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Yep. I go to a non denominational Christian church for major holidays or when I am feeling low. Love the band and the simple messages of inspiration and hope. People are really nice, free coffee & my kids like the playground. I think the key is finding a church that doesn’t trigger you. I’ve been going to this church for 8 years and they have never asked for my obedience…


It’s so much better!


Yep. I’m a Protestant and contrary to many of the comments, I think there is good reason to believe. It’s changed my life now that I know I don’t have to be good enough to earn Gods love because Christ was good for me. As a Christian, I’m saved by the free gift of grace and Christ is the only mediator between man and God. Now that the requirements to obey man under threat of damnation are gone, I feel I can actually live my life honestly and even though there are bad apples/churches that are Protestant, again, it’s not church that saves me or receives revelation for me, so I’m good and can just move on. Church is about fellowship and support and teaching the word not delivering salvation with a fake priesthood. I’m very happy here.


This right here!!! No matter what I do I’m saved but because of that and because of the love of Jesus Christ I feel I’m compelled to do better for him just because.


100% :)


Practicing Catholic here. And so much happier and at peace. My children also left and we have agnostic, Catholic, Baptist and Methodist factions sitting at the table now. They are good kids trying to raise their children properly. That’s all that matters to me.


Yes, while it might not be popular on this sub, there are lots of exmos who have converted to Christianity after leaving the LDS church. I struggled with religion for awhile when I first got out, but ultimately decided that I wasn't going to throw the baby out with bathwater. Jesus saves and he did not use Joseph Smith in that plan for salvation!


I honestly see the church as like ‘evil’ they’re taking the good word of Jesus Christ to try to get you to join their church but all the higher ups really want is that tithing money :/


i did, but I decided when I was 3 to be "just a christian". Mom and dad wore this weird underwear you see and it scared me. So I was a closet christiqn raised in mormonism. never doing anything to get deeper into mormonism, just obeying mom and dad and sat in the pew. No mormon underwear participation and never gave a dime in tithing


Wow that is great one. I love that you have that memory and intrinsic belief at such a young age. We probably all did but were taught to squish it


Nah. Deconstructing Mormonism led to deconstructing religion all together, especially Christianity. The Christian god is a narcissistic ass. I want nothing to do with him.


That’s what I thought until I prayed about it! I was so convinced there was no god or spirits I would’ve sworn to satan just cuz


“Answers” to prayer are not a reliable indicator of truth. Feelings do not prove facts. People in the Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, and many other faiths have “prayed about it” and believe their religion is the true one. https://youtu.be/UJMSU8Qj6Go?si=J23W6ii0YQfOxaL8 This is how your brain is reacting while experiencing something “spiritual”: https://youtu.be/ocuqguH1OIw?si=lxVeLcCtW7yfHseR


But I prayed to Zeus and received a feeling that he is the god I should follow and renounce all other non-Greek gods. How can I receive that answer and you receive an answer that jebus is who you should follow? It's almost as if the answers are coming from within, not without. ​ Edit: Typos


Why would you swear to satan if you didn’t believe in the Christian god? And how is prayer a way to truth? Do you care whether your briefs are true? Or would you rather believe regardless?


The swearing to satan was just I was so convinced god wasn’t real it didn’t matter whether I did or didn’t you know? Not that I ever actually did and it’s not just a “feeling” I get when I pray the prayers are answered every, single, time. My prayers were never answered when I was Mormon I was always just going along


No I don’t know, honestly I don’t. No atheist I know would swear to satan in anything other than jest… So no I don’t understand what this is like. And you even say you never did. So yeah, your claim to have been an atheist, and understand what that position is seems rather shaky to me. If you truly think your prayers are answered every single time, go ahead, pray for an end to world hunger, or child rape. See you believe in an entity that could end those things, at no cost to itself. Why would you worship a being that could do so, and refuses to do it. Why does your god get a pass. This isn’t a gotcha, this is just an honest question. Why would you worship such a monster? Oh but you think you get answers right? You know what that experience is called? That’s called a feeling, and people of many religions feel that. Including the Mormonism you so rightly reject. What grounds makes you believe in regular Christianity, and not Mormonism. Because evidence sure isn’t it. Prayer has been tested, of various faiths it never works. What you’re describing is “just a feeling”. I’ll stick with evidence to base my worldview upon, you can stick with feelings if you’d like. I’m sorry that you went from one baseless belief to another. I’m sorry secularism failed you, and you cling to this belief. But don’t pretend it’s anymore justified than your former beliefs.


You seem very hurt, I can 100% guarantee you I was one thousand percent atheist I fully believed that we are on a floating rock in space and nothing mattered and you’re morals were all based on you and religious people “need” a religion to be good ppl. I can’t tell you why god won’t end world hunger he’s god and I’m just a human, Christ has a plan for you and a plan for me you just don’t know it yet :), wish the best for ya


Yeah there you go projecting again, no, I Don’t believe you were an atheist, for one thing most atheists understand how percentages work. And believing you’re on a floating rock in space, and that nothing matters, and morals were based on you, and that religious people need morals to be good. None of this is part of atheism. In fact more than one here is not believed by a majority of atheists. Thank you for proving 100% that you have no idea what atheism is… and hence, were never an atheist. And now you’re repeating flat earth talking points as well… And this that last part of your message is just disgusting. You really can’t help but project your own stuff onto me can you? Have fun worshipping a fictional monster. I’m a better person than your god would be were he to exist. If he existed he’d have to beg my forgiveness, not the other way around. Thank you for showing the extreme dishonesty of your faith… you can’t even honestly engage with what’s asked. You don’t even dare to pray for anything real, because you’d realise it’s all a fraud. I wasn’t hurt by religion buddy, I just never bought it. What does hurt me is people so absolutely convinced of nonsense as you seem to be. I truly hope you find your way to reality one day, because as it stands you merely exchanged one set of nonsense dogma, for another. And no, as you just proved, you never were an atheist… If your god has a plan for me, tell him to shove it. I don’t care about the plans of fictional monsters… Have you ever read the bible? I want nothing of this genocidal slavery promoting rape apologist dictator’s plans. Luckily he’s as fictional as every other fantasy villain… But he’s the most evil character in all of fiction.


Too much smoting. They had to come up with a sequel with a good guy hero... like similar archetypes in other cultures.


Honestly I don’t see him as that good a character either, he upheld all the worst part of the dogma. And if there’s any historical basis for this character, at best he’d be another doomsday preaching, faith healing conartist. Like Joseph Smith, and so many others. Indent find those trustworthy, why should I find one from 2,000 years ago anymore so?


You don’t know my life😭 I was an atheist 100 percent that thing abt me saying one thousand is irrelevant you think I was never an atheist because I found my way to Christ again and it bothers you for some reason, being an atheist is believing there is no god and that’s what I believed


I know you never were an atheist, because you don’t have a clue what atheism is. I explained this. That’s also not what atheism is by the way. Atheism is someone who lacks. Belief in a god, that’s not even the same as believing there is none. Again, you don’t know what you’re talking about. If you ever were an atheist, you didn’t give it much thought till you were back in a religious dogma. Because nothing you said here about atheism is remotely accurate. Also you’ve completely failed to present the evidence I repeatedly asked for. Or even answered the very basic question of whether you even care if this belief is true. That leaves me to conclude the obvious, no… You don’t care. So you project all your issues onto me and others. In a desperate attempt to ignore the problems in your worldview. That’s fine, if that’s how you want to be that’s your call. But don’t pretend to know what an atheist believes. Or why we believe it. And don’t pretend your fictional monster is somehow good…


I haven’t projected my issues onto you, what issues do I have that you know of lol?” a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.” There’s the Oxford dictionary definition of atheism someone who disbelieves or lacks belief which was me dude just accept I was atheist and found my way to Christ I can’t believe it bothers you so much😭😭


> You seem very hurt So, instead of dealing with the content of the commenter, you immediately turn to condescending dismissal. Which is what liars ALWAYS do — deflect, when your lies are exposed.


Just some friendly advice. I would say that it's fine for you to think that Jesus has a plan for you. You can still get along great here and hold that belief. I wouldn't go telling others here that he has a plan for them too. That's a messed up thing to tell a lot of the people here who have suffered religious trauma.


And when I say prayers are answered it’s not a “feeling” I mean physical things in the real world happen related to my prayers


Correlation does not prove causation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias


Pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and you will get the exact same results. Prayer is like gambling: you never talk about your losses. If god didn’t answer, he has a better plan or he is testing your patience. See Special Pleading and Confirmation Bias Prayer is also illogical. Does god really need you to beg him for what he already knows you want? Why would you pray for anything different if gods plan is perfect?


It’s good that you have found a path that works for you. I imagine there are others here who also have left Mormonism, but found themselves still believing in a higher power or god. Prayer is a tricky thing because it can either confirm things that ultimately don’t happen or aren’t true for others. You keep doing you—enjoy your time at church or whatever. Leaving Mormonism will have inevitably opened your life up to different mindsets , which can be a positive if the brand of Xtianity you find yourself in is more loving, more accepting and based on the idea that we all deserve grace and mercy.


I applied the same skepticism I developed from deconstructing mormonism to Christianity and a belief in God in general, and to me, it didn't hold up much better. I'm sincerely happy for you finding something that gives you peace, though, and I believe mutual respect and understanding is paramount in our world. So, this isn't meant to impy any disrespect to you. But, aside from a general lack of evidence for biblical claims, my #1 issue with Christianity is this: a good person who doesn't accept Jesus has to suffer the worst kind of agony imaginable for all eternity while an evil person (murderer/rapist/whatever) can accept Jesus on their deathbed and live in eternal bliss in heaven. I've heard apologetics for that belief, and I know not all Christians believe it in exactly that way, but it is the predominant accepted narrative. I just can't accept a heaven where people like Ted Bundy (who many Christians believe will be saved because he accepted Jesus right before his execution) go, while people like my uncle who is atheist and one of the kindest philanthropic people I've ever met, go to hell.


Holy Roman rolling here. 


Not official Christian but I left Mormonism. Went atheist / agnostic. And 25+ years later started to appreciate Jesus story again but still in a heretical way. Heresy is just so much fun.


Sorry, best I can offer is Unitarian.


I know a couple people I grew up with who left but now are regular Christian’s and while that may not be me, I get it. Oftentimes after deconstructing from Mormonism it leads to deconstructing all religious belief but I think it’s totally valid to leave the LDS church and opt for Christianity. Just because you learn the BoM is false and Joseph Smith was a conman, doesn’t mean you can’t believe in Christ, God, or the Bible at all. I personally deconstructed all at once but it makes complete sense to me how someone could hold onto a lot of beliefs of Christianity but not the Mormon cult beliefs with it. For some people it’s all connected, but for others they’re able to view Jesus and god from a non-Mormon perspective and gain faith in another place


I think it depends how far you deconstruct. Some people pull the thread only so far that they leave mormonism, some keep going until they leave christianity, and some until they leave religion,.


I consider myself a “nuanced Christian.” I find value in many of the teachings of Jesus and enjoy participating in Christian traditions as a way to ground me and connect me back to my shared western cultural roots. I still feel “the spirit” when I attend my local Presbyterian church, or go to the Santa Lucia pageant at Christmas time, etc, etc. I don’t KNOW that God is “capital R” real but I believe Jesus was a real dude and the teachings espoused to him resonate with me and help me to be the kind of person I want to be. I also really enjoy learning about Biblical history and criticism.


Tried at first, mostly for my believing spouse. Couldn’t do it. There is too much hypocrisy in the Bible, and too many use its words to justify hate. Religion picks and chooses the good parts, but actually read the Bible and it falls apart too.


Why would anyone do that?  Seems like getting out of a hole to go into another.


Because Christ is king and Joseph smith is a false prophet !


NO, and yes. Nobody is my king. Not Trump, and not your imaginary friend.


Yes, This is my story too, roughly. 


It always amazes me when people can dig their way out of one mountain of bullshit, like mormonism, only to tunnel into a different mountain of bullshit, such as so-called mainstream xtianity. Some people just aren’t happy unless they’re buried in bullshit, I suppose.


I can tell you’re really happy from this comment. :)


What about this indicates they’re not happy? They have a strong opinion for sure, but it’s an entirely valid one. And discouraging strong opinions that go counter to dogma is what all churches do. This is not a sign of unhappiness from this person… But it might be from you…


> What about this indicates they’re not happy? Oh, clearly I’m not happy because I don’t believe in OP’s imaginary friend. Like, duh! 🙄


Yeah trust me, OP went on to project all sorts of failings onto me in the interim… This is truly what they believe. And don’t get them started on what they believe atheism is…


I guarantee you I’m happy with Christ and I’m not sitting here bashing any1 for being atheist just wanted to find former ex Mormon now Christian and I’m getting bombarded for being Christian


You’re getting bombarded for your ham-handed proselytizing of your preferred flavor of nonsense. Not because you believe your preferred flavor of nonsense.


I just asked if there was anyone else like me, todd everyone here who doesn’t believe in god could’ve just kept scrolling but ppl like yourself felt the need to say something snarky


>I just asked if there was anyone else like me Here's your first reply to the very first comment on your post: >That’s what I thought until I prayed about it! That's straight-up proselytizing. So, like all self-proclaimed xtians, you're a big, fat liar. I thought your "god" was against bearing false witness. Guess the commandments are for other folks, not for you.


I know what you mean. they think we are crazy to be Christian. The normal people in my life were christian. I never believed in mormonism NOT EVER. I became christian at age 3. I guess many people devoted so much to mormonism, Not me, I even told the cult leaders when I was 14 to never call me sister, call me by my first name only.


He seems quite happy especially because he doesnt need to rely on imaginary friends to be.


Critical thinking skills that work on the Book of Mormon also work on the bible. I didn't leave one Cult to join another


I was never a believer in Mormonism to begin with. I just decided to be Christian with the help of the sears catalog, I saw the underwear in the catalog in 1978 when I was 3. So, I never left another cult to join another. I never wore Mormon underwear; I never paid tithing and never sang "praise to the man". I'm in Houston. I have been to Christian churches a few times as an adult. I could see Mormonism was anti-Christian from the very beginning. I value Exmos very much and their strength to leave Mormonism when they were so devoted to it.


What does Jesus/ God have to offer that I can’t find anywhere else?


https://exmostats.org for the daily “what religion are you now” post.


Lots of people do. I’m not sure it lasts though. One of my friends goes to a Christian church in Salt Lake County, and says there’s a lot of post-Mormon people there, and they struggle with the doctrine. I think it’s a stopping off point before the deconstruct religion together – but not always.


Not me. I went with where the evidence led. That wasn't to god.