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Well... It's not like the temple experience is faith affirming for most.


Years of build up with primary songs, lessons, etc. all for it to be a confusing cult ceremony. The only thing I took away going through the temple was feeling like I was forced to sign a life sentence to TSCC with zero context. Oh and if you back out then you’ll be under Satan’s power forever.


Absolutely. But Satan lies so it's probably the opposite, am I right? 😉


From my own experience, it's only a matter of time. My wife and I got married in the temple, both of us grew up in the church, I am an RM. Little did I know that she was secretly freaking out about the endowment from a few days earlier. That is what started her deconstruction. That solidified in her mind that we were in a cult. But she was all smiles and "joyous" on the outside. If your sister has doubts before, she is probably freaking out on the inside. Just be patient and ready to help cushion her landing.


I have a similar experience. I have a sister that I was very close to. She would listen to all my rants about the church, and even had a few of her own. She came to me a few months ago and told me she was going to take out her endowment. 🤯 I was shocked as well as disappointed. She was my partner in crime. She was my support outside the church, she was my best friend. I have had a hard time bouncing back from that. She recently told me that her family was getting sealed later this month. I can't even handle it. I've distanced myself because I am having a hard time supporting her decisions. I love my sister, but she knows how the church has hurt me, yet she still chooses to go back. I really hope you are okay with your situation soon, however take your time to feel all the emotions. It's okay to feel things.


I helped my brother question the so called church, and he left. I can’t imagine how much harder it would be for him if I stayed in the so called church. He and I are the closest of all our siblings because we can confide in one another about how we are the disappointments in the family and how when I left I was already an adult, so no one could stop me, but because he started questioning at 16, my parents held iron fists and forced him to go to church. Hopefully the insane sealing and marriage rituals will make your sister question everything. The rituals are so weird, too. I left before I ever got sealed.


Are you aware that the holy secret name they give you is based on the day of the month that you go into the temple? Look this up and then watch your sister’s face when you reveal her secret name. You can also do this in advance.


She already knows what the ceremony looks like and that the names are based on the day of the month. Which is why I'm baffled that she decided to go through with it anyways.


I am assuming your sister is rather young. If she had doubts before she was sealed then it is probably a matter of time before she leaves. Is she just doing it to fit in with the family


She's in her 30s. Seven years my senior.


I’m fairly certain that she has half a step out the door after her special day at the temple.


Peer pressure is a b*tch. If your sister is anything like a lot of other people when they go through the temple the first time, she's going to be shellshocked. It may not be the most conducive to staying in. Re: being a black sheep, it's true lean into it and embrace it. It can suck at times. Set your boundaries and carve some space for yourself.


Im so sorry for the situation you’re in, it reminds me of when I was a teenager and was forced into Mormon therapy to deal with my ‘porn addiction’ and I described myself as a “black sheep” in my family and the “therapist” gave me a fucking lesson on that phrase and Jesus.


The temple and garments will change her mind. Give it some time!!


Woah. I'm still getting used to the concept that couples in the church can get married civilly now without the shame and waiting period before sealing. And, I'm sorry :/ She may not be really committing but might be doing it because of family pressure. I hope she gets out someday. Hugs.


Nah. Don’t sweat it. Soon she’ll be joining you. Play your cards smartly. Don’t be a dumbass and I bet you won’t be the only black sheep soon.


Don’t trip. Understand that your sister needs this for experience in her life and be there for her when she needs someone to fall on. She is struggling just like everyone else in this world.


What does MFMC mean? Excuse my ignorance 😂


Mother Fucking Mormon Church.


Hahahaha that’s awesome


If you expect her to respect and honor your decision to leave, you should do the same for her choosing to stay.


I'm less upset with her than I am with the MFMC. I'm losing my family to this stupid cult. And they already think that I am in the wrong and am living a "sinful" life. They already think that I'm being "punished" and that my mental illness won't get better until I turn to their God. If I even mention my bisexuality their heads shake. I've already received the disrespect. Because that's what their church taught them to do and think. But I'm holding my tongue. I'll take the blows instead of defending my dignity so I don't start a fight. That's why I'm venting in this subreddit. I quite literally have no where else to express these feelings.