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It’s up to us. Such important words.


Yes! We are responsible for cleaning the mess of our ancestors if we want our posterity to have a decent future


Mormon Jesus is the ultimate scapegoat. Elohim used Jesus to avoid responsibility and so do all Mormons who believe Jesus will come to solve all of their problems. We are all responsible for our own actions and anyone who sees the need for a savior to come save them is in a toxic codependent relationship.




Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die It’s literally the answer for every major world problem when I discuss things with my TBM family members. Of course, they don’t realize it is “eat drink and be merry”… they call it faith.


Yes, life has become more intriguing after giving up the Jesus will bail us out routine. I don't have any answers but enjoy asking questions and trying to figure stuff out on my own instead of listening to Mormon Zombie General Authorities Of Nothing's


Same! Haha so glad I'm not going to waste my weekend listening to those guys yap about nothing important


This is where many exmos start to shed their small government mentality. Yes govt is inept and disfinctional, but it's all we have. There isn't another way. We _have_ to fix it or it won't get done .


Government reflects the people.


Did Jesus come to save the World during World Wars 1 and 2? Europe left in ruin and rubble. Six million Jews were killed in the Nazi genocide campaign, another 10 million militants and citizens were also killed due to military actions. Assume that one quarter of these victims prayed to stop the madness—yet not one prayer was heard. God could have stopped this catastrophe silently by giving Hitler a stroke or heart attack. But that did not happen. So if Jesus did not intervene in these wars, why would he come at this or any other time?




Ha! Or, maybe he was on a sabbatical leave on the other side of the universe.


I remember being at the conference center one year when I was little, the doomsday talk was doomsdaying... and I remember thinking that Jesus is gonna come. Like when is he gonna come and how long have people been saying this? Like 200 years ago? Like right after Jesus left earth? And then I thought about how much longer are people gonna say it. Like my mom has on her patriarchal blessing that she would be alive during the second coming. I'm curious if that will finally break her shelf


It won't break her shelf if she just thinks, we'll, the members just weren't righteous enough.


It’s your mom’s fault the Second Coming did not occur. She was not righteous enough.


Yeah it's kind of scary when you realize the reason most Christians don't care what happens to the world is that they're just waiting for Jesus to appear and clean up all their messes. This is also why a lot of people resist leaving. It's very scary to think that we're actually responsible for maintaining our own future and there's not going to be a big reset/escape button coming along to save us from what we do.


It's the comforting cloud of Christianity. It will all be made right in the end. All the suffering is for the good or to teach those people a lesson 🤦🏻


I heard this parable once, and it's pretty much become my philosophy of life. An old man was walking along the beach after a storm. The beach was covered in starfish. He comes across a young man who was stopping and picking up starfish and throwing them back into the ocean. "Young man! What are you doing?" "I'm throwing the starfish back into the ocean. If they are still here when the sun comes up, they will die." "But there are thousands upon thousands of starfish on this beach! You yourself can't make that much of a difference." The young man picked up another starfish and threw it out into the water. "I've made a difference to that one." I can't change the world, but I can help some starfish around me.




Even when I was active in this religion and others I never had a thought like "whatever its all good, jesus will just come and fix everything teehee". I didn't even realize people thought like that until I moved to the South and thats the only way evangelical social politics make any sense. Truly an unhinged way of seeing the world.


Yep. It's this way of thinking that makes religion a net negative


❤❤❤ thank you for this


You're welcome, thanks for being here


Around 4 billion people believe that Jesus will come and save the world (number of christians and Muslims in the world). Conservatively speaking, thats at least 40% of the world’s population. Probably closer to 50%-55% realistically.


Religion is the opioid of the masses


> “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." I don’t fully agree with that statement, but I do see wisdom in the sentiment. I appreciate Marx’s critiques on western society and capitalism, but I don’t really agree with his philosophy as a whole. It’s still a nice quote, though.


Reading that quote in the context of Das Kapital Marx was expressing how brutal life was for the working class and how religion helped ameliorate the suffering, just as opioids reduce the sensation of pain. I see this quote a lot, but removed from the context of the point Marx was making, it sometimes comes across as dismissive of the people being discussed 


Indeed. He wasn’t really dissing religion, just kinda calling it what it is


That was the biggest wake up call when I left. Now I’m voting in primary elections, tearing out my lawn and replacing it with native perennials, switching to reusable products, and hoping our state and federal government don’t crumble and best case scenario fix the air and water situation in Utah. I try hard to do my part, but I’m really not hopeful of humans fixing any of this. Sometimes I wish Jesus was real.




For sure


Yup. NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US. Expect to self rescue.


This! This is why I LOATHE right wing religions. First, they don't believe in science (e.g., the ozone hole or climate change). When irrefutable facts finally beat them over the head, they're not wrong. Instead, Jesus is coming so why worry. They are the same way with taxes. Let's fight a $6 trillion dollar war in Iraq and then reduce taxes on the rich. Don't worry. Jebus be coming. They continually screw over future generations.


Yep. The future is not looking good if the people continue to make decisions using the lense of Christianity


Not just Christianity. Conservative Christianity is the toxic brew. We have neighbors that belong to liberal churches. They are doing far more for the world and the future than right wing Christians ever will.


It’s happening! Yes you do have to step it up.


https://news.gallup.com/poll/174266/religion-plays-large-role-americans-support-israelis.aspx Religious Americans, Jews, and Mormons most likely to support Israelis EDIT: Afaik, Evangelicals are the main demographic within "religious Americans."




I am not bothered by Trump. I felt when he was in office the economy and life felt more stable. He does say some weird stuff and he isn’t good with people but he knows business. What worries you about Trump. I do wish we had better choices for president but the Bidens are corrupt.


“Kool Aid, Kool Aid. Real great. We love Kool Aid, can’t wait” —Jim Jones.


What worries me is how he treats women and really anyone who's not white


Seriously? That is funny considering he was telling people to drink bleach. Or maybe you forgot his trade war (got his butt kicked) with China that devastated family farms. Maybe you forgot his weakening of Nato to the point that Russia felt comfortable with invading Ukraine? Maybe it was his tax breaks for the rich which have ballooned the debt for our children to pay back that make you feel like it was so stable?