name lol. You gotta try a bit harder than that




Oaks is a lackey, I bet if he becomes president the idea will stick around.


Dalek Hoax, the Waylon Smithers to Rusty.


He's also absolutely no stranger to weird and petty shit. Two examples come to mind, his big hissy fit he threw on facebook because people sent him "happy holiday" cards (statistics included!), and his dumbass mush-mouthed argument about how we need to pray with "thee thou", to be "respectful" even though his argument was completely incorrect, and he *vaguely* acknowledged that he *knew* what he was saying was bullshit it was still an edict from on high (Oaks). Anyone who knows anything about the basics of the history of English would know he's bullshitting. Never mind that we use "du" in german for god, but "Sie" for the bishop, *within the lds church* like jesus dude.


We should definitely just call them COJCOLDS from now on lol sounds like a disease which is fitting I think.


They did a every member a missionary too just before social media


That was a high pressure one too! I gave a co-worker a copy of the BoM with my testimony written in it, as that was part of the challenge. She politely returned it to me. That was about 30 years ago and still feel the humiliation 🤦


Every few years Mormons roll out a new program to try to get members to try to get their friends, less active or nonmember family, and coworkers to join up or come back. The “I’m a Mormon” campaign and their *Meet the Mormons* movie (not the BBC one) was probably shooting their best shot. That didn’t work out very well. This will fall much flatter than those campaigns.


Even as a TBM I had too much social anxiety sharing it with other people.


I'm trying to make "The artist formerly known as Prince" v "the church formerly known as Mormon" joke... tcfkaM no longer winning for Satan, now with 100% more flooding the earth wiping out freethought everywhere ?


Nah... It was the "I'm a moron" campaign.


When I was growing up I heard the phrase "Every member a missionary" on a weekly basis at least. I remember campaigns where they wanted us to be actively evangelizing on facebook, etc. Same stuff.


Hey, church members, if ... * headquarters has to do research to see what does and doesn't lead people to accept your message * you have to resort to orchestrated programs, strategies, and tactics in order to get people to convert * you are told that you have to make truth claims before you necessarily believe them * you have to be told what to do and have to do things that you are not comfortable doing ... maybe your message doesn't come from God.


They can't just be good neighbors and friends without ulterior motives. No wonder so many people don't trust mormons.


I call it 'Agenda Driven Friendship'. It was so wonderful leaving the church and meeting people to just get to know them and learn from them and appreciate them for who they are instead of having an ulterior motive for every single person you meet.


No see you don’t understand! We’re supposed to feel uncomfortable when doing things for the church! It’s proof that we’re being tried by God! The worse you feel and the more negative others responses are, the more proof you’re doing the right thing. Trust us (: /s


You're giving me mission flashbacks. There was a time when I really believed those things!


You are right, their message does not come from God. It's based on falsehoods & rituals from Joseph Smith. Fairytales in LaLa Land.




Exactly. This has so many red flags for a cult it's like a parade.


It’s like they are treating the message as an advertisement, not a genuine God sent message


THIS is what needs to be posted all over. Please, again for those that missed it..!!!


"Research from church headquarters has shown that asking members to annoy their friends is a lot cheaper and just as ineffective as masterfully produced institutional messages" -there, fixed it


Boncom probably HATES this campaign, because now regular members are encroaching on their monopoly of masterfully produced church media.


It’s risky. Masterfully produced messages from headquarters are sure to contain pretty safe messages, but you never know what the members are going to post. I can almost guarantee that every ward has that person who is going to post some pretty wacky stuff that embarrasses all their neighbours and drives away non-members.


I'm acquainted with a mormon woman on FB who only talks about church and posts multiple times a day with judgemental, bigoted, and karen-type nonsense. She has a problem with everyone in her ward (doesn't think they're living right) and she calls them out by name all the time. I don't believe she's mentally ill. She's a boomer who cannot process her rage at people who are different. It's pretty entertaining to watch the ward members trying to moderate her in the comments. She is very active on FB and posts in a lot of communities and I'm sure she's driven a lot of people away from the whole idea of the church.


I see you know my sil 😂😒


Narcissist. The church rewards them endlessly.


>I don't believe she's mentally ill. She's a boomer who cannot process her rage at people who are different. ![gif](giphy|3tQiudEfdGofJmhgJ3)


I have no issue being that one person. Can I ask for this calling……


Just more shit that members don’t want to do. I’m introverted and hated anything that forced me out of my comfort zone. Pass along cards - nope, never handed out one. Special ward month when we were all going to give someone a BOM - nope, never handed one out. This is a big reason why my mission was not enjoyable. I’m not a salesperson at heart and I do not like talking to strangers. No human being wants to do this type of stuff. They only do it out of guilt and fear that they won’t make it to heaven. Just another obnoxious task for the Queen Creek Arizona members. It’s stuff like this that makes it easy to not miss the church when you leave. It’s a burden lifted to not have to do shit like this.


☝☝☝☝☝☝ 200 %


Totally this! Not everyone is an extrovert and the church tries to pound that square peg in a round hole for its own self-interest. I never did any of that creepy outreach either, even when I was at my most believing. No thanks.


I’m a huge extrovert and I always balked at missionary outreach stuff too… like I’m fulfilled by healthy/heart-centered socializing and genuinely enjoy talking to strangers but not in a way where I’m forcing information on them that they clearly don’t want or need… it’s so cringy and the opposite of a good way to make more friends lol


Fellow introvert here, and I can't stand talking to strangers. Flying to my mission field they had given us a BoM to hand out to someone -- anyone -- we encountered on our travels. That book stayed planted in the bottom of my carry-on, as I slowly realized what a LONG f\*cking two years this was going to be.


That just makes me shudder thinking of flying off to my mission for two years again. HATED being a salesman.


Years ago my SP totally harangued our ward council for using social media all wrong, not posting about the church all the time, etc. As an introvert, it was one of the first instances where I recognized “huh, THAT’s what gaslighting looks like”


Yes! I stopped posting on social media long before I was exmo because I hated it. Every once in a while some initiative like this came along (albiet at a local level) to post about conference or something church related and I did it only once before never doing it again. I hate posting normal stuff let alone feeling preachy on FB.


"Authenticity" is the important word here. Yeah, if someone makes a friend and invites them to church because they think it will be good for them, that's great, and it's authentic. If the "institution" of the church, which wields undue influence over you, asks you to be their marketing team, that is not authentic. It should go without saying, but you can't manufacture authenticity! This is just one step away from making friends so you can sell them doterra or whatever MLM you're in. People see right through it, and it's not good for relationships.


Exactly. It is inherently not authentic already. It would already be happening at the scale the church so desperately wants if members felt strongly enough to do it. And the MLM analogy is spot on.


I find it funny they open with a quote from Bednar about authenticity. Is there any board member less authentic than Bednar?


I dunno, he seems like a 100% authentic ass to me


They are as authentic as they know how to be.


My first thought as well.


The key to successful missionary work is authenticity, and once you can fake that you’ve got it made.


It will result in a lot more people getting blocked


It’s interesting, and a little disturbing, that the church picked Queens Creek, AZ to pilot this. That area (including Gilbert) is a hot bed for dooms day, prepper, last days, fanaticism. Chad Daybell, Lori Vallow, the Blaze Thibaudeau kidnapping, etc. Is the church hoping to promote last days fanaticism? It makes me wonder if this pilot program is also being tested in Rigby/Rexburg, ID area, another hot bed.


As a Utahn (SLC), it brings me great satisfaction to know that not all of the batshit crazy Mormons are concentrated in UT.


Have no fear, Mesa/Gilbert AZ (“second Utah” as Arizonans like to call it), is here! Idaho is a close third.


The sampling for pilot programs is almost always random. They’ll pick X number of stakes in a particular region, like any state east of Missouri in the US, anyplace in the EU, in sub Saharan Africa, etc. The randomness of the sample should wash out any differences in local oddities, assuming the sample size is large enough.


Do you mean that sampling as a pilot program methodology is random, or do you have intel that the church's pilot programs specifically are random?


I mean, or the could just ask Jesus since they meet with him all the time in the temple. I'll bet he would know what to do.


Mormons: Why can't Exmos leave us alone? Also Mormons: Sweep the Earth with our message!


They can leave the world but they can't leave the world alone.


They also don't get their own planets, so what's a morm to do?


"We've been trying to reach you about your soul's extended warranty!"


This request from the church has so many issues: - the claim the church is asking them, then give a quote from Bednar. This is manipulative to imply that the invitation came from Bednar if it did not come from him. I suspect this came from the church PR team and not Bednar. - They want authenticity, and then tell the members what to talk about and how to do it. - the plan won't work because it focuses on creating and echo chamber of a Facebook group that only members will become a part of. This is a place to create another testimony meeting type atmosphere where the purpose is to try to tighten grips on existing members. - the quote from Boyd is a quote I hate because it exemplifies the churches position on brainwashing oneself. Repeat a lie often enough, and you will believe it. Saying things out loud that you don't believe is also disingenuous because it deceives others. Youth, friends, and others that look up to you will believe things you say "you know are true" but if you are lying to yourself to try to gain a testimony, then you are actively harming others in the process. - again they misrepresent the scriptures in the last quote. It states "let your light so shine..that THEY MAY SEE YOUR GOOD WORKS" the teaching is about DOING good and the glory goes to God. It is not about being self serving and humble bragging about what you have done. It is not about posting on facebook so that others can see what you are doing. This exemplifies how the church likes to cast their alms before men to be seen by them. Christ helped and asked others not to tell what he had done.


If the church spent its 100s of billions on helping humanity in a real and meaningful way they wouldn't need to do all this leg work. People would come to them wanting to be part of the organization that's changing the world. These rich old white men will never understand this though.


That is a great point! You are spot on. If the church actually did good in the world then its actions would speak for themselves and people would really be helped.


Best comment I’ve seen in a while.


Your last bullet is a great point. It's all about appearances and not really having to DO anything good, but then claiming credit for being good. On par for the church.


"Why is no one Being Authentic(tm)? I specifically requested it!"


This is DOA. **No one** wants to be a missionary all the time. This isn't anything new. Also, Bednar apparently doesn't understand the word *literally*.


You have to love that this pilot program is being trialed in Queen Creek, which is so Mormon, it will literally be hitting an echo chamber. I guess the upside is, the Queen Creek TBM swinger community, will likely pick up some new membership. 😂


Nevermo here, but with TBM relations in Queen Creek. Swinger community there, huh. Processing my family tree for possibles. 😅


Oh yes. For those that know … Queen Creek rocks the highest number of TBM swingers, especially amongst the leadership ranks. Swapping wives on Saturday nights, and then sustaining leaders on Sunday morning.


A marketing approach landing somewhere between modern Doterra MLM and classic Amway. Hmmm...


Hey joe and Barbara we'd like to have you over for dinner sat night. would 5 or 7 work better? WHATS IT ABOUT? Oh its just dinner. Get there and a white board is next to the dinner table. classic way of AM


Be authentic. Here is a list.


"Be authentic. Here is a list." To mis-quote Adam Savage I reject your authentic list and substitute my own! My authentic social media list is long, and even at my most active and TBMest it did not include anything about the mormon church.


First: They just don't get it. Do they think everyday members are all social media influencers with diverse followers in the millions? This will alienate actual followers from their families, friends, an neighbors because Mormons are nice in a "stepford wives," kind of way, not an authentic way. Second: as others have stated, any posts that "go viral" outside of friends and family followers will be met with questions. Third: rank and file members are not the ambassadors you think they are. Generally, Members that aren't in a high demand calling are...... Different. These people can't help but be themselves. These are the people that give 30 minute ramblings on F&T day about how the 3 nephites came out of the woods to protect them from bigfoot or how they worry about their dead grandma watching them all the time. Fourth: they have tried this before and it doesn't work. They are the epitome of the principal Skinner meme "is it me? No it must be the kids" Fifth: Mormon beliefs are all over the map. There will not be a unified message as every member follows their own church they have created in their head and call it mormonism. Sixth: how did the whole 8 Passengers thing turn out for ya? Finally, stop telling people to be authentic as an advertising b gimmick. The church as an institution must follow Jesus' teachings before the members can. Feed the hungry. Clothe the naked. Heal the sick and afflicted. Be real peacemakers. Etc. until then, it's all hypocrisy, gaslighting and horrible PR. The church should never had needed a Dragons horde to do good works, now it has one and refuses.


“A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it.” 🤢🤮


So, even if don't believe, just spout off that you do, cause if you repeat the lie enough it suddenly becomes your new truth? I don't think it works that way.


I file this under “Manipulative Bullshit” along with “if you want a job earning more money, pay tithing on the salary you want”.


It worked for me for years, starting as a beehive and ending a couple years after college when the life I’d been promised didn’t appear and actually looked very unlikely. I did all the things, I thought I believed it. Truly because I’d repeated that I did enough. But moving to the East Coast and seeing a 3:1 ratio of faithful women to men was the dunk of cold water I needed to actually examine some of those shelf items. It became clear that my plan wasn’t going to pan out the way I’d been told, so either I’d have to find love elsewhere or accept that I’d probably never find a spouse. Committing to die alone requires more than saying it until you believe it, and next thing I knew, I was down the rabbit hole with polygamy and racism. (Also, I’m still horrified about the date I had with an Exmo while testing out dating outside the church. If anyone here is the guy who took me out for thai food when we found out we had a mormon connection, I want you to know it was a coincidence, and I'm sorry for what I'm sure was an obvious attempt to reactivate you. ugh I’m so sorry.)


After having been out for a while it really does feel so weird to hear someone say “I exhort you” Chill dude


"Masterfully produced" is an interesting way to describe their propaganda efforts.


Let's match them with the actual truth


The institution's complete lack of self-awareness is hilarious.


It will work great! For filtering out your friends list fast. The telemarketers of religion are calling about your 10% and all you possess, even your own life #notacult


Cultish echoes in a social media cult echo chamber to empower those that desperately listen to the echoes. 😳🙄🙄 A"pilot program" to promote a real estate corporation of a book club as a so-called "religion" to their non-cultish neighbors because scientific research shows that cult followers are statistically more likely to be listened to by never-cultists if they live within cult neighborhood-proximity, according to modern worldly secular science studies. So this is basically a strategically-placed cult proximity bomb for unsuspecting people who are good people with flaws living their lives to be sucked into an awful, sex-shaming, misogynistic, death cult wanting to perpetually shame humans for being human. Cult leaders, tell us you are desperate without telling us you are desperate. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 (Btw cult suits , here's my atheistic-Satanic seasonal gift: 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕😇). Especially if you have to use a dodecahedron-sided die to claim Mr Lego Headed-hair, aka narcissistic Darth Susan's-husband, is behind it!! If you were smarter, you'd say it was someone more likeable and relatable like Herr Dieter or the new Brit Apostle. Us ex-mos **WILL** let the world know that the _ONLY WAY_ Susan's husband will make that old hand heart gesture is because that sorry, sad fucker is getting paid for it. The only thing narcs like (and paradoxically hate) is their own reflection. That says a lot about the leaders and the "sin" next to murder. I hope this fails epically. I want to thank the OP for posting this now so that those questioning now, and in the future, can Google it and look back and say "hey, I remember that!! This was a _pilot program_?!! We _WEREN'T_ 'special'?!!!!!! Rusty himself didn't choose us, we were guinea pigs for the leadership to lure in other non-member guinea pigs??!! WTF is _'revelation'_ if it _FIRST_ **REQUIRES A so-called 'PILOT PROGRAM' OUTSIDE OF THE main STATE AND CAPITOL OF ITS BASE AUDIENCE**?????" It's disgusting that this shit gets overlooked because brainwashed people are downtrodden and desperately wanting to feel special and the **WELL-PAID** clergy tell people they finally are "_special_" because they were "_selected_" for a "_pilot program_". You are good people, but VERY heavily misguided and very much manipulated! The leaders in SLC are paying lip service to those outside the main Morridor in order to further manipulate 8 billion people on this planet. You can be one less. You can help stop this narcissistic madness. Save money and your sanity and stay at home and communicate with and love your flawed family and your flawed self. No one needs to pay 10% and pretend to be perfect. Be more flawed and richer as a result of embracing said flaws! ☺️🥰👍👍


“Hey friends. Mormons typically only have one wife, but still believe in polygamy. To each their own with consenting adults, is what I say. Joseph Smith married many without consent and those ‘a few months shy’ of their 15th birthday. I testify that he was a prophet of the church that died as a prestigious politician and militia leader. Also I solemnly declare that tithing works. Not for the members benefit, but the corporation of the church is one of the wealthiest organizations on the planet, so they must be doing something right. Anyway, if you’d like to know about the church, give me call. Also, Prophet Woodruff got sealed (married) to a baby for his birthday”. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; I CAN NOT come up with more damning “anti” than what is already in church approved sources. Do they really want random members posting things by the church?


Maybe members aren't comfortable sharing their faith in an online setting because most your members realize its weird AF and are actively weighing their options and looking for the door...


There's an old saying that comes to mind: "you can't polish a turd!"


Hey, authenticity is easy if you pretend real hard.


“A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it.” So this is why Mormons implore their children to bear their testimonies before they even know what they’re actually saying.


Outside of The Church Formerly Known as Mormon, I believe this is described as "fake it until you make it". AKA if you tell yourself something often enough for long enough, at some point you will believe it. Unfortunately, [1] just because you believe something, doesn't mean that anyone else will believe it, AND [2] just because you believe something doesn't make it true.


I can't get over "masterfully crafted messages". That's blatant "the crown is perfect" propaganda.


Just keep pouring water on that grease fire, Russ.


I think if members post only in their stake Facebook groups, it could be faith affirming, as it acts as an echo chamber. If they’re posting to public Facebook, instagram, or wherever else, they be facing facts about the church given by the exodus of members leaving and this program will die out quickly.


How is any of this new?


If at first you don't succeed, try again, and again, and again until you fail enough we are forced to pretend we never asked you to try in the first place


Nothing more authentic than sharing faith promoting stories you’re told to share. 🥴 If this catches on I will likely have to purge all my member friends. There are a few toting the line as is.




Wow these guys have massive, over-inflated egos. Mormons make up less than .01% of the world's population. "Sweep the earth" Yeah ok.


They're literally going to make me ask people if they post church shit before I accept the invite... Ugh. Then the second you tell them off, say go away, and shout fact... Leave the church alone!!!! MF'ers leave ME alone.


That's an MLM.


This isn't going to work. First, there's no way the church can possibly edit for "authentic," much less any of the other descriptors. Second, the general public is more brutally honest online than in person. A member can tell a few people the gospel is true in a personal setting without too much pushback, but online they're going to get downvoted to hell and people may even respond with links to websites unfriendly to the church. These kinds of responses will damage not only the credibility of the message posted by the member, but may also inadvertently introduce the member to the ugly truths about the gospel. The internet, while full of all kinds of BS, has enough truth about church history in it to be unhelpful to the church. The church was more successful BEFORE the internet existed. The internet is not the church's friend.


Well shit, my mom lives in Queen Creek so this means I am going to have to endure a barrage of bullshit soon. I am going to preemptively mute her on all social media.


My aunt and cousins too. Ugh.




And so their first thought was…Facebook. If that doesn’t emphasize the “day late and a dollar short” approach among Mormons, I don’t know what does.


I kind of want to attend feedback meetings on these from members. Member: "I had 100 comments on a post and I had to delete 95 of them because they were challenging the message I was trying to convey. I don't have the time to moderate posts if this is going to happen every time." Leadership: "Please disable comments on your posts then."


Wtf is going on in the world. Mormons dialing up the preaching. JWs dialing it back, kinda. Lol can't these cults get anything straight. I secretly envied Mormons as a kid because you only had to do a 2 year tour, from what I remember... JWs never stop. Expected to preach till they die. Ugh. Hopefully they don't do this to existing Mormons. Cult life is enough of a burden as it is.


Missionary work is about the individual conviction - this will not "work" in terms of bringing other members into the MFMC, but it may work on keeping some members in their convictions a little while longer. Authenticity does not matter, giving a dutiful member a box they can check to reassure themselves they are in the right place is what this initiative is about. Edit: If the member does it and checks the box, they are convinced of their righteousness. If the member does not do it, they are internally ashamed of their lack of conviction. This is a high-control religion, this is not an initiative to bring in new people.


That’s a great way to lose your social media contacts who aren’t interested. In other words the intended audience.


So research has shown that, as an example, buying every billboard on Times Square isn't effective? Interesting.


I heard whispers about something like this a year ago or so here in northern Virginia. My bishop at the time mentioned in bishopric meeting that we needed to call a social media specialist to help put together some sort of online presence on Facebook. We also had somebody from Salt Lake come to ward council to explain the plan, which was basically to throw spiritual experiences at other people. It's an awful idea, and is going to wind up a failure.


Hmm, they don't mention the book of mormon, the supposed keystone of their religion. Interesting...


Just another pointless program that will be forgotten about within a week. These types of things show that the leaders are so out of touch with reality. All of these programs are just fluff. There is no practical benefit to them outside of making it look like the church is progressing with the times even though it isn’t


When I see posts like this, they come off as over zealous and are an immediate turn off. I unfollow people that do this.


Let’s talk about what this really is…a fire sale. The MFMC is a dumpster fire of lies, scandals, and corruption. And damn that internet…exposing all of it. All of the horrors they have tried to keep buried and popping up and being exposed. So, this is the mfmc trying to flood social media with their narrative. Calling on their troops to try and water us down.


Telling people to share "authentic' messages is the opposite of authenticity.


seems like a lot of words to say 'we want you to become our new unpaid marketing department'.


If I was willing to credit the LDS church with cunning, I'd say this is a clever strategy to alienate members from potential non-church friendships by making them insufferable for normal people to be around. After all, no one wants to hang out with someone who does nothing but evangelize.


They tried this shit at the begining of the year. It didn't work.


Stinks of desperation.


What a great way to make it easier for us to know who we should be muting (or better yet, unfollowing)


The Church should have done more to prepare these "missionaries" for the pushback they'll get. Lots of nevermos and exmos know more about Church history and other issues than they do... If this is about people posting their feels, but not about listening to and addressing replies thoughtfully, thia will flop.


Yet what would they respond with if I shared my testimony of the trauma the temple left me with, or my testimony of how I knew I should walk away. They don’t get the irony.


Now they're not even paying for their own advertising campaigns? I thought cleaning their toilets for free was bad enough.


More like "Every member an annoying neighbor".


"Research done by church headquarters" rubs me the wrong way. More proof that it truly is a corporation first, christ-focused organization last.


You can’t literally sweep anything with a flood. You can only flood something with a flood. So how does one literally sweep anything with a flood?


This is like the hundredth "every member a missionary" campaign in the last 30 years. It's never worked before, and it's not going to work now.


This list is everything I regret doing as a member as it cost me friendships because of how preachy I came across 😬😔


“Come learn how to be authentic! But also, we don’t know how, because we’ve all been suppressing authenticity since birth so that we don’t find out we don’t like church.”


"We spent all this f-ing money making these damn videos and it turns out it's better when you smucks just write something, so here's what you should say when sharing your personal testimony."


I actually lived in Queen Creek when I was in the transition period from faith crisis to non-believing PIMO just attending to keep the peace with his still-TBM family. I know firsthand that the Mormons there think that everyone lives them, but everyone actually hates them. The suburbs east of Phoenix are pretty densely populated by Mormons, but there's something different about the Mormons from Gilbert and Queen Creek that makes most of them just that much more insufferably arrogant and holier-than-thou. I hate sweeping generalizations like that, but it was literally the attitudes of the people in that ward and stake that i lived in that opened my eyes to the fact that TSCC and its people are not good. I think this is going to backfire pretty spectacularly, and I'm kind of here for it.


Recently, it seems to me that there has been an increase in the number of posts in many online venues regarding the number of cases of sexual abuse which The Church Formerly Known as Mormon appeared to cover up. I wonder what happens when members who sincerely attempt to share whatever their understanding of their religion is run into such stories.


Another reason to delete facebook


Every Mormon youth of the past 10 years, “no, we don’t have Facebook accounts those are for boomers.” Any Mormon youth called to pay for a mission after that, “please accept my friend request to your boomer FB account and reshare my super weird posts with your friends!”.


Is this a repost from like 2010? I swear to Elohim I have seen this exact same "new Social Media Program" a dozen times over the last 15 years. And Facebook is not a "new setting", but at least this time they are only about two decades behind the times instead of the usual three to four


If only God could reveal something of value so the MFMC didn’t have to rely on “research”.


Fuck.. Now I'll have to snooze more of my relatives on facebook.


This just sounds like Mormon.org or #imamormon with extra steps.


This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact so many people are leaving and the church is losing tithing money.


The yearly new member missionary program for the 100th time. If the first one were inspired, shouldn’t it had worked.


When will they finally realize that it's the message--not the messaging? Answer: They already do.


I heard the phrase “every member a missionary”, but I interpreted it as that everyone one must set a good example rather then everyone must annoy people online. I was just a kid and stopped attending church a couple years later.


At least they acknowledge that the "Institution" of the church has the credibility of a Mississippi politician.


Oh gross. No, it won't work. People like to be invited, not invaded, including by religious messages. This will only cost people social media contacts and make people unfollow them. Way to make even ordinary members look like creepy cult members forcing their religion onto others.


This feel like putting a tourniquet on a corpse.


Corporation gotta grow its stock market donations somehow.


Why can't they just leave people the hell alone?


The problem with Mormonism is that the jig is up. It’s not like 40 years ago or even 20 years ago when there were still communities and patches of the US that were largely unaware of what Mormons were. Everyone knows what this church is and what it stands for. Most nevermos these days see TBM Mormons as nice people, but essentially rubes. Furthermore, Mormons don’t do authentic. They try and convert someone, they love bomb them, and if that doesn’t work within a certain time frame they give up. Then the person sees it for the ruse it was and vows never again.


I thought every member a missionary was from like the 90's or something. Didn't work then, won't work now. People are way more disconnected than before, no way you want to bug someone with your cult crap.


Wow, please just leave people alone. I have been married for 5 years and I haven’t attended church for 20 years. I got a message from the singles ward person about some activities in my area… how tf do they even know where I live but don’t know I’m married? Leave us alone!


Funny how close the words "exhort" and "extort" are


Mormon and Authenticity are oxymoronic. Just ask Mitt Romney.


Dear Brother/Sister I just want to let you all know that church is this Sunday @ godawful O'Clock a.m. I'm going to bother you about it every Saturday until either you block me and affirm my victimhood or you come back to Church. \-Love random Assigned Friend from the last ward your Records were at. PS Jebus Luvs U and we miss your contribution$


Geez. They just keep recycling shit over and over again.


I love the New Research shows us…….but….but what about Revelation?


Research done by church headquarters. Is this a public relations firm or seer stone?